genius evil

Chapter 498 Have you ever heard of flirting

Chapter 498 Have you ever heard of flirting

About half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Sun Haoyang walked out of the nursing home together.

"Jiang Shao, do you want to hear the story between me and Tan Lu?" Sun Haoyang asked after getting into the car.

"It must be a clichéd story, so there's no need to listen to it." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Yeah, it's quite cliche. When she loves me, I don't love her. When I love her, she has lost the ability to love me." Sun Haoyang rubbed his face with his hand, and smiled wryly.

"Jiang Shao, thank you." After saying that, Sun Haoyang said solemnly.

"It's fine to thank you or something, but it's just taking people's money to eliminate disasters." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

Sun Haoyang understood, took a card out of his pocket, handed it to Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Shao, there are 5000 million in this card, I know it may be a little less, and I will find a way to deal with the remaining money as soon as possible." Raised."

"I like your politeness." Jiang Chen smiled, took the card unceremoniously, and put it in his pocket.

"Jiang Shao, I've already thought about it. Even if Xiaolu can't stand up again, I should be content to see her smile today and see her trying hard to stand up." Sun Haoyang said again Said.

In the past, Tan Lu had always been lifeless, as if she had looked down on everything, life and death, but Sun Haoyang knew that it was just because Tan Lu was too desperate.

It wasn't that Tan Lu really didn't want to stand up, it was just that she was so desperate that she couldn't get out of the oppression.

What's more, the treatment time and time again has never been effective, which has already made Tan Lu completely lose confidence in her physical condition.

Jiang Chen's arrival and his words revived Tan Lu's hope of being alive.

Under such circumstances, even if Jiang Chen could not cure Tan Lu, Sun Haoyang was satisfied and would not blame Jiang Chen at all.

"Why, don't you believe in my medical skills?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"To be honest, I don't have too much hope for Tan Lu to stand up again." Sun Haoyang said.

"Then now, you can expect extravagantly." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Shao, what do you mean?" Sun Haoyang took a breath, and his eyes instantly became hot.

"As I said before, the only problem is money, so any other problems are not a problem." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Jiang Shao, I will definitely raise more money as soon as possible." Sun Haoyang said quickly.

"That's right, let's go." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

Sun Haoyang started the car, drove on the road, and sent Jiang Chen back to the hotel. After sending Jiang Chen back to the hotel, Sun Haoyang left immediately. He had to go to the nursing home again because he wanted to tell Tan Lu that she could stand up. You can really stand up.

Seeing the car going away, Jiang Chen smiled. From his first impression of Sun Haoyang, although he thought this guy was interesting and not so repulsive, he never expected that this guy would be an infatuated people.

I have to say that this situation really surprised Jiang Chen.

Just as Jiang Chen walked into the hotel, the phone rang. After taking out the phone and seeing the caller ID, Jiang Chen was immediately amused.

Ten minutes later, a white Mercedes-Benz car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Jiang Chen walked over, opened the door and got into the car.

Just as Jiang Chen got into the car, he suddenly saw that the girl in the car was as bright as snow, with a smile like a flower. That smile was pure and beautiful, touching people's hearts. Looking at the girl's smile, Jiang Chen couldn't help it. Hooked up, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, showing it.

"Jiang Chen, I heard Sister Mi said that you were in the capital, so I tried to call you, but I didn't expect you to be there." The girl said, with unconcealable happiness in her eyes, but she hadn't seen her for a while. Ye Sichen in front of him.

"Sister Mi?" Hearing Ye Sichen's words, Jiang Chen looked at Sister Mi who was sitting next to Ye Sichen in surprise.

"I'm just talking casually, what are you doing looking at me like this." Sister Mi said angrily.

"I'm just looking casually, sister Mi, don't be nervous, I won't misunderstand." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Misunderstanding? What is there to misunderstand." Sister Mi was a little annoyed.

She did know that Jiang Chen had come to the capital, and she didn't intend to tell Ye Sichen at first, because Sister Mi knew very well that once Ye Sichen found out that Jiang Chen was in the capital, she would definitely want to meet Jiang Chen no matter what. , No matter how you stop it, you can't stop it.

But the more he wanted to deliberately conceal this matter, the more he accidentally said that Ye Sichen was alone, but he was not so easy to deceive. No, Miss Mi could only bring Ye Sichen here Meet with Jiang Chen.

"Of course I misunderstood that you were interested in me, sister Mi. Otherwise, why would you care so much about my itinerary?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Sister Mi's face turned black, she didn't bother to pay attention to Jiang Chen, she turned to Ye Sichen and said, "Sichen, you still have 10 minutes."

"What 10 minutes?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"I was at work just now. I'm going to sneak out here. Sister Mi only gave me four or ten minutes. Counting the time on the way back and forth, I don't have much time." Sticking out her tongue, Ye Sichen was charming. Said.

"Silly white sweet, I'm really touched." Jiang Chen hugged Ye Sichen into his arms, and said deeply moved.

"Jiang Chen, let go." Sister Mi screamed.

Can't this guy just talk about it?What are you doing with your hands and feet?
"I'm so touched, I need a perfect hug to express this touch." Jiang Chen blinked and said, "Silly white sweet, I still have my first kiss today, or I'll give it to you .”

Sister Mi was startled, she wished she could cover Jiang Chen's mouth with her hand, while Ye Sichen was in Jiang Chen's arms, blushing and breathing hot, and she didn't know what she was thinking. .

"Why is it today's first kiss? Yesterday's?" Ye Sichen asked curiously.

"Yesterday's... Well, let me think about it, it seems to be there too, why don't I dedicate it to you together?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, can you be more shameless?" Sister Mi couldn't take it anymore, and said angrily.

"Why am I shameless?" Jiang Chen asked innocently.

"It's just you, the first kiss? You're lying to a ghost." Sister Mi looked like she had seen through everything.

"That's why it's today's first kiss. Don't worry, I brushed my teeth to ensure fresh breath." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Nonsense, let Si Chen go first." Sister Mi was defeated. In terms of how shameless she was, even if ten of them added up, they were no match for Jiang Chen.

"Actually, Sister Mi, although I am really touched, but in fact, the reason why I did this is to give you a demonstration. Why don't you understand my good intentions?" Jiang Chen Sighed.

"What do you mean?" Miss Mi asked puzzled.

She only saw that Jiang Chen was taking advantage of Ye Sichen. If she hadn't been watching here, Jiang Chen might have swallowed Ye Sichen into his stomach.

Moreover, this situation was purely brought to the door by Ye Sichen on his own initiative, and there was no room for reasoning.

"Have you ever heard of flirting?" Jiang Chen asked with his head turned sideways.

"Flirtatious?" Miss Mi's head was full of black lines.

"It looks like you've heard of it, right? As far as Silly Baitian's behavior today is concerned, it undoubtedly brought the behavior of flirting to a new level. Let me ask, is there any man who would not be moved, but You can't understand what's wrong here, no wonder you don't have a man." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

Miss Mi was stunned, her whole body was in a mess.

It was clearly taking advantage of others, but the words were so high-sounding that people couldn't refute them. Even if she knew what kind of virtuous guy Jiang Chen was, Sister Mi still had a sense of eye-opening.

"Jiang Chen, why do you always hit Sister Mi?" Ye Sichen defended Sister Mi.

"I'm really doing it for her own good, silly and sweet, I believe you don't want Miss Mi to have a man." Jiang Chen said.

"Sister Mi is so beautiful, how could that be?" Ye Sichen said softly.

"It's alright to be tall, but it's too incomprehensible, and there is no femininity at all... If you want to talk about femininity, you can barely fool it with makeup, but you can't understand the problem of amorous feelings, it is definitely fatal. " Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Jiang Chen, can you explain it more clearly, I don't understand why." Miss Mi said very unconvinced.

Does she need to show an air of amorous feelings in front of Jiang Chen?

There is no need to be good or bad at all.

Since she doesn't need it, it means that Jiang Chen has never seen her charming side. In this way, why does Jiang Chen swear that she doesn't understand romanticism?
"Sister Mi, if you really understand the style, you won't just give silly sweets 10 minutes, ten hours, I'm afraid it won't be enough." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Miss Mi glared at Jiang Chen, looking at Jiang Chen like that, she was looking at a psychopath.

From Jiang Chen's words, Mi Jie really thought that something was wrong with her at first. Who would have thought that the purpose of Jiang Chen's going around was this.

I just want to buy more time. Is it necessary to make such a big detour?Just say it directly, although, she will definitely refuse.

"There are still 3 minutes." Looking at her watch, Miss Mi said to Jiang Chen provocatively.

Jiang Chen instantly had a constipated expression on his face.

What's the matter, could it be that he has been rambling for a long time and it turned into nonsense, is this woman so ruthless and cold?

"Jiang Chen, why don't you accompany me to my work place later." Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen expectantly. She had a lot to say to Jiang Chen, but she didn't have time to say it. , and left without thinking about it. It would be great if Jiang Chen could go to her work place.

"Is it fun?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's fun." Ye Sichen nodded vigorously, with an innocent look on his face, like a little girl who couldn't wait to share her treasures with a little boy.

"Yeah, it's really fun, you'll definitely like it." Sister Mi said quietly, her tone of voice was obviously full of gloating!
(End of this chapter)

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