genius evil

Chapter 511 IQ is a hard injury

Chapter 511 IQ is a hard injury

Jiang Chen kicked out too fast, not only did Lan Xiu fail to react, Cao Bin, who was kicked to the ground, was also completely blindfolded, and it took him a long time to struggle to get up from the ground.

"Jiang Chen, how could you hit someone?" Cao Bin was furious.

"You're making a fool of yourself, who can you blame?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, why did I just look for it? You are justified in beating someone, right?" Cao Bin said, and said to Lan Xiu again: "Lan Xiu, have you seen that this Jiang Chen is so violent? I seriously suspect that he has a violent tendency to shoot and hurt people when he disagrees with each other. What are you waiting for if you don't break up with this kind of person?"

"Sorry to interrupt, you said the wrong thing." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"What did I say wrong?" Cao Bin said after being stunned for a while.

While talking, he quickly went over what he had said. Cao Bin felt that he did not say anything wrong, right?
"You said that I hurt people when I disagreed with me. This is wrong. First, I hurt people without saying a word. Second, I didn't shoot, but kicked." Jiang Chen was serious. Said.

"You're making unreasonable words." Cao Bin felt that his whole body was a little bad.

"Absurd words or something, it's better than spouting shit, right? Give you three seconds and disappear in front of me. I won't care too much about this tonight, otherwise, I'll interrupt you two times." legs." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"You dare." Cao Bin jumped up angrily.


There was a sound of bone breaking, and Jiang Chen kicked Cao Bin's calf. Following Jiang Chen's kick, one of Cao Bin's legs broke.

"Three seconds have passed." Jiang Chen said, and another kick broke Cao Bin's other leg.

When one leg was broken, Cao Bin fell to the ground uncontrollably, and it was from the depth of his throat that Cao Bin let out a scream like a pig being slaughtered.

"Come on, I've killed someone, help me, come and save me!" Cao Bin called out in a miserable voice, with tears and snot flowing from his nose.

"Jiang Chen, what happened earlier?" After a while, on the car heading to Lan's house, Lan Xiu said in a daze.

Lan Xiu knew that even though Jiang Chen was a bit annoyed by the sudden appearance of Cao Bin, since Jiang Chen didn't beat Cao Bin when he was in the fast food restaurant, it meant that Jiang Chen didn't take Cao Bin seriously. Here, Cao Bin is just used as a clown.

Logically speaking, since Jiang Chen didn't beat anyone in the fast food restaurant, he would have walked out of the fast food restaurant, let alone beating someone, but Jiang Chen did beat someone, and he beat him so hard.

Lan Xiu thought for a while, but she couldn't figure out where the problem was, or what kind of outrageous thing Cao Bin did?
"Xiao Xiuxiu, didn't you see that Cao Bin was holding the car key?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"It seems that they took the car keys." After thinking for a while, Lan Xiu said.

Lan Xiu didn't pay too much attention to this detail. Firstly, she didn't know Cao Bin well. Even if she met her old classmates, she was no different from strangers. Secondly, she was so focused on Jiang Chen, how could she pay attention? to something else?
After being reminded by Jiang Chen, it was only when he vaguely recalled that Cao Bin did indeed hold a car key.

"Is there any problem?" However, Lan Xiu was still very puzzled.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "When I was in the fast food restaurant before, Cao Bin kept saying that I had no money, and tried his best to establish a tall and complete image for himself. Not as straight-forward as showing you a car key. Especially when he feels good about himself and thinks his car is okay."

"Jiang Chen, do you mean that Cao Bin did it on purpose?" Lan Xiu said after being dazed for a while.

"It should be said that it was intentional. I have to say that this feeling of forcibly showing off wealth is really annoying." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"Even so, you can't beat people up so badly." Lan Xiu said dumbfounded.

"Little Xiuxiu, do you know what I like most about you?" Jiang Chen suddenly said affectionately.

"Ah—" Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen stupidly.

"Little Xiuxiu, I like your simplicity the most." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You mean, Cao Bin has ulterior motives?" Lan Xiu asked.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, did you realize it after I said so much?" Jiang Chen expressed his aggrievedness, and then said: "Cao Bin walked over with a car key. His purpose was nothing more than two points, to forcibly show off Fu, and, take you home."

"And then?" Lan Xiu asked.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, didn't you realize that this is the biggest problem? When he offered to take you home, if I also said to take you home, would I have to take out the car keys too? What if my car is not as good as the one he drives? Wouldn't it just prove that I'm a poor guy?" Jiang Chen said sternly.

"What if your car is better than his?" Lan Xiu said.

"That's exactly what Cao Bin wanted. After all, I'm taking you home instead of taking you to a hotel to open a room... What do you think Cao Bin would think if we didn't go to open a room this late at night? ?He will definitely think that he still has hope of pursuing you... In order to prevent him from thinking wildly, I can only break his two legs." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Lan Xiu suddenly felt a little confused.

Through Cao Bin holding the car key in his hand, Jiang Chen could see so many deeper intentions for such a small act. Lan Xiu didn't know whether to say that Cao Bin was too unlucky or that Jiang Chen was too Shrewd.

That Cao Bin looked like five people and six people, but in front of Jiang Chen, he was a clown at all.No matter how happy they are, they can't escape Jiang Chen's palm.

However, after Jiang Chen said so much, Lan Xiu finally understood why Jiang Chen beat people, why he beat people so hard. After all, if the whole thing is really what Jiang Chen said, Cao Bin can only say that he is asking for trouble.

As for whether things are really as Jiang Chen said, Lan Xiu is lazy to think about it.

Jiang Chen is her man, so Jiang Chen is right no matter what he does. See, no matter how smart and rational a woman is, in love, all the wisdom and reason are gone.

Jiang Chen from the Lan family came once, and that time was to send Lan Xiu home, and this time, he also sent Lan Xiu home.

The car arrived, Lan Xiu got out of the car, and watched Lan Xiu walk into the gate of Lan's house. Jiang Chen was about to drive away when he saw a figure walking over quickly.

The man who came over reached out and knocked on the window glass, then pulled the passenger's door and got in the car.

"Jiang Chen, let's talk." The middle-aged man said in a deep voice. This middle-aged man is none other than Lan Xiu's father, Lan Zhengfeng.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile. He had never seen Lan Zhengfeng before, but he could guess Lan Zhengfeng's identity from his facial features.

"Talk about what happened tonight. I want to know what your plans are." Lan Zhengfeng didn't make a fuss with Jiang Chen, and directly brought up the topic.

"Actually, what you want to talk to me the most is not my plans, but the worry that I will bring trouble to the Lan family." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"I don't deny what you said." Lan Zhengfeng admitted.


Lan Zhengfeng's words surprised Jiang Chen quite a bit.

He originally thought that Lan Zhengfeng would practice Tai Chi with him, but he never thought that Lan Zhengfeng would admit it so readily.

"If you want to ask me about my plan, it's very simple. It's nothing more than soldiers coming to cover up the water and earth." Jiang Chen was also straightforward.

"That's it?" Frowning, Lan Zhengfeng looked a little disappointed.

"Otherwise, what else can I do? I already made a fuss tonight, so I can't make another fuss, right?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, although your performance tonight was very reckless, but I wholeheartedly believe that you should be a smart person, and a smart person should know how to leave a way out for himself, and your answer makes me very dissatisfied." Lan Zhengfeng said.

"Worried about my life?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No matter what, you are the man my daughter likes. Even if I am dissatisfied with you, I will not easily deny your existence. Therefore, I don't want anything to happen to you." Lan Zhengfeng said.

When Lan Zhengfeng said this, Jiang Chen was even more surprised.

It's not nice to say it, but at least, as a father, Lan Zhengfeng's performance is definitely a pass.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me." Jiang Chen said.

"How to guarantee?" Lan Zhengfeng asked.

"I will stay in the capital for a few more days, what will happen at that time, uncle, just watch it as it is lively." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Okay." Lan Zhengfeng didn't say any more, opened the door, got out of the car, and Jiang Chen drove away quickly.

After a while, another figure came out of Lan's house in a hurry. It was Lan Xiu's mother, Chen Yun.

"Zhengfeng, what did Jiang Chen tell you?" Chen Yun asked as soon as he came over.

"I didn't say anything." Lan Zhengfeng shook his head.

"How could this happen? How could he be so irresponsible." Chen Yun said absently.

"Sometimes, it's better not to say a single word than to say anything." Lan Zhengfeng comforted him.

Just like what Jiang Chen said, the capital city will be very lively in the next few days, so let's just watch it as a lively scene for the time being.

"Then he should at least make a statement." Chen Yun said.

"Okay, stop talking, it's getting late, go to bed early." Lan Zhengfeng took Chen Yun's hand, and led Chen Yun into the door.

"Zhengfeng, haven't you talked with the old man for a long time? Did the old man say anything?" Chen Yun remembered something and asked.

"The old man didn't say anything." Lan Zhengfeng said.

"The old man didn't say anything, and Jiang Chen didn't say anything. What were they thinking? With you and I becoming outsiders, everything was kept in the dark?" Chen Yun complained.

Lan Zhengfeng gave a wry smile, feeling a little strange, and vaguely felt that the whole matter was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.Because, after returning from the State Guest House, he had a long conversation with Old Man Lan, and he didn't talk much, but he could easily see the firmness of Old Man Lan and his trust in Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, the old man believes in you so much, so don't let him down, don't let Xiu'er down." Lan Zhengfeng murmured in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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