genius evil

Chapter 505 Caring people

Chapter 505 Caring people

In the end, Jiang Chen didn't follow Baobao Lin to meet her parents, and Baobao Lin answered a phone call, and finally had to leave first. However, seeing Baobao Lin's reluctance and heartbreak, he was alive and well. It's not that Jiang Chen was left speechless by the look of the heartbroken man abandoning him.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, in Lan Xiu's boudoir in Lan's house.

Lan Xiu has been working for several years, especially after being transferred to Yilan City. Because of the busy work and few holidays, in the capital, except for the New Year and a few important festivals, she seldom goes home during normal times.

But despite this, the room is still reserved, and it is cleaned twice a week, but it is still clean.

After Lan Xiu had dinner, she returned to her room.

Watching TV for a while, staring blankly for a while, the time was eight o'clock before he knew it, Lan Xiu picked up his phone to check the time, and was about to take a shower, when he heard a knock on the door, and immediately Then, a middle-aged woman with good looks came in from the outside.

"Mom." Seeing the middle-aged woman walking in, Lan Xiu greeted her. This middle-aged woman was Lan Xiu's mother, Chen Yun.

"Xiuxiu, you haven't taken a shower yet." Chen Yun sized Lan Xiu up and said.

"I'll go wash in a while." Lan Xiu then said.

"Just right, I prepared two sets of clothes for you. You can change into them after you take a shower and see which one suits you." Chen Yun pointed to the clothes she brought over.

"Mom, why are you preparing clothes for me?" Lan Xiu asked strangely.

"You girl, have you forgotten what day tomorrow is?" Chen Yun's tone was a little bit of blame, she said: "Xiuxiu, tomorrow is the birthday of the old man of the Wu family, you want to go with us For those attending the birthday banquet, our Lan family is not a big family, but the most basic etiquette is indispensable, otherwise, people will think that the daughter of our Lan family is not educated."

"Mom, you think too much." Lan Xiu said helplessly.

The old man of the Wu family knew about Lanxiu's birthday tomorrow. Speaking of which, she was tricked back to the capital this time, and that's what she did.

But when it comes to dressing up to attend, Lan Xiu thinks that she can't do it no matter what.

A woman wants to please herself, and Jiang Chen is the only one she wants to please.

As for the fact that if you don't dress up, you are considered uneducated, then let others think.

"Xiuxiu, it's not that mom thinks too much, it's because you think too little. You will enter the Wu family in the future. If your first impression is not good, how will you live in the future?" Chen Yun said worriedly.

"Mom, stop talking." Hearing that Chen Yun's words became more and more unreliable, Lan Xiu had no choice but to interrupt Chen Yun's words.

"Xiuxiu, mom is also doing it for your own good, so don't blame mom for talking too much." Seeing that Lan Xiu was a little upset, Chen Yun had no choice but to say.

"Mom, I'm a little tired. I want to rest early. You should go back first." Lan Xiu said helplessly.

"Okay, it's better to go to bed early, to keep your spirits up, and to look good... But Xiuxiu, I'll put the clothes here. After you take a bath, you must try them on." Chen Yun babbled While talking, he left his clothes and went out.

Looking at the clothes, Lan Xiu felt a little headache, she understood that Chen Yun was really doing it for her own good.

However, for her own good, it doesn't mean that that good is what she wants.

Lan Xiu just went to take a bath, but Lan Xiu didn't try on clothes, she had already planned in her heart... Grandpa said that Mr. Wu's birthday banquet was a test for Jiang Chen.

But in Lan Xiu's view, this test, the test is more about herself.


Mr. Wu's [-]th birthday, the venue of the birthday banquet is at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

The Wu family was in its heyday. As the helm of the Wu family, Mr. Wu was shrouded in various auras. His life experience was full of legends. His birthday banquet was naturally famous in all directions, and there was an endless stream of people celebrating his birthday. .

The birthday banquet started at 07:30 in the evening, but in the early morning, the State Guesthouse was under martial law. As time went by, the guests entered the venue one after another.

The Wu family had already arranged for someone to pick up the guests at the door. The person who picked up the guests was Wu Qinkun, the eldest son of Wu. Besides Wu Qinkun, there were also two younger generations of the Wu family. One of them was Wu Jingrong who had dealt with Jiang Chen once.

The Lan family's convoy arrived around five o'clock.

The car door opened, Lan Xiu got out of the car first, and helped Old Man Lan get out of the car.

Afterwards, Chen Yun and a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Lan Xiu got out of the car. The middle-aged man was Lan Xiu's father, Lan Zhengfeng.

"Master Lan, Brother Lan." Seeing the people from the Lan family getting off the car, Wu Qinkun stepped forward to greet him, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

At the end, Wu Qinkun glanced at Lan Xiu and said with a smile, "Miss Lan Xiu is here too, let's go in."

Lan Xiu was a little uncomfortable with Wu Qinkun's smile, always felt that such a smile looked too fake and hypocritical.

Because Lan Xiu knew very well that with Wu Qinkun's status, there was no need to be so polite to the members of their Lan family. On the contrary, the Lan family should be polite to Wu Qinkun.

Old Man Lan nodded and didn't say much. With Lan Xiu's support, he led Lan Zhengfeng and Chen Yun inside.

Entering the State Guesthouse, many people have already come inside.

The Wu family is not an ordinary family, and the guests who come here are naturally either rich or noble. This is not just as simple as a birthday banquet, but more like a feast of power.

"Sister Lanxiu." Suddenly, a delicate voice sounded, and suddenly saw a fiery red shadow bouncing around in front of Lanxiu, it was Wu Qingya.

"Qingya." Lan Xiu greeted Wu Qingya.

"Sister Lanxiu, you are really beautiful today." Wu Qingya said with a smile.

"Don't you have to entertain guests?" Lan Xiu changed the subject.

She didn't wear the clothes Chen Yun bought for her, so before going out today, Chen Yun was full of complaints, but in the end, she had no choice but to let her wear her own clothes.

Wu Qingya was dressed festively, and Lan Xiu's clothes were more like work clothes. Lan Xiu didn't dress up specially, and she didn't even wear a decent piece of jewelry.

In this way, talking about clothes would only make the topic awkward and boring, Lan Xiu naturally didn't want to talk about it.

"I'm not busy, I'm just here to eat and drink." Wu Qingya was still smiling, and then she seemed to see Chen Yun and said, "Auntie, you are so beautiful today."

Chen Yun smiled and said, "Your mouth is so sweet."

"Auntie, I'm not lying. You and Sister Lanxiu stand together, just like sisters." Wu Qingya said solemnly. Naturally, Chen Yun couldn't close her mouth when she was so happy. .

The interior of the State Guest House was extremely lively, and people who knew or didn't know each other greeted each other in twos and threes. Mr. Lan had someone to reminisce about, and Lan Xiu was pulled aside by Wu Qingya.

"Sister Lanxiu, I thought you wouldn't come today." Wu Qingya said.

"I'm in the capital, so I'll come naturally." Lan Xiu said absent-mindedly.

"Sister Lanxiu, why do I feel that you don't seem very happy." Wu Qingya said again.

"No." Lan Xiu smiled.

"Sister Lanxiu, you look so pretty when you smile, no wonder my brother likes you so much." Wu Qingya blinked.

While talking, Wu Qingya suddenly sighed, and said, "It's just that my brother is not in good health and is still living in a nursing home, so he can't come to grandpa's birthday banquet. You don't know, because of this, grandpa is old It’s been a lot, and the reason why the birthday banquet will be held this time is to celebrate the joy.”

"The old man has a heart." Lan Xiu said simply.

Lan Xiu knew that what happened to Wu Menghua was caused by Jiang Chen, but it was impossible for Lan Xiu to tell Wu Qingya about this kind of matter.

"Grandpa is caring, but I don't know, sister Lan Xiu, are you also the kind person? Anyway, if grandpa sees you, sister Lan Xiu, he will be very happy." Wu Qingya said.

Lan Xiu nodded and didn't say much.

Time passed unknowingly, around [-]:[-], Mr. Wu finally appeared.

It was an old man with a clear appearance and silver hair, but his spirit was quite hale and hearty, and his speech was even louder. Afterwards, at 07:30, the birthday banquet started on time.

After the master of ceremonies gave a congratulatory speech, all the guests got up one after another and toasted Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu raised his glass, gestured slightly to the four directions, and drank less than half of the glass.

"Grandpa, I wish you blessings like the East China Sea, and a longer life than Nanshan. Every year, every year will have today." Wu Qingya raised her wine glass and said mischievously.

"Okay." Mr. Wu smiled heartily.

Wu Qingya just drank the wine in the glass, and said, "Grandpa, please drink less wine, and you don't want to drink this glass of wine, but if sister Lan Xiu makes a toast, you must drink it."

While talking, Wu Qingya cheerfully waved to Lan Xiu's table, invisibly attracting everyone's attention to Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu's intention to attend Mr. Wu's birthday banquet today was to go through the motions. She did not expect that Wu Qingya would make such a move.

Seeing those gazes, they looked at her one after another, Lan Xiu couldn't help but feel helpless, but she could only get up bravely, and walked over.

"Grandpa, I offer you a toast, and I hope you are in good health." Lan Xiu said bluntly.

"You are Lan Xiu? I've heard of you." Mr. Wu looked at Lan Xiu and said slowly.

Lan Xiu nodded lightly, and heard Mr. Wu say again: "Menghua went to Yilan City some time ago, and fell ill after returning, and is still lying in bed. What do you think about this?"

"I'm sorry." Lan Xiu said.

"What I'm asking is what do you think of Menghua." Mr. Wu shook his head, obviously, he was not satisfied with Lan Xiu's answer.

Lan Xiu was stunned for a moment, thinking about how to answer, but Wu Qingya said carelessly: "Grandpa, it's not like you don't know that brother likes sister Lan Xiu. Now you ask sister Lan Xiu what she thinks of her brother, don't you?" Forcing sister Lanxiu to confess to her brother, how can you be like this?"

"I just asked her if she likes Menghua or not." With his eyes slightly narrowed, Mr. Wu said noncommittally.

(End of this chapter)

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