genius evil

Chapter 546

Chapter 546 Fighting Like a Monkey
Jiang Chen didn't choose to confront Chu Yanwang head-on, he swayed and stepped back.

Although Chu Yanwang's intentions could be seen at a glance, Jiang Chen could only let Chu Yanwang temporarily fulfill his wish.

He tried with Chu Yanwang twice, but both times he failed to take advantage, not because he was not strong enough, but because Chu Yanwang was too strong.

There is no way, this Chu Yanwang is the master of the eighth level of the ancient martial arts, this kind of existence, even if you look at the whole capital, it is still in the top rank.

Before that, Jiang Chen had only seen Hua Yunfei.

In a battle with such a strong man, if he confronted head-on, he would only suffer, and he would definitely not take advantage of the slightest advantage.

Suffering a loss is not Jiang Chen's style, so Jiang Chen can only choose to avoid it.

However, another reason for avoiding it was that Jiang Chen's target was not Chu Yanwang, but Zheng Chengze who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, waiting to watch the show.

Almost at the moment of retreating, Jiang Chen bent his legs, his whole body was as tight as a bow, and like lightning, he bypassed Chu Yan and rushed towards Zheng Chengze.

"Jiang Chen, your opponent is me!"

Chu Yanwang's face was stern, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would refuse to accept the move.

Moreover, there was no gap between Jiang Chen's retreat and advance, as if Jiang Chen had never retreated before. This speed of body reaction made Chu Yanwang secretly feel terrified.

Because, even with his strength, he may not be able to achieve such a physical reaction speed.

Although the speed of body reaction does not represent real combat power, but at Jiang Chen's age, he can reach this level, which is enough to surprise Chu Yanwang.

Jiang Chen reacted quickly, but Chu Yanwang's reaction was not slow either. When Jiang Chen made a move, he instantly counterattacked, and with the same move, his body was still tight and blocked in front of Zheng Chengze.

"To be honest, I don't think you can stop me." Jiang Chen stopped and said with a smile.

"You can try it." Chu Yanwang said coldly.

He didn't think that Jiang Chen would be able to break through his defense line, this strong self-confidence made him full of evil spirits.

"Just try it." Jiang Chen chuckled.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen kicked his right foot hard on the ground, and under the leverage, his body was like a fired cannonball, blasting towards Chu Yanwang.

While blasting at Chu Yan Wang, Jiang Chen punched with both hands, both fists together, viciously smashing down on Chu Yan Wang.

"Things that are beyond their own capabilities." Chu Yanwang said disdainfully, stood there without moving, and shot directly, receiving Jiang Chen's two punches.

"Come again."

Jiang Chen drank in a low voice, with a strong smile on his face, but he seemed to be quite excited, and once again he threw out two fists, hitting Chu Yanwang.

Chu Yan refused to give an inch, and brazenly accepted the move.





Jiang Chen punched, Chu Yanwang received the move, the speed was getting faster and faster, the sound of fists colliding, like the sound of drums, crackling, dazzled Zheng Chengze who was sitting and watching the show.

Many people knew what Jiang Chen had done.

Many people don't know why Jiang Chen is still alive and kicking around after doing those things.

Some people think that Jiang Chen is sinister, and they specifically pick on his weaknesses to force the other party to play tricks and dare not easily touch him.

This principle is like no one will touch a stone with a piece of jade.

Prior to this, Zheng Chengze also thought so.

Even after coming here today and talking so many things with Jiang Chen, Zheng Chengze's point of view has never changed.

He's just a sharp-tongued guy, except for being a little more slick and a little bit annoying, he really didn't see any other advantages in Jiang Chen.

But at this time, Zheng Chengze deeply realized that he was wrong.

If a person, with just a little cleverness, dared to make trouble like this, he would have died a long time ago and could not die anymore. How could he still be ostentatious?

Jiang Chen's real reliance was not those disgusting methods that some people thought would cost him his life, but rather, he had quite abnormal fighting power.

Although Zheng Chengze did not practice ancient martial arts, he still knew Chu Yanwang's strength, and Zheng Chengze also knew what kind of status Chu Yanwang's cultivation base held in today's ancient martial arts circle.

In other words, existences like Chu Yanwang can be said to be the most high-end pyramids in the whole capital and even in the whole of China.

At first, Zheng Chengze thought that Chu Yanwang would be able to finish Jiang Chen with two or three strikes.

After all, he is not from the Wu family, so he has nothing to worry about.

However, after fighting for such a long time, not only was Jiang Chen not eliminated, but it seemed that the more he fought, the more courageous he became. This made Zheng Chengze a little horrified.

"This guy is really not to be underestimated." Zheng Chengze thought in his heart.

What should not be underestimated is not only Jiang Chen's abnormal combat power, but also Jiang Chen's age.

How old is Chu Yanwang, and what is Jiang Chen's age?
You know, Chu Yan looks to be in her early fifties.

And according to the information he got, Jiang Chen was only seventeen or eighteen years old, a mere high school student, more than 30 years younger than Chu Yanwang.

At Jiang Chen's current age, even with such strength, Zheng Chengze is a little hard to imagine, if Jiang Chen is allowed to grow up, how terrifying Jiang Chen will become in the future.

Fortunately, the only thing that made Zheng Chengze feel gratified was that Jiang Chen's style of not dying or not dying was brought into full play.

But there is no way, in Zheng Chengze's view, this is probably called wunderkind, so he doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

Simply, it was Jiang Chen's arrogance and domineering that made him expose it early. Otherwise, wait another ten years, no, at most five years, if Jiang Chen comes to the capital again, it will turn the capital upside down What can I do about it?

At that time, can there still be the Zheng family?Can there still be four big families?
Zheng Chengze thought this way. Chu Yanwang, who was fighting with Jiang Chen, had the same thoughts as Zheng Chengze.

Invincible is lonely.

Chu Yanwang dare not say that he is invincible, but he is indeed lonely.

I don't know how many years, there was no opponent worthy of him, until Jiang Chen appeared.

Reaction speed, explosive speed... At this age, Jiang Chen is a real cultivation genius.

Although Chu Yanwang didn't think that the current Jiang Chen could pose any threat to him, how many more years would Jiang Chen grow up?Chu Yanwang was a little afraid to think about it.

"This son can't stay." Chu Yanwang said silently in his heart.

Letting Jiang Chen live was equivalent to digging a grave for himself. Such a genius-level opponent would either not be offended easily, or be beaten to death with a single stick, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't know what Chu Yanwang and Zheng Chengze were thinking deep in their hearts at the moment, but even if he knew, Jiang Chen wouldn't take it seriously.

There are many people who want him to die, who are the two of them?

Jiang Chen continued to throw punches, and his energy was incomparably excited.

Chu Yanwang accepted the move passively. After a long time, she gradually became a little impatient.

Because Chu Yanwang slowly discovered that when Jiang Chen punched, it was like punching a sandbag, and he regarded him as a target for punching.

"Damn guy." Chu Yanwang was very annoyed.

No wonder Jiang Chen became more and more excited, as if he never got tired, dare to say, Jiang Chen was holding him to practice boxing.

"Jiang Chen, it's almost time. It's time for me to make a move." Chu Yanwang gritted his teeth and said, the words fell, he imitated Jiang Chen, clenched two fists, and blasted at Jiang Chen.

"Why worry, I haven't played enough yet." Jiang Chen was very dissatisfied, dodging Chu Yanwang's attack, and punched Chu Yanwang again.

Chu Yanwang almost vomited blood, why did this guy play cards so unreasonably?

The anger of the internal fire erupted in an instant, and when Jiang Chen attacked with these two punches, Chu Yan was too lazy to take another move, because, no matter what, he couldn't cause any harm to Jiang Chen.

Chu Yanwang stepped forward and quickly narrowed the distance between him and Jiang Chen. Filled with anger, his fists, like two huge pots, smashed towards Jiang Chen's head.

Chu Yanwang didn't see it, but when he made a move, Jiang Chen's mouth formed a teasing smile silently.

No matter from the beginning or now, his goal has never been Chu Yanwang.

The way of fighting like a monkey is just a constant consumption of Chu Yanwang's patience. He has to widen the fighting circle so that he has a chance to bully Zheng Chengze.

Chu Yanwang made this move, and Jiang Chen knew that his chance had come.

In an instant, Jiang Chen's body folded strangely, his body's reaction speed increased again, and his carefree footwork was used to the extreme. In less than a blink of an eye, he bypassed Chu Yanwang.

Chu Yan looked forward to making a move with both fists, but before the fist dropped, he felt a cold wind blowing in front of him. Before he realized what happened, Jiang Chen disappeared in front of him.

When both fists failed, Chu Yanwang's expression changed accordingly, a bad premonition welled up in her heart.


There was the sound of bones breaking.

Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered.

Immediately afterwards, with a plop, a figure fell to the ground, howling unceasingly - that was, Zheng Chengze.

Chu Yan looked back, and at a glance, she suddenly saw that Zheng Chengze's right leg had completely reached a strange arc, and the entire knee was shattered.

"Jiang Chen!" Chu Yan's gaze was about to burst into flames.

He had previously confidently believed that Jiang Chen would not be able to break through his defense line, but what happened now just gave him a slap in the face.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen is really too cunning. After making so many small tricks, the final target is still Zheng Chengze.

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill anyone today." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"You think you're still alive?" Chu Yan looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

If Jiang Chen hadn't done anything to Zheng Chengze, he might not have killed Jiang Chen, at best he would have just crippled Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen's actions at the moment had completely enraged him.

"His leg still needs to be healed. Of course, if you don't want to be healed, there's nothing you can do about it." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Zhi... Zhi..." Zheng Chengze said tremblingly, sweating profusely all over his body.

"You still have 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, if you don't go to the hospital, the gods won't be able to cure you." Jiang Chen gloated.

"Master Chu, please... please take me to the hospital." Zheng Chengze was in unbearable pain, and it was extremely difficult to speak.

"There are still 4 minutes and 42 seconds." Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone, adjusted to the stopwatch, and relaxed.

Chu Yan looked at the blue veins on his forehead twitching wildly.

If possible, he certainly didn't want Zheng Chengze's leg to be crippled. After all, Jiang Chen faced Zheng Chengze's hand in front of him. If this matter got out, where would he put his old face?
However, Chu Yanwang wanted to kill Jiang Chen even more!
"There are four minutes and 20 seconds left, if you want to fight, I will fight with you!" Jiang Chen laughed wildly, with a provocative look on his face.

The corners of Chu Yanwang's mouth twitched non-stop. This guy made a lot of noise and attacked Zheng Chengze in order to end the battle with him. At this time, he was just talking nonsense there, as if he was not afraid of anything.

For no reason, Chu Yanwang became more angry and murderous!
War is war!
(End of this chapter)

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