genius evil

Chapter 530 The Wu family is a dog

Chapter 530 The Wu family is a dog
"Wu Menghua? Oh, you want him to die? That's interesting." Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Qingya, and immediately grinned silently.

This woman, after doing so many things, finally couldn't help but get down to business?
"Can he not die?" Wu Qingya didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked back with a smile.

To Wu Qingya, this question was not a problem at all.

She didn't think Jiang Chen would really save Wu Menghua, and besides, the Wu family didn't have the ability to put pressure on Jiang Chen, right?
Moreover, even if the Wu family spared no effort to put pressure on Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen made the matter so big, it clearly showed that there was no room for maneuver between him and the Wu family.

"His life or death has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Then let me be direct. I want Wu Menghua to die, so when will he die?" Wu Qingya said very directly.

She tried everything, but she couldn't make Jiang Chen submit, so she could only choose this straightforward way to formally negotiate a deal with Jiang Chen.

But even though the words were spoken, Wu Qingya still felt deeply regretful.

If she could turn Jiang Chen into her man, how wonderful it would be.

It's very natural for a man to do something for himself, isn't it?

"Naturally, he can die whenever you want him to die." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, are you willing to help me?" Wu Qingya immediately asked with joy.

"Did I say I want to help you?" Jiang Chen was confused.

"Didn't you say that I want Wu Menghua to die whenever he wants?" Wu Qingya was even more confused.

Did Jiang Chen say that he was willing to help her? Judging from the literal meaning of this sentence, it should be clear, okay?
If Jiang Chen didn't help her, how could she let Wu Menghua die whenever he wanted?After all, only Jiang Chen has such ability.

If she really had that kind of ability, she wouldn't be begging Jiang Chen eagerly, and she wasn't born to be mean.

"I can be sure, I didn't say anything." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Jiang Chen, are you playing a scoundrel?" Wu Qingya was a little annoyed.

Could there be more honesty between people?
What was said just a few seconds ago is also a denial that can be done without changing face and heartbeat. How thick-skinned does it have to be to do such a thing?

"Wu Qingya, what you said is wrong, why do I feel that you are playing a scoundrel?" Jiang Chen looked innocent.

He can be sure that he didn't say anything. As for his words, it doesn't matter whether Wu Qingya has some associations with them.

"Jiang Chen, let me beg you, okay? This is a very serious matter. You've already killed Wu Jingrong, and then Wu Menghua, but it's easy, isn't it?" Wu Qingya said angrily.

"Benefits?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Wu Qingya didn't even think about it, and said: "The situation in the Wu family is a mess right now. Wu Mengxiong disappeared, Wu Jingrong died, and Wu Menghua became a useless person, but this is not enough. Only when Wu Menghua is really dead can I take over the power of the Wu family."

Taking charge of the Wu family is Wu Qingya's ultimate goal.

She has done so many things to Jiang Chen, be it the acting on Jiuqu Mountain or today's seduction, all of them are moving towards this goal.

Jiang Chen kept tearing up his face with the Wu family time and time again, until the two sides could not stop dying. This was an excellent help. After all, if Jiang Chen didn't want to die, then he could only send people from the Wu family. to die.

And she, Wu Qingya, was just looking for a suitable target for Jiang Chen.

"I'm talking about what's good for me." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Regarding Wu Qingya's intentions, Jiang Chen had long understood, but he couldn't help but sigh, this woman is quite ambitious, probably no one in the huge Wu family would have thought that Wu Qingya would be such a person, right?
"Your benefit?" Wu Qingya was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Isn't it a benefit for me to be your woman?"

"At best, this can only be regarded as one of the benefits you get." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Wu Qingya's being his woman was nothing more than sacrificing her body, but he was bound to be tied to Wu Qingya. It's hard to say who will benefit and who will suffer in this kind of thing.

"Jiang Chen, haven't you ever thought that if I become your woman, when I take charge of the Wu family, the Wu family will also become yours?" Wu Qingya blinked and said in a seductive tone.

"So, the Wu family wants to change their surname to the Jiang family? If that's the case, then I must help you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Not too good." Wu Qingya hesitated for a moment, then said, "Once the Wu family changes their surname, it will be too obvious, not to mention the internal resistance of the Wu family, the other three major families will never allow such a thing to happen .”

"Do princes and generals like Xiangning?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Chen, I understand what you mean, but you can't rush for this kind of thing, right? Besides, I am your woman, and I will have a child with you in the future, and the child will always be named Jiang." Wu Qingya said hastily.

"You're not my woman yet, you're thinking about having a baby, don't you think too far?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Anyway, that's my plan. I like you so much, so I naturally want to give birth to you." Wu Qingya said as a matter of course.

"Don't be too wishful thinking, you like me, but I don't like you." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, stop duplicity." Wu Qingya winked at Jiang Chen.

"I really don't like you." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Half of the Wu family." Gritting her teeth, Wu Qingya said.

"You said just now that the Wu family is all mine. After a long time, are you lying?" Jiang Chen quit.

Wu Qingya was helpless and powerless, some words were just words, how could she take them seriously?Besides, if the Wu family is really given to Jiang Chen, what's the point of her jumping up and down like this?
"Half the Wu family is my bottom line." Wu Qingya said angrily.

"It doesn't sound like much interest." Jiang Chen said.

"You only need to kill Wu Menghua, and you can get half of the Wu family. You are a smart person and know how profitable this deal is." Wu Qingya said unwillingly.

"Because I'm a smart person, it's impossible for me to do stupid things." Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen chuckled lightly and said, "Let me give you an example, a very simple example, the Wu family is a dog. "

"Jiang Chen, you are swearing." Wu Qingya pointed a finger at Jiang Chen.

The Wu family is a dog, what is she?

"I said it as an example, what are you so excited for?" Jiang Chen was speechless, slapped Wu Qingya's finger off, and said, "The Wu family is a dog, and my current behavior is to step on this dog." Tail."

"And then?" Wu Qingya asked.

"I stepped on this dog's tail, and the dog would be angry and angry, and would bark at me, but it didn't have to bite me." Jiang Chen continued.

"When I killed Wu Menghua, it meant that I was going to kill this dog. This dog is in a hurry, but it will bite people." After a slight pause, Jiang Chen added.

"You have already killed Wu Jingrong." Wu Qingya reminded.

Jiang Chen thought that I also killed Wu Mengxiong, but will I tell you?

On the surface, Jiang Chen said calmly, "Wu Jingrong is just an insignificant person in the Wu family. His status in the Wu family is not even comparable to yours. If he kills him, he will kill him, so what?"

"It turns out that you have already planned everything." Wu Qingya suddenly realized.

Damn Jiang Chen, it seems that all actions are forced by the Wu family, but in fact, everyone, including her, was inadvertently put together by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen made Wu Menghua and Mr. Wu both dead and alive, which was equivalent to curbing the lifeblood of the Wu family in one fell swoop. The Wu family did not dare to attack easily, lest Jiang Chen would break the pot.

In this way, Wu Jingrong's death is also a death in vain, because what Jiang Chen said was true. It was just pushed out to entrust important tasks.

So smart!

Wu Qingya hated Jiang Chen's shrewdness very much, because it made her feel that what she did was like a clown.

"Jiang Chen, you refused to cooperate with me, right?" Wu Qingya said with a little frustration.

"No, not on the contrary, I accept your cooperation. In fact, I am also looking forward to Wu Menghua's death. The difference is, you and I, who will send Wu Menghua to die." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"You want me to kill Wu Menghua? No." Wu Qingya turned pale for a while.

"Is it not possible?" Jiang Chen asked expressionlessly.

"How do I kill him?" Wu Qingya was a little lost.

"I don't care how you kill him, but you must kill him, first, to prove that you can be trusted, and second, to prove your ambition." Jiang Chen stretched out two fingers, and said slowly.

Wu Qingya's mood was agitated for a while, fortunately she had previously thought of tying Jiang Chen to her together, but now the situation is that Jiang Chen wants to tying her to him.

On the surface, there seems to be no difference, but one is active and the other is passive, the difference is self-evident.

But Wu Qingya also understood that Jiang Chen was right, she really needed a proof that she could be trusted and her ambition.

If she couldn't prove it, then she was worthless to Jiang Chen.

"Is it enough to give you three days to think about it?" Jiang Chen didn't bother to force Wu Qingya or anything. Since Wu Qingya came to the door, Wu Qingya naturally had to pay for what she did.

"No, I can agree now." Taking a light breath and forcing her mind to stabilize, Wu Qingya said softly, although her voice was small, it was unusually firm.

While talking, Wu Qingya walked towards the door, "Jiang Chen, wait for my good news."

"I hope it's good news." Jiang Chen said casually.

"It must be good news." Wu Qingya's tone became firmer, she opened and closed the door, and disappeared into the room.

"This play is really getting more and more interesting." Muttering to himself, Jiang Chen smiled lightly, his eyes flickered slightly, no one knew what he was thinking about!
(End of this chapter)

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