genius evil

Chapter 529 A Flawless Man

Chapter 529 A Flawless Man
Some women can be touched casually, while some women must never be touched.There is no doubt that Wu Qingya belongs to the latter!
Is Jiang Chen the kind of man who doesn't care about anything once he's got the brains?

Many people may think that he is, but to Jiang Chen himself, it is obvious that he feels that he is not.

Wu Qingya's figure is not bad, and her face is also considered to be provocative. Although the means of seducing people are young, they are quite lethal.

If it were any other woman, with such a figure and face, and who spared no effort to seduce her, Jiang Chen would definitely pounce on her immediately.

But this woman, to be honest, Jiang Chen really didn't have much interest.

The reason why I played with Wu Qingya a little bit was just to see what kind of tricks Wu Qingya was going to play.

"Jiang Chen, stop here... crazy, I told you I won't let you take responsibility, what else do you want?" Wu Qingya yelled angrily.

She had already stripped off all her clothes, and she acted so proactively, and still didn't let Jiang Chen take responsibility.

This kind of good thing, to any man in this world, is probably like a pie in the sky, right?Then the blissful dizziness of not being smashed?

Jiang Chen actually looked like he had no interest at all, which made Wu Qingya wonder if her figure was too bad.

Otherwise, with Jiang Chen's pervert nature, how could he react like this when facing a naked woman who can get whatever she wants?

In other words, Jiang Chen suddenly changed from a carnivore to a herbivore?

No, it should be called, in front of other women, Jiang Chen is a typical carnivore, but in front of her, Jiang Chen has become a herbivore.

After all, there are no other reasons and reasons.

The only reason is that she is not attractive enough?

How could this point not make Wu Qingya's teeth itch?
"But you are responsible to me." Jiang Chen said with an innocent face.

"Is there any problem with these words?" Wu Qingya asked with black lines.

Between a man and a woman, both parties are responsible for each other, which is the best of both worlds, but if the best of both worlds cannot be achieved, one person must be responsible for the other.

Since Jiang Chen doesn't want to be responsible, then she should be responsible. Is this wrong?
Not only was he right, Jiang Chen should have been moved to death, right?
After all, with a woman like her, even with a lantern, she would never be able to find another one.

"It's not that there's a problem, it's that there's too much of a problem. If you say that, aren't you telling me that you're relying on me?" Jiang Chen's expression became even more innocent.


The corner of Wu Qingya's mouth twitched, and her teeth were about to be crushed.

"Fortunately, I'm really not a casual man, or I'd be fooled by you." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, can you be more shameless?" Wu Qingya cursed.

"Wu Qingya, can you be more shameless?" Jiang Chen also cursed.

"Since you don't want to be responsible to me, then I won't be responsible to you either, so it's over?" Wu Qingya said angrily.

"Are you so greedy for my beauty?" Jiang Chen looked helplessly.

"So what?" Wu Qingya said confidently.

It was best for Jiang Chen to obey her today, and she had to obey if she didn't want to. She didn't believe that she couldn't turn Jiang Chen into a random man.

There is no need for Jiang Chen to do it casually too many times, this time today will do it.

"Wu Qingya, you are forcing me." Jiang Chen said bitterly.

"That's right, I'm just forcing you." Wu Qingya snorted coldly.

"If you force me again, I'll disfigure you." Jiang Chen said hysterically.


In an instant, Wu Qingya was completely messed up.

Why does it feel like the female boss of a gangster wants to forcibly occupy a boy from a good family?

What the hell is this feeling?

No wonder Jiang Chen said that her acting skills were poor, as far as Jiang Chen's acting skills, no matter what kind of golden rooster and hundred flowers or Oscar, she would definitely kill all the way.

If this guy is allowed to enter the entertainment circle, other stars will probably have no way out.

"Jiang Chen, please, don't you do this?" Wu Qingya ran out of bed, hugged Jiang Chen's arm, and said softly.

"It's really not my fault that he's so handsome." Jiang Chen sighed.

"It's not your fault, it's my fault. Who made me like you so much." Wu Qingya was sobbing.

"It's normal for you to like me, but it's not normal if you don't like me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, I have liked you a long time ago, but the women around you are all so outstanding. I have never dared to tell you that I am not brave enough. Today is the time to drink. I drank so much wine, but please believe me, I really like you." Wu Qingya said affectionately.

Hearing Wu Qingya say this, Jiang Chen subconsciously touched his arm with his hand, only to feel that goose bumps popped out.

Wu Qingya's words were extremely tender and touching, but Jiang Chen felt as if he was feeling cold from head to toe when he heard it.


This woman was too unscrupulous in order to get his body.

Previously, he thought that Baobao Lin was too hardworking, but comparing Baobao Lin with Wu Qingya, it was not enough at all.

Jiang Chen was wondering, when did he become Tang Seng, and these women were scrambling one by one to bite off a piece of flesh from his body?

This situation makes him very difficult.

"Wu Qingya, can you tell me what you like about me?" Jiang Chen asked cautiously.

"I don't like anything about you, but I like everything about you, and there is nothing I don't like about you." Wu Qingya said seriously.

"For example, I'm fickle?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That's not a playful heart, it's because you are too charming." Wu Qingya argued.

Fascination and charm are big, so it is naturally difficult to have a proportional relationship.

Some men are pitiful with little charm, but they are equally playful, aren't they?
But at this time, Wu Qingya naturally picks out what is nice to say.

"For example, I turned your Wu family upside down?" Jiang Chen had no choice but to use his trump card, but he didn't believe it. On this issue, Wu Qingya also liked it.

Unless Wu Qingya has a tendency to be abused, what's more, the entire Wu family has a tendency to be abused, and it's uncomfortable not to be abused!

"Jiang Chen, I don't know if you know what kind of energy and influence our Wu family has in the capital and even in the whole country." Wu Qingya said with a smack of her mouth.

"Even among the four major families in the capital, my Wu family is ranked second. If ordinary people don't talk about provoking my Wu family, if they accidentally do something that causes dissatisfaction with my Wu family, that would be scary. Half-dead, this is the first time I have seen anyone who is so high-profile against my Wu family like you, and, from the current point of view, my Wu family is very helpless to you, do you know what this means?"

"This not only means that you are very courageous, but also means that you alone have the ability to fight against my Wu family. You say, how can I not like such a man? ?”

Wu Qingya's words were so rigid that it was hard for Jiang Chen to refute them for a while.

So, after all, it's his fault for being handsome, and it's his fault for being too capable?
But how can these two problems be corrected?

You can't disfigure yourself first, and then cut off your hands and feet, turning yourself into a useless person, right?

Jiang Chen was indeed quite cruel to others.

But to be so cruel to himself, he really can't do it.

"Do I not have any shortcomings?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"Yes." Wu Qingya blinked and said, "Jiang Chen, your biggest shortcoming is that you are too good."


Jiang Chen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood?
Hell, is this really a disadvantage?

If he doesn't boast in such a different way, he will be proud, okay?
"Are there any other shortcomings?" Jiang Chen was even more depressed.

"Is there any more? Let me think about it first." Wu Qingya pretended to ponder, and said after a while: "Not anymore, you have only one shortcoming."

"I'm so perfect." Jiang Chen looked up to the sky and sighed, if he didn't hear these words from Wu Qingya's mouth, he really didn't know that he was such a perfect and flawless existence.

The only shortcoming is that he is too good, other than that, there are no other faults, plus his flowery face, tsk tsk, Jiang Chen is almost in the air.

"Jiang Chen, you should know by now how much I like you, right?" Wu Qingya said squirmingly.

She praised Jiang Chen so much, and complimenting others was just a means rather than an end, making Jiang Chen accept her was the end.

"I am such a perfect man, it's normal for you to like me. If I were a woman, I would want to marry a perfect man like me." Jiang Chen said happily.

"Then you?" Wu Qingya said in a charming tone, sticking out her tongue and licking her red lips.

She suppressed her nausea and said those words, so Jiang Chen must have been moved, right?You know, after those nonsense words came out of her mouth, she almost believed it herself.

"Sixty points, a pass." Jiang Chen said.

"What sixty points?" Wu Qingya was confused for a moment.

"For the sake of your hard work, the bitter drama and the sensational drama are comprehensive. If I only wanted to give you 59 points, I will forcefully give you an extra point. Don't be proud." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen--" Wu Qingya's face immediately changed.

"Can I leave now?" Jiang Chen asked for instructions.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going to kill you." Wu Qingya went crazy, stretched out both hands, and aimed at Jiang Chen's neck.

So annoying.

Jiang Chen didn't let her live, and she didn't let Jiang Chen live, so she just died with Jiang Chen.

"Wu Qingya, I'm warning you, don't bring such a bully who pushes the bow." Jiang Chen casually pushed Wu Qingya away, and quickly ran out of the room.

A few minutes later, Wu Qingya was fully dressed, walked out of the room, gave Jiang Chen a cold look, gritted her teeth slightly, and asked Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, when will Wu Menghua die?"

(End of this chapter)

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