genius evil

Chapter 527 So cute 1 Must be a boy

Chapter 527 So cute must be a boy

The one who ran out of the room was Lin Baobao. After being drunk, Lin Baobao had an incomparably charming demeanor, and that little round face that was puffed up because of dissatisfaction made it even more charming and cute.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the unusual atmosphere right now, Jiang Chen couldn't help but want to hug Baobao Lin and kiss her hard on the cheek.


"She is?"


Seeing Baobao Lin coming out of the room, whether it was Miss Mi or Wu Qingya, the second daughter was in a mess.

What's the situation?

Why is there a woman in the room?
Especially Miss Mi, when she saw Baobao Lin, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

The relationship between Jiang Chen and Wu Qingya is inexplicable and unclear, but unexpectedly, there are other women in this room.

Does this mean that Jiang Chen is playing the game of killing two birds with one stone?

Furthermore, Sister Mi could tell that both Wu Qingya and Lin Baobao who had just come out drank a lot of wine, Wu Qingya was slightly better, and Lin Baobao was so drunk that he probably couldn't tell the north from the south.


Sister Mi cursed in the depths of her heart.

She was thankful again, fortunately she had vaccinated Ye Sichen in advance, and Ye Sichen left here, otherwise, this place would be so messy.

Jiang Chen is so wretched!
Not human!

"Jiang Chen, what's going on." Wu Qingya almost didn't collapse.

One sister Mi is already enough to make her burn out. Now that there is another Lin Baobao, is Jiang Chen going to play her rhythm to death?
If she had known that Jiang Chen had other women here, even if she was beaten to death, she would not have chosen to come to Jiang Chen today. She could definitely come back tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow.

It's really not good, it's okay the day after tomorrow, isn't it?
The emergence of this kind of situation made Wu Qingya wonder if she forgot to read the almanac when she went out today, otherwise how could she be so unlucky and sad?
Of course, by this time, Wu Qingya finally understood why Jiang Chen's attitude was so weird today, he didn't welcome her that much, and deliberately misinterpreted her meaning in various ways.

Dare to love, because it is not convenient for Jiang Chen to have a woman here.

As for her, under Jiang Chen's repeated hints, she was so obsessed that she didn't react at all.

"My friend." Jiang Chen said with a smile, slightly guilty.

"Friend?" Wu Qingya sneered.

Hell my friends, they're all so drunk, if it wasn't for her or Miss Mi's appearance, they would have to have sex there right now.

"Believe it or not, you are really my friend." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I believe you are a ghost." Wu Qingya said angrily.

"Why don't you believe me when I tell the truth?" Jiang Chen looked aggrieved.

"Nonsense." Wu Qingya rolled her eyes.

"Sister Mi, do you believe it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Should I believe it?" Sister Mi asked back.

If Jiang Chen must deceive himself and others like this, then she should believe it. Although she didn't believe it from the bottom of her heart, if she wanted to believe it, she would be the biggest idiot in the world.

"What do you mean you should believe? You should have believed." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Okay, I believe it." Sister Mi said then.

Jiang Chen was quite speechless, why did these words sound so awkward?

"It seems that you two don't believe it, right, my Jiang Chen's character, in the eyes of the two of you, is that it?" Jiang Chen was a little angry.

"Do you have character?" Wu Qingya asked wonderingly.

She had never seen such a thing as character on Jiang Chen.

"I think it's time for me to prove my character. My pure character will never allow people to slander me." Jiang Chen was very angry, walked over, and gently pinched Lin Baobao's face with his hands.

"Cute, isn't it?" Jiang Chen asked feeling the greasy texture.

Wu Qingya and Miss Mi nodded together.

There is no doubt that Lin Baobao is cute.

Perhaps, there are many adjectives that can be used to describe Baobao Lin, but when anyone sees Baobao Lin for the first time, the word "cute" will involuntarily pop up in his mind.

"Such a cute girl, would I be willing to bully her?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"A beast will occasionally do something worse than a beast." Wu Qingya said quietly.

"Okay, you won. In fact, don't look at her so cute. She is only 12 years old. Even if I am a beast, no matter how beastly I am, I can't do that. Do you understand?" Jiang Chen started to make up things.

"12 years old? It's really well developed, ha ha." Wu Qingya smiled extremely strangely.

Just Lin Baobao's figure, 12 years old?
You know, even she, looking at Lin Baobao's figure, is very envious and jealous, okay?

Especially Lin Baobao's breasts, it was a huge hit. Although her breasts were good in size, compared with Lin Baobao, there was still a big gap.

At this moment, Miss Mi decided that Jiang Chen really treated her like an idiot.

She didn't know how old Lin Baobao was, but it was definitely more than 12 years old... Even if Lin Baobao was really only 12 years old, Jiang Chen couldn't help but commit crimes with this figure, right?
"I've already proved it so clearly, but you still don't believe me. This is really embarrassing for me." Jiang Chen looked helpless.

"Jiang Chen, don't waste your time, just tell me what you mean." Wu Qingya put her arms around her chest and said in a questioning tone.

"You might not believe it when you tell it." Jiang Chen said coyly as if he hadn't heard Wu Qingya's words.

Wu Qingya and Miss Mi didn't reply, they waited to see what Jiang Chen would make up. The two of them were also very curious about what else Jiang Chen could do.

"You two, don't you think she's too cute? She's so cute, she's actually a boy." Jiang Chen added.




Wu Qingya and Sister Mi vomited at the same time. This is not to treat them as idiots, but to insult the IQ of both of them without limit.

"Believe it now?" Jiang Chen was secretly happy.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop being so disgusting? He is also drunk, otherwise he will definitely fight you hard." Miss Mi said angrily.

"This is the truth." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen... Jiang Chen..." Lin Baobaoruo's voice sounded like a whisper.

"It's nothing to do with you, hurry back and continue sleeping," Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I can't find the buttons on my clothes, please help me take off my clothes." Lin Baobao said in a low voice when his mind was so dizzy.

It seemed that he was embarrassed because he couldn't find the button.

"I'll take it off for you later." Jiang Chen froze for a moment.

At this moment, Wu Qingya and Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen with a very meaningful look.

Lin Baobao asked Jiang Chen to take off his clothes, what about the agreed character?What about Bing Qing Yu Jie?
"I don't." Baby Lin shook his head vigorously, his small head shook like a rattle, and he said, "I want you to take it off now."

"Baby Lin, don't go too far, I, Jiang Chen, am not a casual man." Jiang Chen said loudly.


"I'm really not a casual man. Your request is too embarrassing for me. Besides, I'm not very good at undressing women." Jiang Chen pretended to have a headache.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop pretending to be a wolf with a big tail? I feel disgusted when I look at it? Is it not convenient for me and Sister Mi to be here, or can we avoid it for a while? Is an hour enough for you? "Wu Qingya couldn't stand it anymore.

"At least two hours." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Have you finally admitted it?" Wu Qingya heheed again.

"Hey, what did I admit?" Jiang Chen said pretendingly.

"Jiang Chen, quickly undress me." Lin Baobao suddenly became angry.

Her character itself has a delicate side, cuteness can be said to be just a disguised appearance, even if she is drunk, her character in her bones has not changed at all.

When the request was not met for a long time, Lin Baobao exploded.

"Don't take it off." Jiang Chen said, he is also a person with a temper.

"Woooo, Jiang Chen, you bullied me, woooo...Jiang Chen, you big villain, I just let you take off your clothes, so fierce, you scared the baby." Lin Baobao cried and fell limply on Jiang Chen's lap. In the arms, rub and rub.

Wu Qingya and Miss Mi looked extremely cold.

It's shameful to be cute, okay?

It's just that both of them have to admit that when Lin Baobao started showing off his cuteness, it was really cute.

In an instant, the two daughters came up with an idea, that is to rush up and help Baobao Lin take off her clothes... To be exact, she helped Baobao Lin take off her skirt.

He was wearing a skirt, so he couldn't find the buttons. How much wine did he have to drink to get confused like this?
Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it's not good to really take off the skirt on Baby Lin's body, it's not that he doesn't want to take it off, it's because the timing is wrong, besides, there's nothing he can do if he takes it off, on the contrary, he will tease himself so much.

A finger pressed lightly on the back of Lin Baobao's neck, Lin Baobao's eyes closed immediately, and with a soft humming sound from his nose, he fell asleep.

"It's finally quiet." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, you're good at it. Since you're so powerful, why do you still drink other girls?" Wu Qingya asked.

Lin Baobao fell asleep at one o'clock. From Wu Qingya's point of view, pouring alcohol was undoubtedly an unnecessary act, or did Jiang Chen have some unknown hobby?
"If I say that she got herself drunk, the two of you will definitely not believe it." Jiang Chen had no choice but to pick up Baobao Lin, intending to send him to the room.

Who would have known that just as Jiang Chen moved his feet, he heard a creak. Another door opened in the room. The drunk-eyed Ye Sichen was holding a red wine bottle in one hand and a glass in the other. Holding a red wine glass, he walked out with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, cheers!" Ye Sichen grinned, incomparably childish.

Sister Mi looked at it and felt a "buzz", her head was about to explode!
(End of this chapter)

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