genius evil

Chapter 525 Said You Are Not Good For Me

Chapter 525 Said You Are Not Good For Me
"Jiang Chen, you shameless beast, I will fight you." Miss Mi, who jumped at Jiang Chen, yelled loudly.

"You haven't even had a drink yet, so you've started drinking like crazy?" Jiang Chen was rather bewildered, and reached out his hand to grab Sister Mi's hands.

"I'm not drunk, I was driven crazy by you." Sister Mi was extremely emotional, and after her hand was caught, she raised her foot and kicked Jiang Chen's crotch suddenly.

"Cutting off the feet of children and grandchildren, do you want to be so ruthless?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and with a touch of his knee, he shook off Miss Mi's kick.

Sister Mi didn't give up, raised her foot and kicked again, once again cutting off her children and grandchildren.

Seeing the woman's reluctance, Jiang Chen was confused and had a headache at the same time, so he clamped his legs tightly, and tightly clamped the foot that Sister Mi kicked over.

Who knew, after her feet were clamped, Miss Mi suddenly lowered her head, opened her mouth and bit Jiang Chen's arm.

"You belong to a dog." Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, and his other hand, like lightning, grabbed Mi Jie's chin to avoid being poisoned.

"Jiang Chen, drive me away." Sister Mi screamed.

"How did I offend you?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

The words are good, the speed of Mi Jie's turning face is too fast, she can't even turn the book at this speed.

"Jiang Chen, you are still shameless, do you have the nerve to say that?" Sister Mi said hysterically.

"Why am I embarrassed?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"You beast, dirty, not human." Sister Mi was so excited that her voice was a little hoarse.

"Can we talk properly?" Jiang Chen was confused.

Although Sister Mi's temperament is the aggressive kind, she has never seen Sister Mi so angry, it seems that he has done something to her.

No, maybe even if he accidentally did something to Mi Jie, Mi Jie probably wouldn't react like this.

"Speak well?" Sister Mi sneered, looked towards the bathroom, and said sharply, "Jiang Chen, do you think I don't want to talk to you anymore? But now, what else can I say?"

The sound of water coming from the bathroom was very clear in my ears.

And from the sound of the water, one could tell that someone was taking a bath in the bathroom.

Who is the person taking a bath? For Sister Mi, the answer is ready to come out.

She called Ye Sichen earlier, and when she learned that Ye Sichen was in the hotel room where Jiang Chen was, she hurried over immediately.

Sister Mi drove very fast, and she also thought that she was fast enough.

However, judging from the current situation, she still came too slowly.

It was Ye Sichen taking a shower in the bathroom.

Why did Ye Sichen take a bath?
This answer, for a woman who is physically and mentally healthy, the answer is also ready to come out.

In addition, because she lived with Ye Sichen and knew Ye Sichen's life habits very well, Sister Mi knew what it was like for Ye Sichen to take a bath at this time.

Because Ye Sichen has the habit of taking a bath after getting up every morning.

That is to say, Ye Sichen had already taken a shower this morning.

A woman who has taken a shower and takes a bath in a man's bathroom can only show that she has a relationship with that man.

This is also the reason why Sister Mi suddenly became extremely angry after hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom, and even wanted to fight Jiang Chen desperately.

However, Jiang Chen was still talking about insignificant things. Sister Mi was so angry that she almost fainted, thinking that calling Jiang Chen a beast was just flattering Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is simply not as good as a beast!

"What's the matter now, you should make it clear." Jiang Chen said without knowing why.

"Who is taking a shower in the bathroom?" Sister Mi questioned, she wanted to see how long Jiang Chen could argue.

"Uh, a woman." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

Although Wu Qingya had just entered the bathroom, according to women's habit of taking a bath, she probably didn't come out so soon.

But if Sister Mi keeps making troubles and doesn't leave, she will definitely see Wu Qingya.

Another point is that, without thinking about it, everyone understands that only women can take a bath in the bathroom... For men, go as far as you want.

"Of course I know it's a woman, I'm asking who you are." Sister Mi said while staring at Jiang Chen.

"Do you have to say the name?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You want me to make it clear, why, but you can't explain it yourself?" Sister Mi sneered.

"Of course not, I just feel that this is purely my personal privacy and a little hobby, so there is no need to tell you too much." Jiang Chen said a little embarrassed.

"Isn't your hobby women? What can't you say?" Sister Mi said contemptuously.

Jiang Chen also widened his eyes, glared at Sister Mi, and asked, "What's wrong with my hobby being women? I'm a big man, isn't it normal to like women?"

"Jiang Chen, you spend your days and nights, you are romantic and happy, it has nothing to do with me, but there are some women, you shouldn't touch them." Mi Jie's face was ashen.

"I understand, just like you, I will never touch it." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, humbly accepting the instruction.


Sister Mi struggled to break free from Jiang Chen's hand holding her chin, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth, showing a tendency to go crazy.

"Sister Mi, tell me the truth, are you really a dog?" Seeing this, Jiang Chen asked.

"You are a dog, do you think I don't like you touching me?" Sister Mi said angrily.

Is she a very bad woman?

Jiang Chen said that she would never touch someone like her, which was too shocking.

For a normal woman, this situation is absolutely intolerable.

"I didn't say you didn't like me touching you, I just gave you an example." Jiang Chen had an innocent face.

"Apologize." Sister Mi said coldly.

"Okay... okay..." Jiang Chen almost didn't raise his hands to surrender. Seeing that the situation was wrong, he quickly dismissed the idea of ​​raising his hands. I have to gnaw off a piece of meat on him.

"I sincerely apologize to you." Jiang Chen said sincerely, "Sister Mi, you are as beautiful as a flower, and your suitors are like the crucian carp in the river. It's my turn to touch you, isn't it?"

Hearing the sound, Sister Mi's face looked a little better now, she snorted coldly and said, "What else?"

"What else?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Say, you're wrong." Sister Mi said.

"I was wrong." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Say you're not good enough for me." Sister Mi said again.


Jiang Chen followed the words smoothly, and when the words came to his lips, he suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

What does it mean that he is not good enough for her?
He, Jiang Chen, is completely worthy of any woman in this world, okay?
Does this woman's revenge mentality need to be so serious?

"Say." Sister Mi urged.

That's right, she was deliberately taking revenge on Jiang Chen, who made Jiang Chen say so much.

"What do you want me to say?" Jiang Chen begged for mercy with a bitter face, and said, "Sister Mi, please hold me high and let me go."

"Let's see if you dare to talk nonsense next time." It was rare to see Jiang Chen so deflated, and Miss Mi became a little proud.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely speak seriously next time." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"Hmph." Sister Mi was finally satisfied, but soon, Sister Mi realized that she seemed to be brought into the ditch by Jiang Chen inadvertently.

She didn't come here to discuss with Jiang Chen who is worthy and who is not. She came here because of Ye Sichen. Why did the problem turn to her?

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to change the subject, who is the woman in the bathroom?" With her mind turning, Miss Mi quickly changed the subject.

"Did I change the subject?" Jiang Chen was so annoyed, it was obviously Miss Mi who changed the subject, how about you?

"Who is it?" Sister Mi's eyes were sharp.

She already believed that the woman taking a bath in the bathroom was Ye Sichen, but she wanted to hear Jiang Chen say Ye Sichen's name from Jiang Chen's mouth.

"Is this question so important? It's worth your entanglement? You are a woman, why are you so interested in another woman?" Jiang Chen was very suspicious.

"Let go...let me go..." Miss Mi couldn't bear Jiang Chen's eyes every minute, and struggled vigorously again.

Jiang Chen naturally couldn't let go of Miss Mi, and he wasn't stupid.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't let go, I will call the police and say that you are forcibly detaining me and plotting against me." Sister Mi threatened.

Jiang Chen was startled, he loosened his grip on Sister Mi, and quickly took two steps back to keep a safe distance from Sister Mi.

What a joke.

Does he seem like such a horny man?

Although the confinement in a secret room sounds very exciting, but he, Jiang Chen, is really not good at that.

Jiang Chen's reaction made Sister Mi angry again. She was just threatening Jiang Chen, and she didn't really want to call the police. Even if she really called the police, she couldn't use that reason.

Jiang Chen can be shameless, but how about she?
But right now, Sister Mi didn't have time to argue so much with Jiang Chen. After breaking away from Jiang Chen's control, she strode towards the bathroom, raised her hand, and knocked hard on the door.

"Come out." Sister Mi said while knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" A resentful voice came from the bathroom.

Hearing that voice, Mi Jie couldn't help being stunned. It's a woman, but it's not Ye Sichen. You don't need to see anyone, you can tell it from the voice.

After staying for a while, Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen as if she was stupid.

Jiang Chen shrugged, expressing that he didn't know anything.

"Who is the woman taking a bath inside?" Sister Mi asked in a daze.

"It will come out soon, there is no need to say the name." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

What Jiang Chen said was correct. About a minute later, there was a slight squeak, and Wu Qingya, who was wrapped in a bathrobe, came out of the bathroom with mist.

As for Sister Mi, after seeing Wu Qingya's face clearly, she was stunned again. She almost couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes, how could it be this woman?

(End of this chapter)

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