genius evil

Chapter 537 Offended All

Chapter 537 Offended All
"No." Zhou Jinse twisted her body, trying to avoid Jiang Chen's teasing, but both of her hands were held by Jiang Chen, and the space in the driving position was limited, so she couldn't dodge at all.

With Jiang Chen's second breath, he blew on her neck, and the itchy feeling swept over her whole body in an instant. moan.

After moaning, Jiang Chen let go of Zhou Jinse's hand in astonishment, and after Zhou Jinse's hand was released, he didn't know where to put it, lying on the steering wheel, wishing he could just dig a hole and get in.

"It's so embarrassing, how could I be like this?"

Deep in Zhou Jinse's heart, a voice was moaning.

She has never had intimate contact with men, and she never knew that her body could be so sensitive, and she had never lost her composure before.

Jiang Chen didn't touch her, he just blew at her twice, which made her body so soft that Zhou Jinse didn't know how to face Jiang Chen in the future.

At this time, Zhou Jinse was lying on the steering wheel. On the one hand, she was ashamed to face others, but on the other hand, her body was so soft that she was afraid that Jiang Chen would see her shameful side.

However, what Zhou Jinse didn't know was that even if she reacted like this, the seduced Jiang Chen moved her index finger unconsciously.

Jiang Chen was teased by three women successively yesterday, Ye Sichen was not bad, Lin Baobao and Wu Qingya were bolder than the other, more direct than the other, desperately trying to lure him into the bait.

Not to mention that Jiang Chen's concentration was not very good when faced with the temptation of beauty, no matter how good his concentration was, he still couldn't stand this toss.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Chen would appear at Zhou's house today after being ruined by Zhou Jinse, looking for trouble for Zhou Jinse.

He did successfully hit Zhou Jinse's weakness. There was a Zhou Mingzhu lying between them, which made Zhou Jinse taboo and afraid, and there was nothing he could do about him.

But now, Jiang Chen was once again teased by Zhou Jinse.

"Well, are you okay?" Jiang Chen was looking for something to say.

The car was silent for a full minute before Zhou Jinse raised his head, straightened his slightly messy hair with his hands, and said indifferently, "I'm fine, get out of the car."

"That's it?" Jiang Chen blinked.

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Zhou Jinse said, although the flush on his face had not completely faded, he had already recovered a bit of a capable state.

"Zhou Jinse, how can you be so irresponsible?" Jiang Chen quit.

Is he, Jiang Chen, the kind of man who can tease casually?

Whoever teases is responsible.

Zhou Jinse teased him, so he must be responsible for him!

"What relationship do I have with you, why should I be responsible to you?" Zhou Jinse said loudly.

"I have always believed that everyone should be responsible for their own actions." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"What do you want me to take responsibility for?" Zhou Jinse was a little reluctant to see Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen saw her gaffe-like side, which would make her feel that she had no advantage at all in front of Jiang Chen.

"It turns out that you don't know how to do it. Let me teach you for free." Jiang Chen waved to Zhou Jinse.

Zhou Jinse looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and still moved his head closer, but Jiang Chen suddenly stretched out his hand, hooked her neck, and kissed her small mouth with his big mouth.


Zhou Jinse's face turned pale with shock, she thought that Jiang Chen motioned her to come closer so that it would be easier for her to talk, how could she have expected that Jiang Chen would do such a thing.

The pale Zhou Jinse immediately reached out to push Jiang Chen away.

Jiang Chen let Zhou Jinse struggle, and put his other arm around Zhou Jinse's waist, lifted Zhou Jinse from the seat and placed him on his lap.

"Jiang Chen, are you crazy?" Zhou Jinse cursed, but his voice was vague.

Jiang Chen didn't go crazy, but he knew that his emotions were a little out of control. To put it simply, it was a little out of his control.

It was like a bowstring that was already taut, someone inadvertently plucked it, and the bow and arrow didn't even want to shoot it.

Zhou Jinse's previous shyness was undoubtedly the hand that plucked the bowstring. You know, yesterday, Jiang Chen was already aroused by desire, and Zhou Jinse was so charming, how could he control himself?
Of course, in fact, Jiang Chen didn't think about controlling his desires at all.

Whatever he wants to do, he does.

At this moment, he wants Zhou Jinse, so he wants to turn Zhou Jinse into his woman.

Jiang Chen didn't answer Zhou Jinse's question. He put down the seat, turned over, and pressed Zhou Jinse under him.

"Zhou Jinse, do you understand that it was a mistake that you went to see me yesterday?" Looking into Zhou Jinse's eyes, Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You are a lunatic." Zhou Jinse wiped her red lips vigorously, full of anger.

"You seduced me today, it was a mistake among mistakes." Jiang Chen said immediately.

"I didn't." Zhou Jinse sternly defended, she didn't seduce Jiang Chen, it was Jiang Chen who was teasing her.

"I said yes." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Then you still dare to say that you didn't have any ideas about my Zhou family?" Zhou Jinse said tit for tat.

"What I want to fight now is just your idea." Jiang Chen smiled, explaining lazily, and kissed Zhou Jinse's red lips again.

Zhou Jinse resisted with all his strength, but Jiang Chen's opponent was no match. After about 5 minutes, the car started to shake with a tearing cry of pain.

An hour later, the car stopped shaking.

Zhou Jinse returned to the driving seat indifferently, dressed neatly, if it wasn't for the inside of the car, there would be a faint smell of hormones, as if nothing had happened.

"Jiang Chen, I have always thought you are a smart person. When a person is smart enough, they will never do stupid things easily." Zhou Jinse said with a slightly empty gaze, looking forward .

"Similarly, I also think that you are a smart woman. A smart woman does stupid things again and again, so why don't you allow me, a smart man, to be stupid once?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"What about the consequences?" Zhou Jinse asked.

"It was you who became my woman." Jiang Chen said in an affirmative tone.

A strong smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and Zhou Jinse said, "So you're so naive, it looks like I overestimated you."

"You didn't overestimate me, I just believed in my own charm." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"From this moment on, the Zhou family and you are incompatible!" The voice suddenly became sharp, and Zhou Jinse's delicate face was covered with frost.

"This is really a bad ending, but I'm waiting for you to change your mind." Shrugging, Jiang Chen didn't care, opened the car door, and got out of the car.

Jiang Chen never tried to figure out people's hearts easily, and he didn't know whether Zhou Jinse was the same.

It's a pity that Zhou Jinse's speculation about him was wrong from the very beginning. It was outrageously wrong and partial. Zhou Jinse went on this wrong road again and again.

For this point, Jiang Chen himself doesn't care, he has never been a good man.

However, since Zhou Jinse decided that he had ulterior motives, and that the car accident between him and Zhou Mingzhu had an ulterior plan and conspiracy.

Well, he really doesn't mind at all, turning a ridiculous thing into a bloody reality.

Jiang Chen quickly stopped a taxi and left. Zhou Jinse sat in the car expressionlessly, his empty eyes were full of paleness, unknowingly, tears slowly rolled down his face.


In the afternoon, in the center of Beijing, a figure appeared at the door of a ward on the fourth floor of a luxurious private hospital.

After the man appeared, he pushed open the door of the ward and walked in.

Inside the ward, it was extremely luxurious. Wang Mingjie lay on the soft and spacious hospital bed, and two beautiful female nurses waited on him attentively.

One for the back and one for the legs.

"Young Master Wang, did you call me here to see you picking up girls?" The young man who walked into the hospital spoke with a sarcastic halo.

"You two go out first." Wang Mingjie turned over, glanced at the man, and waved his hand to signal the nurse to leave first.

As soon as the nurse left, Wang Mingjie casually picked up the red wine bottle from the bedside, poured two glasses of red wine, shook one in his hand, and handed one to the young man.

The young man took it, took a sip, and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I met someone today, do you want to know who it is?" Wang Mingjie didn't answer directly, and made a small pass.

The young man was a little displeased, drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, and said, "I'm not in the mood to play riddles with you."

"That person went to Zhou's house today." Wang Mingjie continued.

"Zhou Jinse's suitor? You two had a jealous fight, and then you went to the hospital?" the young man said jokingly.

"Zhou Mingzhu's suitor." Wang Mingjie said lightly, ignoring the young man's ridicule.

"Who is he?" The expression on the young man's face instantly became ugly.

Wang Mingjie laughed complacently, and said: "People in this circle say that you have weird tastes, and you don't want to chase so many beauties, but you have a special liking for Zhou Mingzhu's bean sprouts. I didn't know that before. Believe me, now I finally believe it."

"I just need to know his name," said the young man.

Everyone in this circle knew that he liked Zhou Mingzhu, because of this, he never dared to hit Zhou Mingzhu, but he wanted to see who was not open.

"Even if you know his name, it's useless. As far as I know, Zhou Jinse is quite satisfied with him, and intends to match him with Zhou Mingzhu." Wang Mingjie said.

"Impossible." Without thinking, the young man just shook his head.

What is his identity?
With his status, he was not sure that Zhou Jinse would approve.

Looking around the capital, the young man felt that if he was not sure about things, others must be even less sure.

"His name is Jiang Chen." Wang Mingjie finally said Jiang Chen's name slowly.

"Jiang Chen? Which Jiang Chen?" The young man froze for a moment.

"It's the Jiang Chen you've heard of." Wang Mingjie said with a smile.

"Since when did he get involved with the Zhou family?" The young man looked suspicious, a little suspicious of Wang Mingjie's words.

The young man has naturally heard about Jiang Chen's deeds, so he doesn't need to deliberately inquire about it, because he knows it clearly.

However, although Jiang Chen was very good at jumping around in the capital, he had never heard that Jiang Chen had any relationship with the Zhou family.

"I don't know his relationship with the Zhou family, or you can inquire about it yourself," Wang Mingjie said.

He called this person over, and what he wanted to talk about was the relationship between Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu. As for other things, he was too lazy to care about them, and he didn't have the heart to care about them.

"I will investigate clearly." The young man said.

"I wish you good luck." Wang Mingjie smiled slightly, raised the cup in his hand as a gesture, raised his neck, and poured the wine in the cup down his throat in one breath.

"The most important thing you should wish is to give Jiang Chen good luck, otherwise his trip to the capital is destined to become a lingering nightmare." The young man said with a gloomy expression on his face.

The so-called wishing Jiang Chen good luck meant that he hoped that Jiang Chen would not have anything to do with Zhou Mingzhu, otherwise the consequences would definitely not be acceptable to Jiang Chen.

No one can have an idea of ​​the woman he regards as a target, not even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, there is no other superfluous reason, the only reason is that his surname is Zheng.

The surname Zheng is not a very prominent surname.

But this is the capital city, and in the capital city, this surname represents the powerful and powerful...

(End of this chapter)

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