genius evil

Chapter 541

Chapter 541
Jiang Chen's words meant that he was going to start treating the Qian family members.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the Qian family inevitably became excited.

From a certain point of view, the illness of the Qian family is not like a disease, but more like a curse, a curse for this family known as the most profitable in all of China.

They control the countless economic lifelines of this country, and control the basic necessities of life of countless people, but they cannot control their own life, old age, sickness and death.

This has to be said to be extremely ironic.

Finally, they saw the dawn of hope in Jiang Chen, and were forced to sign an unequal treaty in order to break the seemingly inherent curse.

But Jiang Chen is a troublesome person, or it can be said that Jiang Chen is too troublesome.

This guy showed his sharpness in Yilan City, but when he came to the capital, he didn't change at all. It can even be said that he showed his sharpness more and more!

In the eyes of anyone, what Jiang Chen did can only be described as crazy.

It's fine if he doesn't pay attention to the four small families in the capital, but he also doesn't pay attention to the four big families in the capital.

Let me ask, for countless years, who has such confidence and pride?

It was precisely because of Jiang Chen's crazy behavior that the Qian family did not dare to force Jiang Chen at all. Jiang Chen had to take the initiative to do everything.

If Jiang Chen procrastinated, the Qian family would have nothing to do with Jiang Chen, they could only stare and wait.

Jiang Chen came to the Qian family this time, causing a huge disturbance. The Qian family originally thought that Jiang Chen should have no intention of treating his illness. Although this made them feel regretful, they couldn't say much.

Jiang Chen seemed indifferent, and proposed to treat the disease, which could not prevent the Qian family members from feeling overjoyed.

"Patriarch, you come first."

"Yes, Patriarch, we can wait a little longer."

"Dad, come here."


Following Jiang Chen's words, the huge reception hall became lively.

"Okay, I'll come first." Qian Banshan was not polite at all, his mental state had indeed been getting worse recently.

"Jiang Shao, do you want to prepare anything?" Qian Banshan asked.

"Just a room that is quiet enough." Jiang Chen said lightly.

There are many such rooms in Qian's house. A few minutes later, Qian Banshan led Jiang Chen into a dark and quiet room.

Jiang Chen signaled Qian Banshan to lie on the bed, and after Qian Banshan was lying on the bed, Jiang Chen casually touched Qian Banshan, causing Qian Banshan to fall asleep.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen moved his right wrist slightly, and several silver needles appeared in his palm.

Those silver needles pierced into several key acupuncture points on Qian Banshan's back at an extremely fast speed and without distinction.

The illness of the Qian family has always been called a curse.

The difficulty is that no cause can be found out, and therefore, targeted treatment cannot be made at all.

With the financial and material resources of the Qian family, there is no way to deal with such a disease. It is obvious how difficult this disease is.

Even for Jiang Chen, treatment is definitely not an easy task, but Jiang Chen has long been prepared, he has already seen what the Qian family's illness is like.

Moreover, the reason why Jiang Chen has delayed coming until now is not because he is hypocritical, nor is it because he intentionally manipulated it, but because he has been thinking about ways to cure his illness since he negotiated a deal with Qian Banshan that time.

If his cultivation and state were at their peak, it would not be difficult. There are at least dozens of methods to easily lift this so-called curse.

The situation is different now, Jiang Chen naturally can't use those methods casually, and he doesn't have that level of strength, he can only make constant adjustments according to his own situation.

In the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen is known as a master of medicine and morality. His attainments in medicine and ethics have naturally reached the peak. He can easily cure any difficult and miscellaneous diseases. At least, this kind of disease of the Qian family is not difficult. It's a big problem.

But Jiang Chen himself is a person who is afraid of trouble.

Even though he quickly found several effective methods, he didn't come to Qian's family to treat someone's illness, because Jiang Chen needed to find the most time-saving and labor-saving method.

Just yesterday, Jiang Chen finally found it, so he called Qian Fugui.

From the Qian family's point of view, everything seemed very complicated, but to Jiang Chen, it was actually very simple, and there was nothing shady about it.

At this time, Jiang Chen was giving Qian Banshan acupuncture. The acupuncture technique didn't seem very complicated, but this set of acupuncture had a name that once shocked the True Spirit Continent—Nine-turn Acupuncture.

This set of nine-turn acupuncture method is the ultimate nine-turn method, which can pass through the Yin and Yang of the heavens and the earth.

However, even when he was in the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen's cultivation could only barely perform the seventh rank, and now, Jiang Chen could only perform the second rank at most.

However, this is enough.

Half an hour later, Qian Banshan woke up leisurely, left the room, and Qian Fugui walked in.

Jiang Chen followed the same pattern and used the same technique to apply the needles.

In this way, this morning, Jiang Chen wasted at Qian's house, but in a few hours, he only treated five or six people.

"Jiang Shao, you have worked hard." Qian Banshan said gratefully.

At noon, the Qian family held a banquet in honor of Jiang Chen. The banquet was of the highest standard.

Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

"Jiang Shao, are you alright?" Qian Fugui asked in a low voice, seeing that Jiang Chen's face was slightly pale.

"No problem." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

His cultivation base is not enough, the nine-turn needling method is extremely reluctant, and it consumes a lot of money on himself, but it has not yet reached the point where it hurts his muscles and bones.

Of course, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to injure himself for the sake of healing.

After all, he is in trouble now, and no one knows when the crisis will come, so it is natural to prepare early.

"The next treatment will be carried out in batches. You can arrange whoever comes first." Jiang Chen said after taking a sip of red wine.

"No problem." Qian Banshan readily agreed.

According to Jiang Chen, the people who were treated this morning are all fine.

I don't know if it was because of self-suggestion, but Qian Banshan felt that his whole body was much more relaxed, and he had the feeling of living another hundred years.

Jiang Chen's request was nothing more than an insignificant request, and Qian Banshan had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, let's eat. I'm going to take a break after eating." Jiang Chen greeted.

"If Young Master Jiang doesn't dislike him, he can rest at my Qian's house." Qian Banshan invited.

"Yes." After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen didn't refuse this time.

After eating, Qian Fugui took Jiang Chen to the resting place, and many people in the Qian family were still emotionally agitated and could not calm down for a long time.

"Patriarch, how kind of you are you?" Someone asked, looking at Qian Banshan.

"I feel good now." Qian Banshan smiled slightly.

"What about you?" The person who asked the question looked at the other subjects who had been treated by Jiang Chen.

"I don't feel much, but my mental state seems to be much better." Those people said.

"Jiang Shao is really a genius doctor, it's amazing." Some people exclaimed.

The problem that has plagued the Qian family for several generations, the curse that the entire Qian family spent so much effort to be unable to touch, was actually solved so easily by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Shaoben is a strange person." Qian Fugui didn't know when he came back, and said noncommittally.

"Patriarch, now arrange who will receive treatment next time." Someone said impatiently.

They didn't take the wheel this time, but they didn't have much to say. After all, the people who received treatment this time all had a pivotal position within the Qian family.

The existence of these people constituted a core of the Qian family, so treatment was naturally given priority.

However, although there is no objection, these people also have deep envy in the depths of their eyes after looking at the few people who have already received treatment.

The curse is like a dark cloud, covering the top of the head all the time. Who wouldn't want to break through the dark cloud and see the sun above the head?
"Okay, let's arrange it now." Qian Banshan was in a good mood, laughed, and soon made an explanation.

But at this time, Jiang Chen was already soundly asleep in the guest room.

Jiang Chen fell asleep, but someone was destined to not be able to get a good night's sleep these few days.

Zheng Xiangyu had an accident, there was no warning in advance, and the other party was Jiang Chen. When the news reached the Zheng family, it immediately caused shocking waves.

Zheng Xiangyu was immediately sent to the Zheng family's private nursing home to receive the best treatment.

Not long after Zheng Xiangyu was sent to the nursing home, some members of the Zheng family also appeared in the nursing home.

Among these people is Jung Sung-taek, Jung Sang-woo's father.

Zheng Chengze is the eldest son of the Zheng family, and Zheng Xiangyu, who was born, is naturally the eldest grandson of the Zheng family.

Although Zheng Chengze has other brothers, the identity of the eldest son and grandson predestined him and Zheng Xiangyu to have an unbreakable status in the Zheng family.

Because of his wife's poor health, after giving birth to his son, Zheng Xiangyu, Zheng Chengze never gave birth to another son and a half daughter. Perhaps because he was the only son, Zheng Chengze has always pampered Zheng Xiangyu to the utmost, and spared no expense and resources. To cultivate.

It can be said that Zheng Chengze placed great hopes on Zheng Xiangyu.

Zheng Xiangyu's growth trajectory was arranged by Zheng Chengze. Fortunately, Zheng Xiangyu has never let him down. The journey has been smooth and smooth. The achievements he has made, not to mention remarkable, at least leave the rest of the Zheng family speechless .

The old man of the Zheng family lived a long life, but after all he was old. Zheng Xiangyu, the first in line heir of the Zheng family, only waited for the old man Zheng for a hundred years before he could logically inherit the position of the head of the family.

However, an accident happened suddenly. While Zheng Chengze was burning with anxiety, deep in his heart, he was also filled with raging anger.

After Zheng Xiangyu was sent to the nursing home, he entered the operating room. Zheng Chengze waited for nearly two hours before seeing the door of the operating room opened, and the attending doctor came out from inside.

"What's the situation?" Zheng Chengze asked in a deep voice.

"Young Master Zheng is out of danger, and he is in good health for the time being..." said the attending doctor.

"Okay...ok..." Zheng Chengze burst out laughing before the doctor in charge finished speaking.

An accident is considered a major event, but it can also be considered a minor event, as long as no one is killed.

Zheng Chengze was most worried about the loss of Zheng Xiangyu's life. After all, Jiang Chen fired a shot at Zheng Xiangyu, and the chance of death was too high.

"However, Young Master Zheng's situation is still not optimistic." Seeing Zheng Chengze's reaction, the attending doctor hesitated.

"What?" Zheng Chengze, who was smiling, suddenly frowned.

"Zheng is very become a vegetable." The attending doctor stammered.

"Ah—" Zheng Chengze wailed, "Jiang Chen, my Zheng family is incompatible with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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