genius evil

Chapter 536

Chapter 536

Zhou Jinse exploded again. She didn't want to hear a word from Jiang Chen anymore. She would never hear a single truth from this man's mouth.

However, no matter what this seemingly careless guy does, he has incomprehensible meanings.

For example, Jiang Chen just beat Wang Mingjie.

This was obviously a personal grievance between Jiang Chen and Wang Mingjie, but when the words came out of Jiang Chen's mouth, it turned out that Jiang Chen was standing up for her, and she couldn't help but not appreciate it!
Otherwise, she is going too far, she is making trouble for no reason!

"Auntie, I see that your heart is full of fire, your tongue is thick, and your lungs are stagnant. How about I prescribe a prescription for you to recuperate your body?" Jiang Chen asked with concern.

"Jiang Chen, you can see clearly that this is the place of the Zhou family. I don't want you to offend my Zhou family after offending the Wu family and Wang Mingjie." Zhou Jinse said coldly.

"Sister-in-law, I assure you that this kind of situation will never happen." Jiang Chen vowed.

"Don't call me auntie, I'm Zhou Jinse." Zhou Jinse was trembling with anger. She could swear that she had never been so angry since she was a child.

"Okay, sister-in-law." Jiang Chen followed suit.

"Sister, haven't you left yet?" Suddenly, a soft-sounding voice came to Jiang Chen's ears.

Hearing that kind of voice, Jiang Chen followed the sound, and saw a figure that sounded like a person, soft and weak, like a small white flower that couldn't withstand the wind and rain.

"Little White Flower, oh, Mingzhu, you're here." Jiang Chen then said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, it's you." Zhou Mingzhu looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, a little surprised, her pale face was slightly flushed, for some reason, she felt strange when she heard Jiang Chen call her Mingzhu.

"It's me, do you miss me?" Jiang Chen asked softly.

"Mingzhu, why did you come out?" Zhou Jinse also saw Zhou Mingzhu, and her heart tightened.

"Sister, I'm going to school." Zhou Mingzhu replied, her face turned even redder because of Jiang Chen's words, she lowered her head in embarrassment, her voice was inaudible.

"I'll take you there, just on the way." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You guys, ask the driver to come over and take Mingzhu to school." How could Zhou Jinse ask Jiang Chen to send Zhou Mingzhu? It's different from sending sheep to the tiger's mouth, so he said to several guards.

The guards were startled and confused by the situation before them, wondering who Jiang Chen is, but even Wang Mingjie beat him up as soon as he said it, and Zhou Jinse seemed to use him None of them look like.

Hearing Zhou Jinse's order, the guard immediately arranged for the driver and the car.

"It's too troublesome to call the driver, I'll deliver it myself, and I don't trust others to deliver the Pearl." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, you are enough!" Zhou Jinse was furious.

"Auntie, you are really angry, I have to prescribe a prescription for you." Jiang Chen was very worried.

"Sister, are you feeling unwell?" Zhou Mingzhu was also a little worried, she had never seen Zhou Jinse so angry.

"I'm fine." Zhou Jinse shook his head, then suddenly reached out and grabbed Jiang Chen's arm, dragging Jiang Chen away.

"Sister-in-law, men and women can't kiss each other." Jiang Chen yelled.

Zhou Jinse ignored Jiang Chen, and directly dragged Jiang Chen to her Maybach, opened the door, pushed Jiang Chen in, and then she got into the car, started the car, and drove on the road in one go.

"Auntie, where are you taking me?" Jiang Chen crawled to the co-pilot seat with a cat on his body, and asked with a smile.

Zhou Jinse still ignored Jiang Chen and drove on his own. After about half an hour, the car finally stopped in a secluded place.

This is near a small park, with few vehicles and pedestrians. The Maybach is parked under a sycamore tree, and there are a combination of handsome men and beautiful women sitting in the car.

If someone passed by here and glanced into the car inadvertently, they would definitely think that Jiang Chen and Zhou Jinse were a couple.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere in the car was tense, and Zhou Jinse's face was also tense.

Reaching out, taking off the glasses, and throwing them aside casually, Zhou Jinse said, "Jiang Chen, I need an explanation for what you did today, and you must also give me a reasonable explanation."

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Zhou Jinse thought so.

Although she believed that the collision between Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu was something tricky, Jiang Chen never appeared in front of Zhou Mingzhu in the past few days after the collision.

Jiang Chen, the hunter, seemed to be hiding in the dark, waiting for the prey to come to him.

However, after she went to meet Jiang Chen yesterday, the whole thing took a turn for the worse. Jiang Chen went to Zhou's house, not to mention it, but still blatantly molested her and Zhou Mingzhu.

This seemed to be a premeditated behavior by Jiang Chen, but the timing of it happened was a bit too coincidental.

"Sister-in-law, do you think I am not worthy of my family's Pearl? Tsk, don't bully the young and poor, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi." Jiang Chen sighed.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense." Zhou Jinse couldn't bear it anymore.

"Then what do you want to hear?" Jiang Chen asked leisurely.

"Why did you appear today and what is your purpose?" Zhou Jinse asked directly.

"Isn't this exactly what you want?" Jiang Chen grinned.

"Huh?" Hearing the sound, Zhou Jinse's eyebrows suddenly frowned, his expression was a little shocked, and more inconceivable.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Zhou Jinse said like a murmur.

"It should be said that it was intentional." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

This woman appeared yesterday, strong and domineering, she insisted on taking the commanding heights of morality, criticizing him as useless, if it was just that, Jiang Chen would have laughed it off.

The most damning thing is that because of Zhou Jinse, Lin Baobao ran away.

That's a duck that has reached its mouth, and it just flew like that, how could Jiang Chen bear it?

Didn't Zhou Jinse want to disgust him on purpose?Then he came to disgust Zhou Jinse, but wanted to see who disgusted who in the end.

"I can't believe what you say." Zhou Jinse lost his voice slightly.

Zhou Jinse couldn't tell, Jiang Chen admitted that it was intentional, that is to say, what Jiang Chen did today was not aimed at Zhou Mingzhu, but at her.

In other words, it was her words yesterday that angered Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen already had such calculations, didn't he?She didn't say anything wrong, why would Jiang Chen be angry, she was the one who should be angry.

After all, Zhou Mingzhu was so innocent, she shouldn't have been involved in these right and wrong.

"I want you to believe me?" Jiang Chen's words turned cold.

"I can only say that your Tai Chi technique is very clever." Gritting her teeth, Zhou Jinse said.

"Which school does my Mingzhu go to school?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"It has nothing to do with you." Naturally, it was impossible for Zhou Jinse to tell Jiang Chen, what if Jiang Chen went to school to harass Zhou Mingzhu?
"Actually, I really like my Mingzhu. Look at how pure and simple she is. At first glance, she is a qualified wife and mother." Jiang Chen said with a smack of his mouth.

"No matter how good Mingzhu is, it's not something you can do to her." Zhou Jinse warned.

Her current state was in a daze, and her judgment was vacillating from side to side, and she couldn't grasp Jiang Chen's thoughts.

Although rationality told her that she should believe Jiang Chen's words, otherwise it would be difficult to have a reasonable explanation for today's situation.

But sensibility told him that this man was not an ordinary man, and it was doomed that no matter what he did, he had a very strong purpose, and she couldn't trust him easily.

"How about, aside from Mingzhu, I'll have your idea?" Jiang Chen rubbed his chin, stared at Zhou Jinse and began to size up.

"How dare you!" Zhou Jinse's eyes were uncertain, not daring to look at Jiang Chen.

"Let's put it this way, between you and Mingzhu, I have to make up someone's mind, otherwise, how can I use your Zhou family? You care and love Mingzhu so much, worrying about her being cheated, worrying about her Being bullied, you can simply replace her role, wouldn't everyone be happy?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, stop dreaming in broad daylight." Zhou Jinse gritted his teeth.

It was clearly a dirty thing, and Jiang Chen also said it so grandly.

"Or, you don't really care about and love Mingzhu that much, you just need a foil for the weak to set off your strength? Otherwise, you don't even have the courage to sacrifice for Mingzhu. Your care and love for her, How sincere are you?" Jiang Chen said calmly.


Raising his hand, Zhou Jinse slapped Jiang Chen's face.

What is the relationship between her and Zhou Mingzhu? Jiang Chen can't tolerate it. Whether she really cares and loves Zhou Mingzhu, Jiang Chen doesn't need to point fingers here.

"I can understand, are you angry?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and grabbed Zhou Jinse's hand.


Zhou Jinse raised his left hand, slapped it as usual, and shouted: "Jiang Chen, I will fight you."

"Desperately, that's not how you work." Jiang Chen grabbed Zhou Jinse's other hand, moved his head closer, and said with a smile, "Not to mention, you look very charming when you are angry."

"Jiang Chen, do you think you've bullied me?" Zhou Jinse said loudly, breathing heavily.

"We are a family that loves each other. How could I bully you? It's too late for me to care for you. Sister-in-law, don't you think so?" Jiang Chen said ambiguously.

"Who wants your care and love." Zhou Jinse turned her head away, her face was tense, but her slender neck was unconsciously blushing.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt amused, and out of bad humor, he blew on Zhou Jinse's neck.

Zhou Jinse's whole body trembled, as if a thousand or ten thousand ants had crawled over her body, itching to the bone.

Zhou Jinse couldn't help letting out a small moan, and Zhou Jinse turned her head, her face flushed red, and even her beautiful eyes were unconsciously filled with mist.


Jiang Chen was quite surprised, he blew on Zhou Jinse's neck, it was just a prank, never thought that Zhou Jinse's body was so sensitive.

Jiang Chen found it very interesting. Seeing the strong side of this woman, Zhou Jinse's appearance was undoubtedly quite lovable and full of femininity.

This involuntarily caused Jiang Chen's bad taste to flare up again, and he blew another breath on Zhou Jinse's neck...

(End of this chapter)

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