genius evil

Chapter 534

Chapter 534

Jiang Chen smiled narrowly, opened the door and got out of the car.

That's right, he was going down, of course he wouldn't be so stupid as to roll out of the car.

When Jiang Chen got out of the car, two bodyguards got into the Maybach, and the other two bodyguards got into an Audi next to him. Then, the two cars left quickly one after the other. Seeing the situation, Zhou Jinse didn't even think about it. See Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen was naturally indifferent to this.

He is not an unreasonable person, nor is he far from being overbearing.

But if someone with eyes higher than the top wants to bully him, then I'm sorry, he will become more domineering and less easy to mess with.

"She's a beautiful woman, and she's not very old. She's not as tall as me, but she's not bad." Lin Baobao came out at some point, still holding the money bag in his hand.

"Did you see it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This woman is very famous. Her name is Zhou Jinse, a woman from the Zhou family. I heard that suitors are like crucian carp crossing the river, but she didn't like any of them. I thought you had something to do." Baobao Lin pouted.

"Oh, I don't like her." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"It's hard to be rejected by a woman, isn't it?" Lin Baobao smiled gloatingly, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't think that you can handle any woman casually, now finally after me, Lin Baobao, there is a second one that you can't handle." woman."

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines.

Is such serious nonsense really good?

"However, don't be disappointed. If Zhou Jinse is so easy to handle, she won't be called Zhou Jinse anymore. Keep up the good work. I'm optimistic about you." Lin Baobao said happily.

"I really despise her." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, how can you do this, don't lose confidence, let alone give up on yourself, you have to believe in yourself, you are the best, you can do it." Lin Baobao clenched his small fists and cheered Jiang Chen on.

"What's wrong." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and walked into the hotel. He hasn't finished his meal yet.

"You're the one who's wrong. Why is your face so big when you're dating another woman in front of me?" Lin Baobao chased after Jiang Chen, yelling.

"I don't want to pick anyone up today, so I'll just pick you up, right?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"I can't get enough of Zhou Jinse, so I just want to seek comfort from me, don't even think about it, I, Lin Baobao, will not be a substitute for other women." Lin Baobao is relentless.

"How can you believe that I don't like her?" Jiang Chen had to stop.

"I won't believe it anyway. At least, you must not be able to explain what is going on with the 10 yuan." Baobao Lin shook the bag containing the money in his hand.

"The money to repair the car." Jiang Chen said.

Lin Baobao giggled coquettishly, as if you don't think I'm an idiot, and said: "Jiang Chen, I pretend I didn't hear it, you find another excuse."

Money for car repairs?

Lin Baobao really felt that this excuse was too bad.

Did Zhou Jinse crash Jiang Chen's car?
Even if there is, so what, Zhou Jinse needs to go there in person?
Even the biggest fool in the world would not believe this reason.

She, Lin Baobao, is very smart, so he wanted to lie to her and treat her as mentally handicapped.

"Forget it if you don't believe me, give me the money back." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand.

"Jiang Chen, your actions today have caused great trauma to my pure and young heart. This money is your compensation for me." Naturally, Baobao Lin will not return the money he got to Jiang Chen.

"Are you full? If you're not full, let's eat more." Jiang Chen changed the topic, lazily entangled with Lin Baobao.

"I'm full," Lin Baobao said.

"Forget it, I won't eat anymore. Let's go back to the room now and discuss about going to see your parents." Jiang Chen said.

"Next time, I'll go first." Baby Lin shook his head.

"Baby Lin, are you convulsing?" Jiang Chen was in a mess.

In order to let him go to meet her parents, Lin Baobao did a lot of things, but now that he let go, Lin Baobao became hypocritical.

"Are you angry? Hehe." Baobao Lin smiled and said, "This incident is a small punishment for you. Let's see if you dare to play around in the future. You really are gone."

Watching Baby Lin bouncing away, Jiang Chen almost burst into tears.

Who did he provoke? A cooked duck stuffed up to his mouth can fly out of his hand. Is there anything else to reason with?


The next day, at around eight o'clock in the morning, a car appeared in front of the gate of Zhou's manor. The car stopped in front of the gate. Jiang Chen pushed the door open and got out of the car.

"Who are you looking for?" Just as Jiang Chen got out of the car, a guard walked over and asked cautiously, but his tone was still polite, but seeing the guard's cautious appearance, it was obvious that if there was something wrong with Jiang Chen's answer. If so, they will be kicked out immediately.

"The scenery here is good." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Sir, if you want to enjoy the scenery, you can go over there, the scenery over there is even better." The guard said, raising his finger in one direction.

The area where the Zhou family is located has a good geographical location. A little farther away is an artificial lake. The lake is quite large, with willow trees planted, and the scenery is quite pleasant.

The direction the guard pointed was the direction of the artificial lake.

"I like looking at the scenery here, because I like the scenery here even more." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Sir, can I understand that you are here to make trouble?" The doorman's tone was a bit unfriendly.

Although, with the prestige of the Zhou family, it's unlikely that someone will come looking for trouble without a good eye, but what if someone has a hot head?From the guard's point of view, Jiang Chen undoubtedly belonged to this situation.

"How could I be here to make trouble? Look at my face, it's so gentle and harmless, so kind and simple." Jiang Chen pointed to his face and argued solemnly.

"Sir, please drive your car away." The guard said coldly, not talking nonsense with Jiang Chen.

"I just want to see the scenery, and if you don't let me, it's too overbearing. Hurry up and stay away, don't spoil my mood." Frowning, Jiang Chen said displeased.

The guard stared at Jiang Chen, waved his hand, and three other guards ran over quickly.

"What's the matter, want to take advantage of the number of people to bully the few? You guys try it out, I'll let the four of you have one hand." With a dark face, Jiang Chen rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight.

The four guards were all speechless. What are they doing now? Jiang Chen was furious.

Moreover, they didn't intend to do anything with Jiang Chen, they just wanted to drive Jiang Chen away, and they never thought about fighting Jiang Chen.

"Sir, this is not a place for you to stay. I remind you for the last time, otherwise I may hurt you." The guard reminded.

"It's okay, come on, let me give you one hand, I always keep my word." Jiang Chen said seriously.

The four guards just couldn't stand it any longer. They felt that they were being very polite to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was obviously shameless.

That being the case, they don't need to show Jiang Chen any shame.

The four of them looked at each other, intending to forcefully drive them away.

But at this moment, a rather stylish Audi R8 drove over. The R8 stopped next to Jiang Chen's car, and a young man wearing sunglasses got out of the car.

When the man got out of the car, he saw Jiang Chen confronting the four guards. He couldn't help being stunned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Young Master Wang." The guards all knew the young men and greeted them, and then the guards explained the situation.

"Just let him leave, don't move your hands." Wang Shao said, and walked into the manor.

"Sir, please leave." The guard really didn't intend to touch Jiang Chen, but said in a strong tone.

"He can go in swaggeringly. I can't even stand here and look at the scenery. I can't help but look at people with a dog's eyes." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"Sir, please leave." The doorman said with a heavier tone, without much patience.

"Look, I'm handsomer than that guy, and I drive a better car than him. Even if you want to look down on others, you should look down on him, right? Or are you all blind?" Jiang Dust said loudly.

Wang Shao was walking inside, when he heard Jiang Chen's words, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

When he got out of the car, he looked at Jiang Chen for a second or two. Well, he admitted that Jiang Chen was indeed a little handsomer than him, but he couldn't bear to say that he drove a better car than him.

Low key!

Keep a low profile, understand?
It's not that he doesn't have a luxury car, it's just that he deliberately drove the cheapest car today, Jiang Chen actually used this matter to hit him, he couldn't bear it.

"What is Wang Shao's identity, what is your identity, you are not comparable at all." The guard said sharply.

"Do you know who I am?" Jiang Chen asked cheerfully.

"Don't think that if you drive a nice car, you can walk sideways in the capital. There are many rules in the capital, so you'd better be honest." The guard said.

"Did I do anything dishonest?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

The guard was speechless for a moment. Jiang Chen really didn't do anything dishonest. If Jiang Chen was dishonest, he appeared in a place where he shouldn't be.

"Stop the ink, drive away." Young Master Wang urged with an ugly face.

"Young man, don't be so aggressive, you're just here to pick up girls, don't put money on your face and treat yourself as the master of the Zhou family." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"The eyes are poisonous enough." Wang Shao was stunned for a moment, then turned around and walked in front of Jiang Chen.

"Not only can I see that you are here to pick up girls, I can also see that you are doomed to pretend to fail today. Of course, you have failed many times, and it doesn't matter if you fail one more time." Jiang Chen said Said unhurriedly.

"It seems that you know me very well." Wang Shao took off his sunglasses, his eyes were a little gloomy.

Taking off the sunglasses, Wang Shao's facial contours were revealed. His appearance could only be regarded as Zhou Zheng, with a hint of arrogance.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "It seems that you don't like to listen to the truth?"

"Are you one of Jinse's suitors?" Wang Shao said, after a pause, he added one after this sentence, which shows that he is also Zhou Jinse's suitors, and he is also one of those group of suitors. one of the suitors.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Then you?" Wang Shao was a little puzzled.

He was also a little worried that Jiang Chen was Zhou Jinse's suitor. After all, Jiang Chen had a face that was very attractive to girls. If he didn't compete with his family background, but only relied on his appearance, he really didn't have much competitiveness.

Although I don't think Zhou Jinse is a superficial woman who only looks at men's faces, but as long as Jiang Chen's existence poses a potential threat to him, it is enough to make him unhappy.

"I'm here to soak in Zhou Mingzhu." Jiang Chen said.

"Zhou Mingzhu?" Hearing this name, Zhou Jinse was stunned again, laughed out loud, and said, "Boy, don't play tricks on me."

"Am I familiar with you?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"I have to remind you, if you really come to see Zhou Mingzhu, give up as soon as possible." Wang Shao said solemnly.

"It's more difficult than soaking in Zhou Jinse?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"Ten times more difficult." Wang Shao said.

The Zhou family protected Zhou Mingzhu layer by layer. It was not easy to pursue Zhou Jinse, but it was even more difficult to pursue Zhou Mingzhu.

Because if you want to pursue Zhou Mingzhu, you need to pass three levels, the first level is Zhou Mingzhu herself, the first level is the opinions of everyone in the Zhou family, and the last level is Zhou Jinse.

From this point of view, how difficult it must be to pursue Zhou Mingzhu.

"Maybe it's hard for a man like you to grow up, but for me, it's not difficult at all. Besides, I followed Zhou Jinse's order to pick up Zhou Mingzhu, oh, to be precise, Zhou Jinse forced Let me soak in Zhou Mingzhu." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Wang Shao was dumbfounded, and followed Zhou Jinse's order to pursue Zhou Mingzhu. If Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, it meant that Jiang Chen had Zhou Jinse's approval!

Is it just possible?

There are so many people in Yanjing, how many people can fall into Zhou Jinse's eyes, why does this guy get Zhou Jinse's approval, is it because he is handsome?
For a moment, Wang Shao felt a deep blow.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Just as Young Master Wang couldn't help thinking wildly, a voice came from inside the manor...

(End of this chapter)

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