genius evil

Chapter 526

Chapter 526
"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with this woman?" Wu Qingya naturally saw Sister Mi, her brows were erected, and she became unhappy.

Could it be that she didn't have enough women, so Jiang Chen brought another woman over?
With Jiang Chen's small body, can Jiang Chen do it?
Immediately after thinking about it, Wu Qingya became angry.

Jiang Chen is going too far, who is she, Wu Qingya, who actually intends to let her serve him with another woman?

"She came looking for someone." Jiang Chen said casually.

Ever since Sister Mi suspected that the person taking a bath in the bathroom was Ye Sichen, Jiang Chen had already anticipated what would happen when the two girls met, but Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, it wasn't Ye Sichen who came out.

"Of course she came to find someone." Wu Qingya rolled her eyes. Sister Mi was not only here to find someone, she was also here to find Jiang Chen... To be precise, it was Jiang Chen who recruited Sister Mi.

"Are you Wu Qingya?" Sister Mi asked at this moment, fascinated.

"You know me?" Wu Qingya frowned subconsciously.

"You really are." Sister Mi murmured.

Suddenly, Sister Mi realized why Jiang Chen refused to say the woman's name after telling her that there was a woman taking a bath in the bathroom.

Because, Jiang Chen couldn't say anything at all.

The dispute between Jiang Chen and the Wu family was so tense. It could be said that the Wu family wanted to fight Jiang Chen forever. Under such circumstances, Wu Qingya appeared in Jiang Chen's room and took a bath in the bathroom. If the news got out, the Wu family would probably be turned upside down.

After realizing this, Miss Mi realized that she had misunderstood Jiang Chen.

She wholeheartedly thought that it was Ye Sichen who was taking a shower in the bathroom, but who knew that it was Wu Qingya who walked out, and those impulsive behaviors she did to Jiang Chen and her gaffes made Sister Mi's face change. Gotta be hot.

So embarrassing.



But, didn't Ye Sichen say that he was in Jiang Chen's room?
Why didn't she see Ye Sichen after she came?
Could it be that Ye Sichen knew she would find her, so he sneaked away?
After thinking about it for a while, Sister Mi felt that this possibility was very high. After all, Ye Sichen still listened to her very much. She also reminded Ye Sichen not to drink Jiang Chen's drinks, let alone drink alcohol. Tell Ye Sichen that Jiang Chen is a dangerous person.

Ye Sichen was pure and simple, but he was not stupid, and he could still understand what she meant, so he left.

Sister Mi felt very relieved, it was good that Ye Sichen had left, this meant that Ye Sichen was not harmed by Jiang Chen, and what she was most worried about did not happen.

"Who are you?" Wu Qingya stared at Sister Mi and asked, her eyes gradually becoming ugly.

Wu Qingya is a member of the Wu family, and she knows better than anyone else what the Wu family's attitude towards Jiang Chen is.

She came to look for Jiang Chen, wrapped herself like a rice dumpling, sneakily, in order to avoid being recognized by others.

She was careful along the way, successfully entered Jiang Chen's room, did some tricks, and took a shower... She took a shower, what happened next, it's a matter of course, isn't it?

Seeing that the trick was about to succeed, there was actually an extra woman in Jiang Chen's room.

It's fine if it's just one more woman, the worst is to drive him away, no matter what Jiang Chen's idea is, she, Wu Qingya, is impossible to serve Jiang Chen with another woman.

However, Sister Mi recognized Wu Qingya, which just made Wu Qingya feel troubled.

Of course, even if Wu Qingya's head was broken, she would never have imagined that things would undergo such a dramatic change. She escaped the eyes and ears of the Wu family's careful weaving, but turned over in the gutter.

"You don't need to know who I am." Sister Mi said, she didn't want to cause trouble.

"That's right, I don't need to know who you are." Wu Qingya smiled, and the words that came out of her mouth were indifferent and devoid of human touch, "Jiang Chen, kill her."

"Kill me?" Sister Mi's expression changed slightly.

What does this mean, killing people?
"It was you who killed me. Don't blame me for being ruthless. If you want to blame it, blame you for seeing something you shouldn't." Wu Qingya said noncommittally.

"Your matter has nothing to do with me..." Sister Mi tried to explain.

"Needless to say so much, I only believe in dead people." Wu Qingya interrupted Mi Jie unceremoniously, and said again: "Jiang Chen, take action and kill her."

"Wu Qingya, don't you think you're going too far? Don't you think I'm easy to bully? Do you know who I am?" Sister Mi regained her aggressive nature in an instant.

Wu Qingya kept saying that she wanted to kill her, as if she was a sheep waiting to be slaughtered, which made Sister Mi feel extremely uncomfortable.

It's true that Wu Qingya's background is extraordinary, but she is not easy to bully.

"Didn't you just say that I don't need to know who you are? Now that I think about it, you want to tell me who you are?" Wu Qingya said mockingly.

In fact, Wu Qingya knew Sister Mi.

There's no way, Ye Sichen is too famous, even if he doesn't pay attention to what's going on in the entertainment industry, it's inevitable that he will occasionally see news about Ye Sichen.

As Ye Sichen's manager, Sister Mi acted as an escort. Whenever Ye Sichen appeared in the news, eight out of ten times, Sister Mi could be seen.

However, if Sister Mi didn't recognize her identity, Wu Qingya didn't intend to point it out, just pretend that Sister Mi never showed up.

However, since Sister Mi recognized her, even if she wanted to pretend, there was no way to pretend.

"It seems that you know my identity." Sister Mi is a smart person, and when she heard Wu Qingya's tone of voice, she immediately understood.

"How do you know? So what if you don't know?" Wu Qingya said in a flat tone, "Ye Sichen does have some background, if it is not necessary, even I would not be willing to offend her, but Wu Qingya is Wu Qingya, what do you think? What is it? It’s just a manager, how dare you speak nonsense in front of me?”

"Have you thought it through clearly, are you really going to kill me?" Sister Mi asked coldly.

"Needless to say that there are some of these, just like you, I will kill ten of them in one go without even blinking." Wu Qingya laughed endlessly.

Instead, Wu Qingya said to Jiang Chen for the third time: "Jiang Chen, don't be in a daze, do it."

"Hit your sister." Jiang Chen cursed loudly.

"What's the matter? Lianxiangxiyu?" Wu Qingya smiled, but what she said was quite stern, she said: "Jiang Chen, this woman has recognized my identity, what kind of trouble will it cause you? It is conceivable that you are a smart person and understand what I am talking about."

"It's true that I'm a smart person, but why don't I understand what you mean at all?" Jiang Chen was puzzled, and he said, "Maybe it will bring you trouble, but I really don't know, it will bring me trouble." What trouble."

Wu Qingya was speechless for a while.

It seems that Jiang Chen's words are not without reason.

Jiang Chen was right, he had already made trouble with the Wu family like that, so what trouble could he be afraid of?A typical dead pig is not afraid of boiling water... No, it is because there are too many lice and it is not afraid of itching.

On the contrary, it was her herself. Once the things here were leaked out, she would definitely end up being abandoned by the Wu family, and she would be in big trouble.

"Jiang Chen, is this woman so good? Better than me? Is it too much to ask you to kill her?" Wu Qingya asked angrily.

"Harmonious society, fighting and killing, it's too disturbing." Jiang Chen glanced at Sister Mi, blinked, and said, "A woman who is not even worthy of me, Jiang Chen, do you think it's okay?"

Wu Qingya didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant, but Sister Mi blushed quietly, she couldn't help but be ashamed.

While being ashamed, Miss Mi was a little moved.

She treated Jiang Chen like that just now, but Jiang Chen ignored the past. Sister Mi felt that she had gone too far, and she owed Jiang Chen an apology.

Miss Mi is not the kind of woman who twists Nini, and soon she said: "Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, I apologize to you."

"It's okay, I'm often misunderstood anyway, like, you two are misunderstood each other and I have some shady relationship, in fact, I am so affectionate and so pure, not any woman can get involved mine."

Sister Mi and Wu Qingya looked at each other with black lines all over their heads.

deep feeling?

Pure and clean?

The relationship between these two adjectives and Jiang Chen is completely irreconcilable, okay?
"I didn't realize that Jiang Chen listened enough to you. He clearly knew that you might cause him great trouble, but he still couldn't bear to kill you... But, it's okay not to kill you. Make an oath that after you get out, you won't be killed." Talking nonsense." Wu Qingya said to Sister Mi.

The result she really wanted was for Jiang Chen to kill Sister Mi, and it would be over once and for all.

If Jiang Chen didn't do anything, she couldn't do anything about Jiang Chen, but it was necessary to beat Sister Mi.

"If you don't want me to spread what I saw here, just shut up. Otherwise, I can't guarantee anything." Miss Mi said tit for tat.

"Are you threatening me?" Wu Qingya looked unfriendly.

"Yeah, I'm just threatening you." Sister Mi retorted, puffing out her chest.

Others are afraid of Wu Qingya and worry about Wu Qingya's identity, but she is not afraid.

She is not an unreasonable person, but it depends on who she is talking to, if Wu Qingya is so unreasonable, it is impossible for her to be reasonable.

"Sister Mi, you are so brave. Even if Jiang Chen doesn't kill you, I will make you unable to survive in the capital with just a word. Do you believe it?" Wu Qingya was angry.

"Let me just say something casually, you can't get along in the capital, can you?" Seeing that Wu Qingya looked like a defeated rooster, Sister Mi smiled with incomparable contempt.

"You—" Wu Qingya was immediately discouraged, unable to utter a word.

Also, if she can't get along in the capital, it's a big deal for Miss Mi to develop in another place, and her fate is doomed to be extremely miserable.

What else could Wu Qingya say?

She failed to threaten Sister Mi, but was threatened by Sister Mi instead, which inevitably frustrated Wu Qingya.

"What's the noise? You don't want people to sleep." Wu Qingya was speechless for a while, but at this moment, a door opened, and a figure staggered out, pouting pink. Red lips, muttering, with dissatisfaction on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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