genius evil

Chapter 524 What to do before going to bed

Chapter 524 What to do before going to bed

"Trending little goblin!"

In an instant, such a sentence popped up in Jiang Chen's mind.

That's right, Wu Qingya at this moment is really a real grinder.

Fairies want to eat people.

Monk Tang went west to learn Buddhist scriptures, and he went through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships along the way. If he wanted to eat his goblins, he didn't know how many people there were.

Of course, in addition to the label of cannibalism, goblins have another extremely important label, that is, goblins are extremely beautiful and even coquettish.

Fairies that are not beautiful cannot be called fairies, at best they can only be called monsters.

Look, this one-word difference exposes nakedly, whether it is ancient or modern, it embodies the true meaning of judging people first by their faces everywhere.

Jiang Chen really felt that this bad habit was really annoying.

What Jiang Chen hated even more was that he found that he accidentally became the kind of person he hated.

But what made Jiang Chen difficult was that this was Wu Qingya's initiative to throw herself into her arms. It didn't matter whether he was drunk or not, what mattered was the initiative.

Since Wu Qingya took the initiative, how could he have the nerve to push Wu Qingya away?
Of course, if Wu Qingya was ugly and had a low figure, then Jiang Chen would either dodge her or kick her away the moment she fell over, and she would definitely not give Wu Qingya Taking advantage of drunkenness.

But, what did Wu Qingya mean by that?
What do you mean if a woman doesn't get drunk, a man has no chance?
Could it be humiliating him again?

When he grows up like this, he still needs to get the woman drunk to pick up girls, so that's too much for his good looks, for his taste?

Or, not humiliation, but seduction?
"Wu Qingya, you can talk nonsense when you're drunk, that's not acceptable." Jiang Chen said with a straight face.

"Did I say something wrong?" Wu Qingya was dumbfounded.

She said that she could drink four or five bottles of red wine, so she was deceiving Jiang Chen. With her drinking capacity, at most two bottles would be enough. She drank a full three bottles today. At this time, her body is so weak that she can't even stand still. Only by being able to lean against Jiang Chen's arms tightly can he sit on the ground without slipping.

The alcohol was getting high, and Wu Qingya couldn't even speak clearly, but fortunately, she still kept a little bit of sobriety.

"I think you should put it this way, facing a stunningly beautiful man like me, a woman will never have a chance if she is not drunk." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Stinky..." Wu Qingya almost didn't say anything. She wanted to say that smelly was shameless, but she just said one word, and swallowed the next few words.

"What stinks?" Jiang Chen pretended not to understand what Wu Qingya wanted to say.

"Stinky man." Wu Qingya changed her tone, giggling coquettishly, she held Jiang Chen's arm with one hand, and with the other hand, her fingertips lightly touched Jiang Chen's. On his forehead, he blinked and asked, "What do you think we should do next?"

"I think you should take a nap next." Jiang Chen gave a suggestion that he thought was quite good.

"Then what should I do before going to bed?" Wu Qingya asked again.

"Take off your clothes." Jiang Chen said casually. This question is really an idiot, without any technical content.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so bad, don't think that you can take off my clothes casually when I'm drunk, I've stated at the beginning that I'm not that kind of casual woman. " Wu Qingya said angrily.

"Are you used to sleeping with clothes on?" Jiang Chen expressed shock.

Wu Qingya was dumbfounded. Did she get it wrong, or did Jiang Chen get it wrong?
Why is it that Jiang Chen is clearly pretending to be stupid, and it sounds very reasonable, making it impossible to refute.

"I'm not used to sleeping with clothes on. Let me tell you a secret. Don't tell others. I don't wear clothes when I sleep." Wu Qingya lowered her voice and said mysteriously.

"I will definitely keep it a secret for you." Jiang Chen's righteous words, and the picture Wu Qingya said, after a little association, he found that the picture was a little blurry.

After all, he has never seen Wu Qingya without clothes, has he?

"Also, let me tell you, you have to take a shower before going to bed, you super stupid." Wu Qingya tapped Jiang Chen's forehead with her finger again.

"That's right, you smell of alcohol, you should take a bath before going to bed." Jiang Chen suddenly realized and nodded.

"Then I'm going to take a shower." Wu Qingya left Jiang Chen's embrace, took steps, and staggered towards the bathroom.

Jiang Chen grabbed her arm, and Wu Qingya turned around. Whether intentionally or not, she fell into Jiang Chen's arms again, and said in a charming tone: "Smelly man, do you want to take a bath with me?"

"You think beautiful." Jiang Chen gave Wu Qingya a white look, and said, "This is not a place for you to take a bath, you have to go home and wash."

Hearing the sound, Wu Qingya was stunned for a moment, and then her body trembled with anger. Her consciousness, which was drowsy due to drinking too much alcohol, became sober in an instant.

First, she purposely got herself drunk, then she said that if a woman is not drunk, a man has no chance, then she wants to take off her clothes and take a bath, and then she seduces Jiang Chen to take a bath together... Could it be that she has done so much, and she hasn't behaved clearly enough?
Jiang Chen actually asked her to go home to take a shower. The implication was that he rejected her seduction, or that he didn't understand that she was seducing him?

"Could it be possible to tell Jiang Chen directly that I came here this time to seduce him?" Wu Qingya thought in her heart.

With such thoughts in mind, Wu Qingya looked at Jiang Chen's eyes, a little absent-minded.

The number of contacts with Jiang Chen is not too small. In Wu Qingya's heart, Jiang Chen has always been the kind of smart, witty, humorous and funny man who can please women and is considerate.

Why, today's Jiang Chen is so incomprehensible?Turned into a piece of wood?
"No, I'm going to wash here." Wu Qingya said angrily.

"You don't have a change of clothes." Jiang Chen kindly reminded.

"After I take a shower, I don't wear any clothes." Wu Qingya didn't need Jiang Chen's kindness.

"I am a big man, and you are a woman, is it appropriate for you not to wear clothes?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean? I don't mind taking advantage of you. You just have to have fun. Don't talk nonsense here." Wu Qingya pushed Jiang Chen away, and rushed to the bathroom in a few steps. The door went in.

After that, he locked the door, as if he was afraid that if he moved too slowly, Jiang Chen would grab him out of the bathroom and throw him outside the door.

After a while, there was the sound of dripping water in the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of the water, Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest thought of being charming. The only thing left was a headache, which was about to explode.

What he was most worried about finally happened.

In this room, the number of drunks was very successful, from one and a half to two and a half.

Ye Sichen's side was okay with talking, and it was perfunctory and perfunctory.

But whether it is Lin Baobao or Wu Qingya, it is not so easy to dismiss.

In terms of personalities, these two women are somewhat similar, and the most common point is that they are both very courageous.

The wine is strong and cowardly!
This is not something I said casually.

When a person's courage is not cowardly, give her another bottle of wine, and she can transform into the monkey that is making trouble in the heaven.

Jiang Chen, who didn't intend to drink at first, took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, sat on the sofa and drank the wine.

Whether it is good fortune or romantic encounter, he is never short of it.

Be it Lin Baobao, Ye Sichen, or Wu Qingya who appeared out of nowhere, these three women, whoever comes here, are definitely ordinary men, an affair that is unattainable in a lifetime.

But the biggest problem is that the three of them are now in the same room.

I haven't met them yet, so it's easy to say anything, but if I'm not careful, the three women will have a face-to-face meeting. Thinking about Jiang Chen's scene, Jiang Chen would feel very horrified.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Just as Jiang Chen had a glass of wine, outside, the sound of knocking on the door resounded like the sky.

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Jiang Chen almost didn't cry.

At this time, the person who knocked on the door knew it was from Sister Mi without even thinking about it. The one who should come, finally came.

"Jiang Chen, I know you are in the room, hurry up and open the door." Soon, Sister Mi's voice came in, and she knocked on the door even harder while talking.

Jiang Chen had no doubts at all, if he waited another minute and refused to open the door, Miss Mi would definitely have to find someone to tear down the door.

Bite the bullet, Jiang Chen got up and walked over, and opened the door.

Outside the door, the woman's face was full of anger, her eyebrows and eyes were erected, and she was full of evil spirit.

"Where's Si Chen?" Probe, glanced into the room, and Sister Mi asked immediately.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen took two steps back, pointed at the wine bottle on the small table and smiled, "Sister Mi, do you want to drink?"

There were already two half-drunk men in the room, and Jiang Chen was on the verge of breaking the cans, so he didn't mind getting another one drunk at all.

"Where's Si Chen?" Sister Mi ignored Jiang Chen's words and asked herself.

"The red wine here is not counted. I see that you are under a lot of work pressure, so you just have a drink to relax." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, stop playing sloppy with me here, if you really bully Si Chen, I will definitely not let you go." Sister Mi said viciously.

Sister Mi knew that Ye Sichen trusted Jiang Chen, unreservedly.

Even, because Ye Sichen's living environment was too different, Ye Sichen didn't have any relationship with peers and friends. Ye Sichen could be said to be a little dependent on Jiang Chen.

It's not that Sister Mi really has that bad impression of Jiang Chen, nor does it mean that she doesn't trust Jiang Chen, but it's obvious what will happen to a hotel room, a lonely man and a widow.

Jiang Chen was so playful, and the women around him were one after another, each prettier than the other. Ye Sichen came to the hotel room to look for Jiang Chen. no difference.

How can this make Miss Mi not in a hurry?
"Why don't you let me go?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"You'll know." Sister Mi replied fiercely, and when she finished speaking, she could hear the sound of water dripping from the bathroom.

Hearing that sound, a bad premonition arose spontaneously.Miss Mi's face suddenly changed, and in the next second, she bared her teeth and claws, and rushed towards Jiang Chen!

(End of this chapter)

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