genius evil

Chapter 543 Impatient to live

Chapter 543 Impatient to live

"Qingya, it's not as simple as you think." Dong Dahai said.

"We can definitely think about the problem a little simpler, can't we? Just think that Jiang Chen is impatient." Wu Qingya said indifferently.

"The current situation is that even if he is impatient with life, he will not let others live well." Dong Dahai reminded.

"This is the most annoying thing about Jiang Chen. Even if he doesn't kill you, he will still disgust you to death." Wu Qingya said angrily.

Dong Dahai felt that Wu Qingya used the word disgusting very well.

That's right, it's disgusting, it's disgusting.

The reason why Dong Dahai proposed to re-evaluate Jiang Chen was that Jiang Chen's life and death were closely related to Mr. Wu and Wu Menghua.

Jiang Chen was so unscrupulous, Dong Dahai wondered if Jiang Chen was going to drag the Wu family back, what is this disgusting person?
"Qingya, tell us what we should do." Wu Qinkun said to Wu Qingya.

Wu Jingrong is dead, and Wu Qingya's status in the Wu family is changing rapidly. If Wu Qinkun has something to discuss now, he can only discuss it with Wu Qingya.

"If we don't unite with the Zheng family to wipe out Jiang Chen, and Wang Mingjie, he should be more than happy to intervene?" Wu Qingya muttered.

"It's easy to destroy Jiang Chen, what should the old man do?" Wu Qinkun asked.

"What else can we do? If we don't destroy Jiang Chen, the Zheng family will also destroy him. Why don't we take the initiative to join forces and vent this anger? Besides, I don't believe that Huaxia is so big that no one can find someone to give it to us." The old man treats the illness." Wu Qingya said very indifferently.

"You can't take risks, let's have a look again." After pondering for a while, Wu Qinkun said.

"This will help Jiang Chen's arrogance." Wu Qingya shouted.

"Let's encourage it. If he really wants to die, then no one else is to blame." Wu Qinkun said.

When Wu Qinkun said this, everyone's attention was attracted by Wu Qinkun, and no one saw it. Wu Qingya blinked mischievously.


There is a lake in Beijing University. The name of the lake is Weiming Lake.

On both sides of the lake, there are willows in the shade, and a figure walks in it.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was still bright and white, and the students after class, either alone or in groups of three, took a walk by the lake.

Under a willow tree with luxuriant branches, a girl in a white sportswear sat there peacefully, holding a book in her hand, reading intently.

It was the professional textbook for this semester, perhaps because it was obscure and difficult, the girl had a little difficulty reading it, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, but the bulging cheeks revealed the firm side of the girl's character.

"Pearl." The strolling figure, looking at the girl for a while, called softly.

"Ah——" the girl raised her head and saw clearly who was calling her. She couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. She stood up cheerfully, ran away, and said happily, "Sister, why did you come to see me at school?"

The girl is Zhou Mingzhu, and the other one is Zhou Jinse.

"It happened that I had nothing to do after get off work, so I came here." Hearing Zhou Mingzhu's question, Zhou Jinse smiled slightly.

"Then sister, have you eaten yet? Why don't we go to the school cafeteria to eat together." Zhou Mingzhu said eagerly.

Zhou Jinse knew what Zhou Mingzhu longed for.

Speaking of which, as a sister, she has too many unqualified places.

She was too busy with work, even though she lived at home, the number of times she ate at the same table with Zhou Mingzhu was very few throughout the year.

Counting the last time, it was about two months ago.

Zhou Jinse has always doted on Zhou Mingzhu, so naturally she would not refuse, so she said, "Okay."

"Sister, you promised, wait for me for a while, and I will pack my things." Zhou Mingzhu was very happy, packed up the books, stuffed them into the backpack, and came over and took Zhou Jinse's arm affectionately.

"It's not girly at all." Zhou Jinse smiled lightly, delicately arranging Zhou Mingzhu's wind-blown hair.

Zhou Mingzhu smiled and said, "Sister, you are the best to me."

There is no similarity in the two sisters' personalities. Zhou Jinse is shrewd and capable, with a tough personality, while Zhou Mingzhu is timid and timid, just like a greenhouse flower that has never experienced wind and rain.

But the appearance of the two of them is [-]% similar. Walking towards the cafeteria, they unknowingly attracted many people's attention.

Regarding those gazes, Zhou Jinse was calm and allowed to look at them openly, while Zhou Mingzhu looked very embarrassed, lowered her head slightly, and her face was flushed.

Seeing Zhou Mingzhu in such a state, Zhou Jinse sighed from the bottom of his heart.

This younger sister never needs her family to worry about her studies. She has been excellent in character and learning since she was a child, and even passed all the tests and was admitted to Capital University.

There is no doubt that Zhou Mingzhu has a high IQ, but this EQ makes Zhou Jinse quite worried.

She doesn't need this younger sister to be alone in the future, she just hopes that she can live a happy life, but being carefree does not mean that she will be happy, on the contrary, she is more likely to suffer unnecessary harm.

After entering the cafeteria, Zhou Mingzhu ordered two meals. Zhou Jinse took a look and found that his own meal was obviously much larger.

"Sister, you have worked hard at work, eat more." Zhou Mingzhu said with a smile.

Zhou Jinse nodded and lowered his head to eat.

She likes to be light, and basically doesn't eat meat. Zhou Mingzhu knows her tastes and hobbies, and she orders light side dishes, but such popular dishes are naturally difficult to satisfy Zhou Jinse's picky appetite. After only two bites, she put it down Chopsticks.

Zhou Mingzhu had a great appetite, so she ate all the food in small mouthfuls, and then put the rice plate into the recycling cart.

"Too well-behaved." Zhou Jinse evaluated this scene silently in his heart.

The principle of dealing with people and things, a big standard is not to make the other person bored, but not necessarily everything should be done carefully.

Take the trivial matter of Zhou Mingzhu putting two rice plates into the recycling cart as an example. This is a basic quality, but Zhou Mingzhu is so subtle that even the ends of the two pairs of chopsticks are neatly arranged.

It can be said that Zhou Mingzhu's character has a careful side, but on the other hand, at least for Zhou Jinse, it is too pedantic.

"Sister, do you want to go home? Or take a walk around the school?" Zhou Mingzhu asked after walking out of the cafeteria.

"Just walk around." Zhou Jinse said.

Zhou Jinse was also a student of Capital University before, but after graduating for many years, she seldom came here. However, except for the architecture, other aspects of the school have not changed much, and there are traces of familiarity everywhere.

"Are you tired from class?" Zhou Jinse asked while strolling.

"I'm not tired, but the professional class is a bit difficult." Zhou Mingzhu stuck out her tongue.

"Do you want to consider changing your major?" Zhou Jinse said.

"No, this major is what I like, and sister, you also graduated from this major. I will study hard and help you in the future." Zhou Mingzhu clenched her small fists.

"I have worked all these years, and what I have learned in college is basically irrelevant. If you really think it is difficult to study, I will recommend a major for you." Zhou Jinse reminded.

"Sister, am I too stupid?" Zhou Mingzhu said pitifully.

Zhou Jinse shook his head and said, "You're very smart and you've done a good job, but I can't bear you to suffer."

While talking, Zhou Jinse sighed again.

Her reminder is to remind Zhou Mingzhu not to spend all her thoughts on her studies. There are more meaningful and interesting things to do on the university campus.

But Zhou Mingzhu obviously misunderstood what she said, thinking that she disliked her for being too stupid to study well in this major, and fell into self-blame.

After walking around for half an hour, Zhou Mingzhu was going to study in the self-study room, and Zhou Jinse left alone.

"Miss, are you going home?" the driver asked after getting into the car.

"Go to the company." Zhou Jinse frowned and ordered.

The car returned to the company, and the employees had already left work. Zhou Jinse entered his office alone, closed the door, found a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, poured a glass, and sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

She went to Capital University today, saying that she had nothing to do after get off work, but she actually wanted to visit Zhou Mingzhu to see how she was studying and growing in school.

In the end, it was hard to say bad, but it was not what she wanted.

"Jiang Chen?" Taking a sip of red wine, Zhou Jinse whispered to himself.

What Jiang Chen did to her yesterday was destined to make her unforgettable for the rest of her life.

That daring man never thought of entering her heart, but directly entered her body in a rude and domineering way.



Maybe all, but not many.

What's more, it was Jiang Chen's behavior that made Zhou Jinse see that the hidden rules that he had always believed in and believed in had been broken.

Jiang Chen, an outlier, went on a rampage, treating all rules as nothing.

This made Zhou Jinse realize that even if she is a member of the Zhou family, she may not be able to protect herself when the storm comes.

He couldn't even protect himself, let alone Zhou Mingzhu?

This is the direct reason why Zhou Jinse went to see Zhou Mingzhu on campus.

After all, just one Jiang Chen has already made the huge capital city full of storms, if there is one more lunatic like Jiang Chen, wouldn't the capital city be turned upside down?
What's more, what Jiang Chen said to her is now being verified.

Jiang Chen has no scruples, none of the four major families in the capital is in his eyes, whether it is Wang Mingjie or Zheng Xiangyu, these two people, Jiang Chen can do whatever he wants, without thinking about the consequences at all, or, even if they are behind the two His family stood up, but Jiang Chen still had the same attitude.

Zhou Jinse actually admires such a man, how many people can have that domineering aura that is not afraid of anything?
Maybe, if Jiang Chen pursued her, she would be tempted and even accept that pursuit.

Of course, this is just a beautiful assumption, the reality is always more tragic than imagined, Jiang Chen's impact on her is far more than just the damage to her body.

Active or passive, she has to start thinking about many issues that she has never considered before.

"This bastard!"

After thinking for a while, Zhou Jin Su felt a headache and cursed bitterly in a low voice.


Jiang Chen left after having dinner at Qian's house. Qian Fugui was in charge of seeing off the guests and sent him back to the hotel.

Jiang Chen went into the elevator and went upstairs. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he found the door of his room very lively.

Two hotel security guards and an aunt in charge of cleaning surrounded a woman, making a lot of noise.

"Girl, you said that you are so beautiful, what's wrong with doing something, why do you want to be a thief?" Auntie said bitterly.

"Auntie, I told you, I'm here to find someone." The woman wanted to cry but had no tears.

"You said you came to find someone, but you have been looking for a long time, but you can't find anyone. You are asked to call the person you are looking for, but you always say that you can't get through. I think you should explain to the people at the police station. "Auntie said.

"I'm really looking for someone." The woman was really about to cry, so she wouldn't have to go to the police station, would she?
"Let's go, go to the police station." Compared to the sweeping aunt, the two security guards were less polite, reaching out to push the woman.

The woman dodged sideways and subconsciously walked towards the elevator. She didn't want to be sent to the police station. After walking a few steps, the woman saw a person standing there by the elevator door.

"Jiang Chen, where did you die?" Seeing that figure, the woman yelled loudly...

(End of this chapter)

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