genius evil

Chapter 522 Lonely Lonely Cold

Chapter 522 Lonely Lonely Cold

"Jiang Chen, I don't drink very well." Ye Sichen whispered.

Few people are born with a good capacity for alcohol, most of them are acquired through exercise.

One of the unspoken rules of the mixed workplace is that you must be able to drink and be able to drink. The entertainment industry is also a workplace. Compared with other workplaces, the rules of this workplace are more complicated.

It's like there is a saying that describes it very well, the entertainment industry is a big dye vat.

After entering this big dyeing vat, very few people can come out clean and innocent, especially for female stars, being dyed colorfully by this big dyeing vat is a common occurrence, and people all over the country are used to it.

Because of this, in the entertainment circle, drinking alcohol is a necessary professional quality for stars.

You have to drink with the director when making movies, and you have to drink with the big boss when you shoot commercials... All of them have been trained to drink amazingly, and they can't do it even if they want to drink badly.

But Ye Sichen was an exception.

She is a white lotus in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry.

She doesn't need entertainment, flattery, or drinking, and has always been well protected. Even though she has been in the entertainment circle for many years, except for a little scandal with Jiang Chen, it can almost be said to be an insulator of scandal.

It has to be said that Ye Sichen was so well protected by her family and her team, it was good enough to make many stars in the circle go crazy with envy and hatred.

Ye Sichen doesn't need to drink, and the amount of alcohol, of course, needless to say, it must be the worst kind.

Of course, Jiang Chen had thought of this a long time ago. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Just drink a little. In fact, I originally planned to drink alone, but drinking alone is meaningless. I just ask you to drink with me. , if you don't drink, it's okay."

"Jiang Chen, let me drink with you, just a little." Ye Sichen said, gesturing.

"Silly Baitian, you don't have to force yourself, I can understand." Jiang Chen said empathetically.

"I secretly drank some red wine." Ye Sichen blinked.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

Dare to be honest, apart from seeing him secretly, Ye Sichen also did other sneaky things. Is this the rebellious youth of a young girl?
"It's fine, don't drink too much." Jiang Chen reminded, went to the wine cabinet to find a bottle of red wine, and took two glasses.

The two sat down on the sofa, Jiang Chen poured wine, he poured half a glass, and Ye Sichen's half a glass.

"Come on, cheers." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Cheers." Ye Sichen smiled sweetly.

The cups touched lightly, and Ye Sichen took a sip of the red wine.

It can be seen that she really does not drink very well, she took a sip, and her little red face turned red with a little white.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "Silly Baitian, you said you're a bad drinker, but this is too bad, hurry up, drink."

Just now, Sister Mi told Ye Sichen not to drink and not to drink alcohol on the phone, but Jiang Chen made Ye Sichen drink and drink, but it was purely out of bad taste, deliberately teasing Sister Mi.

Jiang Chen never thought that he would really get Ye Sichen drunk. When he arrived, there was a baby Lin lying in the room. Drunk, I don't know how lively it is here today.

Secondly, Jiang Chen really didn't have any special thoughts about Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen is beautiful, and she has a good figure, but she is too pure, like a piece of white paper, so pure that people are reluctant to leave any traces on it.

Even if Jiang Chen is a beast, he is also a beast with a bottom line, isn't he?

"No, I can still drink." Ye Sichen refused, and said something, as if worried that Jiang Chen would snatch the wine glass, immediately picked up the wine glass, brought it to his mouth, and took another sip.

Unlike the first sip, which was slightly smothered, in this sip, Ye Sichen almost poured all the red wine in the glass into his mouth.

After drinking it in one gulp, Ye Sichen took the cup and showed off to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, I'm really fine."

"Don't you feel drunk?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No." Ye Sichen said with pink lips.

"What does that feel like?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"It feels so good, can I have another drink?" Ye Sichen's eyes fell on the bottle of red wine, with a little expectation and a little demanding in his eyes.

"Are you sure you want to drink?" Jiang Chen found that he couldn't refuse.

"I'll drink a little more, just a little." Ye Sichen smiled innocently.

Jiang Chen then picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for Ye Sichen. Ye Sichen held the wine glass, sipping sips of it, with an intoxicated expression on his face, and indescribably cuteness in his every move.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Suddenly, there was another knock on the door.

Just now, Baobao Lin was a little worried that Ye Sichen was going to knock on the door, but the sound of knocking on the door now really smelled like a door being smashed.

"Sister Mi is here?" Ye Sichen's eyeballs flickered.

"It shouldn't be so fast." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, this time, only about ten minutes have passed, even if Sister Mi hung up the phone and drove out immediately, theoretically speaking, she would not appear so soon.

"Sister Mi must be here." Ye Sichen said, and quickly put down the wine glass. This was not enough. When Ye Sichen saw the drink in hand, he picked it up again and put it in the trash can. She wanted to destroy the body disappear.

"Do you want to open the door?" Seeing Ye Sichen's behavior, Jiang Chen asked dumbfoundedly.

"Sister Mi will scold me to death." Ye Sichen said with a sad face.

Obviously Sister Mi ordered that, but she didn't do anything according to Sister Mi's order. If Sister Mi saw such a scene, Sister Mi would definitely go crazy.

"Why don't you hide in the room first, and I'll tell Sister Mi that you're not with me." Jiang Chen suggested.

He really didn't intend to get Ye Sichen drunk, but Ye Sichen got himself drunk. Of course, Miss Mi would be blamed for this, Jiang Chen felt a little wronged.

"Okay, okay." Ye Sichen nodded like a chicken pecking rice, got up and walked quickly into the room.

"It's another room." Seeing Ye Sichen go straight to the room where Lin Baobao was, Jiang Chen quickly corrected.


Ye Sichen was completely confused, she did what Jiang Chen said, walked to that room, and when he reached the door, Ye Sichen suddenly remembered something, turned around, took away the red wine, and returned the two The wine glasses were taken away.

"Silly Baitian is not stupid." Seeing Ye Sichen enter and close the door, Jiang Chen was immediately amused.

This is the one who took away the red wine and the wine glass again, destroying the evidence is extremely straightforward, next time who will say that Ye Sichen is stupid, Jiang Chen will be the first to get anxious with him,
But watching the door close, Jiang Chen felt a little lucky. Fortunately, he lived in a big apartment, otherwise there would be no room for Cypriots.

As for why Ye Sichen and Lin Baobao were not locked in the same room, it was mainly because Jiang Chen was a little worried that the two of them would fight. To be precise, he was worried that Lin Baobao would get jealous and beat Ye Sichen.

Drunk men are unbelievable enough, but drunk women cannot be treated with common sense.

Feeling that it was almost done, Jiang Chen went over and opened the door.

It was almost exactly the same as Ye Sichen's movement when entering the door. As soon as the door opened, a figure rushed in from the outside with a gust of fragrant wind.

Still a woman, Jiang Chen still had to judge it was a woman by looking at her figure.

If Ye Sichen's attire is called weird, then this person's attire is sneaky.

The woman didn't wear a skirt, she was wearing a big windbreaker, the weather was already very hot, looking at the windbreaker the woman was wearing, Jiang Chen was extremely worried that it might cause prickly heat.

A peaked cap and sunglasses are a must, and there is also a big mask, which completely covers one face, not to mention Jiang Chen can't recognize who it is, it is estimated that her parents are standing in front of her, and there is no way to recognize it People.

But there is one thing that Jiang Chen can confirm is that this woman is definitely not Miss Mi.

Sister Mi came to Xingshi to inquire about crimes, not to steal. There is no need to come up with such an outfit, otherwise it will be terrifying to death.

"Jiang Chen, what are you dawdling for, it took so long to open the door." The woman complained, taking off her mask, sunglasses, hat and windbreaker casually.

When the woman took off the windbreaker, Jiang Chen immediately felt like summer was coming, with short hot pants, long legs, a small vest, thin waist and round breasts.

It's not very attractive, but the vitality of the young girl is vividly reflected, and it has a different style.

"Wu Qingya, what are you doing here?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

Although he had thought that it was unlikely to be Miss Mi, he never thought that it would be Wu Qingya who came.

"Jiang Chen, you don't welcome me?" Wu Qingya asked dissatisfied.

"Does your Wu family welcome me?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"The Wu family is the Wu family, and I am me. Besides, what is our relationship?" Wu Qingya gave Jiang Chen a wink, sat down on the sofa carelessly, raised her legs and said, "Jiang Chen, I heard It's time to drink, why are you drinking alone, I just came, let's drink with you."

"Do you think I look like the kind of person who drinks alone?" Jiang Chen asked unhappily.

"Is there any other woman in this room?" Wu Qingya rolled her eyes and said, "Don't be brave, I can tell you are lonely and cold, hurry up and get the bar, or I will change my mind .”

"You should change your mind." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, you... really pissed me off." Wu Qingya bared her teeth.

Jiang Chen didn't go to get the wine, so Wu Qingya got up to get it by herself. After searching in the wine cabinet for a while, she finally took out a bottle of red wine that was barely considered good.

"The wine here is too bad. I'll get some good ones for you some other day." Wu Qingya opened the red wine, poured two glasses, walked over, handed one to Jiang Chen, shook the other in her hand, and said casually.

Jiang Chen couldn't help touching Wu Qingya's forehead with his hand.

Wu Qingya jumped up and said loudly: "Jiang Chen, don't think that you can touch me just because I dress like this. This girl is pure and pure, not a casual woman."

"You don't have a fever, why did you become stupid." Jiang Chen said to himself, turning Wu Qingya's face blue with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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