genius evil

Chapter 531 You are mine now

Chapter 531 You are mine now
At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Baby Lin opened his eyes forcefully and woke up.

She woke up from hunger, and touched Kong Bian's belly with her hand. Baby Lin felt that she could eat a cow in one go.

Rubbing his eyes, Baby Lin grunted, sat down from the bed, and then rolled over, intending to roll out of bed to put on shoes.

Soon Baby Lin realized something was wrong, because she was not the only one sleeping on this bed, there was another person, a man, and that man was Jiang Chen.

"What's going on?" Muttering, Baby Lin rubbed his eyes again to make sure he wasn't dreaming or hallucinating.

Otherwise, if he was awake, how could Jiang Chen sleep on the same bed as her?

Then, Baobao Lin gently squeezed Jiang Chen's arm, felt it carefully, and finally confirmed that it was not a dream, let alone a hallucination, and she really slept with Jiang Chen.

"Holy shit."

The already big eyes opened even wider in an instant, and Lin Baobao stared at Jiang Chen vigorously, without blinking.

One second...two seconds...three seconds...

Only three seconds passed, and Baby Lin couldn't hold back any longer, and a faint smile gradually appeared in his eyes.

The smile is getting stronger and stronger, the eyebrows and eyes of the smile are curved, and the appearance is like a little fox who has finally succeeded in stealing the chicken.

After laughing for a while, the corners of Lin Baobao's mouth rose, and he almost couldn't hold back the sound of laughing. Fortunately, he saw Jiang Chen sleeping soundly, and worried that he would wake Jiang Chen up. When it was about to be sent out, Lin Baobao hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

"Jiang Chen, you finally fell under my baby's pomegranate skirt, and you still have today." Lin Baobao murmured.

Is it easy for her to seduce Jiang Chen?

She didn't drink very well, and almost vomited herself.

Fortunately, investment and return finally became a direct ratio, Jiang Chen finally appeared on her bed, had sex with her once, and finally did not escape her palm.

"Humph, my baby Lin is really charming." Baobao Lin was very proud of himself.

Complacent for a few minutes alone, Lin Baobao stepped out of bed lightly and wandered around the room.

"To keep a man's heart, you must first keep that man's stomach, or I will cook a dinner myself." Looking at the sky outside, Lin Baobao said to himself.

Just do it, Lin Baobao soon appeared in the kitchen.

There are all kinds of facilities in the suite. Baobao Lin skillfully opened the refrigerator and rummaged through it.

After flipping it a few times, Lin Baobao became embarrassed, because she has never cooked before, and she can't cook anything at all. Even if she boiled water, she would worry about whether she would accidentally burn the kitchen Lost.

"Let's order takeaway, yes, order takeaway, nothing can be difficult for this baby." Lin Baobao rolled his eyes in a circle, took out a bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator, poured a glass and drank it himself, and then He hurriedly went to the bedroom to get his cell phone.

"Baby Lin, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and saw Baobao Lin stealthily taking his cell phone from his pouch like a thief.

"Jiang Chen, you're awake." Lin Baobao smiled sweetly, leaned over, and kissed Jiang Chen on the cheek.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt horrified.

What kind of nerve is this woman.

He woke up, and dared to kiss him blatantly.

What about when you are not awake?Could it be that Lin Baobao is trying hard on his Overlord, right?
After quickly checking the clothes on his body, and not feeling any discomfort in his body, Jiang Chen felt a little relieved, and said, "Baby Lin, I'm warning you, don't make an exception."

"Hee hee." Baby Lin grinned, and leaned over to kiss Jiang Chen's face again.

For some reason, she felt that at this moment, no matter how she looked at Jiang Chen, she was extremely pleasing to the eye. Even if she saw a small eyeball in the corner of Jiang Chen's eye, she still thought it was very cute.

"This is the legendary beauty in the eye of the beholder." Lin Baobao said to himself, overjoyed.

"Baby Lin, do you have any culture, and do you understand what it means to not be an example?" Jiang Chen said angrily, wiping his face with his hand.

"Jiang Chen, are you shy? I didn't expect you to be shy too." Lin Baobao giggled coquettishly, beautiful as a flower, she was very courageous, and leaned over to kiss Jiang Chen for the third time.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, covered Lin Baobao's mouth, and sat up from the bed.

"Jiang Chen, let go." Lin Baobao yelled.

"Since when did you have the problem of messing with your relatives?" Jiang Chen let go of his hand, expressing his perplexity. He hadn't found out that Lin Baobao had this problem before.

"Where do I mess with relatives? Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, I just want to kiss you." Lin Baobao pouted to express his dissatisfaction.

"What is our relationship?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"What do you think we are related to each other?" Lin Baobao asked back. She felt that it was better for a man to say some things.

What is the most important thing about being a woman?

It's reserved!
She has already taken the initiative, it is time to be reserved, otherwise Jiang Chen will think that she is too easy to get, and may not cherish her.

"We seem to have nothing to do with each other." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"We slept on the same bed." Baby Lin rolled his eyes, pointed to the bed, and reminded.

"Oh, I was a little tired earlier. I came to see how you were sleeping, and I accidentally slept here." Jiang Chen explained.

"Pretend, keep pretending." Lin Baobao felt contempt deep in his heart.

"After we slept in the same bed, other things happened." Lin Baobao continued to remind, she wanted to see how Jiang Chen could pretend.

"Well, you baby Lin, you really did attack me, didn't you?" Jiang Chen became angry.

How could you attack him while he was asleep? If you want to attack him, you should do it when he is awake. It doesn't feel like it at all.

"Obviously it was you who attacked me." Lin Baobao also became angry.

She felt that Jiang Chen was really shameless, so he could actually say it the other way around, as a girl, she should have some face, okay?

"If you hadn't attacked me, how could something else have happened after we slept in the same bed?" Jiang Chen found it difficult to understand.

"Then tell me, what will happen if a man and a woman sleep on the same bed?" Lin Baobao was furious.

Jiang Chen is really good at pretending to be stupid. Although Jiang Chen is cute and cute when he plays stupid, but this is not what she wants.

"Sleeping, of course." Without thinking about it, Jiang Chen just said.

"Is it just sleeping?" Lin Baobao became dissatisfied.

"Oh, we can chat for a while before going to bed." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to piss me off? I warn you, this baby is very angry now, and the consequences will be very serious." Lin Baobao yelled.

"I didn't want to be angry with you, because I have no idea what happened." Jiang Chen felt innocent.

He checked his clothes and his body, and there was nothing unusual.

Besides, Lin Baobao's clothes are still intact, so what could happen?

"Jiang Chen, you are really not cute at all. I don't blame you for daring to act but not to act. Why are you ashamed to admit it? Anyway, I am already your woman now." Lin Baobao was a little sad.

"Wait." Jiang Chen raised his hand and interrupted Lin Baobao.

"You are my woman?" Jiang Chen asked dumbfounded.

"You can also understand that you are mine now." Baby Lin hummed.

"I don't understand." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Jiang Chen, don't think that after you eat me up and wipe me clean, and then help me put on my clothes, you can pretend that nothing happened. I, Baby Lin, are not easy to bully." big.

Fortunately, she still finds Jiang Chen annoying.

It's obviously not annoying at all, it's so disgusting, but it's irresponsible to think about it, it's beautiful!

"I understand." Jiang Chen suddenly realized and nodded.

"Have you finally admitted it?" Baby Lin smiled again.

"Since you are my woman, let's do it again." Jiang Chen said, stretching out his hand to pull Lin Baobao.

Lin Baobao was startled and jumped back: "Jiang Chen, what are you going to do, don't act recklessly."

"You are my woman, and I am your man. If we agree with each other and do some happy things, how can it be called chaos? This is called doing things that both love to do with a lover." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Lin Baobao already decided what he did to her, but Jiang Chen couldn't explain it clearly, so Jiang Chen simply turned Lin Baobao into a real woman in his true sense.

Otherwise, he will suffer a lot from this loss.

Suffering a loss is not Jiang Chen's habit.

"No, I'm hungry, I'm going to eat." Lin Baobao said pitifully.

"In an hour, I'll take you to dinner." Jiang Chen said.

"No, I'm going to eat now, hurry up and take me to eat delicious food, I'm going to starve to death." Baby Lin acted like a baby, with a lovely and pitiful look on his face.

Jiang Chen almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. After a long time, he didn't take advantage of anything, but he had to fulfill his obligations as a boyfriend, so he didn't take such a bully.

"Half an hour." Jiang Chen said cruelly.

"Not for a minute, immediately, or I will ignore you, and you will never touch me again." Lin Baobao gave full play to the nature of a sassy girlfriend.

"The problem is that I didn't touch you at all." Jiang Chen said in his heart, which made him wonder.

But I also know that if he doesn't take Lin Baobao to eat right now, he will definitely suffer from this loss. When he takes Lin Baobao to eat and drink enough, he may be able to make up for it a little bit.

"Okay." Thinking of this, Jiang Chen reluctantly nodded in agreement, got up, took Lin Baobao out of the room, and went to the hotel restaurant.

Lin Baobao sweetly held Jiang Chen's arm, smiling broadly, as if wishing to tell everyone in the world that she, Lin Baobao, finally had a man to want.

Jiang Chen was angry and funny, but soon, Jiang Chen couldn't laugh anymore.

"Jiang Chen, let's go see my parents in a while." Lin Baobao sat on the chair, with his chin resting on his hands, so cute that he was off the charts, but what he said was not cute at all!
(End of this chapter)

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