genius evil

Chapter 521 There is no silver here 32

Chapter 521 There is no silver 300 taels here

There were two knocks on the door, but Jiang Chen pretended not to hear it, and continued to take off the skirt on Lin Baobao.

However, when the knock on the door rang for the fourth time, even if Jiang Chen wanted to pretend he didn't hear it, that would be useless.

For some reason, Lin Baobao, who couldn't even hear him clearly, heard the knock on the door miraculously, and responded.

"Jiang Chen, someone is knocking on the door. Hurry up and open the door." Lin Baobao breathed out alcohol, and his voice was vague, as if he had a date in his mouth, but it was heard in Jiang Chen's ears. The smell easily tickles Jiang Chen's heart.

Lin Baobao usually runs the train with his mouth full of words, very smug and narcissistic.

But there is one sentence that is undoubtedly correct, that is, Baby Lin is indeed very cute.

Lin Baobao, who was drunk, undoubtedly received a full boost of her cute attributes.

If it is said that Lin Baobao was cute before she was drunk, she could barely score 120 points, then Lin Baobao can definitely score [-] points for her cuteness when she is drunk at this moment.

The full score is [-] points, and the extra [-] points, Jiang Chen gave Lin Baobao for free, not afraid of Lin Baobao's pride.

No, with Lin Baobao yelling like this, Jiang Chen was immediately provoked to death.

Why the hell is there someone knocking on the door at a critical moment?

Why the hell is the skirt that Baby Lin is wearing today so complicated?

Why the hell is Baby Lin so cute today?
Jiang Chen's impulsiveness to make mistakes was beyond the charts, and his desire was almost stimulated to the brink of explosion by Lin Baobao's intentional or unintentional teasing.

"Don't worry about that, let's continue." Jiang Chen muttered, while groping for what to do to take off this skirt on Lin Baobao as quickly as possible.

"No, look, that person is about to knock on the door." Baobao Lin muttered.

"I have money, and I have plenty of money. If it's broken, I'll compensate you at the original price." Jiang Chen said richly.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so annoying, you won't listen to me even if I ask you to open the door." Lin Baobao was very wronged, his little nose and face wrinkled into a ball.

Jiang Chen was speechless, and asked cautiously, "Are you really going to open the door?"

"Yeah, hurry up and open the door, the sound of knocking on the door is annoying." Baobao Lin confirmed and affirmed.

"Well, I'll knock on the about you?" Jiang Chen asked.

If the knocker was a waiter, it would be easy to deal with, just send him away, but according to the persevering way of knocking on the door, it is obvious that the knocker is an acquaintance.

"I'm a little tired, so sleepy." Lin Baobao yawned, and fell limply into Jiang Chen's embrace.

Jiang Chen lowered his head, looked at Baobao Lin's sleepy appearance, and felt that this woman had never been so feminine since the day he met her.

But the sound of knocking on the door was indeed a bit annoying, so Jiang Chen had no choice but to pick up Baby Lin and put her on the bed, pulled the quilt over her, and quickly left the room. After closing the door of the bedroom, It was to open the door.

The door opened, and a figure hurriedly pushed Jiang Chen away and walked in from the outside.

It was a woman, and she was dressed in a strange way. If it wasn't for her figure, she wouldn't be able to tell it was a woman at all.

The ankle-length black dress was slightly loose. She was wearing a peaked cap, her hair was covered, and she was wearing a pair of large sunglasses, which almost covered most of her face.

The woman's attire can be said to wrap herself tightly, from head to toe, no matter where it should be exposed or where it should not be exposed, it will not be exposed at all.

"Where did you buy this skirt?" Jiang Chen stared at it twice, and asked wonderingly.

"This is Miss Mi's dress." The woman said, she reached out to take off her hat and sunglasses, and a moist and smooth face was reflected in Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Sister Mi's taste is really bad." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

Ye Sichen's attire was very chic, and Jiang Chen was speechless.

"I mainly wear it like this because I'm afraid of being found out. If you don't like it, I won't wear it like this next time." Ye Sichen said softly.

"Sibaitian, you have such a good figure, you look good in anything, of course, except this one." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I hate it." Ye Sichen was furious.

"Why is it this time, don't you have to work today?" Jiang Chen asked.

Jiang Chen naturally welcomed Ye Sichen's arrival, but just like Ye Sichen wore the wrong dress today, Jiang Chen had to add a small condition to this welcome, that is, today was an exception.

Lin Baobao was wholeheartedly preparing to sacrifice himself, and the whole body was desperately possessed by Sanniang. As a man, Jiang Chen felt that if he could not satisfy Lin Baobao's purpose, he would definitely be inferior to a beast.

"I'll give myself a little half-day off today." Ye Sichen said with a smile, blinking, like a little girl who finally ate the candy she wanted.

"Does Miss Mi know that you are here?" Jiang Chen then asked again.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there... To be precise, it will be Cao Cao's call.

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, Ye Sichen's cell phone rang.

Ye Sichen took out his phone and looked at it, and saw that the caller showed the word Mi Jie, and his delicate face immediately wrinkled into a ball.

"Sister Mi must have found out that you had sneaked away." Jiang Chen said firmly.

Ye Sichen was a little reluctant to answer the phone, but he also knew that compared to the troubles caused by answering the phone, the sequelae of not answering the phone were greater.

No matter how reluctant, Ye Sichen still connected the phone.

"Sichen, miss, I said where have you been?" As soon as the call was connected, Sister Mi's loud voice came over.

"Sister Mi, I'm shopping alone." Ye Sichen said weakly.

"Shopping? Why is it so quiet around you?" Sister Mi asked.

"I'm in the shopping mall." Ye Sichen explained with a guilty conscience.

"Is there anyone around you?" Sister Mi was obviously not that easy to deceive.

"Yes." Ye Sichen responded hastily.

"Sichen, take a photo and send it to me now. If there are too many people, I won't worry about your safety." Sister Mi said with concern.

"Sister Mi, I don't have many people around me." Ye Sichen was a little anxious.

She was in Jiang Chen's room, how could it be easy to take a photo, if it was really a photo, then it would be self-defeating.

"Oh, then you can also take a photo for me, so that I can know which mall you are in." Sister Mi said.

"Sister Mi, I went back after shopping alone." Ye Sichen said with a blushing face.

"Sichen, tell me, did you go to Jiang Chen?" Sister Mi said suddenly.

" was alone. Jiang Chen was in the hotel, so I didn't look for him." Ye Sichen said in a panic, stammering.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help reaching out to put his hand on his forehead.

It is said that if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black.

Ye Sichen has known him for a long time, so why hasn't he learned any of his strengths?You know, what Ye Sichen said was completely because there is no silver 300 taels here.

Sure enough, Miss Mi on the other end of the phone immediately questioned: "Sichen, how do you know that Jiang Chen is in the hotel, you went to the hotel to look for him, right?"

"" Ye Sichen didn't know what to say.

"Sichen, listen to me, remember, you just stay there now, sit on the sofa, don't do anything, don't talk to Jiang Chen, don't drink the drink Jiang Chen handed you, let alone drink, I'll go find you right away." Sister Mi ordered solemnly.

The phone was hung up quickly, Ye Sichen looked depressed.

"What did Sister Mi tell you?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Sister Mi told me not to talk to you, and told me not to drink, let alone drink alcohol." Ye Sichen lived up to the name of silly white sweet, and sold out Sister Mi.

Jiang Chen was so angry that he was about to jump.

What does Miss Mi mean by this?
Could it be that he looks like a pervert?Is he that hungry?Need to spare no effort to guard against him?
Besides, if he really intends to do something to Ye Sichen, does he need to add spices to the drink or get Ye Sichen drunk?Sister Mi must have underestimated his methods, right?

"Silly Baitian, why do you think Miss Mi would say such a thing?" Jiang Chen asked with a pure face.

Ye Sichen glanced at Jiang Chen, and said embarrassedly, "Sister Mi is afraid that you will bully me."

"Have I ever bullied you?" Jiang Chen became more innocent.

"I've been bullied." Ye Sichen answered with certainty.

Upon hearing Ye Sichen's answer, Jiang Chen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. This was not the answer he wanted.

"Silly Baitian, how can you say that I bullied you, it really makes me sad." Jiang Chen said sadly.

Ye Sichen smiled lightly, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't be nervous, I know that Sister Mi is doing it for my own good, but I also know that you won't hurt me."

"That's right, do you want a drink?" Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction and asked.

Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, and nodded slightly.

She sneaked away from Sister Mi's sight to find Jiang Chen by herself. She was already a little nervous, but after knocking on the door for so long before Jiang Chen opened the door, she was even more nervous.

I'm afraid that I will be accidentally discovered by the hotel's waiters or guests, otherwise it will definitely be on the headlines tomorrow.

Ye Sichen had a habit of drinking a lot of water when he was nervous. Jiang Chen didn't ask her, but when he asked her, Ye Sichen found that he was really thirsty.

Jiang Chen went to get a bottle of fruity drink, unscrewed the lid and handed it to Ye Sichen, who took it and drank it in small sips, elegant and pleasing to the eye.

"If it's not enough, I'll get it for you." Jiang Chen said.

"One bottle is enough." Ye Sichen looked like he drank half of the bottle, and stuck out his little tongue to lick his lips.

"Is the drink good?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's delicious. I like this brand of drink." Ye Sichen said honestly.

"I think red wine tastes better, would you like some red wine?" Jiang Chen asked with a suppressed voice, like a big bad wolf seducing Little Red Riding Hood.

(End of this chapter)

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