genius evil

Chapter 512

Chapter 512

The moon pierced through the clouds, slowly sneaking, and the sky was bright and clear, but for everyone in the Wu family, deep in their hearts, there was a haze that could not be dispelled.

At the birthday banquet, after drinking a glass of wine, Mr. Wu fell to the ground on the spot, convulsing non-stop, as if suffering from epilepsy. Those symptoms were similar to those of Wu Menghua when he was sent back to the capital from Yilan City. It can be said to be exactly the same.

Mr. Wu had an accident on his [-]th birthday. Naturally, the birthday party this time could only end in an anticlimactic ending. The whole Wu family didn't even care about entertaining the guests. The first thing they did was send Mr. Wu to the Wu family. While being treated in a private sanatorium, Wu Qinkun, who was sent to the sanatorium at the same time as he slapped himself, passed out out of breath.

There was nothing serious about Wu Qinkun. After a short period of coma, he woke up. After learning about Mr. Wu's accident, Wu Qinkun's face, which was already bruised and swollen, became extremely pale.

"Who will tell me what happened?" In the nursing home, organized by Wu Qinkun, a temporary family meeting was being held.

Wu Qinkun's eyes swept across everyone, and he asked sinisterly.

"It's Jiang Chen. After Jiang Chen and the old man drank a glass of wine, the old man became what he is now." Wu Jingrong stood up and said with a look of grief and indignation.

"Did you see if he did anything?" Wu Qinkun asked in a cold voice.

Shaking his head, Wu Qinkun said: "The situation was so chaotic at the time, I didn't notice much, but there is no doubt that Jiang Chen must have made a move."

"Wu Jingrong, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence, okay?" Wu Qingya said angrily, her cheeks puffed up, as if she was defending Jiang Chen.

"Qingya, what do you mean by that?" Wu Jingrong said displeased.

"Evidence, what I'm talking about is evidence. You said it was Jiang Chen's hands and feet, but you didn't see anything, and I didn't see anything... How can you conclude that it's Jiang Chen? Aren't you slandering him? ?” Wu Qingya said seriously.

"The current situation of the old man is exactly the same as that of Menghua. Menghua had an accident in Yilan City because he drank alcohol. Now that the old man has an accident, he also drank a glass of wine. Isn't this evidence?" Wu Jingrong scolded angrily.

"What kind of evidence is this?" Wu Qingya rolled her eyes and said, "Could it be that our Wu family has some unknown hereditary disease, and that it becomes ill after drinking alcohol?"

"Wu Qingya, why do I listen, are you speaking nicely for Jiang Chen?" Wu Jingrong was quite upset.

"Wu Jingrong, spraying people with blood is fun, isn't it? You finished spraying Jiang Chen, and now you're spraying me again, isn't there something wrong with you?" Wu Qingya countered unceremoniously with sharp teeth.

"Do you know it well?" Wu Jingrong snorted coldly.

"Of course I have some self-knowledge. I'm afraid that some people don't have any self-knowledge. What are you? There are so many people here, and no one speaks. You just jump out in a hurry and show it to whom? Could it be that you thought something happened to my brother, and you are the one who is in charge of the Wu family?" Wu Qingya said in a strange way.

"Wu Qingya, I think you are the one who spouts blood." Wu Jingrong was furious, his face contorted with anger.

"Okay, shut up!" Wu Qinkun scolded.

At Mr. Wu's birthday banquet, Wu Qinkun slapped himself in public, and finally passed out. His face had been completely lost. It is estimated that he would not be able to see anyone during this time, and his mood was already very gloomy.

Mr. Wu had an accident again, which made Wu Qinkun's gloomy mood even more gloomy. The dispute between Wu Qingya and Wu Jingrong at this time was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, making Wu Qinkun's face as black as coal of.

"I told you to shut up, did you hear me?" Wu Qingya said triumphantly.

"I told you to shut up." Wu Jingrong grinned.

"Both of you, shut up, or get the hell out of here." Wu Qinkun growled.

Seeing that Wu Qinkun was really angry, Wu Jingrong's face turned slightly pale, while Wu Qingya stuck out her tongue indifferently, and made a face at Wu Jingrong. Wu Jingrong, who was almost out of breath, was born with one Buddha and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

"Among you, who has something to say?" Wu Qingya and Wu Jingrong finally calmed down, and Wu Qinkun said to the others in a deep voice.

"This matter, whether there is evidence or no evidence, Jiang Chen has an inescapable responsibility."

"That's right, Jiang Chen almost killed the old man directly, damn it."

"That is, Jiang Chen must pay the price, otherwise others will think that our Wu family is easy to bully."


As soon as Wu Qinkun said this, everyone spoke one after another, and the voices of discussion rang out.

"I said, do you all have brain problems? Is it interesting to hold onto Jiang Chen one by one?" Wu Qingya, who had been quiet for a while, yelled loudly.

"Wu Qingya, you also said that you were not speaking well of Jiang Chen. I now very much doubt whether there is some kind of improper relationship between you and Jiang Chen." Wu Jingrong said not to be outdone.

"Wu Jingrong, why did you say it so euphemistically, you just said that Jiang Chen and I were having an affair." Wu Qingya said carelessly.

"I didn't say that, you didn't tell yourself." Wu Jingrong smiled.

"Qingya, is it like this?" Wu Qinkun also became suspicious. After all, anyone can tell that Wu Qingya's attitude is too abnormal.

The entire Wu family, the whole family, are crusading against Jiang Chen, but Wu Qingya is a good person. It's okay to sing the anti-tune alone, and it's okay to sing the anti-tune, but it's not surprising that he still sings so high-pitched. of.

"Of course not." Wu Qingya said indifferently.

"You say it's not?" Wu Jingrong said tit for tat.

"You think I can't lie to you? Idiot." Wu Qingya yelled and cursed.

Then, without waiting for Wu Jingrong to reply, Wu Qingya said again: "My brother had an accident, and now the old man has an accident. I can understand your feelings, but have you ever thought about a question, even if it is really Jiang Chen? What can you do if you move your hands and feet?"

"Kill!" Wu Qinkun spat out a word coldly.

"Uncle, if our Wu family wants to kill Jiang Chen, it is naturally very easy, probably as simple as crushing an ant to death, but after killing Jiang Chen, the old man doesn't care?" Wu Qingya said leisurely.

"This..." Wu Qinkun was stopped by Wu Qingya's question.

Wu Qinkun didn't need any evidence of something wrong with Mr. Wu, or even if Mr. Wu had no accident, Jiang Chen would be no different from a dead person in his heart just because of Jiang Chen's humiliation to him.

In other words, Jiang Chen had to die, otherwise it would not be enough to relieve his hatred.

However, the question Wu Qingya raised suddenly made Wu Qinkun realize that it might be easy to kill Jiang Chen, but whether he can kill Jiang Chen is another question.

"Uncle, let's make a hypothesis now. What I'm talking about is a hypothesis. Someone heard it clearly, so don't talk about it with me." Wu Qingya obviously pointed at Wu Jingrong, paused, and then said: "Assumption, about the matter of the old man, It has something to do with Jiang Chen. Right now, the old man's situation is exactly the same as my brother's. After my brother's accident, he has been treated for such a long time and has not improved at all. It is also very clever, which makes us all helpless."

"Could it be that, Jiang Chen won't be killed?" Wu Qinkun suddenly felt very depressed.

"To kill or not to kill is up to you, Uncle. I'm just talking casually. If you think what I said is wrong, just pretend that I didn't say anything." If you pick them clean, that's a snap.

Wu Qinkun frowned and pondered. The rest of the people, including Wu Jingrong, were all speechless because of Wu Qingya's words.

To kill Jiang Chen, or not to kill, that was a question.

If you don't kill, it's hard to relieve your hatred.

Killed, what will Mr. Wu do?What should Wu Menghua do?
As if inadvertently, he fell into an unsolvable deadlock.

"This Jiang Chen is really a good method." After a while, Wu Qinkun said silently.

At this time, Wu Qinkun had already decided that whether Wu Menghua's accident or Mr. Wu's accident was related to Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen, at the birthday banquet, created such a thing in front of so many people, which clearly meant that he was not worried about his identity being exposed at all.

The reason why Jiang Chen wasn't worried about being exposed was because Jiang Chen had set a trap for the Wu family. Even if everyone in the Wu family could clearly see this trap, they had to honestly sneak in and avoid it.

Wu Qinkun's brain is not stupid, but because he was too angry, his reason was temporarily blinded. At this time, a little association at this time can straighten out the cause and effect of the whole thing.

However, the reason for the whole matter was straightened out, and Wu Qinkun breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't get it right.

Jiang Chen was not only a good trick, he was simply too treacherous. A simple trick was to contain the lifeline of the Wu family, making everyone unable to move, very helpless.

"Uncle, how should we deal with this matter?" Wu Jingrong also reacted and asked in a muffled voice.

"What else can I do? Treat it like nothing happened." Wu Qingya hurriedly said.

"No." Without even thinking about it, Wu Jingrong categorically rejected Wu Qingya's proposal. How could it be as if nothing had happened?Even if their Wu family is willing, others are not. In the current situation, there may be many people who are secretly waiting to see the Wu family's jokes.

"Just pretend nothing happened." A figure slowly walked in from the outside. It was a middle-aged man with a long sword on his back. Sect Master Hua Yunfei!
"Uncle Hua, you're here." Wu Qingya smiled sweetly, greeted her, and said happily.

"Wu Qinkun, what's your opinion?" Hua Yunfei nodded and said to Wu Qinkun.

"Okay." Wu Qinkun replied with a wry smile.

Leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, Changjian Gate is the big tree of the Wu family, Hua Yunfei has already expressed his opinion like this, what else can he say, Wu Qinkun?

(End of this chapter)

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