genius evil

Chapter 547 I Kill You Like a Chicken

Chapter 547 I Kill You Like a Chicken

Jiang Chen was arrogant and unscrupulous, and Chu Yan looked at each other coldly. The two faced each other tit for tat, as if they were facing each other.

The masters are fighting, and before they even make a move, the awe-inspiring momentum is already quite frightening.

Zheng Chengze felt the momentum created by the two, as if a volcano was about to erupt, and his heart gradually became tense.

"Come on, don't hesitate anymore, don't dawdle any longer, remember, you are a man, not a little girl, fight, fight to the death, fight to the death, shake the world." Jiang Chen clamored, with a look of longing on his face .

"Jiang Chen, you are dead!" Chu Yanwang said sharply.

"It's you who is going to die." Jiang Chen yelled crazily, with contempt in his eyes, he didn't care about Chu Yanwang at all.

"Fight!" Chu Yanwang uttered, like a roaring lion.

Fight ass.

Zheng Chengze was so excited that he almost hit his head on the ground.

If Jiang Chen and Chu Yanwang really continue to fight, he doesn't know who will live and who will die, and he doesn't have the heart to care about it now, but he doesn't bring such troublesome people. He is in severe pain, so we can't put him first. to solve the problem?

"Master Chu—" Zheng Chengze hugged his right leg, his face pale.

"Shut up, you still have 4 minutes, why can't you just shut up your stinking mouth and quietly wait to become a disabled person?" Jiang Chen was annoyed, and angrily shouted.

Zheng Chengze was so angry that he was a little speechless. You are the one who wants to shut up. He is going to be disabled. How can you tell him to be quiet?

If he's really quiet, he's the biggest idiot in the world.

"Master Chu—" Zheng Chengze called Chu Yanwang's name again, his voice full of begging.

He didn't want to be crippled.

If he was so crippled, even if Jiang Chen was killed by Chu Yanwang, it would not be able to make up for the damage he suffered.

"I told you to shut up, didn't you hear it? Or are you deaf? You only have three minutes and 30 seconds at most, and such a short time has passed quickly. You are so impatient, no wonder you are in such a miserable situation now .” Jiang Chen said in an extremely contemptuous tone.

"Master Chu, please help me." Zheng Chengze said in grief and indignation.

Zheng Chengze begged three times in a row, and each time was more tragic than the last time. No matter how hard-hearted Chu Yanwang was, he couldn't remain indifferent.

"Hurry up, 3 minutes, I'll kill you like a chicken." Jiang Chen hooked his fingers towards Chu Yan, with a look of disdain, as if Chu Yan was no different from a dead person in his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, do you really want to die that much?" Chu Yan was so angry that he was almost persuaded by Zheng Chengze. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would be so unscrupulous!

"It's not that I want to die, but that I really want to send you to die, why don't you make a move? Are you going to tell me that you are actually a little bitch?" Jiang Chen curled his lips and laughed endlessly.

"Master Chu, don't be fooled by him!" Zheng Chengze said in a hurry.

He could tell that Jiang Chen was deliberately delaying time.

"What was fooled? Needless to say it's so ugly, I'll fight him fairly and convince him to death." Jiang Chen said righteously.

"Fair ass!" Chu Yanwang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

If Jiang Chen had really fought him fairly, he wouldn't have made so many moths. But at this moment, he was so arrogant, as if he hadn't done anything to Zheng Chengze at all.

"Chu Yanwang, you don't even have the courage to fight me fairly, and you dare to call yourself the King of Hades, which is ridiculous. Change your name quickly, or I will beat you every time I see you." Jiang Chen babbled, constantly exciting.

"Let's go." Chu Yanwang couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward, grabbed Zheng Chengze from the ground, and walked towards the door.

"Don't go, stop quickly and die." Jiang Chen rushed over, waving his fists, teeth and claws.

It’s good that Jiang Chen didn’t do this. Once he did this, Chu Yan looked away even faster. He left the room in the blink of an eye and ran to the elevator. Looking at it like that, he seemed to hate his parents for losing two legs. like.

"Chu Yanwang, you ran fast this time, come back next time, I want you to die without a whole body." Jiang Chen was still not satisfied, and the words he said became more and more arrogant.

Entering the elevator, the elevator door closed, Chu Yanwang let out a deep breath of stale air, and forcibly stabilized her mind.

He couldn't be more clear that the reason why he hesitated to do anything was because he wasn't absolutely sure to kill Jiang Chen within 5 minutes.

Jiang Chen took Zheng Chengze and made him play, making him even think about killing Jiang Chen's family.If it's just that, it's fine, the most hateful thing is the words Jiang Chen said, it's so mad that people don't pay for their lives.

Anyone with a slightly weaker mind would probably die of heart and brain blood vessels bursting out of anger.

"Clan master Chu, I am the one who caused you to be humiliated today. This kind of hatred will be repaid a hundredfold in the future." Zheng Chengze gritted his teeth and said frantically.

"I know it in my heart." Chu Yanwang said lightly.

Although it was impossible to kill Jiang Chen in one fell swoop today, to him, it was just a matter of time. Jiang Chen had already been sentenced to death by him.

When Chu Yanwang and Zheng Chengze left, Jiang Chen closed the door casually, smiled, went to get a bottle of ice water, took two sips, and the phone rang.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. He couldn't help being a little surprised that this woman called him so soon.

"You're not dead, are you?" Wu Qingya's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Wu Qingya, you're out of your mind." Jiang Chen said angrily, cursing him for what?
He is alive and well, and he can't die if anyone dies.

"Jiang Chen, I think you're just out of your mind. Our Wu family's affairs have not been sorted out yet, and you've provoked the Zheng family again. Do you feel that you are living too comfortably and deliberately looking for some stimulation for yourself? ?" Wu Qingya was extremely upset.

Wu Qingya simply couldn't understand how Jiang Chen's head grew.

Others, for some troublesome things, avoid them for fear of being too late, but Jiang Chen is good, trouble comes as he pleases, as if he really dislikes himself for causing less troublesome things.

You don't want to risk your life like this to die.

Wu Qingya felt that if Jiang Chen continued to act like this and died, one day, he would take his own life.

No, even though the Wu family hasn't taken Jiang Chen to the knife yet, the Zheng family is rushing to do it, and Zheng Chengze will come forward in person.

Wu Qingya's phone call to Jiang Chen really had no other meaning, just to ask whether Jiang Chen was dead or not.

After all, Zheng Chengze came forward in person, making it clear that he wanted to fight Jiang Chen forever. The one who died was either Zheng Chengze or Jiang Chen... Of course, Wu Qingya was more inclined to the latter.

The Zheng family didn't have as many scruples as the Wu family. If they were really determined to kill Jiang Chen, even if Jiang Chen survived by chance, he would have to peel off a layer of skin from his back.

Listening to Jiang Chen's words at this time, he was full of energy, obviously still alive and kicking, Wu Qingya knew that Jiang Chen was probably not dead yet.

Oh, of course he didn't die, otherwise what's the matter with this call?

"That's it, it's not exciting at all." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"From what you mean, you still want to be more exciting, right? Why don't you go and beat Wang Mingjie up now, and then go to Zhou's house to make a big fuss? I'm sure you don't want to be exciting." Wu Qingya joked. Said.

"That guy Wang Mingjie has a natural face that doesn't want to be slapped. If I want to slap him, I have a lot of opportunities. As for the Zhou family, hehe..." Jiang Chen laughed strangely twice.

"Hey, what do you mean? Hey, you're not thinking about the sisters of the Zhou family, are you?" Wu Qingya asked suspiciously.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Wu Qingya's intuition to be so precise, he smiled and said, "I heard that woman Zhou Jinse is very proud, so it's hard to chase, right?"

"It's hard to chase and you have to separate people. Aren't you always full of confidence?" Wu Qingya said with a smile.

"You mean, I'm different from others?" Jiang Chen felt very happy, but this woman Wu Qingya has eyesight, no wonder she has been chasing him.

"Yeah, it's very different. I haven't seen anyone with a thicker skin than you, but I advise you to give up on pursuing Zhou Jinse. Even if Zhou Jinse is blind, he will never look down on you." Yours." Wu Qingya said confidently.

"Wu Qingya, I think you really have something wrong with your brain, hang up the phone and go to the hospital immediately." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, don't tell me, you really have Zhou Jinse's idea in mind." Wu Qingya was a little stunned now, what she said just now was just a joke, okay?
Besides, how many women are there around Jiang Chen? Anyway, she is innumerable. As for Jiang Chen himself, Wu Qingya suspects that she may not be able to count.

Isn't he tired of looking for so many women?
Or did Jiang Chen burn too much money in a panic, so he deliberately asked many women to help him spend money?

But, if this is the case, why bother to find so many women, she can spend a lot of money alone, okay?One is worth ten other women, no problem.

"Oh, she's after my idea. I'm thinking about how to reject her without hurting her self-esteem. After all, you know that I have a high vision and I'm notoriously serious. Don't play tricks." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Jiang Chen, if Zhou Jinse knows this, you can wait to be hunted down by her." Wu Qingya rolled her eyes.

Perhaps it was because she was a little worried that Jiang Chen would brag endlessly, before Jiang Chen could reply, Wu Qingya quickly changed the subject and said, "Remember our agreement two days ago, I am going to start action here , you get ready."

"What agreement?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Jiang Chen, if you dare to forget, you will die." After saying this angrily, Wu Qingya quickly hung up the phone.

"She's really a woman who doesn't want to be lonely." Putting away the phone, Jiang Chen smiled.

When Wu Qingya made this call, she was concerned, but from Jiang Chen's point of view, it was definitely not much. The main thing for this woman was to let him know that she was going to do something to Wu Menghua.

The reason why Wu Qingya dared to attack Wu Menghua was because of him. If something happened to him, Wu Qingya's ambition would be doomed to die before it even started.

"This woman really depends on me." Jiang Chen murmured, a little distressed, sure enough, men can't be too handsome...

(End of this chapter)

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