genius evil

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

"Jiang Chen, stop!"

"Let go of Mr. Wu!"


"Jiang Chen, don't be impulsive!"


Accompanied by Jiang Chen's actions, everyone in the audience was shocked, and in an instant, the sound of yelling and drinking came one after another, and the huge birthday banquet scene became a commotion.

Wu Qinkun's face was as black as charcoal, and he rushed over in two steps in three steps.

Wu Jingrong's face was as white as paper, his breathing was slightly suffocated, and he followed closely behind Wu Qinkun, and also rushed over.

The other members of the Wu family couldn't sit still any longer. They, who were entertaining a group of guests, left the table one after another, terrified and unbelievable, and walked towards Jiang Chen's direction.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do? Don't let me go!" Wu Qinkun pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, and angrily reprimanded him.

"Slap your mouth." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"What?" Wu Qinkun thought he heard it wrong.

"Didn't you hear when I told you to slap your mouth? Or, do you want to take a gamble that I dare not strangle this old fellow?" Jiang Chen said lazily as he tightened his five fingers slightly, causing Old Man Wu to cough.

"You—" Wu Qinkun was furious.

"My patience has always been limited. I'll give you three seconds, three... two..." Jiang Chen was talking nonsense to Wu Qinkun lazily.


Wu Qinkun raised his right hand and slapped himself hard on the face.

"Not enough strength." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.


Wu Qinkun smoked again, and immediately, half of his cheeks became red and swollen, leaving five shallow fingerprints.

"Did you not eat?" Jiang Chen said displeased.


Gritting his teeth, Wu Qinkun slapped himself for the third time. After the crisp sound, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Is it enough?" Wu Qinkun said bitterly, his voice was trembling, and his body was also trembling.

He couldn't be more clear that Jiang Chen was humiliating him, but he couldn't resist at all. Mr. Wu's life is in Jiang Chen's hands. As long as Jiang Chen is willing, he may crush Mr. Wu to death at any time .

In that case, tonight's birthday banquet will really become a funeral.

"Not enough, continue smoking." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"You—" Wu Qinkun almost went crazy.

"Do it." There was no emotion in Jiang Chen's voice.


Wu Qinkun could only continue to slap himself, one after another, hard on his face. After about a dozen slaps, Wu Qinkun's eyes turned white suddenly, and he passed out on the ground.

"Jiang Chen, have you had enough trouble?" His stern gaze fell on Jiang Chen, and Mr. Wu said gloomyly.

"Did I make a fuss?" Jiang Chen smiled, with a loose expression on his face, and said, "I just want you to feel how it feels when someone slaps you in the face."

"So you did it on purpose?" After a moment of silence, Mr. Wu said.

"It's not just intentional, I simply did it on purpose, okay?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

Mr. Wu just took a deep look at Jiang Chen, and then his eyes fell heavily on Lan Xiu. He said, "For a woman? Just a woman?"


Jiang Chen raised his left hand, and slapped Old Master Wu on the face.

"For you, that's right, it's just a woman, but for me, for this woman, I can kill you, and I can kill your whole family." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"If you kill me, you will die too." The corner of Mr. Wu's mouth twitched.

Being slapped by Jiang Chen in front of so many people was painful, but the pain was second to none. The most important thing was that Mr. Wu understood that from now on, he would become a laughing stock in the capital.

Jiang Chen was too presumptuous.

The presumptuous reason was just because of a woman.

Mr. Wu felt that Jiang Chen was simply a madman. Hadn't he thought about the consequences of this?
Or is he simply a lunatic?
After all, if it weren't for a lunatic, how could he do such a reckless behavior.

"Look at what you said, it seems that if I don't kill you, I can live a long life." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Mr. Wu's words were suffocated, and he was speechless for a while.

As for the other guests present, they were all speechless for a long time.

Qian Fugui was good at rubbing his face hard, making his face red like a monkey's butt.

Qian Banshan was drinking, pouring down his throat one after another, as if what he was drinking was not wine, but water. Only by doing this could he conceal the tension deep in his heart.

Sun Haoyang stared blankly. To be honest, he had a good impression of Jiang Chen. He felt that Jiang Chen's temper suited his taste very well. There were quite a few similarities in their personalities.

But now, Sun Haoyang realized that there is still a difference between himself and Jiang Chen, and this difference may not be able to make up for his whole life.

Li Tianxing and Li Yiqun, father and son, looked at each other in dismay. It has to be said that the sudden development of the matter to this point was beyond everyone's expectation. No matter how deep the hatred for Jiang Chen was, Li Tianxing had to admit it. , from the very beginning, he underestimated Jiang Chen.

Similarly, this also made Li Tianxing realize why he suffered so badly in Jiang Chen's hands. After all, Jiang Chen didn't even care about existences like Mr. Wu.

Zhao Zhongxing was short of breath, feeling as if his head was about to explode. He was glad that Jiang Chen had shown mercy to his subordinates. Otherwise, with Jiang Chen's violent temper, it would have been possible to kill him that day.

As for the Lan family, Mr. Lan had a serious face, and Chen Yun and Lan Zhengfeng, their mouths were parched for a while, and they all looked at Jiang Chen in a daze.

Lan Xiu also looked at Jiang Chen, deep in her eyes, tenderness flowed like water, her eyes were crystal clear, faintly, with traces of tears flickering.

"Jiang Chen, can you let go of my grandpa?" Wu Qingya said weakly, the carefree girl is like a little sheep at the moment, her voice has become a sheep sound.

"No." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You don't really want to kill my grandfather, do you?" Wu Qingya became weaker.

"Guess." Jiang Chen smiled even more happily.

"Jiang Chen, don't be impulsive. My grandfather is too old to bear this kind of shock." Wu Qingya said hastily, with tears streaming down her face.

"Qing Ya, don't ask him." Old Master Wu said angrily.

"Backbone." Jiang Chen praised him endlessly.

"This has nothing to do with your integrity. It's just that I understand that even if I beg you, it won't be of any use. Next, you can put forward conditions." Mr. Wu said.

"Well, from what you said, I'm not old-fashioned, but how could it be so stupid, so stupid?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

Listening to Jiang Chen lecturing his grandson, Mr. Wu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Conditions." Mr. Wu said with a straight face.

"No conditions, I came here today to slap my face... You Wu family members are usually high-ranking and domineering. You have slapped people in the face a lot, so you should enjoy it. What does it feel like to be slapped in the face? , Maybe in this way, you Wu family members will know how to behave in the future, right?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Conditions!" Mr. Wu said for the third time, ignoring Jiang Chen's messy words.

"I said, old man, I don't want to force people to make conditions like this. Do I look like the kind of person who takes advantage of people's dangers and robs people? Well, since you insist on making me make conditions, then I will forcefully do so." A few conditions are settled." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, if you have the conditions, hurry up and ask, grandpa is about to be strangled to death by you. If grandpa really dies, no amount of conditions will be of any use to you." Wu Qingya urged.

"Wu Qingya, why do I listen, you wish this old guy would die sooner? Or, I'll make you happy and just strangle him to death?" Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

"Jiang Chen, why are you framing me?" Wu Qingya stomped her feet angrily.

"Just kidding, why are you so nervous." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

"Is this a joke? It's obviously not funny at all." Wu Qingya rolled her eyes.

"You definitely don't think it's funny, but I think it's very funny. Just now, if I heard correctly, it seems that someone is persecuting my little Xiuxiu and saying that he wants me to die. Tsk tsk, who is to blame for this trick?" Who is it?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop talking about these things?" Wu Qingya was anxious.

"As for this, it's better to say it clearly, otherwise, what should I do if someone thinks I'm unreasonable? As a person, what I like most is to reason with people. What I'm good at is convincing people with virtue. I never bully others." Jiang Chen Said.

"Okay, our Wu family is making trouble for no reason, and our Wu family is bullying others, let's do it." Wu Qingya said angrily.

"Isn't it?" Jiang Chen asked back.

Mr. Wu had the urge to vomit blood again. Originally he was still confused, what did Jiang Chen say so much nonsense, dare to say, this guy is deceiving people intentionally or unintentionally, and he is disgusting him with all his heart.

"I've already admitted it." Wu Qingya said speechlessly.

"I just like your confession." Jiang Chen chuckled, and said to Mr. Wu: "Old man, are you ready? I'm starting to raise conditions now."

Old Master Wu didn't reply, he was already mentally prepared for Jiang Chen to open his mouth like a lion.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, come here... You, apologize to my little Xiuxiu. Remember, you must be sincere and from the bottom of your heart." Jiang Chen greeted Lan Xiu, pointed to Mr. Wu and said.

"On this condition?" Mr. Wu said.

He thought that Jiang Chen would go too far, but he never thought that Jiang Chen actually only proposed such a condition.

It's not that this condition is not too much, but, in comparison, whether it's an apology or an apology, it's undoubtedly the easiest thing to do, as long as he can pull off his old face.

"You think beautiful, that's just the first condition." Jiang Chen looked at Mr. Wu like an idiot.


After all, Mr. Wu couldn't help it, and a mouthful of old blood spewed out.

(End of this chapter)

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