genius evil

Chapter 497

Chapter 497
"Okay, or not?"

After saying that, without waiting for Jiang Chen's answer, Wu Qingya asked resentfully, deliberately prolonging the tone, with a shallow nasal sound.The voice is louder and more flattering.

"I would like to say yes, but the problem is that you are so ugly, why do you ask me to make an exception?" Jiang Chen spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Where am I ugly?" Wu Qingya asked.

"Not only are you ugly, but your acting skills are too bad. Even though you don't have enough acting skills to make up for it, it doesn't matter if you are ugly, but your acting skills are so bad, even if I want to play with you, I can't go on playing with you, can I?" Jiang Chen said lazily.


Eyes widened instantly, Wu Qingya looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

"So, next, you have two choices, first, get out of the car yourself, and second, I'll leave you out of the car." Jiang Chen continued to speak unhurriedly.

"I'll get out of the car by myself." Wu Qingya said inexplicably a little frustrated, her face changing several times.

While talking, Wu Qingya opened the car door and got out of the car.

"That's right, even if you are ugly, even if your acting skills are really bad, you still have self-knowledge, so keep it up." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Will I die if you don't hit me?" Wu Qingya couldn't take it anymore.

"It's not a blow, it's a reminder. For example, if you really plan to seduce me, go to the hotel and get a room, take off your clothes and lie on the bed, I think the effect will be better." Jiang Chen smiled, kicked the accelerator, and drove away.

When the car completely disappeared from sight, Wu Qingya took out her mobile phone and made a call.

A while later, from the direction of the top of Jiuqu Mountain, several sports cars drove over.

Several cars stopped, and the fat man struggled out of the front Ferrari.

"Miss, why are you here alone, where is Jiang Chen?" the fat man asked strangely.


Raising her hand, Wu Qingya slapped the fat man on the face, and said coldly, "Trash."

At this moment, Wu Qingya didn't have a hint of coquettishness, and her brows and eyes were filled with a hint of hostility.

"Miss, what's wrong, did Jiang Chen see something?" The fat man covered his face with his hand and asked weakly.

"What do you think, if he didn't see the problem, I would be here alone?" Wu Qingya said indifferently.

"Miss, what do you mean, Jiang Chen saw that we were acting for him?" the fat man asked awkwardly.

"He also said that my acting skills are poor." Wu Qingya glared at the fat man.

"It shouldn't be, we are acting so well, how did he see it?" Fatty said.

"You ask me who do I ask?" Wu Qingya's face was very ugly, she said, "If things go wrong, I don't know if it will arouse his Jiang Chen's resentment."

"Miss, how could Jiang Chen be disgusted with a beautiful woman like you? It's too late to cry and bow down under your pomegranate skirt, but if he has eyes on the top of his head and doesn't know good and bad, I'll call him Kill him." The fat man said fiercely.


Raising her hand, Wu Qingya slapped the fat man on the face again, and said with a sneer, "With your virtue, you still want to kill Jiang Chen. It's your good fortune that he didn't kill you today. No, you think that guy is a good guy?"

"Miss, what do you think we should do?" the fat man said with a bitter face.

"Cold salad." Wu Qingya said, just as she finished speaking, she suddenly felt something was wrong, so she asked, "What did you just say?"

"I said what should I do." The fat man was stunned for a while.

"No." Wu Qingya shook her head.

"Miss, did I say something wrong?" the fat man asked a little nervously.

"By the way, miss, this is it." Wu Qingya said, suddenly coming to her senses.

Wu Qingya finally understood why Jiang Chen could see that she was acting tonight. On the surface, everything seemed perfect, but the only thing that was not perfect was her identity.

She is from the Wu family, and the Wu family is one of the four major families in the capital. How could people like Fatty not know who she is?

If Fatty and the others really don't know who she is, there is undoubtedly only one possibility, and that is that Fatty and the others are pretending to be stupid.

"Damn Jiang Chen, he's too shrewd." After understanding this, Wu Qingya bit her lips, not knowing whether to be angry or discouraged.

"Miss, what about this and that?" The fat man moved closer and asked curiously.


Lifting her foot and kicking the fat man to the ground, Wu Qingya said, "You pig-headed, you understand everything I've said so you still don't understand?"

The fat man was kicked and sat on the ground. He felt wronged. He had never seen Wu Qingya kick someone before. Did he learn from Jiang Chen?
At this time, Jiang Chen had already driven back to the urban area, heading towards the hotel.

As for watching a not-so-good show tonight, Jiang Chen's mood never affected him at all.

Jiang Chen even lazily paid attention to what the purpose of Wu Qingya's deliberate act was.

Naturally, Wu Qingya directed such a play, but it also made Jiang Chen look at Wu Qingya with admiration. This seemingly heartless woman was not as heartless as she appeared on the surface.


At around nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chen had just walked out of the hotel when he saw Sun Haoyang waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

This guy's clothes are finally a little more formal, but the black suit is crumpled, and even the shirt he wears inside, the collar is also yellow, as if it hasn't been washed for a long time of.

Her hair was fluffy and messy, and even the pair of leather shoes under her feet had clearly not been scrubbed for a while.

If they didn't know that this guy was from the Sun family, many people would subconsciously think that this guy was a migrant worker who just got off the construction site.

"Young Master Jiang, are we going over now?" Sun Haoyang asked when he saw Jiang Chen coming out.

"Let's go, do things early, get money early." Jiang Chen said casually.

Jiang Chen got into Sun Haoyang's car as well, and the car quickly set off on the road. About half an hour later, the car drove into a nursing home.

After a while, Jiang Chen met Sun Haoyang's comrade-in-arms.

"Female?" After seeing it, Jiang Chen couldn't help being taken aback.

Sun Haoyang had never mentioned whether his comrade-in-arms was a man or a woman before. Jiang Chen subconsciously thought it was a man, but never thought that it was a woman.

"Jiang Shao, her name is Tan Lu." Sun Haoyang introduced.

"Haoyang, you're here." Just listen to that Tan Lu said at this time.

Tan Lu was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the scenery outside the window, a thin blanket was covering her knees, her cheeks were thin, and her face was sickly pale.

"Well, Xiaolu, this is Jiang Chen, Young Master Jiang. Young Master Jiang's medical skills are very good. I brought Young Master Jiang here to show you." Sun Haoyang said.

"Haoyang, you've been struggling for so many years, haven't you given up yet?" Tan Lu looked at Sun Haoyang with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"No, I won't give up, and I won't give up until the day I die." Suddenly, Sun Haoyang roared, his face flushed red.

Tan Lu smiled slightly, and said: "Haoyang, I have always kept in mind the things you have done for me. In fact, I am fine now. Really, I am used to it. If there is any God, let me get out of the wheelchair, maybe I will find it difficult to adapt."

"Bullshit, it's all bullshit, Xiaolu, you don't need to say anything, and you don't need to remember what I did. This is my own business. I, Sun Haoyang, want to do it, and no one can stop it. Neither do you, you have to stand up." Sun Haoyang said resolutely.

Tan Lu stared fixedly at Sun Haoyang for a while, sighed lightly, and then said to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Shao, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"You don't want to stand up?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

So, Tan Lu glanced at Sun Haoyang again, then shook her head, her movements were small, but she showed a very strong belief.

"Not bad." Jiang Chen said.

"What's good?" Sun Haoyang hurriedly asked, not sure if Jiang Chen was saying that Tan Lu's situation was good, or referring to something else.

"Oh, what I mean is, it's not bad that she doesn't want to stand up. That way, you don't have to bother me. After all, I really don't like trouble." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Sun Haoyang was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed immediately, and he said: "Jiang Shao, don't, although I know it will definitely trouble you, but I implore Jiang Shao, you must help."

"Does it make sense?" Jiang Chen asked back.

Before Sun Haoyang could reply, Jiang Chen pointed at Tan Lu and said, "Twisted melons are not sweet, why bother?"

"I—" Sun Haoyang opened his mouth, a little speechless.

"Jiang Shao, you are right. I don't want to stand up at all now." Tan Lu said with a smile on her face, calm and at ease.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you. After a while, about two or three months, your body will completely lose control. By that time, you will be paralyzed on the bed. Of course, you will die. If not, at least I can live for ten years or so." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

Hearing the sound, Tan Lu's face suddenly changed.

"Jiang Shao, is what you said true?" Sun Haoyang's face also became very ugly.

Although repeated examinations showed that Tan Lu's physical condition was gradually deteriorating, and she might become paralyzed in the future, Sun Haoyang did not expect that day to come so soon.

Even though Sun Haoyang was not very willing to believe Jiang Chen's words, he dared not disbelieve.

"I seem to be joking with such a serious look?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"Jiang Shao, that's not what I meant." Sun Haoyang said.

"Young Master Sun, in fact, what's the difference between this beauty's half-body paralysis or full-body paralysis? Anyway, you won't give up on her, right? Ten years is very short, and by that time, both of you will be free." It is." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Yes, no matter what, I will not give up." Sun Haoyang said extremely firmly.

"Haoyang, why are you doing this?" In Tan Lu's eyes, there was a look of pain and struggle.

"Xiao Lu, I have already understood your intentions, but the whole of my intentions for you, don't you understand in the past two years?" Sun Haoyang said affectionately.

"Haoyang, I just don't want to hurt you, I am like this, I... I..." Tan Lu lowered her head a little bit, her voice was inaudible.

"No, I'm not afraid that you will implicate me, what I am afraid of is that you will turn a blind eye to everything." Sun Haoyang said.

"But I am like this, how should I face you." A tear flowed from the corner of Tan Lu's eyes.

"You will get better, you will definitely get better, even if you are always like this, it's okay, no matter what, I will always be by your side." Sun Haoyang said firmly.

"It's so touching, you two chat first, I'll go outside to wipe my tears first." Jiang Chen jokingly said, turned and walked outside.

"Jiang Shao." Jiang Chen had just stepped out when Tan Lu stopped him.

She was obviously hesitating, so that the expression on her face was so hesitant, but she finally said, "Jiang Shao, I want to stand up."

"We don't know each other well." Jiang Chen spread his hands.

"Haoyang, I want to stand up now." Turning to look at Sun Haoyang, Tan Lu said, the depths of her eyes were as gentle as water, and as soon as Sun Haoyang's gaze met Tan Lu's, she couldn't move away.

Such a scene gave Jiang Chen a chill, and goosebumps popped out...

(End of this chapter)

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