genius evil

Chapter 520 I want to sleep with you

Chapter 520 I want to sleep with you
"Why am I such a big liar?" Jiang Chen yelled, and Lin Baobao also yelled loudly, louder than Jiang Chen.

Lin Baobao was very unconvinced, what did she lie to Jiang Chen?

Did he lie to Jiang Chen about his feelings?

Well, she really wanted to cheat Jiang Chen's feelings, but the biggest problem is, hasn't she cheated yet?
Since you didn't get cheated, how can you call it cheated?

Did he cheat Jiang Chen's body?
This... Lin Baobao also wanted to cheat, but he didn't succeed, did he?

Therefore, this cannot be divided into the level of cheating in any case.

"You said just now that you definitely didn't want me to go with you to meet your parents." Jiang Chen accused.

"Yeah, I did say that. In the current situation, it's not that I want you to follow me to see my parents, but that you want to follow me to see my parents." Lin Baobao wrung his fingers and said solemnly Said.

"Is there a difference?" Jiang Chen was confused.

"There's a big difference. If I ask you to follow me to see my parents, then I beg you, and I take the initiative. If you follow me to meet my parents, it's you begging me, and you take the initiative. Is the difference obvious enough?" Baobao Lin explained.

"Why should I go with you to see your parents?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"Are you a pig? I've said it all. You need to mend your character." Lin Baobao expressed his disgust.

"What is the connection between me repairing my character and meeting your parents?" Jiang Chen thought about it, but it was difficult to figure out the relationship between the two.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you usually very clever and smart? Why did you become so stupid at a critical moment? Of course there is a connection, otherwise why would you go to see my parents?" Lin Baobao said bitterly.

"After talking for a long time, what is the connection?" Jiang Chen was very depressed.

"When you go to see my parents, you will know automatically. The question is so straightforward, there is no sense of mystery at all, and I don't understand the style at all. I am really blind to fall in love with you." Jiang Chen Disgusted endlessly.

"Baby Lin, I don't read too much, you can't fool me." Jiang Chen had already seen through everything.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop being so hypocritical, I have taken the initiative to help you repair your character, don't be ignorant, I will be very angry if you do this again." Baobao Lin glared at Jiang Chen.

"No, how do you feel about yourself? My character is pretty good. I'm tired. Let's sleep for a while." Jiang Chen yawned.

"Jiang Chen, are you implying to me that I will not go to see my parents until I have slept with you?" Lin Baobao snorted coldly.

"Did I hint at you?" Jiang Chen had a chill, he just wanted to sleep for a while, not that he wanted to sleep with Baby Lin for a while, would this woman's associative ability be so rich, it would kill people.

"Could it be an explicit indication?" Lin Baobao murmured, his face flushed slightly.

Jiang Chen almost slammed his head on the ground to death, he simply ignored the girl lazily, and went to the bed with his whole body, closing his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, I want to drink red wine." Lin Baobao ran over and grabbed Jiang Chen's arm, shaking it, and said sweetly.

"Go to the liquor cabinet and drink whatever you want." Jiang Chen yawned again.

"No, it's so boring to drink alone, you drink with others." Lin Baobao twisted his body, coquettishly.

"Baby Lin, do you believe that I threw you out?" Jiang Chen grinned threateningly.

"It's your fault if you're willing, duplicity guy." Lin Baobao rolled his eyes, and hurriedly ran to the wine cabinet to find some red wine.

Taking out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, Lin Baobao washed another glass for himself, and then sat by the wine cabinet alone, pouring himself a drink.

While drinking the red wine, Baobao Lin furtively looked at Jiang Chen who was sleeping on the bed. Hearing Jiang Chen's shallow snoring, Baobao Lin was both confused and entangled.

"Asleep?" Baby Lin muttered softly.

"No, didn't Jiang Chen say that he wanted me to sleep with you? Why did he fall asleep? Or did he let me take the initiative?" Lin Baobao said to himself, a little sad.

She has no experience at all, how can she take the initiative?
Well, being inexperienced doesn't mean she doesn't know anything about the relationship between men and women, but the first time will be very painful. Can't Jiang Chen be a little more sympathetic, so as to leave some good memories for her?
Thinking about it this way, Baobao Lin suddenly regretted that he didn't seize the opportunity when he was here last time, otherwise, Jiang Chen would have become her Baobao Lin's man long ago, and he was not at her mercy. Make her a cow or a horse?
"In order to be a cow and a horse." Lin Baobao said silently in his heart.

In order for Jiang Chen to be her boss, the necessary condition is that she becomes Jiang Chen's woman, or Jiang Chen becomes her man... Judging from the current situation, since Jiang Chen hinted that she would take the initiative, then In other words, she was the one who wanted Jiang Chen to be her man.

"Baby Lin, you can do it, come on, you are the best." Baobao Lin clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

Just now she suddenly said that she wanted to drink red wine. Naturally, she didn't really want to drink red wine. She just wanted to cultivate a little interest, so that the relationship between each other, uncontrollably, would flow naturally.

In addition, wine can strengthen people's courage.

Lin Baobao thinks that her performance last time was really bad. She is a typical person with lust but no guts. She is afraid that her performance this time will still be as bad as last time, so she wants to drink some wine to strengthen her courage.

Even if you fail to embolden yourself, you can still get drunk.

Anyway, drunk and in a daze, it can be a little more cute, and while adding interest, it can also be a little more exciting.

Just like that, before he knew it, Lin Baobao drank two glasses of red wine.

Her mind was full of messy thoughts, she was shy and looking forward to it, her small face was bright red, like an apple, and she was instantly cute.

Lin Baobao shook his little head, thinking that he could drink a little more, so he poured himself another half glass of red wine. After drinking the half glass of wine, Lin Baobao stood up from his chair and wobbled towards Jiang Chen. go.

"Jiang Chen, stop pretending, get up, get up..." Lin Baobao yelled, reeking of alcohol, kicking the bed with his feet, making a loud bang.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, looked at Baobao Lin, couldn't help crying and laughing, stretched out his hand, grabbed Baobao Lin's arm, and pulled Baobao Lin onto the bed.

Lin Baobao insisted on breaking Jiang Chen's hand free, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't move, I will do it myself."

"You move?" Jiang Chen froze for a moment.

He pulled Baobao Lin to bed to see that Baobao Lin was almost drunk, and asked her to lie down and sleep for a while, otherwise he might not know what the woman would do if she became drunk.

"Jiang Chen, don't you just want me to take the initiative and pretend to be a wolf with a big tail in front of me." Lin Baobao smiled and reached out to take off Jiang Chen's clothes.

But she drank so much wine, her hands were limp, she didn't have any strength, and she accidentally broke a few buttons on Jiang Chen's clothes.

"It's too troublesome, Jiang Chen, take off your clothes yourself." Lin Baobao struggled for a while, but couldn't tear Jiang Chen's clothes off, and said with a big tongue.

"Baby Lin, I'll go with you to see your parents, okay?" Jiang Chen said without tears.

This woman is really hardworking.

It's just to meet her parents. Is it necessary to make such a big sacrifice?
With this perseverance, this determination, among a population of one million, I am afraid there will be no second one.

Jiang Chen felt that if he refused to agree to Lin Baobao's request, he would have a lifetime of regrets in his conscience.

"Hee hee, you said this yourself, don't go back on your word." Lin Baobao didn't lose his mind completely, and giggled happily.

"Okay, I don't regret it, you can lie down now." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No." Baby Lin shook her round head like a rattle, and she muttered, "I don't want to sleep, I want to sleep with you."

"I have already promised you." Jiang Chen reminded.

"I still want to sleep with you." Lin Baobao said very firmly.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chen was delighted.

What is the most beautiful love story in this world?
Love you for 1 years?

The white head is not separated?

They're all weak, okay?
If you want to comment on the most beautiful love story, the sentence I want to sleep with you can definitely be selected as the best love story.

I want to sleep with you.

The short four words have an exciting melody, and their lethality is unique.

Enough to drive any man in the world crazy.

It is also enough to make any woman in the world unable to close her mouth from ear to ear... No, it is her legs from ear to ear.

"Sure, have you taken off your clothes yet?" Baby Lin hiccupped.

Lin Baobao took the initiative so much, and was so affectionate, and his love words were so touching, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't disappoint Lin Baobao, so he took off his clothes in two or three steps.

"Did you take off your pants?" Lin Baobao urged.

Without further ado, Jiang Chen began to take off his pants. It has to be said that, as a man who is good at undressing women's clothes, he is also very skilled at undressing himself, in less than two seconds. In a matter of minutes, Jiang Chen just took off his pants.

"It's over." After taking off his pants, Jiang Chen said.

"Oh." Lin Baobao was naive, took off his clothes, and touched his body with both hands. After touching for a long time, he asked in a daze, "Jiang Chen, where are the buttons on my clothes?"

"There are no buttons, you are wearing a dress." Jiang Chen said.

He watched Baobao Lin grope around, but he didn't take off the skirt for a long time, wishing he could replace it.

"There are no buttons, how can I take off my clothes." Lin Baobao was so anxious that tears were about to fall out.

"I'll take it off for you." Jiang Chen was so itchy that he volunteered.

"No, I want to take the initiative, I will take it off myself." Lin Baobao flatly refused Jiang Chen's help, and once again groped around on his body.

1 minute has passed...

5 minute has passed...

10 minute has passed...


Lin Baobao was still looking for buttons, Jiang Chen stared dryly, sitting on the bed watching Lin Baobao busy clumsily, almost didn't cry.

Are you sure, Baby Lin is not playing with him?
"Baby Lin, are you alright?" Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

"Don't worry, I'll find the button soon, just wait a little longer." Baby Lin responded delicately.

Not to mention waiting for a while, Jiang Chen couldn't wait any longer. He took Lin Baobao into his arms, stretched out his hand, and went to take off her skirt.

But at this time, there was a knock on the door, and it rang...

(End of this chapter)

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