genius evil

Chapter 545 Let me pretend to be a beep

Chapter 545 Let me pretend to be a beep

Can you make it a little cleaner?

"The anger of young people is really big enough." The middle-aged man standing outside the door, perhaps did not expect that when Jiang Chen opened the door, he burst out with such a foul language, was slightly taken aback, and then said coldly.

"You know I'm angry and you still come to provoke me? I said, are you a bitch?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Misfortune comes from the mouth. Some words, it's better not to say much." The middle-aged man said, turned sideways, and walked into the room.

Obviously, not only did he not intend to leave, but he wanted to enter the door.

"I want you to go, didn't you hear?" Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to stop the middle-aged man.

It was Jiang Chen's hand that stretched out, and a figure suddenly appeared, blocking between Jiang Chen and the middle-aged man.

The figure was extremely fast, and after standing between Jiang Chen and the middle-aged man, he grabbed it with his big hand and clasped it towards Jiang Chen's outstretched right wrist.

Jiang Chen naturally couldn't be held by this man's wrist. With a swing of his arm, he raised his hand and slapped him.

The man tilted his neck, dodged Jiang Chen's slap, and in the next second, he had brought the middle-aged man into the room.

"Get out of the room before I get angry, or you don't have to leave." Jiang Chen said indifferently, looking at the person who made the move.

This is also a middle-aged man, wearing a black Tai Chi suit, with long hair, quite a bit of fairy air.

"Looking for death." The man in Taiji suit said in a gloomy tone.

"So you two are here to seek death, I understand." Jiang Chen suddenly realized and nodded.

"I'm Zheng Chengze." The middle-aged man, as if he didn't hear Jiang Chen's threat, sat down on the sofa, raised his legs, and said slowly.

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

Who is this guy? Is he famous?
So what if he's famous, it's none of his business?
"Zheng Xiangyu is my son." Zheng Chengze continued.

"It's no wonder you look so needy. It's true that like a father, like a son." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

"My son is lying on the hospital bed now, life would be better than death, I'm here to ask you for an explanation." Zheng Chengze said again.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was a little surprised, and took a deep look at Zheng Chengze.

Every word he said was full of guns and sticks. As an ordinary person, his anger would have erupted long ago, but this Zheng Chengze was extremely calm, telling the reason and purpose of his appearance.

This obviously has nothing to do with self-cultivation, but Zheng Chengze's conscious suppression of his emotions.

From this point, it is not difficult to see how scheming Zheng Chengze is, at least much more terrifying than his son Zheng Xiangyu.

"So the meaning of your words is to put it simply, that is, you came to me to pretend to be tough?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I understand what you mean. You are wondering why I would come to see you in person. This seems a bit redundant, but I only have Zheng Xiangyu's son." Zheng Chengze sighed softly.

After a pause, he looked at Jiang Chen and said, "You are still young, so you may not be able to understand the pain of a father who is about to lose his son. Therefore, I must come and see you with my own eyes, and see what kind of pain my son suffered. What kind of person is a murderer who looks like this?"

"You love your son so much, does he know?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I don't need him to know, I just need to know, I have to do something for him." Zheng Chengze said seriously.

"It sounds great, but if you are really as great as you think, you might not even know how to teach your son?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"How do I teach my son, whether it's good or not, you don't need to question me." Zheng Chengze's eyes gradually turned cold.

Certain things, at certain times, do not need to be distinguished from right and wrong at all.

Because, even if it is wrong, so what?
Everyone has his own scale in his heart.

Zheng Xiangyu is his son Zheng Chengze, even if Zheng Xiangyu is wrong, even if Zheng Xiangyu deserves it, the balance in his heart is still tilted in the direction of Zheng Xiangyu.

"The dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, the son born of a mouse is born to be able to dig holes, the son born of a tortoise is born a bastard, the ancients did not deceive me." Jiang Chen sighed.

"I've talked a lot, and it's enough to think about it. Next, let's talk about it. What kind of explanation do you plan to give me?" Zheng Chengze didn't intend to argue with Jiang Chen.

"I'm a genius doctor, do you know?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Zheng Chengze's words, but said.

"How?" Zheng Chengze was a little surprised, wondering how Jiang Chen would mention this.

However, Zheng Chengze had heard about Jiang Chen's legendary medical skills. Didn't that Tan Lu recover extremely quickly under Jiang Chen's treatment?
Moreover, Mr. Wu and Wu Menghua seemed to have fallen under Jiang Chen's hands because of Jiang Chen's miraculous medical skills.

"I am a very miraculous doctor. Not to mention curing all diseases, more than 80.00% of the diseases in this world can still be cured. Just like you, I will give you an injection, and I guarantee that you will be cured within a year. Having another son is more miraculous than going to an infertility doctor." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Zheng Chengze's face turned black for a while.

Yes, in the early years, because he only gave birth to one son, Zheng Xiangyu, and deliberately gave birth to several more to continue the incense, he went to the hospital many times, but he just couldn't give birth to another son and a half. ,

Looking at this matter now, it is undoubtedly a great regret. After all, the only son has already been abolished.

However, Jiang Chen's mouth was really too bad, and he didn't slap someone in the face, it was a naked slap in the face.

"I really didn't mean to scold you, and I didn't mean at all that you are not good at that. Although, you are really not good. I just think that since you want me to give you an explanation, I will give you a son. Let's see , whether it is my character or medical ethics, I have nothing to say." Jiang Chen said complacently.

"Shut up." No matter how much he suppressed his inner emotions, Zheng Chengze couldn't hold back anymore.

"You are afraid that you still can't teach your son well. Even if you give birth to another son, you will be a scum like Zheng Xiangyu. Sooner or later, you will die on the street, right? I thought about it, and this is probably not a problem with the education method, but a genetic problem. "Jiang Chen brought his hurtful style to the extreme.

"You abolished my son, and I will abolish you. In my opinion, this is the fairest way to solve the problem. What do you think?" Zheng Chengze took a deep breath and said indifferently.

"Then do you know why I abolished Zheng Xiangyu?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Before Zheng Chengze could speak, Jiang Chen went on to say: "Zheng Xiangyu took a gun and shot me, so I took his gun and shot him, you have to be fair, this is Absolutely fair."

"Are you showing off your luck to me?" Zheng Chengze said gloomily.

It seemed fair, but Jiang Chen was sitting in a bulletproof car. If Jiang Chen was sitting in an ordinary car, he would not believe that Jiang Chen had such good luck.

"It's not luck, but, your Zheng family is too stingy, the dignified Zheng family's prince actually drives such a broken car when he goes out, and as a result, he lives to make money but not to spend it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I won't kill you. If you cut off a leg today and a hand tomorrow, you will lose your hands and feet in four days. I will protect you from death, and I will protect your life in front of the Wu family." Holding back his anger, Zheng Chengze said.

He didn't want Jiang Chen to die, what he wanted was to make Jiang Chen's life worse than death.

Zheng Xiangyu became a useless person, and he couldn't be rescued no matter what. Zheng Chengze hated Jiang Chen madly. This hatred made him feel that killing Jiang Chen directly would be cheap for Jiang Chen.

He had to let Jiang Chen taste all kinds of pain in this world, and then die after being tortured.

For this reason, he could even save Jiang Chen from the Wu family at any cost. Otherwise, Jiang Chen's death would be too easy, and the resentment and anger in his heart could not be vented.

"That's right, you should have said that earlier, there is enough nonsense." Jiang Chen looked disgusted.

"Do it." Zheng Chengze urged.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded seriously, and with a movement of his foot, he appeared in front of Zheng Chengze in an instant, raised his foot, and kicked Zheng Chengze's right knee.

Want him to break a leg?

Then abolish your other leg and two hands?

It's a really good idea, I have to say, this is a fairly novel way of torturing people, which makes him very excited.

Therefore, Jiang Chen decided to try this method on Zheng Chengze's body first, to see how to torture people.


A leg stretched out suddenly, and it collided heavily with Jiang Chen, making a dull sound.

After the sound, Jiang Chen's feet swayed, and he took a step back, while the man in Taiji suit took advantage of the situation and blocked Jiang Chen.

"I would like to advise you, don't struggle for nothing. The previous suggestion is already the best way to solve the problem. Otherwise, you will suffer even more." The man in Tai Chi suit said coldly.

"Don't pretend to be forceful, pretend to be struck by lightning." Jiang Chen said with a smile, how could he take this person's threat to heart.

"Very good, to be honest, I admire you a little bit, let me introduce myself, my humble Chu Yanwang, known as the King of Hades, the master of Shenxingmen." The man in Taiji suit said word by word.

"No wonder some people say that no matter how poor you are, you can't have poor education. Things like being uneducated are really terrible. I don't understand. What do you mean when you are called the king of Hades? Don't you know that the king of Hades is going to go down?" From hell?" Jiang Chen was extremely speechless.

"You are wrong. I am called Hades because I have always loved sending a person to hell with my own hands." Chu Yanwang snorted coldly, brought a gust of cold wind, and slapped Jiang Chen with a slap!
What is there to say?

As soon as a master of pretentiousness makes a move, he will know if there is one... Oh, no, it is an expert who will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move.

Jiang Chen and this Chu Yanwang collided twice, but they were all tentative in nature, and they were separated at the first touch.

At this time, Chu Yan Wang shot with anger, showing her true strength.

The palm wind roared like thunder, fierce and domineering.

If this palm is slapped on someone's head, one palm is enough to smash that person's head like a watermelon.

This is the embodiment of great strength.

Of course, even though it was just a single palm strike, what it showed was not only strength, but also very brilliant fighting skills.

Because, Jiang Chen could clearly see that Chu Yanwang's palm seemed to be full of murderous intentions, trying to slap him to death, but in fact, the real intention was to force him back in one fell swoop, so as to stay away from him. Zheng Chengze, so as to protect Zheng Chengze's safety.

Absolute strength, ingenious fighting skills, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, this guy is not simple!
(End of this chapter)

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