genius evil

Chapter 550 The Boyfriend From The Future

Chapter 550 The Boyfriend From The Future
"Little Mingzhu, can't I come to you because I have nothing to do? If that's the case, then I'll leave now." Jiang Chen said in grief.

Zhou Mingzhu looked at Jiang Chen stupidly, and for a while, it was difficult to tell whether Jiang Chen was acting or really sad.

"Little Mingzhu, what are you talking about, do you really want me to leave now?" Jiang Chen was even more distressed.

"We don't seem to be familiar with each other." Zhou Mingzhu had to say.

"Little Mingzhu, you caused me ten thousand points of damage again." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to cover his chest, and murmured, "Once a stranger and a second acquaintance, this is the third time we've met, aren't we familiar enough? It’s fried steak, and it’s already cooked, right?”

"But we really don't know each other well." Zhou Mingzhu said innocently.

"Little Mingzhu, do you know what words can hurt a man the most in this world?" Jiang Chen asked with a wry smile.

Zhou Mingzhu shook her head, expressing that she did not know.

"That's what you just said." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, although we've met three times, I really don't know you at all, so don't let people misunderstand our relationship in front of others, okay?" Zhou Mingzhu said softly.

"Little Mingzhu, take a closer look at me." Jiang Chen pointed to his face.

Zhou Mingzhu didn't know why, but she still looked at Jiang Chen very carefully.

After a while, Jiang Chen asked, "What did you see?"

"No." Zhou Mingzhu said truthfully.

"You women, sure enough, all of you are very superficial. I let you look at me, not at my face, but at my eyes. You keep staring at my face, how could you see me? What about the connotation?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Zhou Mingzhu blinked, Jiang Chen was referring to his face, so she looked at his face, but she didn't know, did Jiang Chen let her look into his eyes?
But when Jiang Chen said this, Zhou Mingzhu looked into Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Does it look good?" Jiang Chen asked after a while.

Zhou Mingzhu nodded subconsciously. Jiang Chen's eyes were black and deep, like a deep pool, completely different from the cynical expression on his face.

"You are really superficial, you only see my beauty." Jiang Chen was very annoyed.

Zhou Mingzhu was in a mess in the wind, and was hit to death.

"Little Mingzhu, I'm so beautiful, don't you realize that something is about to happen?" Jiang Chen said.

"I don't understand." Zhou Mingzhu was very confused, being dazzled by Jiang Chen.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand for now, anyway, your future boyfriend will look like me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


Zhou Mingzhu was dumbfounded.

She is just a little timid, but not stupid.

How could they fail to understand the underlying meaning of Jiang Chen's words, that he would be her future boyfriend.

"Little Mingzhu, you look surprised, but there's no need to be surprised, your boyfriend won't dislike you for not having a good figure." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and said.

"I haven't planned to fall in love yet." Zhou Mingzhu said uncomfortably.

"You can make plans now." Jiang Chen said.

"I have to think about it carefully." Zhou Mingzhu said after hesitating.

Tao Lu said that after chasing her for more than half a year, Zhou Mingzhu didn't feel it, but he didn't know that Tao Lu was chasing her.

It's not clear if Tao Lu pursued her because no one else has chased her, let alone confessed his love.

But now, Zhou Mingzhu heard clearly that Jiang Chen wanted to chase her.

This kind of thing made Zhou Mingzhu feel very complicated, and she couldn't tell what it was like.

"Don't think about it. If you miss this mountain, you will never find that temple again. Since your boyfriend looks like me, he is naturally excellent. You can rest assured and boldly follow him to eat delicious food and drink spicy food." Jiang Chen said.

With pink face slightly red, Zhou Mingzhu said: "Jiang Chen, stop talking, I want to read a book."

"Little Mingzhu, I'll treat you to dinner at noon." Jiang Chen said, as a fastidious man, he knew very well when to stalk and when to play hard to get.

"I eat in the school cafeteria." Zhou Mingzhu said.

"It's okay, you can treat me to dinner." Jiang Chen smiled.

After struggling for more than an hour, Zhou Mingzhu finally couldn't bear it any longer, so she left her self-study early and went to the school cafeteria for lunch with Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I have class in the afternoon." Zhou Mingzhu said while eating.

"I seem to have some time in the afternoon." Jiang Chen stuffed braised pork into his mouth and said vaguely.

Not to mention, a university is a university, and the taste of the food is much better than that of middle school. This suddenly made Jiang Chen look forward to his university life in two months.

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter the classroom during class time." Zhou Mingzhu reminded.

She said that there was class in the afternoon, in order to remind Jiang Chen that he could leave after eating, who knew that Jiang Chen would say this, so he had to remind him again.

"Does the school's small supermarket sell benches?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What are you buying the bench for?" Zhou Mingzhu couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's unconstrained thoughts.

"Oh, that's right. I'm going to buy a bench and sit in the corridor outside the classroom. That shouldn't count as entering the classroom." Jiang Chen said seriously.



In this world, people look at their faces everywhere, and judge their strengths by their appearance.

Jiang Chen felt that since he was absolutely at the peak of his appearance, his luck would definitely not be too bad.

Unfortunately, Zhou Mingzhu obviously didn't know how to appreciate it, so Jiang Chen could only leave Capital University after Zhou Mingzhu returned to the classroom.

In the parking lot, Jiang Chen found his own car and was about to get in the car and leave, but there were a few people rushing over quickly.

"Boy, if you don't want the car to be smashed, get over here." Among the few people rushing over, one of them yelled at Jiang Chen.

It was none other than Tao Lu.

"Are you talking to me?" Jiang Chen looked around a few times, but he didn't find anyone else, so he said in confusion.

"Why are you pretending to be stupid? If I wasn't talking to you, would I be talking to a ghost?" Tao Lu jokingly said.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Boy, it seems that your memory is not very good. You need to help you improve your memory." Tao Lu revealed a thick sneer, and stretched out his hand to move backwards. The three people behind him were facing the river. Chen strode over, rolling up their sleeves one by one, with a murderous look.

"Isn't it okay to speak well? Why do you have to touch your hands when you are so good? Didn't your mother teach you that a gentleman doesn't talk?" Jiang Chen was angry.

"There's so much nonsense." Tao Lu rolled his eyes and said loudly, "You're welcome, beat me to death."

"I never said I should be polite." Jiang Chen looked at this guy like an idiot.

Tao Lu was stunned for a moment, he didn't say this to Jiang Chen, what does Jiang Chen mean by taking over?
But soon, Tao Lu understood what Jiang Chen meant.

Those three guys were aggressive and tall, and they looked like they could fight, but before they had time to make a move, they followed Jiang Chen one by one, and flew away one after another. go out.

Moreover, Jiang Chen really didn't mean to be polite at all, the kick was heavy, and the three people who flew out, not to mention getting up to fight again, couldn't even make a sound, all of them were knocked out by Jiang Chen.

Such a scene made Tao Lu gasp wildly.

Because of being kicked into Weiming Lake by Jiang Chen five times in a row, Tao Lu thought that Jiang Chen might be more powerful in fighting, so he specially called a few sports students in the school.

The three people Tao Lu recruited were all quite good in physical fitness, and it was no longer a problem to overwhelm one or two people easily.

But when facing Jiang Chen, they didn't even have a chance to make a move, the gap was really too big.

"See clearly, I said I would not be polite." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said casually.

"Boy, so what if you are good at fighting?" Tao Lu said sternly.

"I didn't plan to do anything, it just happened to be a lesson for you." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and said.

"Don't... don't..." Tao Lu's face turned pale for a while, he didn't want to be like those three guys, being made unconscious by Jiang Chen.

"I've always convinced people with virtue, and I don't like hands-on actions. How about you make yourself dizzy?" Jiang Chen said.

"How did I get myself dizzy?" Tao Lu asked puzzled.

"It turns out you don't know how to do it, so I'll teach you." Jiang Chen is quite good at being a teacher, and when he preaches, he will teach him. He kicked out with one leg, like a thunderbolt, so Tao Lu joined the ranks of the three people. Lie unconscious on the ground.

Without even looking at Tao Lu and the others, Jiang Chen opened the car door, who knows, before getting in the car, another voice came over.

"Jiang Chen!" A voice full of anger came to Jiang Chen's ears, cold and full of evil spirit.

"It's you." Looking back, seeing that it was Zhou Jinse, Jiang Chen grinned and smiled.

"It's funny?" Zhou Jinse asked coldly.

"I'm just a little bit happy, but right now, I'm not too happy." Jiang Chen said indifferently, whoever it was, probably couldn't be happy with a poker face, right?

"What's the matter with these people?" Zhou Jinse pointed to Tao Lu and the others.

"They wanted to beat me up, so I just beat them up casually." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Aren't you tired of tossing and turning every day, causing trouble with all kinds of tricks?" Zhou Jinse asked.

"I only have such a small interest left in my life, is it possible that you want to take it away too?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"You like to cause trouble. I can't control it, and I won't. But, today, you shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be here." Zhou Jinse said angrily.

"You say that you don't care, but your body is quite honest. You even take care of where I should appear. When did our relationship reach this point?" Jiang Chen asked rather puzzled.

"Come with me." Zhou Jinse didn't answer Jiang Chen's words, but waved and said.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked, but still followed.

Soon, under Zhou Jinse's leadership, Jiang Chen got into a car. Jiang Chen sat in the passenger seat, and Zhou Jinse sat in the driver's seat.

"Fasten your seat belt." After closing the car door, Zhou Jinse ordered.

"Why do you care about me so much? You can't be in love with me, right?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment, and put on his seat belt.

Zhou Jinse still didn't answer, started the car, stepped on the accelerator heavily, the engine roared instantly, the car hit a stone pier not far away like an arrow from the string...

(End of this chapter)

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