genius evil

Chapter 523 Women don't get drunk, men have no chance

Chapter 523 Women don't get drunk, men have no chance

"Jiang Chen, you are going to die, you just have a fever, this girl came to see you with good intentions, don't be ignorant." Wu Qingya yelled.

"Your legs are pretty good." Jiang Chen said.

"That's right." Wu Qingya was triumphant, and let Jiang Chen look at her openly.

"Unfortunately, it will be interrupted soon." Jiang Chen said regretfully.


Wu Qingya's head was full of black lines.

"I came here secretly, and no one will know. Besides, if I dress like that, who can recognize me." How could Wu Qingya not understand Jiang Chen's meaning, and forcefully argued.

"I can only say that my charm is too great." Jiang Chen stroked his chin and said intoxicated.

"Be less narcissistic, okay?" Wu Qingya didn't like to hear that.

"If I'm not very attractive, why would you come looking for me with a broken leg?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, if I say that it has nothing to do with your charm, will you be very sad?" Wu Qingya said angrily.

"It's okay to be sad, but starting today, there is another duplicity woman in this world inexplicably. This situation is definitely not a good thing for a man." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Stop talking nonsense there, sit down and drink quickly." Wu Qingya said.

Her eloquence was not bad, and she was invincible in her own small circle, but she was no match for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen talked so much nonsense that she would faint.

"You still haven't told me what exactly you are here for, and how do you want me to drink this wine?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"I want to drink, and I know you have wine here, so I came, can't I?" Wu Qingya was really upset, and her tone became not so good.

Is she ugly?

No, not only is it not ugly, but it is also very beautiful, okay?

Moreover, Jiang Chen also said just now that her legs are very good.

Even if it's not for the sake of her pretty face, even if Jiang Chen ignores her big breasts and slender waist intentionally or unintentionally, just for the sake of her two long legs, for her When he arrived, shouldn't Jiang Chen welcome him with both hands and feet?

What the hell is Jiang Chen's attitude right now?

Everyone will feel uncomfortable, right?

Not to mention, it's a woman.

"Oh, so you want to drink, you drink, count me as a treat." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Sit down quickly." Wu Qingya urged.

"It's you who want to drink, it's not me who wants to drink, so let's just sit or not." Jiang Chen said narrowly.

"Ah—" Wu Qingya was almost pissed off by Jiang Chen.

Even if she was a fool, she could tell by now that Jiang Chen did it on purpose, to provoke her on purpose.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think I don't care about the wine here? If I want to drink, do I need to come here? And look at this bottle of red wine. I don't even look down on you if you wash my mouth in normal times. Let me say this , do you understand what I mean?" Wu Qingya said angrily.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"I came here because you are here." Wu Qingya said in frustration after being completely defeated by Jiang Chen.

"But didn't you just say that you didn't come for me?" Jiang Chen looked even more confused.

"Duplicity is a woman's patent, don't you know?" Wu Qingya yelled.

"So you came here specially for me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Can I sit down now?" Wu Qingya asked.

"Not yet." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "You only said half of what you said. You said you came for me. There must be something else. You haven't said anything yet."

"Can we talk while drinking?" Wu Qingya shook her neck, feeling that it was too tiring to talk to Jiang Chen with her neck up.

"You don't need to drink, just talk about things directly." Jiang Chen played with the wine glass in his hand, not even intending to take a sip.

"Forget it, I'll drink it if you don't want it." Wu Qingya muttered, moved her red lips to her mouth, and took a big sip, and like this, she finished the glass of wine in two or three sips.

"What kind of wine is this? It's too rubbish." Wu Qingya was disgusted, but poured the wine for herself after she finished drinking it.

Jiang Chen looked at Wu Qingya from the side, confused and speechless at the same time.

Don’t drink it if you think it’s rubbish. The things in the hotel are already expensive, okay? This bottle of red wine seems to cost more than 3000 yuan.

I have to say, just like what Wu Qingya said, duplicity is indeed a woman's patent.

Moreover, when women use this patent, they are extremely willful, regardless of time and occasion.

Wu Qingya drank very fast. Judging from the way she held the wine glass, it was not difficult to see that this woman was a little alcoholic.

If you don't pay attention, the bottle of wine will be half empty.

If you don't pay attention again, the bottle of wine is all empty.

"Jiang Chen, even if you don't want to drink, go get me a bottle of red wine, it's no problem." Wu Qingya said, shaking the red wine bottle in her hand.

She has a good capacity for alcohol. Except for pouring a little for Jiang Chen, she drank the rest of this bottle of wine into her stomach, and her complexion is normal. Obviously, drinking another bottle or two is not a problem at all.

"I'll just buy you a bottle." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to be so stingy? After earning so much money, it's okay to buy me a few more bottles. Besides, if you have so much money, I won't help you spend it. Other women will spend it too. Did you drop it?" Wu Qingya yelled.

"You also said that it is another woman. The word other is too precise, I like it." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Am I not a woman? What's wrong with me?" Wu Qingya was very angry.

She has always been a narcissistic person. The narcissistic confidence is naturally the capital of narcissism. Not to mention the good background, the figure and appearance are all first-class. Jiang Chen's words are too shocking.

"It's true that you are a woman, but you are not my woman, no, I feel sorry for spending money for you." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"Jiang Chen, I understand what you mean, hurry up and get the bar, one bottle is not enough, I need to get two bottles." Wu Qingya gave Jiang Chen another big wink, and said coquettishly.

Jiang Chen felt a chill.

What did Wu Qingya understand?

He himself seems to be a little unclear.

Jiang Chen went to fetch two bottles of red wine, and Wu Qingya skillfully opened both bottles of wine, and continued to pour and drink, and the speed of drinking like that was getting faster and faster.

"Wu Qingya, let me ask you a question first, how much alcohol can you drink?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"For red wine, four or five bottles." Wu Qingya replied casually.

"This means that you won't get drunk after drinking three bottles of red wine, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"Of course I won't get drunk. You want to get me drunk with just three bottles, and you underestimate me." Wu Qingya said disdainfully.

"In this way, I can rest assured." Jiang Chen was more or less relieved.

There are already one and a half drunks in this room.

One is Lin Baobao, and the other half is Ye Sichen.

One and a half, Jiang Chen was already a bit overwhelmed, if there was one more Wu Qingya, Jiang Chen's head would explode.

"What are you worried about? Are you afraid that I'll take advantage of you when I get drunk? Are you still shameless? I'm also worried that if I accidentally get drunk, you will take advantage of me." Wu Qingya was quite dissatisfied.

"Anyway, just don't get drunk." Jiang Chen said without arguing.

"Jiang Chen, why do I feel that your behavior today is a bit abnormal? Aren't you usually the most playful and provoking women, especially beautiful ones? But I see you, why do you have the intention of driving me away?" Wu Qingya He took a sip of red wine and asked suspiciously.

"There may be many people of the kind you mentioned in this world, but it's definitely not me." Jiang Chen said swearingly.

What does it mean that he is playing tricks on women?
When he grows up like this, do he still need to provoke women?
This is slander, baseless and shameless slander.

"Jiang Chen, I'm warning you, you better not mean that, otherwise the more you want to drive me away, the more I will hang on." Wu Qingya said.

"Anyway, I didn't mean that, so don't make excuses for yourself." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"It's better not." Wu Qingya said, with a grunt, another bottle of red wine was finished, and Wu Qingya started to deal with the third bottle of red wine.

Jiang Chen was watching from the side. After a while, Jiang Chen realized that something was wrong.

Because, Wu Qingya blushed.

Blushing was obviously not because of Wu Qingya's shyness, then there was a reason, he was deceived by Wu Qingya.

"Wu Qingya, you big liar." Jiang Chen yelled.

The amount of four or five bottles of red wine agreed was good, but the third bottle hadn't been finished yet, and Wu Qingya was about to die. Jiang Chen felt that his IQ was deeply insulted.

"How did I lie to you?" Wu Qingya said while exhaling alcohol, her eyes scanned Jiang Chen's body up and down, and the implication was nothing more than telling Jiang Chen that there was nothing in Jiang Chen that she could lie to. of.

"You said you can drink four or five bottles." Jiang Chen was a little angry.

"Yeah, I said, I'm not drunk, right? Besides, what if I'm drunk? Do you believe a woman's words?" Wu Qingya said, not sure if she was drunk enough, her tone Looks a lot frivolous.

"Yes, I'm too naive, how can I be so naive." Jiang Chen was very hurt.

"Jiang Chen, don't put on a show in front of me. Isn't this result what you want?" Wu Qingya drank the red wine and exhaled faintly.

"What do I want? Don't slander me, or I'll be in a hurry with you." Jiang Chen turned from angry to angry, and he didn't want to bully honest people like this.

"Fake it, just keep pretending, I want to see how long you can pretend." Wu Qingya grinned, hiccupped, picked up the third bottle of red wine and shook it. empty.

"There's nothing to pretend, while you're still awake, hurry up and leave." Jiang Chen said.

"Yo, what kind of trouble is this going to be? I feel ashamed for you just looking at this pretentiousness." Wu Qingya smiled broadly, stood up, and walked towards Jiang Chen step by step.

She was really drunk, and when she got up, she couldn't stand upright, and when she was walking, she staggered even more. After a few steps, she bumped into Jiang Chen's arms.

"It looks like I have to call you a substitute driver." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, have you ever heard a saying, women don't get drunk, men have no chance." As if she didn't hear Jiang Chen's words, Wu Qingya leaned into Jiang Chen's ear, giggling charmingly ...

(End of this chapter)

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