genius evil

Chapter 506 I'm Really Scary

Chapter 506 I'm Really Scary
"Grandpa, sister Lan Xiu will definitely not like my brother, because she already has someone she likes." Before Lan Xiu could speak, Wu Qingya on the side hurriedly said.

"Lan Xiu, do you have someone you like?" Mr. Wu said while looking at Lan Xiu.

"Yes." Lan Xiu said with a slight smile.

"Is he better than Menghua?" Mr. Wu asked again.

"In my opinion, he is the best man." Lan Xiu nodded.

"What's his name?" Mr. Wu asked again.

"Jiang Chen. The person Lanxiu likes is Jiang Chen, the river of the great river, the dust of the world." Wu Qingya said cheerfully, with a heartless look.

"There is no Jiang family in the capital." Mr. Wu said lightly.

"Jiang Chen is not from the capital." Wu Qingya explained.

"Come from a small place? Even better than Menghua?" Mr. Wu smiled and said, "Lan Xiu, you didn't find such a reason because Menghua was in poor health, did you?"

"Grandpa, what do you mean by that? Do you think Jiang Chen is not good enough for Sister Lan Xiu, or do you think Sister Lan Xiu is lying?" Wu Qingya said after blinking.

"Lanxiu, this is the first time I've seen you, but I've heard of your existence before. You are a smart person, and you should know what to do is the right thing to do." Mr. Wu did not answer Wu Qingya's question, but Said.

"Grandpa, I told you that Sister Lanxiu has someone she likes. You are still so domineering. Isn't this just beating a mandarin duck? How could you behave like this?" Wu Qingya yelled dissatisfied.

Xiu Mei frowned, Lan Xiu said: "Thank you for reminding me, old man, I know what I'm doing."

"No, you don't know." Mr. Wu shook his head and said, "If you really knew, you wouldn't say such things."

"I really know." Lan Xiu said firmly.

"Oh?" Old Master Wu was taken aback for a moment, looked at Lan Xiu thoughtfully, then smiled, and said, "I heard that Jiang Chen is the reason why Meng Hua fell ill, right?"

Upon hearing the sound, Lan Xiu's face changed slightly.

The matter of Wu Menghua is related to Jiang Chen, and Lan Xiu is very clear about it.

What Lan Xiu also knew clearly was that the Wu family definitely didn't know about this matter, otherwise, it would be impossible for the Wu family to pass such a long time without making trouble for Jiang Chen.

However, under an unclear situation, Mr. Wu said something like this. How could Lan Xiu not understand that this was a threat.

Whether it is really related is not important, what is important is that if Mr. Wu insists that it is related to Jiang Chen, then no matter whether it is related or not, it will become related.

"Grandpa, I remember the situation that day very clearly. Wu Menghua wanted to drink, and Jiang Chen reminded Wu Menghua not to drink. In the end, something happened to Wu Menghua." Lan Xiu said in a low voice.

"Before Menghua even drank, Jiang Chen believed that something would happen to Menghua. How could Jiang Chen know? Could it be that Jiang Chen did something?" Old Master Wu Shi Shiran said.

"Jiang Chen is a doctor." Lan Xiu explained.

"After Menghua's accident, I don't know how many doctors, big and small, have seen all over the capital, and they didn't even make a diagnosis." Mr. Wu said.

Speaking of this, after a short pause, Old Master Wu continued: "It is impossible to diagnose, but it is impossible to find out the cause of the disease. You said that Jiang Chen is a doctor. Since he is a doctor, it must be easier if he wants to do something."

"Old man, this is a complete inference of guilt." Lan Xiu was very displeased.

"After Menghua's accident, I've been asking people to investigate the matter. I think Jiang Chen has at least something to do with it." Mr. Wu said noncommittally.

Lan Xiu's complexion became ugly, and it became more and more ugly.

How could she fail to hear that Mr. Wu was thinking of a way to drag Jiang Chen into the water, in order to force the palace and force her to compromise.

"Grandpa, why are you being so unreasonable? I was there at the time, and it has nothing to do with Jiang Chen." Wu Qingya muttered.

"Qingya, you have to understand that even if you see some things with your own eyes, what you see may not be the truth." Mr. Wu said unhurriedly.

"Old man, you have said so much, you just want me to marry Wu Menghua, right?" Lan Xiu said.

Mr. Wu smiled brightly, and said: "People from my Wu family don't bully others, but they don't let people bully them and don't fight back. What Menghua is like now, what I hope most is that he can stand up...Of course, in the Before he stands up, he needs someone to take care of him, besides, I am getting older, this person is getting older, he just wants to make fun of his grandson..."

"Grandpa, if you want a grandson, I can give birth to one. When the time comes, the surname will be Wu, following yours, okay?" Wu Qingya said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, of course it couldn't be better." Mr. Wu said with a smile.

"What if I don't?" Lan Xiu said coldly, ignoring the happy family scene between Mr. Wu and Wu Qingya.

"You have no other choice." Mr. Wu's voice also turned cold.

Wu Menghua happened in Yilan City, the truth is unknown, but the reason why Wu Menghua went to Yilan City was because of Lan Xiu.

For Mr. Wu, Lan Xiu must be responsible for this situation.

Otherwise, why would Wu Menghua go to Yilan City?
If Wu Menghua didn't go to Yilan City, how could something happen?
As for mentioning Jiang Chen, it was just to put pressure on Lan Xiu.

Whether it's the inference of guilt or the strong words, what he wants is to make Lan Xiu take responsibility, and Mr. Wu knows very well that Wu Menghua likes Lan Xiu.

Since Wu Menghua likes Lan Xiu, it is only natural for Lan Xiu to become Wu Menghua's woman.

This is what he believes, whether Lan Xiu is willing or not, it is impossible to change.

"Old man, I may be insignificant in front of you, but if I don't want to do some things, I don't think you can force me." Lan Xiu said coldly.

"Where is Jiang Chen's life or death? What about the Lan family's life or death?" Mr. Wu said lightly.

"Where is my life? Have you ever thought about it, old man?" Lan Xiu said indifferently.

"Sister Lanxiu, are you looking for death? Don't." Wu Qingya yelled.

"Huh?" His brows frowned suddenly, Mr. Wu was quite surprised, but he didn't expect Lan Xiu's temper to be so strong.

She can't control others, can't change his mind, but she can control her own life and death.

"If you die, Jiang Chen will die. After the capital, there will be no Lan family." Old Master Wu said extremely displeased.

He has always been the only one who threatens others, and no one has ever threatened him. This Lan Xiu, a mere weak woman, is trying to use this as a way to advance, but she is too naive.

Lan Xiu's face was miserable, even though she had already thought about it, today's birthday party would inevitably have some twists and turns that she didn't want to see.

But Lan Xiu never expected that Mr. Wu would be so willing to tear his skin apart.

In this way, she can't do it if she wants to resist everything on her own body.

Feeling desolate, Lan Xiu turned her head and looked at Old Man Lan, Lan Zhengfeng and Chen Yun.

Mr. Wu was sitting at the main table. There were no guests around this table. Apart from Wu Qingya, no one else heard what the three of them had said.

That is to say, in fact, Mr. Wu's actions were premeditated.

"Grandpa, look at how you have forced Lan Xiu into a situation. If you have something to say, can't you just say it well?" Wu Qingya started to defend Lan Xiu.

While talking, Wu Qingya took Lan Xiu's arm and said, "Sister Lan Xiu, don't be angry, grandpa is joking with you, besides, with my brother's current appearance, which woman is willing to marry him?" Ah, grandpa is really old and confused."

Wu Qingya spoke carelessly, while Lan Xiu fell silent.

Not only is Mr. Wu not old-fashioned, but he is also too shrewd in his calculations. Under the persecution of Mr. Wu, she has no choice at all.

Unless, she can not care about Jiang Chen's life and death, she can not care about the destruction of the Lan family.

"Three days, I'll give you three days to deal with the situation in Yilan City and clean up the relationship with Jiang Chen." Old Master Wu's voice rang in Lan Xiu's ear.

"Grandpa, how can you behave like this, you are bullying sister Lan Xiu." Wu Qingya stomped her feet vigorously.

After taking a deep look at Wu Qingya, Mr. Wu said in a deep voice, "Qingya, you talk too much today."

"Grandpa, can't I even talk? It's obvious that you did something wrong, so don't let others say it. If you really drive Sister Lanxiu to death, let me tell you, Jiang Chen will definitely fight you hard." Wu Qingya hummed and said.

"Shut up." Mr. Wu was angry.

"Shut up and shut up, anyway, just remember what I said, Jiang Chen is not as simple as you think, if that guy goes crazy, it will be very scary." Wu Qingya pouted her mouth high, Almost ready to hang a soy sauce bottle.

"Really?" Mr. Wu smiled.

"Yeah, I'm really scary." Almost as soon as Mr. Wu's voice fell, a lazy voice, a little abrupt, rang out.

"Jiang Chen!"

Upon hearing the familiar emphasis, Wu Qingya immediately yelled, let go of Lan Xiu, and ran towards the person who spoke.

"Jiang Chen?"

It seemed to be an auditory hallucination, but it didn't seem to be the case. Lan Xiu followed the sound and suddenly saw a figure walking over slowly.

"Jiang Chen!"

As that person slowly approached, getting closer and closer, Lan Xiu finally saw a little more clearly, that's right, it was Jiang Chen.

The iconic cynical smile, the iconic lazy smile that doesn't seem to care about anything, it's just that kind of smile, in the eyes, but it gives people a sense of security and steadfastness.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I'm not late." Pushing away Wu Qingya who was running over, Jiang Chen walked towards Lan Xiu and said with a smile.

"No..." Lan Xiu said softly, for some reason, she had the urge to cry

"It's fine if you don't have one. I'm still worried that I'm late... Hey, Xiao Xiuxiu, is someone bullying you? Tell me, which bastard it is, I think he is impatient." Jiang Chen took a second Zhong changed his face and shouted angrily...

(End of this chapter)

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