genius evil

Chapter 513

Chapter 513
At this time, Jiang Chen was driving back to the hotel.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't know what happened to the Wu family, but even if he knew, Jiang Chen wouldn't take it to heart.

Because everything was within his expectations, there would be no major changes at all, unless the Wu family really didn't consider Mr. Wu's life or death, and only wanted to fight him to the death.

The car returned to the hotel, Jiang Chen had just opened the door and got out of the car when he saw a pair of slender legs.

The slender legs wrapped in thin stockings are straight and slender, with graceful and moving lines from bottom to top.

Just looking at those beautiful legs, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of stunner the owner with such beautiful legs would be.

And when Jiang Chen's gaze moved up slowly along the curve of the pair of beautiful legs in silk stockings, the curve of the graceful figure of the owner of the beautiful legs appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes bit by bit. , Jiang Chen's eyeballs could no longer be moved away.

"Beauty with long legs, am I hallucinating?" Blinking, Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"No." Ziyu shook her head with a smile, slipped into Jiang Chen's arms, and hugged Jiang Chen forcefully with her backhand.

With the beauty in his arms, and being so active, Jiang Chen naturally couldn't live up to the beauty's wishes. A princess hugged Ziyu and walked into the hotel.

Entering the room, the door had just been closed when Ziyu's red lips were pressed against him. Jiang Chen secretly laughed, hugged Ziyu, and walked towards the big bed.

"Jiang Chen, I know everything that happened tonight." Almost an hour later, on the big bed, curled up in Jiang Chen's arms like a kitten, Zi Yu said softly.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen looked at Zi Yu in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Inexplicably, Jiang Chen felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Jiang Chen.

"Beauty with long legs, are you telling me that you were in the capital early in the morning, right? You said you were in the capital, but you just came to see me today. How can I punish you?" Jiang Chen smiled. asked.

"Ah—" Zi Yu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly.

"I'm talking about the Wu family's affairs." Ziyu said.

"I'm talking about what happened when you were in the capital early in the morning." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, don't make trouble." Ziyu was somewhat dumbfounded.

"Beauty with long legs, you really let me down, you don't even know, I was looking forward to your coming, I was looking forward to the stars, and I was looking forward to the moon." Jiang Chen looked very sad.

"I heard that you came to the capital for Lan Xiucai this time." Ziyu blinked.

"What are you talking about, speak louder." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"I also heard that after you came to the capital, you met the big star Ye Sichen." Ziyu said again.

"Beauty with long legs, so you care about me so much, I'm really touched. In order to express this touch, why don't I promise you with your body." Jiang Chen said deeply moved.

"No, I'm telling you something serious." Zi Yu giggled coquettishly.

"For me, the most serious thing is why you didn't come to see me in the capital." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I have been performing missions outside some time ago, and I just returned to the capital today. These things were told to me by Luzhi." Ziyu had no choice but to say.

"Does the beautiful lady Luzhi hate me that much? How could she report to you behind my back?" Jiang Chen said bitterly.

"Jiang Chen, don't get me wrong, Luzhi is concerned about you, so she told me all these things, otherwise, I wouldn't have come to you tonight." Ziyu helped Luzhi explain.

Ziyu just returned to the capital today, and Lu Zhi told her about Jiang Chen's situation, and also told her the location of Jiang Chen's hotel, which is why she appeared at the hotel entrance.

As for Ziyu, the reason why he came to see Jiang Chen in such a hurry was naturally because of the Wu family's affairs.

You know, Ziyu was completely stunned after hearing from Lu Zhi that Jiang Chen made a big fuss about Mr. Wu's birthday banquet. Chen's courage will be so big.

That's the Wu family.

Of the four major families in the capital, the Wu family ranked second. With such a colossus, Jiang Chen would provoke if he said he was provocative, and he would slap him in the face if he said he would slap him in the face. I don't know what to say.

Especially, when Ziyu heard that Jiang Chen had caused such a big incident because of a woman, he was speechless.

It's not that Ziyu isn't jealous, and it's not that she doesn't feel jealous, but whether she's jealous or jealous, she can't let go of the worry about Jiang Chen in her heart, and that's why she appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Long-legged beauty, are you saying the wrong thing? Luzhi beauty will care about me? Well, I understand that I am handsome and charming, but your words are too illogical, right?" Jiang Dust whispered.

"Jiang Chen, Luzhi really cares about you, you don't even know how anxious she was when Luzhi told me about you making a fuss about Mr. Wu's birthday party." Ziyu said.

"It seems that I am really attractive. Long-legged beauty, you said that the big beauty Lu Zhi suddenly cares about me so much, what should I do? She also wants me to agree with her body Right? If that's the case, do you think I promise you with my body? Or don't I promise you with my body?" Jiang Chen said with great worry.

"Lu Zhi didn't mean that." Zi Yu said with a funny face, this guy is good everywhere, but sometimes he is too stinky, even if he is too stinky, he is still so serious, as if he is real.

"What if?" Jiang Chen was still very worried.

"No, you are not the type that Lu Zhi likes." Zi Yu then comforted her.

"Long-legged beauty, are you comforting me, or are you hitting me?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

Let’s talk about shock, it doesn’t sound like it, but comfort, is there such a comfort?

"I'm just hitting you, who made you so narcissistic?" Ziyu rolled his eyes.

"Long-legged beauty, you are wrong. As for me, the biggest advantage is that I am not narcissistic. I am just telling the truth." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Ziyu couldn't help being teased by Jiang Chen. After laughing for a while, Ziyu said: "Jiang Chen, you made the Wu family faceless this time, and the Wu family will definitely take revenge on you by any means. Otherwise, you should leave the capital. .”

Flicking his purple hair with his hand, Jiang Chen smiled and said: "If the Wu family really wants to take revenge on me, even if I run to the ends of the earth, they will take revenge on me. It doesn't matter if I leave the capital or not." No difference."

"Then what should we do? Who made you so impulsive, it's not good to provoke anyone, but the Wu family." Zi Yu said.

"Long-legged beauty, are you jealous?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Yes." Biting her red lips slightly, Zi Yu said.

"Beauty with long legs, I knew that you would definitely be jealous, but what I have to tell you is that if it was you instead of Lan Xiu this time, I would do the same thing." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I believe in you." Ziyu said helplessly.

How can you not believe it?

When she had an accident in Tianhang City back then, Jiang Chen made a special trip from Yilan City to Tianhang City, and was so lonely. At that time, Zi Yu understood Jiang Chen's feelings for her?

If it wasn't for that matter, no matter how much she had a good impression of Jiang Chen, she would not have been able to behave so calmly on the matter of the Wu family.

This time, Jiang Chen made a fuss because of Lan Xiu. How similar was the nature of the matter to what happened to her back then?
It's just that it's just another person.

That time it was her, this time it was Lan Xiu.

"Long-legged beauty, trust me. Okay, the nonsense is over, we should get down to business." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile as he moved one hand on Zi Yu's smooth and clean body.

Ziyu twisted her body, trying to avoid Jiang Chen's strange hand, but how could she hide quickly? She couldn't help being amused and angry, and asked, "Jiang Chen, don't you worry about the Wu family's revenge at all?"

"Of course, I'm not worried at all. Speaking of which, I have to thank the Wu family, otherwise, why would you come to me so quickly?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Does that mean I have to thank Lan Xiu for it?" Ziyu said intentionally.

"It seems that this is really the case." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Jiang Chen, I'm really going to piss you off." Ziyu was furious. It's okay for this guy to play tricks, but he's still playing tricks so blatantly.

Jiang Chen chuckled, turned over and pressed Ziyu under him, looked into Ziyu's eyes and said, "Long-legged beauty, do you know when a woman is the sexiest?"

"When?" Ziyu asked suspiciously, not knowing how Jiang Chen would ask such a question.

"When she is jealous, at that moment, she will burst out with astonishing charm and coquettishness." Jiang Chen murmured, and as he spoke, he opened his mouth and kissed Ziyu's red lips. The bed started to shake, and there was no voice in the room, only Ziyu's shallow, suppressed moaning.

"Damn Jiang Chen!"

In the hotel, in the next room, the woman sitting on the head of the bed gritted her teeth and cursed bitterly, but it was Lu Zhi.

Ziyu came to look for Jiang Chen, Luzhi did not come with Ziyu, but came first and opened a room next to Jiang Chen.

Luzhi cared about Jiang Chen, otherwise she wouldn't have told Ziyu about Jiang Chen's affairs in the first place. Jiang Chen looked in every possible way.Such a scene is very interesting when you think about it.

But unexpectedly, things were completely different from what she had imagined. Not only did Zi Yu not blame Jiang Chen, she was even tossed twice by Jiang Chen.

That's right, both times, Luzhi heard the beautiful and fragrant voice from the next room, which made Luzhi want to cry, she was hiding in the corner to listen, but it was not what she wanted to hear at all. Arrived.What's more, the sound insulation facilities of this hotel are too bad. What kind of five-star hotel is it? If you complain, you must complain severely.

(End of this chapter)

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