genius evil

Chapter 544 You are finished

Chapter 544 You are finished
"Beauty, may I ask who are you?" Jiang Chen looked at the woman up and down with a confused look, as if he wanted to use this to connect some memories, but obviously, he didn't recall them.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop being crazy? What do you call me? You don't know who I am?" The woman rolled her eyes and said very angrily.

"So, who are you? I don't know why you know my name, oh, I understand, I must be too handsome, right?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Stop talking nonsense." The woman was speechless.

"I promise I'm not talking nonsense, I just want to know who you are." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Hearing this, the lady sweeping the floor and the two security guards walked over quickly.

"Girl, don't think that you can get away with it just by looking for someone. We've heard it all. They don't know you." Auntie said contemptuously.

This girl needs to have a good figure and good looks, and the clothes and jewelry she wears are all expensive. She doesn't look like someone who has no money. Why did she become a thief?
It's all right to be a thief, as soon as you see a handsome guy, you will stick your face on it. In the eyes of Aunt Sweeping, this kind of behavior is naturally this woman who wants to seduce him with her beauty, so as to use it as a cover.

How can this prevent the sweeping aunt from feeling contemptuous of him.

But while despising this woman, Aunt Sweeping looked at Jiang Chen like that, full of appreciation and relief.

Let's see, the parents don't say they are handsome, but they still have such a sense of justice. If you know her, you know her. If you don't know her, you don't know her. She was not tempted by this woman's beauty at all.

These days, such a man can't be found even with a lantern.

"Girl, please come with us, otherwise it won't look good if you do something." A security guard said.

"Jiang Chen!"

The woman gritted her teeth and almost lost her mind.

"Is your name ugly?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Your name is ugly." The woman resented.

"Then why are you still unwilling to tell me your name?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"Li Pan'er, are you satisfied?" Li Pan'er almost couldn't hold back and wanted to pounce on Jiang Chen and bite Jiang Chen. He didn't understand what this guy was doing. Is it fun to tease her like this?

"Li Pan'er, this name is very nice, I like it." Jiang Chen smiled, stretched out his hand, hooked Li Pan'er, wrapped Li Pan'er into his arms, and walked towards the room .

"This—" The two security guards and the lady sweeping the floor were a little dazed, what's going on?

Just because Li Pan'er's name sounds good, so Jiang Chen hugged Li Pan'er?
Will the speed of development be too fast?
This is unpredictable!
"Is there any problem?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

" problem." The two security guards said hastily.

Just kidding, even if there is a problem, the two of them dare not say that there is a problem. Besides, this problem is not a big problem.

These two security guards, this morning, saw the battle at the entrance of the hotel with their own eyes. The reason for the battle was to welcome Jiang Chen. Although they didn't know Jiang Chen's identity, there was no doubt that it was not simple .

"Auntie, do you have any questions?" Jiang Chen asked the sweeping aunt.

"No problem." Auntie said.

"Then let's go first." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Go and go." Auntie said.

Jiang Chen took Li Pan'er and swiped his card to enter the room.

"What's the situation?" Li Pan'er was a little confused.

The lady sweeping the floor and the two security guards kept embarrassing her all the time, why did everything go away when Jiang Chen hugged her?

"You didn't understand such a simple situation? It's obvious that I'm too handsome, handsome is justice." Jiang Chen was full of smugness.

"What do you mean by pretending you don't know me?" Li Pan'er said dissatisfied as if she didn't hear Jiang Chen's words.

"Handsome guys, ugly girls, and strangers, it's more exciting, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You are ugly, your whole family is ugly." Li Pan'er was very upset, why never heard a nice word from this guy?

Does this mean that dogs cannot spit out ivory?
"Anyway, who knows who is ugly." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so hateful? Why don't you ask me why I came to you?" Li Pan'er was defeated and changed the topic.

"There is no reason for this kind of thing, and there are really too many reasons, for example, you miss me, for example, you miss me again, and for example, you still miss me." Jiang Chen took it easy. said slowly.

"I want you to die, Jiang Chen, do you understand that you are finished?" Li Pan'er was about to explode.

"Many people have said this." Jiang Chen didn't care much.

Just like Li Pan'er came to him for many reasons, there are too many people who want him to die. Unfortunately, so far, the people who want to kill him have all died by themselves .

"Punching the Wu family, kicking the Zheng family, and provoking the Wang family and the Zhou family by the way, the prestige is quite majestic, and you never thought about the consequences?" Li Pan'er asked.

"What consequences?" Jiang Chen looked at Li Pan'er with a half-smile.

"You are like a stinky and hard stone now, it is difficult to smash, but it does not mean that it cannot be smashed. Even if the Wu family is wary of rats, they will not do anything to you for the time being, but the Zheng family will not have the slightest scruples. They will It will kill you." Li Pan'er warned.

"So?" Jiang Chen still smiled.

"Are you smiling so happily when you're about to die?" Li Pan'er felt very baffled.

"I have to explain seriously, first, I will never die, and second, the Zheng family will never kill me." Jiang Chen stretched out two fingers and said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, you're taking the situation too lightly. Do you know which sect is standing behind the Zheng family? Let me tell you, it's called the Shenxing Sect." Li Pan'er said solemnly.

"And then?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, he had never heard of it.

"You offended the Wu family, and made such a mess, the Wu family couldn't do anything to you. This incident was rumored in the capital, and Zheng Xiangyu must have known it clearly, but he still went to provoke you alone. Do you think his What is relying on?" Li Pan'er reminded.

"I still don't quite understand." Jiang Chen shook his head.

I'm not pretending, I really don't understand.

"Shenxingmen is an organization that has always been known for its insidiousness and no scruples in its actions. Anyone who offends them will surely die forever." Li Pan'er said slowly.

Speaking of this, she glanced at Jiang Chen before continuing: "Zheng Xiangyu dared to go to you alone, all he relied on was the backing of Shenxingmen, but it is a pity that he overestimated you, Because you don't even know the existence of Shenxingmen, he can only consider himself unlucky."

Jiang Chen smiled. The meaning of Li Pan'er's words was already quite straightforward.

The implication is that if he had heard of Shenxingmen, then he would never dare to attack Zheng Xiangyu, at least, he would not dare to kill him.

"When will the people from Shenxingmen come to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Anytime." Li Pan'er said coldly.

"Don't tell me that you are from the Shenxingmen." Jiang Chen pretended to be shocked and jumped back two steps.

"If I was really a member of Shenxingmen, I would have killed you long ago, lest you make me mad." Li Pan'er said angrily.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said: "You have said so much, there must be some purpose, don't tell me you are obsessed with my appearance, do anything for me without asking for anything in return, or I will take it seriously."

"Someone wants to see you." Li Pan'er said without playing sloppy with Jiang Chen.

It's one thing to tell Jiang Chen the seriousness of the matter, and that's the main purpose of Li Pan'er's coming to find Jiang Chen today.

"Male and female?"


"is it beautiful?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

"Can I not see you?"


"not see."


"Jiang Chen, I told you, you can't see him." Li Pan'er said with a bitter face.

"There are too many people who want to see me, and they are still queuing up. How can I have time to meet people? Why don't you go back and tell that person, if you really want to see me, come and line up first, and when it's her turn , I will see her, how about it?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

"You will regret it." Li Pan'er shook her head.

"Could it be a stunning beauty like a fairy?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

Li Pan'er smiled coldly and said: "You only have one chance. I advise you to think clearly and answer me without being so anxious. I'll give you a day to think about it, but you'd better pray that within one day, The people from Shenxingmen did not come to the door."

"If the people from Shenxingmen came to the door, I would have no time." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"You still refuse, right? I understand." Li Pan'er didn't say anything more, turned around and left.

"Wait." Jiang Chen signaled Li Pan'er to stop.

"Changed your mind?" Li Pan'er smiled.

"I just want to ask you, is that woman really like a fairy?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

Li Pan'er had black lines all over her head, and said bitterly: "Jiang Chen, just wait and regret."

Leaving those words behind, Li Pan'er opened the door and walked out, shook hands, and closed the door with a loud bang.

"With such a big temper, you still say that you are not obsessed with my appearance. The man is too handsome, so he really has a lot of unnecessary troubles." Jiang Chen rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

After falling in love with himself for a while, Jiang Chen turned and walked towards the bathroom, planning to take a shower, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"My charm is really too great." Jiang Chen laughed, walked over, and opened the door.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen couldn't help being stunned when he saw the person standing outside the door. He thought it was Li Pan'er who changed his mind and knocked on the door, but who knew it wasn't.

But there was also a woman standing outside the door.

"Someone wants to see you, come with me." The woman said directly when she saw Jiang Chen who opened the door.

"Have you made an appointment?" Jiang Chen expressed his confusion, why so many people want to see him today?
"Do you know Zheng Chengze? He wants to see you." The woman said.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"I believe, you will get to know each other soon, and the impression will be very deep." The woman said, turned around and walked away, walked a few steps, saw Jiang Chen's dazed face, and said angrily: "Hurry up, don't Waste of our time."


As soon as Jiang Chen raised his hand, he directly closed the door. Hearing the sound of the door being slammed, the woman's face turned dark with anger.

Jiang Chen comfortably ran to the bathroom and took a shower. After sulking in front of the mirror for a while, he felt that there would never be a man more handsome than himself in this world, so he walked out of the bathroom.

The sound of knocking on the door rang again at this moment.

"The ghost is still there." Jiang Chen said to himself.

"Get out!" Opening the door, Jiang Chen was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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