genius evil

Chapter 548 It's All Routines

Chapter 548 It's All Routines

Today's weather is good, cool and windy, a rare good weather in hot summer.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, by the Weiming Lake of Capital University, a girl was walking along the lakeside with a book in her arms, watching from time to time, looking for a suitable place.

After a while, the girl sat down on the grass under a willow tree, opened the book, and read it quietly.

"Zhou Mingzhu, I've been looking for you for a long time, and you're here." Suddenly, a voice sounded a bit surprised, and then, a tall and handsome boy ran over quickly, looking at you with a smile on his face. Zhou Mingzhu said.

"Oh." Zhou Mingzhu glanced at the boy, nodded, and continued to bury her head in the book.

It seems to her that in her world, apart from books, there is nothing else that can arouse her attention and interest.

Such a scene made the boy somewhat disappointed, because wouldn't it mean that his charm was not as great as the book in Zhou Mingzhu's hand?
"Zhou Mingzhu, there is something, did Chang Hong tell you?" The boy sat down opposite Zhou Mingzhu and actively searched for topics.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Mingzhu was a little puzzled.

"Oh, that's right, Chang Hong has a boyfriend, didn't she tell you?" The boy looked surprised, as if he felt that Zhou Mingzhu should be more aware of this kind of thing than him.

"Really?" Zhou Mingzhu reacted indifferently, she didn't feel surprised, and she didn't intend to gossip at all.

"Chang Hong usually has the best relationship with you, why didn't she tell you about her boyfriend?" The boy was obviously unwilling, and continued the topic abruptly.

Zhou Mingzhu still didn't have much reaction, she said: "I'm happy for Chang Hong, she didn't tell me, she probably has her own ideas."

"What about you?" the boy couldn't help asking.

"Tao Lu, can you finish quickly if you have anything to say? I still need to read." Zhou Mingzhu said a little embarrassed.

She felt that Tao Lu talked too much, which disturbed her reading a bit.

"I happen to know Chang Hong's boyfriend. He said that he spent more than a month pursuing Chang Hong. In the end, Chang Hong was moved by his sincerity and became his girlfriend. I have been pursuing you for more than half a year. When did you agree to be my girlfriend?" Tao Lu finally said what he wanted to say.

After speaking, Tao Lu looked at Zhou Mingzhu nervously and expectantly.

Zhou Mingzhu finally left the book, looked up, looked at Tao Lu in surprise, and said, "Tao Lu, we are just classmates, aren't we?"

"I've been chasing you for so long, and you just treat me as a classmate?" Tao Lu was angry.

It took him more than a month to catch up with him, but he spent more than half a year, but he got such a response, which made Tao Lu feel very hurt and insulted.

"Yes." Zhou Mingzhu nodded seriously.

She never thought of talking about a boyfriend. She had too many things to do and too many books to read for four years in college, so she would not be able to fall in love.

"Since you just think of me as a classmate, why didn't you tell me earlier why you hang on to me all the time, so you are happy?" Tao Lu became more and more angry, and his voice raised a lot.

"I didn't know you were chasing me." Zhou Mingzhu said awkwardly.

As soon as these words came out, Tao Lu almost wanted to throw himself into the lake and die.

For a long time, he thought that he had pursued Zhou Mingzhu for more than half a year, but Zhou Mingzhu didn't know that he was chasing her at all. Is it because he is too bad, or has she been ignoring his existence?

"Then I now solemnly request to pursue you. Can you be my girlfriend?" Tao Lu said.

"No." Without thinking, Zhou Mingzhu just shook her head.

"What exactly do you want?" Tao Lu was completely angry.

"I want to read and study." Zhou Mingzhu said sincerely.

"Excuses, all are excuses, I think you are hanging me on purpose, it makes you feel superior, doesn't it?" Tao Lu said grimly.

Zhou Mingzhu's expression changed slightly, she put away her book, stood up, and said, "I still have something to do, I'm leaving first."

"No, you are not allowed to leave, you must make it clear." Tao Lu stood up and reached out to grab Zhou Mingzhu's arm.

Zhou Mingzhu dodged sideways and backed away in panic, like a little rabbit in panic.

"Zhou Mingzhu, I don't care if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid. Anyway, what I said is clear enough. You have hanged me for more than half a year. You must make up for me. I will not bully you. You will be my girlfriend for half a year. , that’s enough.” Tao Lu stared at Zhou Mingzhu and said.

"Tao Lu, you are too deceitful." Zhou Mingzhu was very angry.

She never hung Tao Lu because she really didn't know that Tao Lu was chasing her. If she had known early on, she would have rejected Tao Lu very early.

Tao Lu actually asked her to be his girlfriend for half a year, Zhou Mingzhu thought it was too much, and trembled with anger.

"Why, you are allowed to bully me, and I am not allowed to bully you?" Tao Lu walked towards Zhou Mingzhu step by step, and said noncommittally.

"Stay away from me." Zhou Mingzhu said, and subconsciously stepped back to prevent Tao Lu from getting too close.

"Zhou Mingzhu, what are you pretending? Is it useful to pretend to be innocent and cute at this time? Sooner or later, I will tear your hypocritical face." Tao Lu laughed endlessly, getting closer and closer.

Zhou Mingzhu could only step back again and again until she stepped on the wet mud and there was lake water behind her, so she had no choice but to stop.

"Tao Lu, you misunderstood me. If you are unhappy, I can apologize to you." Zhou Mingzhu said with a frown.

"If an apology is useful, why do we need the police?" Tao Lu said sarcastically.

"Tao Lu, if you do this again, I will call the police." Zhou Mingzhu said nervously.

"Report, call the police, what did I do to you? Even if the police come, so what? Can they still arrest me?" Tao Lu was arrogant.

"Tao Lu, how could you do this?" Zhou Mingzhu was very angry. For the first time, she discovered that Tao Lu was such a person.

In this way, isn't Tao Lu's previous performance in the class all pretended? How can this person's scheming be so deep?
"I'm like this now, why don't you quit, jump into the lake if you have the ability, I'll let you go if you jump into the lake today." Tao Lu said eccentrically.

Zhou Mingzhu turned her head, glanced at the lake behind her, bit her red lips, and hesitated.

"Jump, you dance." Tao Lu urged loudly.


Almost as soon as Tao Lu's voice fell, Zhou Mingzhu felt something flying past in front of her eyes, and immediately, the sound of falling into the water sounded.

Hearing the sound of falling into the water, Zhou Mingzhu hurriedly looked back, and then saw that Tao Lu, who was standing in front of her before, flew into the lake for some reason, flopping about in the water.

After that, Zhou Mingzhu discovered that there was a smiling face in front of her eyes.

That guy smiled wickedly and stared at her with wide eyes, as if he wanted to see clearly how many fine hairs there were on her body.

Zhou Mingzhu was startled, her feet went limp, her body fell into the lake uncontrollably.

The smirking guy stretched out his big hand, grabbed Zhou Mingzhu into his arms, and said with a smile: "Little Mingzhu, I know you will be very excited when you see me, but no matter how excited you are, you don't have to jump into the lake."

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Zhou Mingzhu hurriedly left Jiang Chen's embrace, lowered her head, and said in a low voice.

Although Zhou Mingzhu had only met Jiang Chen twice, whether it was the first car accident or the second meeting at Mr. Wu's birthday banquet, he had a very deep impression on Jiang Chen.

Or it can be said that Jiang Chen's words and deeds left a very deep and unforgettable impression on her.

"I came to see you on purpose, but it seems that I heard a dog barking. Does Beijing University allow dogs?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"Dog barking?" Zhou Mingzhu wondered why she didn't hear it.

"Listen, it's still screaming." Jiang Chen pointed to Tao Road in the lake.

Tao Lu was flopping in the lake, accidentally drank several sips of water, and strenuously swam towards the shore, shouting loudly while swimming: "Zhou Mingzhu, how dare you treat me like this, I swear, I will not let you go!" of."

"It looks like you're not just a dog, but also a mad dog. If you don't catch people like this, you'll bite like that." Jiang Chen felt aggrieved.

"And you, kid, you dare to kick me into the water, I tell you, you are dead." Tao Lu said to Jiang Chen.

"I was very curious all of a sudden, how could I be dead." Jiang Chen said curiously.

"You will know soon." At this moment, Tao Lu had already swam ashore, completely wet and in a state of embarrassment.


Jiang Chen raised his foot suddenly, kicked Tao Lu again like a fired cannonball, and fell into the water again.

"Don't, you tell me now, I'm good at everything else, but I'm very impatient, tell me how I'm going to die, or I'll kill you alive." Jiang Chen yelled.

After Tao Lu was kicked flying by Jiang Chen for the first time, he was so dizzy that he didn't understand what was going on. After he swam ashore, he carefully guarded against Jiang Chen to prevent Jiang Chen from going wrong again. However, this time Once, I still didn't even see it clearly, and just flew out.

"Boy, do you know who I am?" Tao Lu was so depressed that he wanted to die. Being kicked once was enough, and he felt that his face was about to be lost after being kicked a second time.

"I just heard from my Mingzhu that your name is Tao Lu, right?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

"That's right, my name is Tao Lu, do you know who I am?" Tao Lu said fiercely.

"Routines, all are routines, I have to say, the name your parents gave you is really good, but don't think I will be fooled, you are not human at all, just a crazy dog ​​that bites people like crazy That's all." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"You are the mad dog." Tao Lu cursed hysterically.

"To be a human being, you must have self-knowledge. To be a dog, you must have self-knowledge even more. You make me feel sorry." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Boy, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth off." Tao Lu swam up from the lake for the second time, rushed to Jiang Chen's front with a few steps, and almost pointed his finger at Jiang Chen's nose. .

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he kicked casually, and for the third time, Tao Lu flew away...

(End of this chapter)

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