genius evil

Chapter 507 Old Turtle King 8 Eggs

Chapter 507 Old Turtle Bastard
"Wu Qingya, did you bully my little Xiuxiu?" Instead, Jiang Chen said with a displeased face.

"Jiang Chen, don't wrong me, I didn't do anything well." Wu Qingya stuck out her tongue.

"Not you? Who is that?" Jiang Chen questioned.

"It's my grandpa. He wants sister Lan Xiu to marry my brother, but sister Lan Xiu refuses." Wu Qingya curled her lips and said.

"So it's you, you old bastard." Jiang Chen looked at Mr. Wu and snorted coldly.

"Jiang Chen, how can you curse people." Wu Qingya said indignantly.

"I didn't scold you." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"You obviously scolded me. You said my grandfather is an old bastard tortoise. Doesn't that mean that I am a little bastard tortoise?" Wu Qingya said unhappily.

"The problem is, he's an old tortoise bastard. Could it be that I'm wrong?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, you're swearing again." Wu Qingya gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"You are Jiang Chen?" Old Master Wu looked at Jiang Chen with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see through Jiang Chen at a glance.

"It's me, tell me, you bullied my woman, how should you deal with this matter?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"How do you want to deal with it?" Old Master Wu didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked instead.

"It's very simple. I apologize. Considering your age, I won't embarrass you too much. Just pay tens of billions casually, which is almost the same. By the way, I'm talking about US dollars Without thinking about it, Jiang Chen just said.

"What a big tone." Mr. Wu's face darkened slightly.

Ask him to apologize to Lan Xiu. Jiang Chen's words, to Mr. Wu's ears, are simply a big joke.

As for tens of billions or something, it is a joke within a joke.

"I didn't eat garlic. Where did the tone come from? I just left the words here. If you don't make an apology, don't blame me for being rude. If you are not careful, it would be bad to turn this good birthday party into a funeral. It's gone." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Jiang Chen, how could you say such a thing? It's too much. Hurry up and apologize to my grandfather." Wu Qingya's face was flushed red, like an angry female leopard.

"Is it too much?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said leisurely: "If you really think it's too much, then it's fine for me to be too much, but, you are allowed to go too far, and we are not allowed to go too far? Why? Because your fists are big enough? Or, depending on your thick skins."

While speaking, Jiang Chen raised his right hand, clenched his fist, waved it, and then said: "See, my fist is quite big."

Then, Jiang Chen pointed at his own face with his hand, and continued: "Although I am woken up by my handsome face every morning, you are really not qualified to compare your face with me. .”

"Young man, you don't know how to live or die." Mr. Wu's expression became extremely ugly.

"In my opinion, it's not that I don't know how to live or die. It's clearly because you think you've lived too long and want to die." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Come here!" Mr. Wu's voice suddenly sank, and he shouted.

"What's the matter, if you want to do something, just do it. Do you think I'm afraid you won't be able to do it? For your age, I'll let you have one hand, lest others say that I bully the elderly." Jiang Chen said loudly Shouting, the sound made all the guests present hear it.

Originally, Jiang Chen's sudden appearance was quite eye-catching, but at this moment, it even attracted everyone's attention.

"That person is Jiang Chen?" Wu Qinkun, who was accompanying the guests, frowned and said.

"Yes." Wu Jingrong on the side nodded.

"Why is Young Master Jiang here?" Qian Fugui looked at Jiang Chen in a daze.

Qian Banshan gave a wry smile. He had already noticed that Jiang Chen was here. After discovering Jiang Chen's appearance, Qian Banshan had a vague feeling that something might happen. In the end, it was exactly as he expected.

Tonight, it was Mr. Wu's birthday, and the identities of the guests who came here were all unusual. Among the four small families, except for the Qian family, people from the other three families also came.

"Jiang Chen." Li Tianxing's eyes glowed with fire.

"Is he Jiang Chen?" A middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Li Tianxing said calmly with a glass of red wine in his hand.

This middle-aged man is Li Tianxing's father, Li Yiqun.

"It's him." Li Tianxing gritted his teeth.

Li Yiqun smiled slightly and said, "This matter is a bit interesting."

"Young Master Jiang, what are you doing, why did you anger Mr. Wu?" Sun Haoyang looked confused.

What was said between Jiang Chen and Mr. Wu, no one heard except Lan Xiu and Wu Qingya, but, judging from Mr. Wu's anger, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen offended Mr. Wu a bit ruthlessly .

Otherwise, why would Mr. Wu be so angry?
"Hey..." Zhao Zhongxing smiled sinisterly, and looked towards Jiang Chen with a slightly gloating gaze. With such a mood, he was clearly waiting to see Jiang Chen's misfortune.

Jiang Chen accompanied Lan Xiu to the capital this time, and he only stayed in the capital for a few days. Whether it was acquaintance or contact, there were not many people.

As a matter of course, except for the four small families, that is, the Lan family and the Wu family, who are more familiar with him, the rest of the people are extremely unfamiliar with Jiang Chen's face.

"Who is that guy, and why did he get to Mr. Wu's table?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

"That kid actually offended Mr. Wu. He really doesn't know how to live or die."


"That kid is Jiang Chen?" Lan Xiu's mother Chen Yun said.

Chen Yun had heard about Jiang Chen, not from Lan Xiu, but from Yilan City.

Although it was just heard, Chen Yun was very sensitive to this name.

"He is Jiang Chen." Old Man Lan said.

"Did the Wu family invite him? Or did he sneak in?" Chen Yun asked again.

"He's here for Xiu'er." Old Man Lan said.

Chen Yun's complexion just became a little strange. She glanced at Old Man Lan and then at Lan Zhengfeng. She didn't know if she suddenly understood something, and her eyes quietly became a little more worried.

"Ruo Ruo, what are you looking at?" In a corner, a woman with shrewd eyebrows and eyes said to a woman with weak writing skills.

If Jiang Chen had noticed the frail woman, he would have discovered that this woman was exactly the timid girl who accidentally rear-ended his car before.

"Sister, I know that person." The timid girl pointed at Jiang Chen and whispered.

"How do you know him?" The shrewd and capable woman asked curiously.

The timid girl just talked about her acquaintance with Jiang Chen. After listening, the shrewd and capable woman froze for a moment, and said, "You said you want to pay him money? That's fine. I'll tell someone to handle this matter, you don't have to worry about it." gone."

"En." The timid girl nodded lightly, and responded lightly, but didn't say anything more.

She and Jiang Chen knew each other, but it was only because of the car accident that she met once, and she didn't even know Jiang Chen's name, because she remembered Jiang Chen's appearance because she was thinking about paying Jiang Chen money.

If she hadn't seen Jiang Chen here, the girl thought she would never see Jiang Chen again.

Accompanied by Mr. Wu's low voice, soon, four people rushed over, and those four surrounded Jiang Chen in the middle, just in time to protect Mr. Wu from being hurt by Jiang Chen.

"So it wasn't you who wanted to do it, so I can rest assured. To be honest, I really don't have the habit of bullying the elderly." Seeing the four people appear, Jiang Chen looked relieved.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, take it down." Mr. Wu's face was ashen.

"Boy, let's go, don't force us to do it." One of the four said.

"Why did I force you to do it? It's obvious that you want to do it to me, okay? It's like this, and you're still pretending. I hate people like you the most." One second he was still smiling, and the next second he was a hedgehog with fried fur.

"Go." The man said impatiently.

"Let's go, sister." Jiang Chen said, raised his foot and kicked it.

"Boy, I think you are courting death." Obviously, that person didn't expect Jiang Chen to do it before they did it... no, he did it.

Seeing Jiang Chen kicking over, the man's expression darkened instantly, he raised his foot, and kicked Jiang Chen.


The two legs collided fiercely in mid-air.


After the sound of the collision, there was a slight sound of bone cracking, and the man staggered and stepped back crookedly, his face turned pale.


Seeing this, the other three rushed towards Jiang Chen without hesitation, and launched attacks from three different angles.

With Jiang Chen's kick, one of the man's legs was broken. This made the three of them realize that Jiang Chen was in trouble, so they launched an attack at this time, and each of them was merciless, attacking Jiang Chen's vital points one after another. , and strive to deal with Jiang Chen as soon as possible.

"It's amazing how many people there are." Jiang Chen muttered, moving his feet quickly in three different directions.

With Jiang Chen's current cultivation base, the speed of kicking is so fast, three kicks, almost at the same time, three figures, flew out backwards, fell to the ground with a plop, crying ghosts and wolves one by one, unable to stand up. stood up.

"Old man, see if there are too many people is nothing special." Jiang Chen said to Mr. Wu with a smile on his face after finishing off the four people.

"I originally wanted to leave you a way out." Old Man Wu looked at Jiang Chen as if he were dead.

"Oh, what it means is that you don't plan to leave me a way out now, right?" Jiang Chen still smiled.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for seeking death." Mr. Wu said noncommittally.

Jiang Chen didn't reply, he raised his hand suddenly, grabbed Old Man Wu's neck, and directly lifted Old Man Wu from the seat.

"Old man, it seems that what I said is correct. You really think that you have lived too long, and you want me to give you a ride." Grinning his teeth, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and said.

(End of this chapter)

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