genius evil

Chapter 509 One glass of wine, all kindness and enmity

Chapter 509

Seeing Mr. Wu vomit blood, Wu Qingya screamed in panic.

"Stop screaming, you won't die," Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, look at how angry you are with my grandpa. Even if my grandpa did something wrong, you can't treat him like this." Wu Qingya said with a sad face.

"Maybe this is called the present report." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, stay on the line, so we can meet in the future." Mr. Wu said in a muffled voice. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his energy and energy became much weaker.

"I'm sorry, I don't plan to meet you in the future." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Do you have to be so extreme?" Mr. Wu said that he hated it.

"It's not what I want to do, but you forced me to do it." Jiang Chen said lightly, there was no smoke and fire in his words.

However, it was Jiang Chen's determination and composure that made Mr. Wu feel terrified.

He thought Jiang Chen was a lunatic. If Jiang Chen continued to go crazy like this, then Jiang Chen might not be really scary, because in that case, at best, Jiang Chen would be just an ignorant reckless man with a passion for nothing.

But the reality is that Jiang Chen is not really crazy, he is really fearless, such an existence is the most terrifying.

Just like what Jiang Chen himself said, he is really scary.

"I can make an apology, just these two conditions." Mr. Wu said then.

Bow your head and compromise, does not mean that there is no bottom line.

Mr. Wu knew very well that Jiang Chen was provoking his bottom line again and again. He had already retreated. If he continued to retreat, then he would have no bottom line at all.

"Are these two conditions? This is clearly one condition, okay? Don't look at me with an honest face, just talk nonsense in front of me." Jiang Chen was quite dissatisfied.

Mr. Wu suddenly felt the urge to vomit blood again.

If Jiang Chen's face is considered honest, then what is dishonesty?Are there any dishonest people in this world?
However, there is one thing that Mr. Wu has to admit is that since Jiang Chen appeared, he has wrongly underestimated Jiang Chen, otherwise, he would have never been able to let Jiang Chen get close, and he would not have fallen into such a passive situation. , was completely led by the nose by Jiang Chen.

"Okay, let's take it as a condition." Old Master Wu didn't argue too much with Jiang Chen.

"Let's get started, I haven't had dinner yet, so I don't have time to chat with you," Jiang Chen said.

"Miss Lanxiu, what happened tonight is all the old man's fault. Here, I apologize to you." Slightly bowing his head, old man Wu said.


When Mr. Wu said this, everyone in the room was in an uproar.

Although the guests present could see from the current situation that Mr. Wu would have to bow his head even if he didn't, they didn't expect that Mr. Wu would bow his head so quickly and directly, completely lowering his posture.

Who is Mr. Wu?

The four major families in the capital are well-known, and as the helm of the Wu family, it is an existence that can easily cause an earthquake by stomping their feet.

Not to mention, today is Mr. Wu's birthday, and congratulations from all over the world represent Mr. Wu's face.

And what Jiang Chen did was to kick old master Wu's old face to the ground and into the mud.

Quite a few people have their minds floating because of this.

Originally, some guests who saw tonight's incident as a farce couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring.

"You have a good attitude, Xiao Xiuxiu, do you accept his apology?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, he was quite satisfied with Mr. Wu's attitude of apologizing.


Lan Xiu opened her mouth, a little speechless.

The matter has developed to such an extent that it is out of control. In other words, tonight's matter has been out of control since the moment Jiang Chen appeared.

All the people were involuntarily being led by the nose by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen alone controlled the entire audience.

But as a result, Jiang Chen will definitely offend the Wu family completely. Regarding this point, Lan Xiu is not without deep worries... She had no intention of involving Jiang Chen, and she would even rather die because of it, but Jiang Chen came , and Jiang Chen stepped into the right and wrong circle with one foot, so she didn't even have a chance to refuse.

"Little Xiuxiu, don't hesitate, accept it if you want to accept it, don't accept it if you don't want to accept it, no one can force you except me." Jiang Chen encouraged Lan Xiu.

With Jiang Chen's vision, how could he fail to see what was going on in Lan Xiu's heart.

Lan Xiu hesitated, not because he was hesitant to accept Mr. Wu's apology, but because he was worried about him.

"I accept." Taking a light breath, Lan Xiu said.

"Old man, congratulations, did you see that my little Xiuxiu is always so kind and generous." Jiang Chen said happily.

"As for the compensation, I will give Miss Lanxiu a satisfactory figure." Mr. Wu said.

"You're not reluctant, are you?" Jiang Chen expressed doubts.

"No." Mr. Wu answered quickly.

"Then did I force you?" Jiang Chen was still skeptical.

"No." Mr. Wu answered even faster.

With his status, since he bowed his head, he naturally wouldn't look forward and backward, apologizing, making an apology or something is just a trivial matter.

"That's good... Hey, did you hear that, this old man is willing, no one forced him." Jiang Chen said to everyone.

All the guests were speechless. Qian Fugui started rubbing his face again, and his face was almost swollen. The other people, whether they knew Jiang Chen or not, were kind. A sense of clutter.

"Then, I should mention the second condition." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Jiang Chen, I beg you, this second condition, please be simple? Don't embarrass my grandpa." Wu Qingya said.

"It's very simple, um, my second condition is that I plan to have a drink with your grandfather... Let's see, isn't it really simple?" Jiang Chen said.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya couldn't believe it.

"That's it?" Wu Qingya asked suspiciously.

"Could it be that you think it's too simple and want to make things a little more complicated? I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said.

"No, I'll pour wine for you now...but you put my grandfather down first, otherwise how can you drink." Wu Qingya said, while talking, picked up the wine bottle, poured two glasses of wine, and then, Pass one cup to Jiang Chen, and one cup to Mr. Wu.

"Come on, old man, let me offer you a toast. First, I wish you a happy birthday. Second, after drinking this glass of wine, we can just smile away our grievances." Jiang Chen let go of Mr. Wu, Shi Shiran Said.

Old Master Wu looked at Jiang Chen quietly, and after a while, he said, "Okay, I'll drink this glass of wine."

"That's right." Jiang Chen raised his wine glass with a smile, and poured the wine in the glass into his mouth in one gulp. Mr. Wu also drank the wine in the glass very quickly.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, it's okay, we should go." Jiang Chen took Lan Xiu's little hand and squeezed it lightly a few times.

Lan Xiu was a little embarrassed, but she let her little hand be pinched by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen held her hand, and walked outside.

Old Master Wu watched Jiang Chen leave, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking, while the other guests present all had strange eyes and were extremely puzzled.

A glass of wine, obliterate all grievances?

They felt that they couldn't understand it. Jiang Chen made such a big fuss. When they were waiting for Jiang Chen to propose more extreme conditions that would embarrass Mr. Wu, Jiang Chen actually just drank a glass of wine. , and said happy birthday to Mr. Wu.

This is too much thunder and rain.

Still, Jiang Chen was so naive, he thought that in this way, Mr. Wu would not care about tonight's matter, and the Wu family would not care about it.

is it possible?
Anyone with a little brain probably wouldn't have such a naive idea, would they?

No one would doubt Jiang Chen's IQ. After all, even if Jiang Chen's IQ had no lower limit, he wouldn't be so naive, right?
Of course, no one would think that Mr. Wu or the Wu family would be so magnanimous. Jiang Chen came here tonight and slapped everyone in the face so hard that everyone in the Wu family would lose face. It is impossible to be so easy Just uncovered it.

Because of this, everyone was a little confused, completely unable to understand what kind of tricks Jiang Chen was playing.

"Jiang Chen, what happened tonight?" After walking a few steps, Lan Xiu asked.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Where is Mr. Wu?" Lan Xiu's eyes were full of worry.

"Didn't I already make an agreement with him? He won't be so stingy with a smile." Jiang Chen said.

Lan Xiu was speechless, she didn't know where Jiang Chen's self-confidence came from.

Just like that, Lan Xiu was dragged by Jiang Chen to the door. The two of them hadn't gone out yet, when Lan Xiu heard an exclamation from behind, it was Wu Qingya's voice.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you, don't die... woo... Grandpa, you must be safe..."

"What happened?" Lan Xiu stopped.

"Maybe it's because there are too many mentally ill people in the Wu family, and they can't drink alcohol. No, accidents happen when they drink." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Hearing this, Lan Xiu's expression changed instantly, "Jiang Chen, won't the Wu family suspect you if you do this?"

Lan Xiu recalled what happened to Wu Menghua back then. After Wu Menghua drank, something happened suddenly... and tonight, Jiang Chen must have done the same thing to Mr. Wu.

Originally, the Wu family had suspected Jiang Chen about Wu Menghua's matter, but there was no evidence, so they didn't bother Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen messed with Mr. Wu again. In this way, wouldn't it be suspected that he was calling himself?
"I didn't want them to doubt me, what I wanted was for them to beg me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Please?" Lan Xiu suddenly realized, and suddenly understood Jiang Chen's intentions.

Left and right have already torn skins with the Wu family. It is impossible for the Wu family to let Jiang Chen go. Jiang Chen simply intensified the conflict between the two sides, turned passive into active, and completely took the lead.

If the Wu family took action against Jiang Chen, they would have to consider the life and death of Wu Menghua and Mr. Wu. If the life and death of Wu Menghua was not enough, then the weight of Mr. Wu's life would definitely be enough.

By doing this, Jiang Chen had strangled the lifeblood of the Wu family in one fell swoop!

After trying to understand this point, Lan Xiu finally understood what Jiang Chen meant when he said that he had no grudges. Unless the Wu family can ignore the life and death of Mr. Wu, otherwise, the Wu family would not dare to do anything to Jiang Chen.

"Little Xiuxiu, you must really want to praise me, right? You can just praise me a hundred times, or I will be embarrassed." Jiang Chen said shyly.

Lan Xiu didn't praise Jiang Chen, she threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms, covered Jiang Chen's mouth with her red lips, and offered her own sweet kiss...

(End of this chapter)

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