genius evil

Chapter 528 I Will Be Responsible For You

Chapter 528 I Will Be Responsible For You
"Ye Sichen?" With a tsk-tsk, Wu Qingya said softly. While talking, she quickly glanced at Sister Mi, and vaguely understood why Sister Mi appeared at Jiang Chen's place.

The reason why she only glanced at Sister Mi is because Wu Qingya doesn't care much about the reason and purpose of Sister Mi's appearance, and she is still competing with Sister Mi, so she doesn't care about Sister Mi's business .

Wu Qingya was attracted by Ye Sichen.

To be honest, even though she kept scolding Jiang Chen, when she saw Ye Sichen, Wu Qingya admired Jiang Chen a little bit.

First of all, I admire Jiang Chen for being shameless enough. After all, if the level of shamelessness is not enough, it is impossible to do such a thing.

You know, whether it is Lin Baobao or Ye Sichen, they are all the kind of women who are one in a million. In the true sense, there are goddess-level existences. How many people kneel down and ask for it, but Jiang Chen is good. Close the door for a while Sitting on two, don't say Yanfu is too good.

Secondly, what Wu Qingya admired was Jiang Chen's way of picking up girls.

Under Jiang Chen's claws, even Ye Sichen could not escape, and judging from the current signs, it is estimated that Ye Sichen took the initiative to send him to the door. Jiang Chen is going against the rhythm of the sky.

"You all know each other." Jiang Chen held Baobao Lin in his arms and fixed there, he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave, his face was full of embarrassment.

"Jiang Chen, do you have anything to say now?" Sister Mi asked in a cold voice, taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger deep in her heart.

After seeing the existence of Wu Qingya and Lin Baobao, Sister Mi felt fortunate more than once that Ye Sichen had left the hotel, otherwise she might not be able to escape Jiang Chen's clutches.

But the reality is that Sister Mi even has the idea of ​​killing Jiang Chen.

It was a waste of time for her to say good things to Jiang Chen by herself, it was a waste of time for her to apologize to Jiang Chen, this Liangzi is too big.

"Oh, silly Baitian seems to be drunk, do you want to take her back to rest?" Jiang Chen cautiously suggested.

Sister Mi naturally saw the red wine bottle and red wine in Ye Sichen's hand, and also saw that Ye Sichen was drunk, a resentment filled her heart.

On the phone, she reminded Ye Sichen so much not to drink, let alone drink.

Ye Sichen was fine, he didn't mind drinking, but he actually got himself drunk, did he take her words as wind on his ears?

For a split second, Miss Mi didn't know whether to be disappointed or sad.

But Sister Mi still went forward and helped Ye Sichen who was unable to stand still.

"Is that all?" Sister Mi still stared at Jiang Chen.

"If it's inconvenient to go back, I can open a room here." Jiang Chen said bitterly.

"And then?" Miss Mi stared at Jiang Chen not to relax.

"Then? It seems like it's almost time, why don't I treat you to lunch?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, so you also have a guilty conscience?" Sister Mi said coldly.

"Let's stop drinking when we have lunch later," Jiang Chen said.

"Why don't you drink it? Aren't you the best at drinking women's wine? Am I not a woman anymore?" Sister Mi said sarcastically.

"This is a big misunderstanding." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

First of all, Lin Baobao wanted to drink by herself, and Wu Qingya also wanted to drink by herself. As for, she asked Ye Sichen to drink, it was a bad joke, she deliberately teased Miss Mi, who told Miss Mi to say that on the phone Woolen cloth.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen had no intention of getting Ye Sichen drunk, not at all.

But who would have thought that Ye Sichen took away the red wine and wine glasses, obviously to destroy the corpse, so why did he get himself drunk in the room?

Doesn't this make him a scapegoat?
"I don't think there is any misunderstanding. If there is, then you are deliberately creating a misunderstanding." Miss Mi said indifferently.

She didn't lose her composure like she did at the beginning, wishing she could go all out with Jiang Chen, but now, her heart is cold, and she has been greatly deceived.

Starting today, Jiang Chen will be blacklisted by her.

Starting today, Ye Sichen will never see Jiang Chen again.

Fortunately, even though Ye Sichen was drunk, the most terrifying thing didn't happen... It didn't happen, it didn't happen, but she came, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Even if it didn't happen, it doesn't mean that nothing happened, and it doesn't mean that she will forgive Jiang Chen, never forgive!

Seeing Sister Mi's attitude, how could Jiang Chen not understand that this scapegoat, he has to bear it, and he has to bear it if he doesn't.

Sighing, Jiang Chen said, "Miss Mi, take silly Baitian to rest first, and we'll talk later if you have anything to say."

"There won't be a future." Sister Mi shook her head, supported Ye Sichen, walked towards the door, walked a few steps, turned around, and said, "Jiang Chen, I hope you don't bother Sichen anymore." Chen, you must be able to do it, right?"

After saying this, without waiting for Jiang Chen to reply, Sister Mi took Ye Sichen and left the room.


The moment the door closed, Wu Qingya couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

"It's funny?" Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines.

"Isn't it funny? I've seen so many jokes, and I've never seen a joke as funny as today. Do you know what your behavior means?" Wu Qingya couldn't stop laughing.

"What does it mean?" Jiang Chen asked unhappily.

"Stealing a chicken doesn't cost you a lot of rice." Wu Qingya said.

"Sibaidian is gone, are you still leaving?" Jiang Chen asked lazily, ignoring Wu Qingya's teasing.

"They're going their way, and I'm not with them, why should I go? Besides, I found out that I can drink a little more. Presumably, you also want to drink now." Wu Qingya said.

While talking, Wu Qingya walked towards the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine, and held it up for Jiang Chen to see.

"I'll drink with you." Wu Qingya said again.

"Wu Qingya, if you play with fire, you will set yourself on fire." Jiang Chen said viciously.

"My girl has been playing with fire a lot, and she has never been burned to death." Wu Qingya said indifferently.

Jiang Chen just sent Lin Baobao into the room, threw it on the bed, let Lin Baobao sleep first, went out, and closed the door. Jiang Chen sat down on the sofa opposite Wu Qingya, picked up the wine glass, and drank a mouthful.

"Jiang Chen, has anyone ever told you that you look handsome when drinking?" Wu Qingya looked at Jiang Chen drinking.

"There's no way he's handsome, even if I'm shitting in the toilet right now, you'll be crazy." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Disgusting." Wu Qingya's mouth twitched.

"You don't understand." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"I don't want to understand this damn humor." Wu Qingya said.

"You don't understand how handsome I look when shitting." Jiang Chen said seriously.


Wu Qingya almost wanted to vomit, but luckily she hadn't drunk yet, otherwise she would have slapped Jiang Chen in the face.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You can leave after drinking, I don't have the heart to play with you today."

"Just so anxious to accompany the woman you sent to bed, well, I know my figure is not as good as hers, and I don't seem to be as cute as her, but you don't want to be so obvious, right?" Wu Qingya was shocked .

"It's a good thing to have self-knowledge," Jiang Chen said.

Rather than a monkey breaking the corn and not being able to get the last one, it's better to get one and count. Lin Baobao will never run away. Jiang Chen thinks it's better not to be too greedy in life.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so hateful? I am humble. Do you understand modesty? This girl is naturally beautiful, and she is not afraid of being compared with anyone." Wu Qingya said angrily.

"You're telling the truth." Jiang Chen said.

"My breasts are not as big as that woman's, but my waist is thin, my legs are long, and I'm also proficient in various tricks, don't you want to try?" Wu Qingya said she couldn't beat Jiang Chen, and changed her strategy.

"How to try?" Jiang Chen's eyes flashed a bright light.

"Come with me." Wu Qingya got up, stepped on catwalks, and walked gracefully to another bedroom.

Walking to the door of the bedroom, Jiang Chen didn't follow at all, Wu Qingya just waved: "Come on, come on."

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this woman made up her mind to seduce him today, that's okay, let's see what tricks she is going to play.

Jiang Chen just got up and walked over.

The two entered the room, Wu Qingya grabbed Jiang Chen by the collar, and gently pushed Jiang Chen down on the bed, and then she sat on Jiang Chen's body.

"Jiang Chen, do you still remember what you said when you were in Jiuqu Mountain last time?" Wu Qingya asked seductively, sticking out her tongue and licking her red lips.

"Remember, I said before that I'm not interested in playing with you." Jiang Chen said, his memory is still very good.

"Not this." Wu Qingya's face darkened slightly, who told Jiang Chen to say this?
"Oh, I also said that not only are you ugly, but your acting skills are also poor, right?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"It's not this either." Wu Qingya's face turned darker.

"By the way, there is one more sentence. I said that I am not a casual man." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"So today, I just want to turn you into a random man." Wu Qingya said bitterly.

Naturally, these words were still not what she wanted to hear, but compared to Jiang Chen's previous two sentences, these words were already very polite, and there was enough room for her to use them.

"You think beautiful." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, don't play dumb here. You said you wanted me to take off my clothes and lie on the bed. Now, it's your wish." Wu Qingya said softly, and with a flick of her finger, the bathrobe slipped off her shoulders , the beautiful figure immediately appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Have I ever said this? How come I don't remember anything?" Jiang Chen asked confusedly, staring at Wu Qingya, then another, and then at the third, fourth, and fifth. Eye.

If you don't look at it, you won't look at it, and if you look at it, it will be in vain.

Jiang Chen has always been the kind of man who treats himself very well, never wronging himself.

"I'm undressed now, what are you waiting for? Don't you plan to do something? Or, do you want me to keep taking the initiative?" Wu Qingya ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense and spared no effort to seduce her.

"It sounds pretty good." Jiang Chen laughed.

"You're so bad." Wu Qingya smiled coquettishly, reaching out to unbutton Jiang Chen.

Before the first button was undone, Jiang Chen reached out and grabbed Wu Qingya's hand.

"Jiang Chen, have you changed your mind?" Wu Qingya grinned.

It's true that she wanted to take the initiative, but she didn't have any experience. Jiang Chen was so good at picking up girls, so it seemed that she had a lot of experience. Wu Qingya felt that it was better for Jiang Chen to take the initiative.

"I just want to confirm one thing first. Since you took the initiative, I don't have to be responsible, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Huh?" Wu Qingya was taken aback.

"I will be responsible for you." Then, Wu Qingya said.

"Look, it's boring like this." Jiang Chen shook his head, and with a little force, pushed Wu Qingya onto the bed.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Wu Qingya was so caught off guard.

"This situation once again fully proves that I, Jiang Chen, am really not a casual man." Jiang Chen calmly dropped these words, got out of bed, and walked outside...

(End of this chapter)

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