genius evil

Chapter 538

Chapter 538

At about ten o'clock in the morning, a BMW car at the Caesar Hotel stopped at the reception area at the entrance.

At the door, the two welcoming guests saw this scene, only glanced at it for a while, and then looked away.

Although it is a BMW 7 Series, which is expensive in China, so what?
They have seen too many tens of millions of cars, and it is really difficult for them to see this kind of million-level cars.

But after a while, the two security guards stared straight at the eyes, and even the waist, unknowingly, straightened up a lot, and the slightly lazy look on their faces became a lot more solemn .

With the appearance of BMW cars, a row of cars appeared behind the cars, all of them were BMW 7 series, there were ten cars in total, and the color was uniform, all of them were black.

Of course, if that's all, it's not enough to impress the two welcome guests.

There is essentially no difference between one BMW 7 Series and ten BMW 7 Series. Changes in quantity will not cause changes in quality.

On the contrary, such an accumulation of numbers will easily give people the feeling of a nouveau riche.

After all, who would play such a boring game for a rich person with real taste? It is purely a panic of burning too much money, and it is very easy to accidentally pretend to be a fool, and instead become a fool.

What really shocked the two welcome guests was that when the ten BMWs stopped, the door opened and the people got out of the car.

Not some dignitaries, but bodyguards.

The ten black-clothed bodyguards pushed the car door at the same time and in a consistent manner. After getting out of the car, they all stood beside the car in a uniform manner, each wearing sunglasses. Their imposing manner alone was enough to startle people.

It wasn't just the two welcome guests who were shocked, even the hotel staff who had seen many big scenes, their attention was inevitably attracted by seeing such a situation.

Not to mention that the guests who came in and out of the hotel were all stunned, wondering if there was an important person of the national level living in this hotel.

There is no way, in this scene, those below the ministerial level are probably too embarrassed to show up, and they have to rise to the national level to be worthy.

After all, in the capital, where the rich and powerful walk everywhere, picking up a brick and throwing it out can knock down several tens of millions of rich people. It is actually very simple to create such a posture today. That's fine.

But sometimes it is a matter of face, but it is definitely not just something that can be done with money.

Just like what kind of horse goes with what kind of saddle, if the identity of the character cannot match such a big scene, in the end, it will only make a big joke.

The audience was a little silent, holding their breaths one by one, waiting for the "big man" inside the hotel to come out.

Suddenly, the door of the BMW car that appeared first was pushed open, and a figure emerged from the car.

It is money and wealth.

Qian Fugui's attire today can be described as grand.

The suit is neat, the leather shoes are shiny, and the hair is combed meticulously. If he pins a small red flower on his chest, he may go directly to the wedding venue.

After Qian Fugui got out of the car, he ignored the reaction of the audience. He widened his eyes and looked inside the hotel.

If you look closely at his facial expressions, you will find that his facial muscles are twitching slightly uncontrollably, and there is a faint light of anxiety in those eyes.

About 5 minutes later, in the hotel's inner lobby, the elevator door opened, and a figure walked out from the elevator.

Casual clothes, canvas shoes, hair looks a bit messy, the iconic smile on the face, it seems to be smiling, but it doesn't seem to be smiling, it's bewildering and cynical.

After getting out of the elevator, the young man smiled and walked outside casually.

"Little brother, come here." Just as the young man was walking, a middle-aged man quickly waved and greeted Jiang Chen.

"Are you calling me?" The young man stopped, took it away and pointed to his nose.

"Yes, come here quickly." The middle-aged man said.

The young man was a little puzzled and even more surprised, but seeing the concerned expression on the middle-aged man's face, he walked over at a leisurely pace.

"Little brother, you are going out to do some errands, right? If you are not in a hurry, please wait first." The middle-aged man said earnestly.

"What's wrong?" the young man asked with a smile.

Secretly pointing to the situation outside, the middle-aged man said: "See, don't be careful and offend people."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of offending people, but thank you for your kindness." The young man said, and then continued to walk outside.

The middle-aged man was anxious, thinking that young people are young and energetic, even if they are in a hurry to do something, it is not so short of a few minutes, right?

If this accidentally caused some people's displeasure, it might delay the rest of my life.

The middle-aged man just tried to reach out his hand to hold the young man back, but the pull was in vain. At this moment, Qian Fugui, who was waiting outside, strode in.

Seeing Qian Fugui walk in, the middle-aged man's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He thought that something bad would happen, probably because the young man's appearance was too conspicuous, which made people dissatisfied after all.

But what happened next made the middle-aged man a little dumbfounded.

I just saw that after Qian Fugui walked into the hotel lobby, he said to the young man respectfully: "Jiang Shao, I am ready."

"Let's go when you're ready." The young man said casually, it was none other than Jiang Chen.

Following the conversation between Qian Fugui and Jiang Chen, the attention of the hotel staff and guests were all attracted.

They originally thought that Qian Fugui's reason for such a big battle was to meet a big man with an extraordinary status, but they never thought that it would only be a young man who had caused so many things.

A handsome young man, but from head to toe, it seems that there is nothing extraordinary about him.

Maybe it's because what we see in reality is too different from what we imagined, and many people are a little disappointed.

"Okay." Qian Fugui nodded, and led Jiang Chen outside. As for what other people thought, it was impossible for him to care.

After walking two steps, Jiang Chen stopped suddenly, raised his hand, pointed to the middle-aged man who had spoken to him before, and asked, "Do you know him?"

Following the direction Jiang Chen pointed, Qian Fugui stared at the middle-aged man carefully, and said, "I don't know him."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know him, I just think that you may need to know him." Jiang Chen said, talking, and then walked outside.

Qian Fugui's expression was a bit suspicious, he didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant, and he didn't understand why Jiang Chen would point out that middle-aged man.

But since Jiang Chen said that he needs to get to know him, no matter what the intention is, Qian Fugui decided to get to know the middle-aged man.

After walking out of the hotel lobby, Jiang Chen couldn't help smiling when he saw the scene outside the hotel.

"Such a big battle?" Jiang Chen was somewhat dumbfounded.

"Jiang Shao, I don't have enough time, I'm a little hasty, don't take offense." Qian Fugui said embarrassingly.

Qian Fugui received a call from Jiang Chen last night. He heard Jiang Chen said that he had time today and planned to go to Qian's house. After the call, Qian Fugui immediately became excited.

You know, Jiang Chen has been to many places in the capital this trip, but he has not been to the Qian family for a long time. The Qian family did not dare to press too hard, so they could only hint to Jiang Chen in a circumstantial manner.

Although Qian Fugui received Jiang Chen's hint that he would go to Qian's house on another day, but after all, he didn't set a specific time, and he didn't know when he would go.

It was rare for Jiang Chen to take the initiative to make a phone call and set the time. How could Qian Fugui not be excited?
Later, when Qian Fugui told Qian Banshan the news, the news spread, and the entire Qian family became lively.

Afterwards, it was time to prepare for the specific reception matters. Qian Fugui came to pick Jiang Chen up in person. The scene seemed to be a big one, but compared to his family's wealth and life, it was nothing.

Even if it is to open a plane to pick up Jiang Chen, Qian Fugui would take it for granted.

"I'm talking about this car." Jiang Chen pouted.

When Jiang Chen was in Yilan City, one time he was bored and flipped through a few car magazines, and knew a lot about cars.

This BMW 7 Series is not the kind that connects to bad streets in the capital city. This product is a genuine mobile castle on the road, a bulletproof car that costs tens of millions.

"It's still Jiang Shao, you have a good eye and know the goods." Qian Fugui chuckled.

"It's too grand, I'll be embarrassed." Jiang Chen said shyly.

Qian Fugui was taken aback for a moment, and asked nervously, "Young Master Jiang, is it too high-profile?"

"Yeah, it's too high-profile. It doesn't match my low-key personality at all. This is the only time. It's not an example." Jiang Chen said, opened the door, and got in the car.

As soon as Jiang Chen got into the car, Qian Fugui got into the car in a hurry.

This bulletproof car was not equipped with a driver. Qian Fugui drove the car himself, and soon turned around and drove on the road. Afterwards, the ten BMW cars followed the car, forming a long and mighty queue.

"Did I meddle in my own business just now?" The middle-aged man who had talked with Jiang Chen said very worriedly when the motorcade left.

He stopped Jiang Chen, and it was all for Jiang Chen's own good. What happened afterwards was somewhat beyond his imagination. Jiang Chen's gesture of pointing at him before leaving made his heart jump even more.

"Old Jia, you are about to get rich." Beside the middle-aged man, a local businessman in the capital said with excitement and excitement.

"What's wrong?" The middle-aged man didn't know why.

"Old Jia, you have been in the capital not long ago, so I'm afraid you don't know who that person was just now. Let me tell you, that person is from the Qian family in the capital. If you have a relationship with the Qian family, you will not be able to make a fortune in the future. When the time comes , don’t forget me as an old friend.” The friend said enviously.

"I don't quite understand what you're talking about." The middle-aged man said hesitantly, still a little nervous.

Naturally, he would not know what his inadvertent act of kindness had brought him.What's more, they don't know that Jiang Chen just gave him a great fortune,

(End of this chapter)

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