genius evil

Chapter 542 The One-Handed Hate

Chapter 542
Some people are dead, but he is still alive.

Some people are alive, he is dead.

Zheng Xiangyu is still alive, Jiang Chen did not kill him, but he has already been sentenced to death.

Vegetables, waste, are garbage that can be thrown away at any time.

In a super huge family, the most indispensable thing is people. When there is no shortage of people, there is naturally no shortage of talents.

Even if it is the eldest grandson, Zheng Xiangyu's being in the Zheng family does not mean that he can sit back and relax. On the contrary, this heavy status makes him have to work harder and be better than others.

Because, he has been standing within the aperture, and his every move is seen by other people. If he is not good enough, what those people see will be a joke.

Even when Zheng Xiangyu was fine, if he would turn into a vegetative state as the doctor said, it obviously meant that Zheng Xiangyu was destined to be abandoned by the Zheng family.

This also means that all of Zheng Chengze's efforts in the past [-] years have all been in vain.

How could Zheng Chengze not be angry, roaring like a wild lion!
The news quickly spread within the Zheng family, like a small stone thrown into a calm water, stirring up thousands of waves!


The time is about three o'clock in the afternoon.

This time period is still very early for office workers, and they still have at least two hours before getting off work.

For Wang Mingjie, this time is also very early.

He was in the hospital, even though he was accompanied by beautiful nurses, it was still very boring for him who had an extremely colorful private life.

This kind of boredom drove Wang Mingjie a little crazy.

"Young Master Wang." Suddenly, a head stuck out from the door of the ward, poking its head around, sneakily.

"Come in." Seeing that head, Wang Mingjie said angrily.

Accompanied by giggling laughter, the visitor swaggered into the ward.

After entering the ward, he saw the bottle of red wine on the bedside of the hospital bed. This guy's eyes lit up immediately, as if a drunkard had been hungry for a long time. His feet moved, and like lightning, he grabbed the bottle of wine. In hand.

He didn't need a glass, just raised his neck like this, gulped down the red wine down his throat, and the sound of gurgling wine was extremely rude.

There was more than half a bottle of red wine, which was left open by Wang Mingjie, and he drank it when he had nothing to do, to pass the boring time.

This guy is really good. In less than half a minute, he drank most of the bottle of wine.

"Good wine." Wiping his mouth with his hand, the guy said with a lot of meaning.

"Nonsense." Wang Mingjie stared.

Could the wine he drank himself be good wine?

"Hey." The guy smiled and said, "It's just too little, at least ten or eight bottles are enough."

"Get out!" Wang Mingjie shouted.

"Young Master Wang, you are really getting more and more stingy. How about this, I drank your wine and asked you to smoke." The guy was shameless, talking, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. .

I don't know how long the pack of cigarettes has been stuffed in the pocket. The cigarette case is crumpled, like a piece of crumpled waste paper.

That guy didn't care, he took out a cigarette, stuffed it into his mouth, lit it, took a big puff, and then threw the cigarette case to Wang Mingjie.

Naturally, Wang Mingjie couldn't smoke this kind of cigarette, and he didn't even look at it. He said unhappily: "If you have something to say, let it go quickly, and don't pollute the air here."

"Young Master Wang, it seems that you have been hit hard this time, and your whole personality has changed." The guy pouted and said with a playful smile.

"Did something happen to Jiang Chen again?" Wang Mingjie simply couldn't do anything with this guy.

"How could something happen to Jiang Chen? It's someone else's fault if something happens, no, something happened to that guy Zheng Xiangyu." The guy said calmly.

"What happened to Zheng Xiangyu?" Hearing the sound, Wang Mingjie's heart moved slightly, and he urged: "Tell me quickly, what's the situation."

The guy was not in a hurry to speak, and slowly stretched out a finger.

"No problem, I'll give you a bottle of good wine." Wang Mingjie said.

"It's not one bottle, it's ten bottles." That guy opened his mouth.

"Ten bottles is ten bottles." Wang Mingjie bargained lazily. Anyway, this guy is not the first time he has been ripped off. Although ten bottles made him feel a little bit pained, what he cared more about at this time was what happened to Zheng Xiangyu .

"Young Master Wang is straightforward enough. I like to make deals with you." The guy smiled and said, "Today Qian Fugui took Jiang Chen to Qian's house with great fanfare. He was robbed by Zheng Xiangyu on the way and had an impulse. Wang Mingjie Originally wanted to send a bullet to Jiang Chen, but in the end he ate a bullet himself, this is really interesting."

"Jiang Chen." Wang Mingjie murmured, with a slight smile on his lips.

It was Jiang Chen, so Wang Mingjie was not surprised.

He called Zheng Xiangyu over yesterday, but he didn't add much fuel to it, that is to say, Jiang Chen was pursuing Zhou Mingzhu.

This wasn't something mechanical, after all, he had personally heard Jiang Chen calling Zhou Jinse his aunt.

Wang Mingjie knew that with Zheng Xiangyu's personality, he would definitely find trouble with Jiang Chen, but he didn't expect that Zheng Xiangyu would go to Jiang Chen so soon, and the quarrel between the two sides was so severe.

"Zheng Xiangyu is dead?" Wang Mingjie then asked.

"Good luck, not dead." The guy said.

"It's a pity." Wang Mingjie said.

There was already such a big fight between left and right, so he naturally didn't mind making it even bigger. If Zheng Xiangyu died, it would be great.

"Yeah, it's a pity. You said that a good young man suddenly became a vegetable. What should he do for the rest of his life?" the guy gloated.

"Can you fucking speak clearly at once?" Wang Mingjie couldn't help but swear.

He thought the incident wasn't big enough, but then, this guy gave him another surprise.

It is true that Zheng Xiangyu is not dead, but what is the difference between becoming a vegetable and dying?This is to whet his appetite.

"No." The guy remained stubborn.

"Okay, I've finished talking, you can get out." Wang Mingjie waved his hand and started to chase people away.

"What about you, do you still want to stay here and enjoy the service of nurse MM?" The guy blinked.

"I, I should be discharged from the hospital too." Wang Mingjie said with a smile.

He was just kicked twice by Jiang Chen. The pain was very painful, but he didn't hurt his muscles and bones. He was admitted to the hospital, but he was temporarily avoiding the limelight. After all, this is not a glorious thing.

But now, it's so lively outside, he can't wait to see a good show, staying in this place, he can't see a good show right away.


As the old saying goes, good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Since it is an old saying, there is always some truth to it.

The conflict between Jiang Chen and Zheng Xiangyu didn't need to be spread intentionally at all, it just spread in circles big and small in the capital.

Jiang Chen himself was in the limelight, and his every move attracted the attention of countless people. Many people were secretly waiting for Jiang Chen's next big move.

If Jiang Chen really didn't do it, he would be thrilled once he did it.

Not to mention that Jiang Chen made a big fuss about Mr. Wu's birthday party, just because Jiang Chen turned Zheng Xiangyu into a vegetable, this kind of hatred is comparable to offending the Wu family.

Many people were surprised. You said that other people are gangsters in the capital, and there are many good gangsters, but I haven't seen anyone who is as popular as Jiang Chen... oh, hateful.

This guy is simply a hatred-making machine. Wherever he goes, where the hatred is drawn, he is still the typical one who is not afraid of making things big, but afraid that things are not big enough.

After finishing the enmity with the Wu family, he just beat Wang Mingjie, which stunned many people's eyes. This is even better, and the relationship with the Zheng family made many people's eyes drop.

Typical if you don't die, you won't die.

This is the deepest and most true thought of many people.

You know, counting the Zheng family, Jiang Chen has offended three of the four major families in the capital, and only one Zhou family is missing.

If this is the case, if you can still live happily, it is unreasonable.

If there was anyone who watched Jiang Chen all the time and collected information about Jiang Chen all the time, it was undoubtedly the Wu family.

Jiang Chen is now a thorn in the Wu family's eyes and a thorn in his flesh, and he can't do without pulling it out, but if he pulls it out, he will suffer severe pain. He belongs to the kind of existence that kills one thousand and hurts eight hundred.

It's not pleasing to the eye, and there is no way to kill it directly, which makes everyone in the Wu family hold back a bad breath.

Apart from Qian Fugui, the witness of this conflict between Jiang Chen and Zheng Xiangyu, it can be said that the Wu family was the first to receive the news, much earlier than the Zheng family and the Qian family.

After the news reached the Wu family, many people felt a little unbelievable.

Because they were all a bit confused and didn't understand what Jiang Chen was thinking.

If the grievances and grievances with the Wu family were justifiable, if it was caused by Lan Xiu, then, this time, Jiang Chen could actually avoid offending Zheng Xiangyu to a large extent.

Even if Zheng Xiangyu fired first, but Jiang Chen was not injured, why would Jiang Chen want to destroy Zheng Xiangyu?

But if you are confused, everyone in the Wu family is very happy to see Jiang Chen's actions.

The more people Jiang Chen offended, the happier they would be. It would be best if Jiang Chen offended everyone and cut off his own way out. In that case, if the Wu family wanted to take measures against Jiang Chen, Much easier.

After receiving the news, the Wu family organized a family meeting. Due to Mr. Wu's coma, this meeting was presided over by Wu Qinkun.

"Everyone has heard about it, so I won't say much here, let's talk about our views and ideas." After taking a sip of strong tea, Wu Qinkun glanced at the participants and said.

"I think our Wu family may have to re-evaluate Jiang Chen." An old man with gray hair said.

This person is an old man of the Wu family, but his surname is not Wu, but Dong Dahai. When Dong Dahai was young, he followed Mr. Wu's side and played an important role in the Wu family.

Even Wu Qinkun respected this old man.

"Uncle Dong, what do you say?" Wu Qinkun asked suspiciously.

"Kill Wu Jingrong first, and then depose Zheng Xiangyu. Jiang Chen's behavior is undoubtedly a lunatic, but have you ever thought that Jiang Chen is not afraid of death?" Dong Dahai said in a deep voice.

"No one is not afraid of death, unless he knows he can't die." Wu Qinkun said.

"That's the problem." Dong Dahai nodded, and then asked, "Then, how does Jiang Chen know that he can't die? Why? Or what is his support?"

"Uncle Dong, if you have anything to say, you might as well just say it." Wu Qinkun asked lazily trying to guess.

"I can't tell, because I can't guess." Dong Dahai sighed.

"Jiang Chen is just a real lunatic. How can us normal people guess a lunatic's thoughts from the perspective of normal people?" Wu Qingya pouted, stood up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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