genius evil

Chapter 540

Chapter 540

"If you don't want to roll over, you can shut up." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, your airs are really big enough. I, Zheng Xiangyu, have never seen anyone so presumptuous in front of me." Zheng Xiangyu said darkly.

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while.

Does he have a big shelf?
It's Zheng Xiangyu who wants to ask him a question, and it's not him who wants to ask Zheng Xiangyu a question. To be reasonable, shouldn't Zheng Xiangyu be more polite?
If this makes him arrogant, then he admits that he is arrogant.

"Qian Fugui, drive away." Jiang Chen ordered, talking nonsense with Zheng Xiangyu lazily.

Qian Fugui glanced at Zheng Xiangyu, then at Jiang Chen, hesitated for a moment, opened the door and got in the car.

"You think you can leave if you want?" Zheng Xiangyu said, the gun in the outstretched hand pointed at Jiang Chen's head through a layer of windshield, making a gesture to pull the trigger at any time .

"Jiang Shao, what's the situation?" Qian Fugui was in a state of confusion. Until now, he hadn't figured out what kind of conflict between Jiang Chen and Zheng Xiangyu would make Zheng Xiangyu so crazy.

To say that it was Wang Mingjie who appeared today, Qian Fugui can understand it. What happened at the gate of the Zhou family has long been rumored. Jiang Chen offended Wang Mingjie very hard.

But it was never heard that Jiang Chen had offended Zheng Xiangyu, there was no rumor at all.

"You ask me who am I going to ask?" Jiang Chen felt that he was extremely innocent.

In fact, it wasn't just Qian Fugui who was puzzled, Jiang Chen was also very puzzled, this guy rushed over and wanted to bite, what kind of grudge?
The revenge of killing a son and taking his wife is probably nothing more than that.

What Jiang Chen naturally didn't know was that, for Zheng Xiangyu, there was really a feud between Jiang Chen and him that was close to taking his wife.

Zheng Xiangyu went to the hospital to meet Wang Mingjie yesterday, and learned from Wang Mingjie that Jiang Chen was pursuing Zhou Mingzhu.

Zheng Xiangyu didn't fully listen to Wang Mingjie's one-sided words, but he didn't do a detailed investigation either, so he came to Jiang Chen directly.

From Zheng Xiangyu's point of view, no matter how true or false what Wang Mingjie said, there was nothing wrong with it. He wanted to hear what Jiang Chen said with his own ears. By the way, he warned Jiang Chen to stay away from Zhou Mingzhu.

This is also the reason why Zheng Xiangyu is aggressive!

"Jiang Shao, this car should be able to stop bullets, right?" Qian Fugui changed the subject and said nervously.

"Didn't you say it's okay?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm not sure." Qian Fugui smiled wryly, even if he could, he wouldn't dare to let Jiang Chen take risks.

"Drive." Jiang Chen said.

"How?" Qian Fugui looked at the Humvee blocking in front of him.

"Run into it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Ah—" Qian Fugui was stunned.

"How about I drive?" Jiang Chen said casually.

Qian Fugui was extremely ashamed. If it was really Jiang Chen who was driving, Jiang Chen would step on the accelerator and hit him. Of course, there would be no problem at all. However, in the current situation, it is impossible for him to switch to Jiang Chen.

Just when Qian Fugui was hesitating, suddenly, gunshots rang out.


A bullet hit the windshield of the car, making a sharp sound.

It was Zheng Xiangyu who saw Jiang Chen and Qian Fugui sitting in the car talking, ignored him, and shot him in a fit of anger.

"This car is not bad." Jiang Chen smiled.

Qian Fugui was terrified. Before he could speak, Jiang Chen got out of the car. The next second, Jiang Chen appeared beside the Hummer, and the gun in Zheng Xiangyu's hand fell into Jiang Chen's hand.

"An armored car?"

A bullet never pierced the windshield of a car, which was beyond Zheng Xiangyu's expectations. He was waiting for Jiang Chen's blood to splatter three feet, but who knew, it didn't even pierce the glass.

Before Zheng Xiangyu could react, the hand holding the gun was empty, and the gun in his hand disappeared. Instead, an indifferent face came into his eyes.

"Give me a reason not to kill you." The muzzle of the gun casually pressed against Zheng Xiangyu's temple, Jiang Chen said.


Zheng Xiangyu swallowed hard, and said, "My name is Zheng Xiangyu."

"Not enough." Jiang Chen shook his head.

What about the Zheng family?
Judging from Zheng Xiangyu's shooting action just now, the murderous intention is obvious.

Zheng Xiangyu can kill him, but he can't kill Zheng Xiangyu?Just because Zheng Xiangyu is from the Zheng family?
Could it be that he, Jiang Chen, is still afraid of offending others?

"The question I want to ask you is, is there any relationship between you and Zhou Mingzhu?" Zheng Xiangyu said, swallowing his saliva again.

"Zhou Mingzhu?" Jiang Chen pondered, this surprised Jiang Chen a bit.

"Everyone knows that I am pursuing Zhou Mingzhu." Zheng Xiangyu said.

"Don't say I don't know, even if I don't know, so what?" Jiang Chen smiled, this guy's tone is really big.

Jiang Chen couldn't hear the hidden meaning of Zheng Xiangyu's words.

That is, everyone knew that he was pursuing Zhou Mingzhu, so anyone else who tried to get Zhou Mingzhu's idea had to stay away.

"Are you really going to kill me?" Zheng Xiangyu asked instead of answering Jiang Chen's question.

"You think I dare not?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I won't bet my life with you. On one condition, I give up pursuing Zhou Mingzhu. If you shoot me, I can pretend that nothing happened today." Zheng Xiangyu said.

"Give up so easily, I'm afraid it's not true love." Jiang Chen sighed, changed the topic, and said, "You have to bow your head to others, and you have to look like you bow your head. How about this, you apologize to me first."

"What apology?" Zheng Xiangyu was stunned.

"You almost killed me with your car, it shouldn't be difficult to apologize, right?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"This is my fault." Zheng Xiangyu said.He looked up at Jiang Chen and said, "Is this okay?"

"Your car is not bad, so next, I want to try it." Jiang Chen said.

"What are you going to do?" Zheng Xiangyu became nervous.

"What about you, sit here now, fasten your seat belt, don't move around, if you hear me, or I will be very angry." Jiang Chen patted Zheng Xiangyu on the shoulder, strode to the front of the car, raised his gun in hand.

Seeing Jiang Chen's action, Zheng Xiangyu's eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets.

He didn't know if Jiang Chen really dared to shoot, but he didn't want to bet his life with Jiang Chen. For this reason, he would rather give up pursuing Zhou Mingzhu, and even apologize to Jiang Chen.

Originally, Zheng Xiangyu thought that the matter was settled, but he never thought that it would never end.

Looking at Jiang Chen's posture, how could Zheng Xiangyu fail to see that Jiang Chen wanted to imitate him and shoot at the windshield.

However, even though this Humvee is very strong, how can it compare with bulletproof vehicles? If Jiang Chen really shoots, he will definitely die.

Zheng Xiangyu was finally scared, and hurriedly wanted to unbuckle his seat belt, but soon, Zheng Xiangyu found that his hands were limp and weak, and he didn't even have the strength to lift them up.

Zheng Xiangyu struggled to break free from the restraints of the seat belt, but his body seemed to be nailed to the seat, unable to move.

"No!" Zheng Xiangyu screamed.


The gunshot rang out, and the windshield of the Humvee shattered in an instant, and a bullet, with a spray of blood, was sent into Zheng Xiangyu's body.

After firing a shot, Jiang Chen casually threw away the pistol, Shi Shiran opened the door of the BMW, and got in.

"Can you drive now?" Jiang Chen's tone was extremely calm as if nothing had happened.

Qian Fugui's scalp was numb, and the hairs on his back stood on end.

He didn't know before, what kind of conflict existed between Jiang Chen and Zheng Xiangyu, but that was not important anymore, Jiang Chen's shot undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, and the conflict with the Zheng family completely intensified.

Trembling in reverse, trembling on the road, Qian Fugui's hands and feet were a little out of control, and the car was on the road for a while, his nerves were tense.

Because of Qian Fugui's state, the speed of the convoy became very slow. Fortunately, they finally arrived at Qian's house safely.

At the gate of Qian's house, there were already people waiting there. When they saw the convoy, they immediately ran in to notify them.

Soon, Qian Banshan came out.

"Jiang Shao, please come inside." Qian Banshan greeted him with a smile on his face.

Jiang Chen smiled, walked inside, Qian Banshan was about to follow, saw Qian Fugui out of the corner of his eye, and found that Qian Fugui's state was very strange.

After Qian Fugui got out of the car, he seemed to have lost his soul, his face was pale and his eyebrows drooped.

"What's wrong?" Qian Banshan asked with a frown.

"Something has happened." Qian Fugui smiled wryly as his lips twitched.

Ten minutes later, inside the Qian family, in the reception hall.

The members of the Qian family, including Qian Banshan, had very strange expressions on their faces. They stared at Jiang Chen one by one, their eyes flickering, as if they were looking at a monster.

Jiang Chen didn't care at all, drinking tea comfortably.

"Jiang Shao, do you still have time today?" After a while, Qian Banshan asked.

Qian Fugui went to the hotel to pick up Jiang Chen, it can be said that he had made enough preparations, but no matter how well prepared he was, he couldn't stand up to Jiang Chen's method and speed of hatred.

Everyone knew about the grievances between Jiang Chen and the Wu family.

However, what is the situation of the Zheng family, how could they confront Jiang Chen?
After hearing Qian Fugui say that Jiang Chen had shot Zheng Xiangyu, Qian Banshan's heart was about to jump out of his throat.

Zheng Xiangyu didn't know what was going on for the time being, whether he was dead or not.

If Zheng Xiangyu died, wouldn't the Zheng family be crazy for a minute?

Even if Zheng Xiangyu survived by luck, the Zheng family would still be jealous.

In this case, Qian Banshan is under a lot of pressure.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Patriarch Qian is going to drive me away. It just so happens that I don't have much time today."

Jiang Chen got up and left.

Qian Banshan hurriedly got up, and said awkwardly: "Jiang Shao, don't misunderstand, you come, our Qian family is walking up and down to welcome you, it's too late, how could we drive you away, it's just..."

"I'm just worried that I'll hurt the Qian family, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, Zheng Xiangyu's identity is not ordinary." Qian Banshan was not stupid enough to admit his deepest thoughts, and hinted euphemistically, hoping that Jiang Chen could understand what kind of identity and status Zheng Xiangyu had in the Zheng family.

"So?" Jiang Chen asked noncommittally.

Qian Banshan had a headache, and he found that he couldn't answer Jiang Chen's words.

Because, if he allowed Jiang Chen to leave, he would of course avoid the risk of being implicated by Jiang Chen and offending the Zheng family to a large extent.

However, that risk is passed on to the members of their own family.

In other words, it was easy for Jiang Chen to leave. In the future, it would be impossible to invite Jiang Chen back again. Any efforts made in the past would be in vain.

But if you don't send Jiang Chen away, let Jiang Chen stay in the Qian family to treat the illnesses of the people of the Qian family, wouldn't that tell everyone clearly that their Qian family has a close relationship with Jiang Chen and stand on the same front?
In this way, even if Jiang Chen cured the Qian family's illness, the risks that followed might not be something the Qian family could bear.

Qian Banshan accidentally fell into a dilemma.

"I still have about ten seconds." Jiang Chen took out his phone to check the time, and said with a half-smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes, including Qian Fugui's, fell on Qian Banshan.

"There are still seven seconds." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

He is not forcing Qian Banshan, but he is also lazy to force Qian Banshan.

All that is needed is an attitude.

"Jiang Shao, please sit down." Taking a deep breath, Qian Banshan said decisively.

One side is to offend Jiang Chen, and the other side is to offend the Zheng family. If given a choice, Qian Banshan doesn't want to offend either side, but it is inevitable that one of them must be offended.

"Patriarch Qian, you are quite interesting." Jiang Chen gave a strange laugh, and lazily returned to his seat.

Qian Banshan's heart was twitching, how could he be interesting?
However, he suddenly understood a problem, that is, if Jiang Chen wanted to leave, no one could stop him.

Jiang Chen left a question to give him a chance, but he didn't mean to take advantage of the Qian family.

From this, Jiang Chen's attitude was clear, if Qian Banshan couldn't seize the opportunity, he would be the biggest idiot in the world.

"Jiang Shao, if you don't mind, how about staying at Qian's house for a while?" Qian Banshan said at the right time.

"No, which one of you will come first?" Jiang Chen shook his head and said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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