genius evil

Chapter 552 Despicable Means

Chapter 552 Despicable Means

With great effort, shaking off Jiang Chen's finger, Zhou Jinse shook his head and said, "I can't understand what you're talking about at all."

"You don't need to understand it, you just need to understand it in your heart." Jiang Chen tapped Zhou Jinse's chest with a finger.

Seeing Jiang Chen's action, Zhou Jinse thought that Jiang Chen was trying to take advantage of him, so he hurriedly squeezed into the seat, not daring to utter a breath of nervousness.

Seeing Zhou Jinse's action, Jiang Chen was speechless.

He has done both of the more intimate things, and he even took Zhou Jinse's blood with his own hands. Even if he really wanted to take advantage of Zhou Jinse, this woman wouldn't have such a big reaction, right?
After all, Jiang Chen didn't take advantage of him, Zhou Jinse heaved a sigh of relief, and said indifferently, "You can get out of the car now."

"I am very happy chatting with you today. Of course, if you can let go a little more, I will be even more happy." Jiang Chen laughed, and without delay, he pushed the car door casually and walked out.

After a while, Jiang Chen drove away in the car, and Zhou Jinse sat in the car, motionless, like a wooden sculpture.

Because Zhou Jinse remembered what Jiang Chen said to her, Jiang Chen said, wait for her to change her mind.

She was humiliated by Jiang Chen, wishing she could tear Jiang Chen's body into ten thousand pieces, and didn't take Jiang Chen's words to heart, but now, she had changed her mind.

When did it start?
Probably, it started when Jiang Chen abolished Zheng Xiangyu.

Everything has two sides.

If Jiang Chen offended the Wu family, it was justifiable, but if he offended the Zheng family, in some people's eyes, it was a typical example of not dying if you don't die.

But from Zhou Jinse's point of view, what she saw was Jiang Chen's role in this.

She didn't see clearly the matter of the Wu family, but after the incident of the Zheng family, especially after Zheng Chengze returned home, Zhou Jinse saw it clearly.

So, after she made a little calculation, she appeared in front of Jiang Chen today, and her mentality has become extremely different.

Just like what Jiang Chen said, she was gambling.

The difference is that she placed the chips on Jiang Chen.In other words, the three tigers are fighting each other, and she is not optimistic about the Wu family and the Zheng family.

The bargaining chip here also includes herself, so it can be said that it is not light.

"Will you lose?" Zhou Jinse muttered to himself.


At about the same time, in a private hospital of the Zheng family.

This private hospital is famous for its high fees in the capital.There is a folk saying that it is a hospital for the rich.

In fact, based on the charging standards of this hospital, even a middle-class person probably would not dare to go in to see a doctor easily.

The Zheng family opened this hospital, not to make a lot of money, but to serve the internal population of the Zheng family.

The seventh floor of the hospital, this floor, is closed all year round, and only once or twice a year will it be open.

Today, this place is open because Zheng Chengze is here.

Zheng Chengze was supposed to go to Zheng's private sanatorium for treatment, but it would take more time to drive to the sanatorium, so he came to the nearest hospital.

Zheng Chengze's injuries were quite serious. Jiang Chen's broken right foot and knee were nearly fractured. After several hours of surgery, he was pushed out of the operating room.

This made Zheng Chengze's mood extremely gloomy.

The doctor told him that his leg could recover, but it couldn't be restored to the same level as before. Walking on the ground in the future would be somewhat awkward.Meaning, he is disabled.

Naturally, Zheng Chengze couldn't accept this result.

"Jiang Chen, you scoundrel, despicable villain, damn it." Zheng Chengze cursed viciously.

"He will die soon." Chu Yanwang walked in and said expressionlessly.

"Master Chu, I understand what you mean, but now, I can't wait to send Jiang Chen to hell. If there is anything to blame, please don't go to hell." Zheng Chengze said through gritted teeth.

"What are you going to do?" Frowning, Chu Yanwang asked suspiciously.

"Jiang Chen, doesn't that guy like to play tricks? All right, I'll play with him and see who plays to death." Zheng Chengze said gloomyly, took the phone, and made a call.


blue home.

Lan Xiu was chatting with her father Lan Zhengfeng and mother Chen Yun. Lan Xiu felt that there was nothing to talk about, but Chen Yun kept dragging her, so she could only sit down and talk with her.

"Xiuxiu, what's going on with Jiang Chen, have you asked him?" Chen Yun looked a little irritable, and her tone of voice was also quite irritable.

In fact, Chen Yun couldn't help being impatient.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, a family like the Lan family is very good, but compared with the four major families, there is a gap between a tiger and a rabbit.

With the existence of the four major families, a casual bite is enough to kill the Lan family.

Jiang Chen offended the Wu family, and became a concubine in a rage. He was courageous enough to take on the responsibility, but he offended the Zheng family, what the hell?

People say that watching the fun is not afraid of big things, but Jiang Chen is not just watching the fun, he is the person involved, so why is he not afraid of big things?

Chen Yun and Lan Zhengfeng talked about this question several times before and after, but they couldn't figure it out. That's why they caught Lan Xiu, and they had to ask clearly, otherwise they couldn't let go of their hearts.

"Mom, I didn't ask Jiang Chen, but he is such a person." Lan Xiu said helplessly.

When Jiang Chen was in Yilan City, he didn't know how much he caused troubles, big and small. He wasn't afraid of troubles, let alone big troubles. That kind of character was determined. No matter where Jiang Chen appeared, he would never be at peace.

It can almost be said that Lan Xiu has gotten used to it, although Jiang Chen caused a bit of trouble this time.

"Then he is too reckless." Chen Yun sighed.

"Mom, don't worry, Jiang Chen has his own plan." Lan Xiu comforted.

"Xiuxiu, don't comfort me. What are you planning or not? Sometimes, no amount of planning is useless. Speaking of which, our Lan family is dragging Jiang Chen down. Otherwise, if Jiang Chen doesn't come to the capital , so many things will not happen." Chen Yun said guiltily.

"Mom—" Lan Xiu couldn't bear it.

"Xiuxiu, you should call Jiang Chen now and make an appointment to return to Yilan City. It is best to return today. No matter what, you can hide for a while." Chen Yun said.

"Xiuxiu, your mother and I think the same way. The capital is a place of right and wrong, and Jiang Chen is causing trouble everywhere. Sooner or later, he will be harmed. You should leave here as soon as possible, and you, too, should go back to work." Lan Zheng said the wind.

Lan Xiu smiled wryly, but she also knew that her parents' words were good intentions. Even though she was a little reluctant, she could only take out her mobile phone and planned to make a call to Jiang Chen.

Lan Xiu took out her mobile phone, and before she could dial a number, she heard a loud voice from outside, and then, a few people walked in from the outside with their toes high and high.

"Lan Xiu, come with us." The person walking at the front glanced at Lan Xiu and said in an orderly tone.

"Zheng Xiaoyun." Looking at the man who spoke, Lan Zhengfeng and Chen Yun's expressions couldn't help but change.

"What's the matter?" Lan Xiu asked.

She also knew Zheng Xiaoyun, the members of the Zheng family used to follow Zheng Xiangyu's side, and they were quite prominent figures after running around.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, believe it or not, I demolished your Lan family?" Zheng Xiaoyun said in a vicious voice.

"Destroy our Lan family? It's not a small tone." Mr. Lan appeared angrily when he didn't know when.

"Old man Lan, I understand what you mean, why, do you think I dare not dismantle it?" Zheng Xiaoyun smiled.

"If you want to take Xiuxiu away, you should give us a reason, otherwise, even if I put my life on the line, I wouldn't let you take someone away." The old man Lan said sternly.

"Old man Lan, your old life is worthless in my eyes, get out of the way, or I will kill you." Zheng Xiaoyun didn't say anything polite, took out a gun, and pointed it at the old man Lan. head on.

"Stop." Lan Xiu said hastily.

"I'll give you ten seconds to decide whether to go with us or not." Zheng Xiaoyun said arrogantly with his chin raised.

He came here under the order of Zheng Chengze, and the phone call Zheng Chengze made told him that it was a pity that Zheng Xiaoyun carried out Zheng Chengze's order correctly at all costs.

At the critical moment, killing people will not hesitate.

"It won't take ten seconds, I'll go with you." Lan Xiu said without hesitation.

She didn't dare to hesitate, if Zheng Xiaoyun did anything to Old Master Lan, she would regret it for the rest of her life.Moreover, Mr. Lan is so old, how can he still stand up to it?
"You're smart." Zheng Xiaoyun snorted coldly, made a gesture of invitation, and said, "Miss Lan, let's go."

Lan Xiu nodded, with a blank face, followed Zheng Xiaoyun and the others to leave.

"Old man, what happened, why did they take Xiuxiu away?" Chen Yun asked with a mournful face as soon as Lan Xiu left.

Under Zheng Xiaoyun's threat, they were so powerless, they could only watch Lan Xiu being taken away, this feeling was like being cut by a knife.

Old Man Lan shook his head and didn't say much.

There was naturally only one reason why the Zheng family wanted to take Lan Xiu away, and that was for Jiang Chen.

It's just that the Zheng family didn't directly attack Jiang Chen, but took Lan Xiu away, and the method was too despicable.

But often the more despicable the method, the more miraculous it can be. This made Old Man Lan's old face full of worry.

"It's Jiang Chen, it must be Jiang Chen." Chen Yun yelled, looking for a cell phone in a panic, wanting to call Jiang Chen.

"Grandpa, this--" Lan Zhengfeng looked at Chen Yun's behavior, he didn't want to stop him, and he didn't want to stop him.

"Let her fight." Old Man Lan said.

The phone call was quickly connected, and Chen Yun was already sobbing, and stuttered for a while before explaining the matter clearly.

"I see." On the other end of the phone, Jiang Chen spoke.

On Jiang Chen's side, he had just driven back to the hotel, and before he had time to enter the hotel, this phone call from Chen Yun came in.

After the call ended, Jiang Chen's face was extremely gloomy, as if water was about to drip.

Jiang Chen turned around and got into the car, intending to go to Zheng's house. Just as the car was on the road, his mobile phone rang again. Jiang Chen connected the phone without any hassle. Zheng Chengze's voice came to Jiang Chen's ears...

(End of this chapter)

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