genius evil

Chapter 514 Competing to be a Dog

Chapter 514 Competing to be a Dog
Ziyu still had things to deal with, so he left early the next morning, and Sun Haoyang accompanied Jiang Chen to have breakfast.

Just after breakfast, Sun Haoyang was about to call the waiter over to pay the bill, when he heard a startled voice, which suddenly rang in his ears.

"Sun Haoyang, why are you here?" The voice asked in surprise.

Hearing the sound, Sun Haoyang looked sideways and saw Qian Fugui's face full of joy, he was stunned for a moment, and said, "I'll have breakfast with Jiang Shao."

"That's not what I'm asking. I'm not blind. Of course I saw that you were having breakfast with Young Master Jiang, and, looking at the time, it wasn't lunch and dinner, was it? But what I'm asking is why are you here?" Here." Qian Fugui had a puzzled look on his face, and with that look, he was obviously very puzzled that Sun Haoyang and Jiang Chen were together.

"If I'm not here, how can I have breakfast with Jiang Chen?" Sun Haoyang also had a puzzled look on his face. It seemed that he was more puzzled than Qian Fugui.

After saying this, the two looked at each other for a while, and then heard Qian Fugui laughing loudly.

"Sun Haoyang, you are exactly the same as the rumors outside, you are really stupid and bold." Qian Fugui said with a smile.

"If you don't have money, you are courageous." Sun Haoyang said with a faint smile.

For Sun Haoyang to accompany Jiang Chen to have breakfast, it was naturally a trivial matter that couldn't be more trivial, but such a trivial matter, combined with Jiang Chen's rioting at Mr. Wu's birthday banquet last night, was inadvertently magnified.

Jiang Chen's actions obviously offended the Wu family to the core. During this period of time, no matter who came into contact with Jiang Chen, they were destined to act according to the face of the Wu family.

Otherwise, inadvertently, it is tantamount to offending the Wu family.

This is why, after Qian Fugui came over, he would be very surprised to see Sun Haoyang's existence suddenly.

Qian Fugui came with a certain purpose. In other words, he had no choice but to not come. You must know that the lives of many people in the Qian family were all in Jiang Chen's hands.

Life is dead!

Even if he appeared in the hotel where Jiang Chen was, it was very likely that the Wu family would be dissatisfied, but compared to the lives of the whole family, the Qian family had to take risks.

Qian Fugui thinks that he has a reason to show up, and he has a reason to show up at this time. It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to give charcoal in a timely manner. His behavior is now giving charcoal in a timely manner.

Qian Fugui was still counting on it, maybe Jiang Chen would be able to treat his illness as soon as he was moved.

As for Sun Haoyang, even though he had a silly and bold title, Qian Fugui would not be so naive as to think that Sun Haoyang came to accompany Jiang Chen to have breakfast, it was just as simple as being brave.

Otherwise, Sun Haoyang would not be called stupid and bold, but a stupid one. After all, he still has to do things that are clearly intended to offend the Wu family, so what is this stupid?
It's just that Qian Fugui wouldn't just say it outright, otherwise he would offend Sun Haoyang first, and Jiang Chen secondly... He could still bear to offend the former, but to offend the latter would simply be asking for trouble.

"What kind of riddles are you two playing? Why can't I understand a word? Also, it's just breakfast, what are you doing so much?" Jiang Chen couldn't help asking.

Qian Fugui chuckled, and said, "Jiang Shao, I just think that you have breakfast with Sun Shao but don't call me, it's a bit too partial. You don't know, I like lively things the most .”

"I really don't know." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Qian Fugui was immediately embarrassed, he stretched out his hand and shouted for the waiter to come and order something to eat, which made Sun Haoyang smile.

"Oh, it's so lively." A figure walked over and said with a smile.

"Li Tianxing, what are you doing here, don't tell me you are here for breakfast." Qian Fugui followed the sound and said to the frivolous looking guy, it was Li Tianxing.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right, you're right, I'm here for breakfast." Li Tianxing said slowly.

"Li Tianxing, when you lie next time, can you make up a slightly better reason? Who would believe you said you came here for breakfast?" Qian Fugui said angrily.

"I heard a long time ago that the breakfast in this hotel restaurant is quite good, but I haven't had time to come here. I just drove by today and just stopped by to have breakfast. I didn't expect to meet you here. And Young Master Sun, and Young Master Jiang... Young Master Jiang, did you sleep well last night?" Li Tianxing said with a faint smile.

"You will definitely not be able to sleep well tonight." Jiang Chen did not answer Li Tianxing's question, but said lightly.

"Master Jiang, I'm just here for breakfast, I don't seem to have offended you?" Li Tianxing looked innocent.

"I didn't say you offended me. Why are you so nervous? Maybe it's because you are too tall to be beaten?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Li Tianxing's face was so ugly.

What does it mean that he is too young to be beaten? Could it be that Jiang Chen bullied him and became addicted?
But when he thought of Jiang Chen's insolent behavior last night, Li Tianxing felt guilty again, and said with a dry smile: "Well, it seems that Young Master Jiang doesn't want to see me very much, otherwise, I'll sit down and choose a little, So as not to affect your appetite, Young Master Jiang."

While talking, Li Tianxing took steps, walked away quickly, and chose a seat far away to sit down.

"That guy usually always looks like I am the best in the world. I have been displeased with him for a long time." Qian Fugui said with a smack of his mouth.

"How about I give you a chance to beat him up and make sure he won't dare to fight back?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, forget it, that guy Li Tianxing looked like a pug just now, I won't do the thing of beating a dog in the water, otherwise it will be out of style if it spreads." Qian Fugui said coyly.

"Then how about I ask him to come over and beat you up, I think Li Tianxing must be very happy to do that." Jiang Chen said slowly.

When he first came to the capital, Li Tianxing misunderstood that Qian Fugui was driving, which led to a conflict. Obviously, Li Tianxing was quite upset when he saw Qian Fugui.

"No, please don't, Young Master Jiang, please do me a favor and pretend I didn't say anything." Qian Fugui became cowardly in a second, and ate hard while the waiter brought breakfast over.

Seeing Qian Fugui's appearance like this, Sun Haoyang smiled lightly, but he also understood that Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui were joking so casually, which was related to a certain degree.

"Jiang Shao, do you have time today?" Sun Haoyang asked at this time.

He came to see Jiang Chen because he was thinking about Tan Lu's situation. After Jiang Chen treated Tan Lu once, Tan Lu's physical condition improved a lot.

Sun Haoyang was very anxious to ask Jiang Chen to cure Tan Lu as soon as possible, but the timing was a bit wrong now, Jiang Chen himself was in trouble, so he asked this question a little cautiously.

"It just so happened that nothing happened today." Jiang Chen said casually.

Sun Haoyang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Young Master Jiang, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Sun Shao, from my point of view, it's not Jiang Shao who is in trouble, but you are causing trouble for yourself." Almost as soon as Sun Haoyang's voice fell, there came a voice that was neither yin nor yang.

The person who spoke was wearing a pair of gold rimless glasses and a neat black suit. His hair was combed and shiny, and the leather shoes under his feet were also polished and polished. He gave people the elegance of a successful person. feeling.

"Zhao Zhongxing?" Sun Haoyang frowned.

He came to look for Jiang Chen early this morning, and had breakfast with Jiang Chen by the way. It would be fine if Qian Fugui came. If Fugui has a little friendship, he will not make wild guesses as to where the friendship has reached.

As for Li Tianxing's appearance, Sun Haoyang can understand that Li Tianxing came to see Jiang Chen's joke... Jiang Chen extorted a large sum of money from Li Tianxing. heard.

In other words, Li Tianxing and Jiang Chen had a feud, and the festivities were quite big. Jiang Chen offended the Wu family to the death, and what kind of thunder storm would blow up next, one can imagine how Li Tianxing would miss it. A chance to ridicule Jiang Chen?

Even though, Li Tianxing couldn't ridicule Jiang Chen at all, otherwise, if he appeared today, he would be giving him a face.

The appearance of Zhao Zhongxing made Sun Haoyang feel puzzled.

On the surface, the four small families in the capital are not weak in fame and background, but in fact, they are inextricably linked with the four big families.

For example, the Sun family has a good relationship with the Zheng family.

The origin and connection between the Zhao family and the Wu family are well known.

But it was precisely because of the relationship between the Zhao family and the Wu family that Sun Haoyang thought that Zhao Zhongxing should not have appeared in front of Jiang Chen at this time. However, Zhao Zhongxing did appear, which made Sun Haoyang unable to understand.

"Sun Shao, I just came here to have breakfast, don't you need to make such a fuss? On the contrary, you seem to have a good relationship with Jiang Shao." Zhao Zhongxing said pretendingly.

"So?" Sun Haoyang asked.

"So? I can understand that you, Sun Shao, are here to cheer for Young Master Jiang? Tsk tsk, there is still less money. Unexpectedly, Young Master Jiang has not been in the capital for a long time, but he has quite a lot of friends, and his background is also big." It's astonishing. No wonder you have the guts to offend the Wu family, so this is your reliance, Young Master Jiang." Zhao Zhongxing pretended to be surprised and said inexplicably.

"Zhao Zhongxing, what kind of wolf with a big tail are you pretending to be? Are you afraid that others will not know that you are a dog raised by the Wu family? I don't understand. If you don't want to be a good person, you will fight to be a dog for others, or Said that you have failed too much as a human being, and you can only maintain your sense of existence as a dog?" Qian Fugui couldn't take it anymore, and said yin and yang.

"What did you say?" Zhao Zhongxing's expression changed.

"I said you are the dog raised by the Wu family. What's the matter, if you don't like me, you can beat me if you don't like it." Qian Fugui pointed his finger at his face and said provocatively.

"Qian Fugui, are you telling me that your Qian family is determined to stand in the same camp as Jiang Chen, even if you offend the Wu family, you will not hesitate to do so?" Zhao Zhongxing said gloomyly.

"Zhao Zhongxing, don't even think about threatening me. It's not your turn to dictate the relationship between my Qian family and Young Master Jiang. If you want to be sensible, get out of here as soon as possible, and don't bother me to eat." Qian Fugui said bluffing.

"What if I don't know people?" Zhao Zhongxing snorted coldly.


Sun Haoyang clenched his fist and punched Zhao Zhongxing in the face...

(End of this chapter)

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