genius evil

Chapter 551

Chapter 551
The good performance of the car was brought to the extreme by Zhou Jinse in an instant, accelerating from zero to [-] kilometers in just a few seconds.

And that stone pier is only a hundred meters away from the car. The engine of the car roars like a roar. Once it hits it, the car will be destroyed and people will die. It is conceivable.

However, what was expected did not happen.


The hissing sound of the tires rubbing against the ground was so sharp that it could pierce the eardrums. Just at the front of the car, the stone pier was only about five meters away, and the car stopped suddenly.

"The driving skills are good." Jiang Chen couldn't help but praised, but he didn't expect that when a person with Zhou Jinse's personality drove a car, it was like playing with a small toy.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Turning his head and facing each other coldly, deep in Zhou Jinse's eyes, there was an uncontrollable feeling of surprise spreading.

The speed of the car is so fast, isn't Jiang Chen afraid at all?

It's fine if Jiang Chen isn't afraid, but he still has the leisure to praise her for her good driving skills. Isn't that a little too big?
Zhou Jinse couldn't figure out what Jiang Chen was thinking.

Or, is he sure that he will not die?

"It doesn't matter if I'm afraid of death or not, anyway, you must be afraid of death." Jiang Chen said casually.

Zhou Jinse couldn't help being startled, and said immediately: "I just don't want to die with you."

"Duplicity." Jiang Chen curled his lips, expressing his disdain.

"You know if what I said is true or not." Zhou Jinse looked disgusted.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "As the old saying goes, you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. Do you dare to say that you came to Capital University, not to find me?"

"You don't know why I came here?" Zhou Jinse was instantly angry.

She had received the news that Jiang Chen had appeared at Capital University and had met Zhou Mingzhu, so she drove over impatiently, but from Jiang Chen's mouth, it seemed that It was as if she had come here specially to find him.

Does this guy really lose any face?

Why does he feel so good about himself?

"I know, you came for me." Jiang Chen nodded and said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, I reminded you not to provoke Mingzhu." Zhou Jinse ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense and said angrily.

"If you tell me not to provoke you, I will definitely agree without saying a word. After all, from the very beginning, you were not the one I provoked." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then why do you still provoke me?" Zhou Jinse said, the emotion in that voice, I don't know if it is grievance or resentment.

"To be precise, you provoked me." Jiang Chen explained.

It's fine, it didn't do anything, it just caused a whole lot of commotion, Jiang Chen naturally didn't mind at all, and made the commotion a little bit more serious.

"Then you can't treat me like that." Zhou Jinse stared at Jiang Chen firmly.

"So now you'd better tell me clearly and clearly how I should treat you." Jiang Chen asked back with a smile.


Zhou Jinse pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Actually, I can understand some things, but I really don't like you very much. What I like is my family's pearl. You'd better die as soon as possible, so as not to get too deep and mislead others and yourself. Furthermore, you and Mingzhu are sisters, if the sisters who are in trouble are at odds, that is not what I want to see." Jiang Chen looked helpless.

"Jiang Chen, shut up, even if all the men in this world are dead, it's impossible for me to fall in love with you." Zhou Jinse almost died of anger.

With her intelligence, how could she fail to understand the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words.

Sisters competing for husbands?

Perhaps Jiang Chen, as a man, would have had such fantasies, but fantasies are fantasies, and it is absolutely impossible for him to happen.

She, Zhou Jinse, wouldn't despise herself so much.

"I'm relieved if you can say that." Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

"Jiang Chen, die for me." Zhou Jinse stepped on the gas pedal like a violent little lioness, and the car roared again. Judging by the situation, he wished he could die with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen slapped Zhou Jinse's right thigh hard on the gas pedal with his big hand, then quickly turned off the car, and said displeasedly, "Zhou Jinse, can you stop being so childish?"

"Why am I so naive?" Zhou Jinse asked unconvinced.

"Aren't you naive to seek death and life at every turn? Fortunately, I thought you were a woman who could afford to let go." Jiang Chen said with a blush.

"I just want to send you to die." Zhou Jinse said angrily.

"What you can't get will be destroyed, your mind is too narrow." Jiang Chen bared his teeth.

"--" Zhou Jinse looked at Jiang Chen as if he was insane.

"I'm a man who sticks to it. My heart already belongs to the Pearl. No one else can get into my heart. But you are like this, which really embarrasses me. Otherwise, you will give me Be an underground lover, but the relationship between us must not be disclosed to the public, let alone Mingzhu know, do you think it is okay?" Jiang Chen discussed in a sincere tone.

Zhou Jinse sneered: "Jiang Chen, you are crazy, but I am not crazy."

"Could it be that you want me to kick away the pearl and replace it?" Jiang Chen felt embarrassed.

"Daydreaming." Zhou Jinse smiled angrily.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Jiang Chen was also angry.

"I still say what I said before, stay away from Mingzhu, the farther the better, otherwise sooner or later, I will kill you with my own hands." Zhou Jinse said darkly.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said indifferently: "Zhou Jinse, do you know that a guy named Tao Lu confessed his love to my Mingzhu today?"

"I don't need to know these shitty things." Zhou Jinse was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Jiang Chen meant by saying this.

"I heard that you have always cared for Mingzhu and never let her get hurt. In this matter, you have always done a good job before without leaving any traces, but today Tao Lu, Almost forced Mingzhu to jump into Weiming Lake." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"If it's really my mistake as you said, I will double protect Mingzhu." Zhou Jinse said without changing his expression.

"It wasn't a mistake." Jiang Chen shook his head.


From Jiang Chen's point of view, this was just a joke.

For such a long time before, he had never made any mistakes, but when he came to find Zhou Mingzhu today, he made a mistake. Is this too coincidental?
You know, many times, the so-called coincidences are actually artificial arrangements.

Jiang Chen was not so naive as to think that God specially arranged for him a chance to be a hero to save the beauty.

"What are you suspecting?" Zhou Jinse asked suspiciously.

"It's not doubt, but affirmation, just like what I said, today you came to see me at Capital University." Jiang Chen said with incomparable certainty.

While talking, Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling Zhou Jinse not to rush to refute, and then said: "You want to see me, but you have no reason to meet me. It just so happened that I drove to Capital University today. With your wisdom, it is not difficult to guess who I am. Why did you come to Capital University, so, do you need to say more about the following things?"

"Self-righteous." Zhou Jinse said expressionlessly.

"Well, there's something I forgot to tell you. I just drove out of the hotel today when I found a guy following me." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Having said that, Zhou Jinse's expression couldn't help but change accordingly.

So, did Jiang Chen know everything from beginning to end?
That's right, the person who followed Jiang Chen was arranged by her, and the reason why Zhou Mingzhu was not protected by anyone was because of her order to dismiss him... After doing so much, it was just to find a reason to appear in Jiang Chen's place openly and aboveboard. before.

She thought she was doing it secretly, and she was extremely careful in order not to show any flaws. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen's eyes were so vicious and his thinking was so meticulous. Dissected a transparent.

It was as if Jiang Chen had been behind her all morning, staring at her doing these things.

"Having said so much, I don't mean to blame you. It's just that there is a question that I haven't figured out after thinking about it for a long time. Now, the question is coming. Are you ready?" Jiang Chen said.

"What's the question?" Subconsciously, Zhou Jinse's heart trembled slightly, not daring to look at Jiang Chen.

"Tell me honestly, what do you like about me." Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"I never liked you at all." Zhou Jinse said loudly, the more he said, the louder his voice: "Jiang Chen, do you think that I, Zhou Jinse, are easy to bully? Or do you think that I, Zhou Jinse, are the kind of casual woman? You are so easy , took away my first time, don't you ever think about being responsible to me?"

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, this woman is not only good at duplicity, but also very good at beating her up.

His original intention was that if Zhou Jinse liked something about him, he would change it.

However, he didn't like anything, so how could he change it?
"You're lying." Jiang Chen was furious.

"Jiang Chen, self-knowledge is the most important thing in life." Zhou Jinse mocked endlessly.

"I agree with your point of view." Jiang Chen nodded, and said with a smile: "Besides, as a human being, it's good to be happy. There's no need to put pressure on yourself. Do you think I'm right or wrong?"

"What is happiness?" Zhou Jinse asked back.

"For example, people with too much scheming will definitely not be very happy." Jiang Chen said.

"Are you talking about yourself?" Zhou Jinse confronted.

"If you insist on saying that, I can't help it, but, in this way, the second question comes." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Pretending to play tricks." Zhou Jinse expressed disdain.

A hand stretched out and grabbed Zhou Jinse's chin. Jiang Chen's head also leaned towards Zhou Jinse's ear and said, "Woman, if you bet so heavily on me, you won't be afraid of losing!" It’s a mess, and you lose with yourself?”

Zhou Jinse's delicate body trembled slightly, she didn't know whether it was from shame or anger, her face gradually turned red, red and white!
(End of this chapter)

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