genius evil

Chapter 535 A Family Who Loves Each Other

Chapter 535 A Loving Family
Accompanied by the sound of speaking, a figure slowly walked out from the inside of the manor.

It was Zhou Jinse, just like what Jiang Chen saw yesterday, Zhou Jinse's outfit today was still a neat uniform, and even the pair of black-rimmed glasses she was wearing were exactly the same size as yesterday.

"This woman has obsessive-compulsive disorder?" Jiang Chen looked at it and said silently in his heart.

Everyone's mental state is different every day, but this woman, compared with yesterday, is not different at all.

What is it if this is not obsessive-compulsive disorder?
Moreover, it seems that Zhou Jinse's obsessive-compulsive disorder is quite serious, so serious that she is almost strict about the details of her attire, as small as what kind of glasses she wears.

"Jinse." Seeing Zhou Jinse come out, Wang Shao greeted him with a smile on his face.

Obviously not wanting to see Young Master Wang too much, Zhou Jinse frowned slightly and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Send you to work." Wang Shao still smiled.

"No need." Zhou Jinse flatly refused.

"It's okay, drop by. After sending you to work, I just went to the company." Wang Shao smiled a little reluctantly.

"Wang Mingjie, I said, no need!" Zhou Jinse spoke bluntly.

Speaking of this, Wang Mingjie couldn't laugh anymore.

Zhou Jinse passed Wang Mingjie and said to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, please answer my question."

"Didn't you ask me to come here?" Jiang Chen looked surprised.

"I asked you to come?" Zhou Jinse was inexplicably confused. When did she let Jiang Chen come?

"That's right, you asked me to come, this is the Zhou family, right?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Zhou Jinse said indifferently.

The meeting yesterday broke up unhappy, and Zhou Jinse's impression of Jiang Chen was extremely bad.

She thought to herself, although Jiang Chen was very stubborn in his words, if he had a little bit of self-knowledge, he should give up the idea of ​​attacking the Zhou family. She never expected that Jiang Chen would appear in front of her early this morning. He kept saying that she asked him to come.

"This is the Zhou family, my Mingzhu lives here, right?" Jiang Chen said again.

"Shut up." Zhou Jinse said in a low voice, when did Zhou Mingzhu become the jewel of Jiang Chen's family, can this guy show some face?
Wang Mingjie, who was standing behind Zhou Jinse, also looked at Jiang Chen with a speechless face. He thought he had a thick skin, otherwise he would not have been rejected or even ignored by Zhou Jinse many times, and he would appear eagerly in front of Zhou Jinse in front of.

But compared with Jiang Chen, this is completely insignificant.

After all, he didn't dare to call Zhou Jinse his family's Jinse, even as a joke.

"Jiang Chen!"

While being speechless, Wang Mingjie suddenly realized that the name was vaguely familiar. After thinking about it carefully, Wang Mingjie's face changed slightly.

Recently, if there is one person who has become famous in the capital and has been in the limelight for a while, that person is none other than Jiang Chen.

The reason why Wang Mingjie only felt the name Jiang Chen was familiar was because he had never met Jiang Chen in person before, and he couldn't connect Jiang Chen with the things he had done just by seeing Jiang Chen.

Moreover, looking at Jiang Chen's pretty face, who can connect those things?
It has to be said that Jiang Chen's face is too deceptive.

"When will my Mingzhu come out?" Jiang Chen naturally couldn't shut up, and asked lazily.

"Jiang Chen, didn't you hear me telling you to shut up?" Zhou Jinse stared at Jiang Chen, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Okay, sister-in-law." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Shut up." Zhou Jinse was furious. It's fine for Zhou Mingzhu to become the jewel of Jiang Chen's family. Jiang Chen still called her aunt, which made her unbearable.

Jiang Chen tightly closed his mouth, and pointed to his mouth, indicating that his mouth was closed.


Zhou Jinse was not in the mood to watch Jiang Chen play tricks, and said angrily.

"Jinse, there is no need to be angry with this kind of person." Wang Mingjie said at this time.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen was exactly like the one in the legend, he was very daring, even Zhou Jinse molested whenever he wanted to.

While Wang Mingjie was envious, he was also a little annoyed.

What he envied was that Jiang Chen was able to moles Zhou Jinse, but he couldn't, and what was annoyed was that Jiang Chen molested Zhou Jinse in front of him, which obviously didn't take him seriously.

Under such circumstances, Wang Mingjie naturally wanted to stand up and speak out, maybe taking the opportunity to leave a good impression on Zhou Jinse.

"Go away too." Zhou Jinse said aggressively.

Wang Mingjie suddenly turned into a bitter face. He felt that he must have been implicated by Jiang Chen.

In the past, although Zhou Jinse didn't give him a good face, there was never a time when he didn't show him such a face.

"I told you to get lost, did you hear that?" Immediately, Wang Mingjie vented all his anger on Jiang Chen.


A strange syllable came out of Jiang Chen's mouth.

"What did you say?" Wang Mingjie looked at Jiang Chen inexplicably.

Jiang Chen ignored Wang Mingjie, reached out and took out the phone from his pocket, typed a line, and handed the phone to Zhou Jinse.

Zhou Jinse looked at it, and saw that line of words was--Can I speak?
Immediately, Zhou Jinse laughed out of anger.

Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Jinse with a sincere face. For Zhou Mingzhu's sake, he decided to be a little more polite to this sister-in-law. If Zhou Jinse insisted on not letting him speak, then he would not speak.

"If I don't let you talk, you won't talk?" Zhou Jinse looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

Jiang Chen nodded vigorously.

"Then I told you to leave, why don't you leave?" Zhou Jinse said angrily.

Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Stop pretending here." Zhou Jinse couldn't stand it anymore.

She wouldn't think that Jiang Chen was an honest person, that an honest person could do what Jiang Chen did?If Jiang Chen could be considered an honest person, then there would probably be no dishonest people in this world.

"Huh." Gently exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Chen rubbed his stiff cheeks with his hand, and said, "Wang Mingjie, right? Did I say before that you are doomed to pretend to fail today? Didn't you hear me clearly?" What? Or did you forget to bring your brain when you went out today? How about I give you some time now, and you drive home immediately, put your brain on it and then talk to me? Or, you don’t have a brain at all? So habitual speaking doesn’t pass brain?"

Jiang Chen was almost suffocated. Since Zhou Jinse told him not to pretend, Jiang Chen simply didn't pretend to listen to his aunt's words.

With this opening, the slip of the tongue was like letting go of the brakes, which directly deceived Wang Mingjie.

It took Wang Mingjie a long time to realize what Jiang Chen's words meant. His gloomy eyes became more and more gloomy. He stared at Jiang Chen, so angry that he couldn't speak. Come.

"You think that if you look at me like this, I won't scold you. Let me tell you, I'm the one who scolded you. Just now you said arrogantly that you came to visit my sister-in-law. Now my sister-in-law is in your house." In front of you, where is your courage? Have you been eaten by a dog? If you can’t pretend to be a fool, you just use me as a target to get angry. Why are you so stupid? "Jiang Chen grunted another long paragraph.

Zhou Jinse was speechless while listening. Jiang Chen talked about my sister-in-law. What he said was Shun Liu, and what he said was intimacy. What about relatives?

"Have you said enough?" The veins on Wang Mingjie's forehead were twitching wildly. In terms of eloquence, even if there were ten of them combined, they would definitely not be Jiang Chen's opponent.

There is no way, Jiang Chen's tongue is too sharp, too eloquent, and too sinister.

"Have you heard enough? If you haven't heard enough, I'll continue. I solemnly warn you now that I'm really not easy to mess with, so you will soon find out that you will pretend for the second time." Forced to fail." Jiang Chen said.

Wang Mingjie's face was distorted with anger.

"Jiang Chen, do you think that you have the right to act wildly in front of me, Wang Mingjie, just because you made a fuss about the Wu family? Get out of the way early, or I will teach you how to behave in minutes." Wang Mingjie said sinisterly. .


Almost as soon as Wang Mingjie's voice fell, Jiang Chen took a step forward, raised his foot, kicked Wang Mingjie's body, and kicked Wang Mingjie to the ground.

This was not enough, Jiang Chen kicked Wang Mingjie like a rolling gourd, he rolled on the ground, and rolled about ten meters away before lying there motionless.

"Auntie, he's gone." After kicking Wang Mingjie, Jiang Chen said to Zhou Jinse with a playful smile as if nothing had happened.

"It's not enough to offend the Wu family, but also to offend the Wang family?" Zhou Jinse asked with black lines all over his head.

Jiang Chen was really stupid, he did it when he said he would do it, he didn't pay attention to Wang Mingjie at all, didn't he know that treating Wang Mingjie like this would risk offending the Wang family?
"Working for my sister-in-law, in the wind and rain, up the knife mountain and down the oil pan, I will never hesitate, let alone offend the Wang family, even if I even offend the Zheng family, I will not blink." Jiang Chen is righteous. Said.

"I didn't ask you to do anything to Wang Mingjie." Zhou Jinse became vigilant.

Zhou Jinse didn't want to take the blame for Jiang Chen's words, saying one thing after another, trying to get along with her.

"Sister-in-law, you made Wang Mingjie go, so I let him go, how could you go back on what you said?" Jiang Chen's expression was innocent.

"It's my business for me to tell him to go away, it's your business for you to do something to him." Zhou Jinse said in a deep voice.

"What is your business and my business? You are my sister-in-law and I am your brother-in-law. Isn't my business your business? Of course, I will also treat your business as my own business, just like As it is now, are you still satisfied with my performance?" Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Jiang Chen, you really have malicious intentions and are determined to drag our Zhou family into the water, aren't you?" Zhou Jinse's voice gradually became colder, and her expression also became bleak and outrageous.

"Sister-in-law, this is your fault. What about your Zhou family and our Zhou family's? As the son-in-law of the Zhou family, it is also my responsibility to defend the rights and interests of the Zhou family, okay? I seem to be a Like an outsider." Jiang Chen got a little angry, and said with a bluffing face.

"Why?" Taking a breath of cold air, forcefully suppressing the emotions that were on the verge of explosion, Zhou Jinse asked in a fairly calm tone as you worked hard to keep yourself from losing control.

"Because we are a family that loves each other." Jiang Chen replied with a serious face and a serious tone.

(End of this chapter)

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