genius evil

Chapter 510 The slut is hypocritical

Chapter 510 The slut is hypocritical
Night, about ten o'clock in the evening.

On the big hotel bed, a slender and beautiful leg that was slightly tense gently kicked off the quilt, and the woman lying on the bed carefully moved her delicate body, moving towards the side of the bed little by little.

Lan Xiu was a little thirsty. The nearly an hour of unrequited madness on the big bed earlier almost made her voice hoarse.

At this time, she moved her body, sat on the edge of the bed, looked sideways at the man who fell asleep and still had a satisfied smirk on his face, Lan Xiu couldn't help wondering if she was influenced by Jiang Chen and changed Get crazy, don't care about anything.

Otherwise, Lan Xiu could hardly imagine that after such a big thing happened, and under such huge pressure, she would be so crazy, much more crazy than ever before.

On the [-]th birthday of Mr. Wu, Jiang Chen's whole situation was turned upside down. It is conceivable what kind of bad impact this matter will cause, and how many people and things will be involved.

Lan Xiu had no doubt that this night, the huge capital city was all boiling because of Jiang Chen.

It can be said that Jiang Chen became famous overnight, and everyone knows it!

But Jiang Chen was fine, as if nothing happened, after leaving the state guesthouse, he brought her into this hotel, heartless Hu Tian Hu Di.

And Lan Xiu herself, immersed in the joy brought by Jiang Chen, also quickly lost herself.

In this situation, Lan Xiu didn't know whether to call Jiang Chen stupid and bold, or to say that she was too ridiculous.

After watching Jiang Chen for a while, Lan Xiu got out of bed, took a bottle of water, and took two sips.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I'm thirsty too, what do you think should I do?" Jiang Chen woke up at some point, and said with a smile.

Lan Xiu just took the mineral water bottle in his hand, Jiang Chen shook his head, smiled, and refused to take it.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you thirsty?" Lan Xiu asked strangely.

"Yeah, I'm too thirsty." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then you..." Lan Xiu was about to say why don't you drink water, but just as the words came to her lips, she suddenly realized what kind of bad idea Jiang Chen had.

It was true that Jiang Chen was thirsty, and it was true that he wanted to drink water, but he didn't want to drink it himself, but asked her to feed him water.

After thinking about this, Lan Xiu's pretty face flushed slightly, she sat down on the bedside, took the mineral water bottle, and handed it to Jiang Chen's mouth.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Feed you drink water." Lan Xiu said.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, with such a sentimental man like me, under my influence, you are still so lacking in sentimentality. It really makes me sad." Jiang Chen looked sad.

How could Lan Xiu not know that Jiang Chen was being funny on purpose, and her pink face turned redder. She lowered her head, took a sip of water, and slowly moved her red lips towards Jiang Chen.

In this way, Lan Xiu fed Jiang Chen four or five times of water in a row, Jiang Chen was finally satisfied, and Lan Xiu's face was so red that it was about to drip water.

Such a beautiful and coquettish, inadvertently exuded amorous feelings, directly touched Jiang Chen's heart and tickled him. If it wasn't for the consideration that both of them hadn't eaten dinner yet and it was getting late, Jiang Chen would almost have He couldn't help throwing Lan Xiu down on the big bed again.

As for Lan Xiu, how could she fail to see what Jiang Chen's gaze meant, she was as startled as a deer bumping around, she quickly got up and fled from the big bed, lest she would cause Jiang Chen harm again.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu were fully dressed, and they left the guest room together to find something to eat. Before going far, they found a 10-hour fast food restaurant downstairs in the hotel.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going to go back soon after I finish eating." Lan Xiu said while eating.

With such a big event happening, there is no doubt that people in the Lan family are in panic. Lan Xiu must go home, otherwise, she will feel uneasy.

"Okay, I'll see you off." Jiang Chen said.

"You are... Lan Xiu?" Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu were talking, when suddenly there was a startled voice, and then, a short and fat man came over, his eyes wide open. , staring at Lan Xiu's face, his expression was both surprised and happy.

"You are?" Lan Xiu looked at this person suspiciously, feeling a little familiar, but it was hard to remember where she had seen him.

"Are you really Lan Xiu? I'm Cao Bin, do you remember me? A high school classmate." The short, fat man introduced himself.

"Cao Bin?" Lan Xiu was stunned for a moment, and it was finally associating with this person.

"It's me, I finally remembered it." Cao Bin smiled, and at this moment, as if he had noticed Jiang Chen's existence, he smiled strangely and said, "Lan Xiu, this handsome guy is your boyfriend." friend?"

"His name is Jiang Chen." Lan Xiu introduced, and she was a little surprised that she would meet a high school classmate here.

"Oh, how long have you two been dating? Have you met your parents? This is the night out for supper? But how can you eat these junk food at night, Jiang Chen, I didn't mean you, you How can I make Lan Xiu eat this kind of food?" Cao Bin looked like he was apologizing for Lan Xiu.

Jiang Chen picked up the hamburger, stuffed it into his mouth, took a bite, chewed it, and said with a half-smile: "Then what should we eat?"

"No matter what to eat, it's better than eating this. You can't afford the food in a five-star hotel, what about a four-star hotel, or a three-star hotel?" Cao Bin said.

"I think what you said is quite reasonable." Jiang Chen nodded, and asked curiously, "But you said it yourself, these are junk food, you came here to eat them, what's the matter ?”

It's time, and there are not many people in the fast food restaurant. When Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu came in, this classmate Cao Bin was already there. He ordered several hamburgers by himself, and ate a mouthful of Coke. , looking at it like that, obviously enjoying it very much.

So, Jiang Chen was a little confused. He said it was junk food, and he still ate so much?It's fine to eat too much, but still eat so happily?
Could it be that the legendary slut is hypocritical?
"Oh, my company is a bit busy during this time, and I didn't have dinner at night. I just drove by here, just to eat a little...I never eat before." Cao Bin explained.

"The one who runs the company must be rich." Jiang Chen laughed.

"It's not very rich, just a few hundred million, but don't worry, when I make friends, I never care whether the other party has money or not." Cao Bin said grandly.

"Are we friends?" Jiang Chen expressed his confusion. What kind of trouble is this guy trying to feel so good about himself?

"Lan Xiu is my classmate, and you are Lan Xiu's boyfriend. We could be friends... But, you actually brought Lan Xiu to eat these junk foods. If other boys in our class find out, That one is so sad, I have to work hard with you, let me tell you, Lan Xiu is the goddess in the hearts of all the boys in our class." Cao Bin said heartbroken.

"You mean, I'm not good enough for Xiao Xiuxiu, right?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, although there are some words that sound a bit cruel, but this is the reality... and you have a pretty face, it is easy to win girls' liking, but if you can't give women a stable and beautiful life , let your beloved woman eat these junk food with you, do you have the heart?" Cao Binyu said earnestly.

"I can't bear it." Jiang Chen said truthfully.

His own woman, if he felt sorry for him, Jiang Chen naturally couldn't bear it.

"At last you still have some self-knowledge." Cao Bin said gratified.

"Well, no, I am handsome, but the problem is, my handsome appearance does not conflict with my being rich, right? Why do you insist that I am a poor ghost?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment .

Cao Bin then laughed. He pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "I've been in business for so many years, and I don't know how many people I've dealt with. There are all kinds of successful and downtrodden people. You can tell at a glance."

"For example, you are still young at first glance. Your hairstyle is very childish. Besides, look at what clothes you are wearing. Does the total of your whole body cost more than 1000 yuan?" The words paused Afterwards, Cao Bin continued.

"Cao Bin, you're going too far." Lan Xiu couldn't take it anymore, and said displeasedly.

"Lan Xiu, don't get me wrong, I didn't deliberately belittle your boyfriend, but for your own good... I really think that you deserve better." Cao Bin said sincerely.

Listening to Cao Bin saying such words in a serious manner, Lan Xiu didn't know whether to cry or laugh, thinking that if Cao Bin knew what Jiang Chen did tonight, then he said such words completely on his own. Take its shame.

But Lan Xiu naturally couldn't talk about this with Cao Bin, she said coldly: "Cao Bin, what kind of man I find is my own business, it has nothing to do with you... It's true that we are classmates, but, it's just It's a classmate, I don't know you well."

"Lan Xiu, how can you do this, I really do it for your own good." Cao Bin became anxious immediately.

"No need, if you have nothing to do, you can leave first, don't disturb me and my boyfriend eating." Lan Xiu's tone was cold.

Cao Bin was called a hundred and a thousand unwilling, but Lan Xiu had talked about this kind of thing, even if he was unwilling to walk away, it would be impossible, so he had to carry three parts of resentment and seven parts of injustice , left the fast food restaurant.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, your classmate is quite fun." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you angry?" Lan Xiu asked a little nervously.

"Why should I be angry when I'm fine?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"I thought you would beat him up just now." Lan Xiu said helplessly.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, what you said reminded me, that guy really deserves a beating." Jiang Chen nodded.

After a while, after eating and paying the bill, Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu left the fast food restaurant. The two had just walked out when they saw Cao Bin and walked towards him.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I don't know what's going on, I'm angry." Looking at Cao Bin, Jiang Chen said.

Lan Xiu thought about what Jiang Chen said just now, and thought that Jiang Chen probably wanted to beat someone up, and almost such an idea just came out of Lan Xiu's mind, just seeing, Jiang Chen He suddenly took a few steps forward, kicked Cao Bin directly to the ground, and then kicked Cao Bin like a rolling gourd, rolling on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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