genius evil

Chapter 553 Provoking Discord

Chapter 553 Provoking Discord
At about five o'clock in the afternoon, at the gate of the private hospital, a luxury off-road vehicle galloped up and rushed in.

The door opened, and a figure got out of the car, it was Jiang Chen.

"Why did you come here at this time?" Almost as soon as Jiang Chen got out of the car, he saw a man with freckles walking over slowly, and said with a gloomy face. It can be seen from the facial expression at that time, he is quite angry.

"Traffic jam." Jiang Chen said lightly, spreading his hands, which meant that there was nothing he could do about it.

"It seems that you don't care that much about Lan Xiu." The man laughed.

"It should be said that you should care a little more than you imagined." Jiang Chen smiled indifferently.

"Then, if there's a traffic jam, why don't you run over?" the man asked.

"It sounds like you are quite capable. If you are so capable, why don't you go to heaven." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

The man choked on Jiang Chen's words, his face became more and more gloomy, and he said, "Your lips are quite tough, but I don't know if your knees are as hard as your lips."

"You can rest assured about this, my knees are much tougher than my mouth." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Come on, come in with me." With a cold snort, the man waved and said.

This man was Zheng Xiaoyun who brought Lan Xiu out from the Lan's house. After Zheng Xiaoyun took Lan Xiu from the Lan's house, he brought him directly to this private hospital.

Afterwards, according to Zheng Chengze's order, Zheng Xiaoyun brought people here to wait for Jiang Chen.

Originally, Zheng Xiaoyun thought that if he waited for a while, Jiang Chen would show up impatiently.

After all, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to turn against the Wu family for Lan Xiu. It was obvious how much he cared about Lan Xiu.

Zheng Xiaoyun never expected that this time, he had to wait for several hours.Moreover, after Jiang Chen appeared, he didn't look anxious at all, he was very calm.

Zheng Xiaoyun's patience was exhausted while waiting for someone, not to mention his bad temper, no matter how good his temper was, after waiting for such a long time, he would turn his face every minute.

"Go in? Where are you going?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"Naturally go to the hospital, follow me to meet people." Zheng Chengze said angrily, isn't this guy asking questions knowingly?
"What's wrong with seeing people but not seeing people? Did you make a mistake? It was Zheng Chengze who wanted to see me, not I who wanted to see him. I was able to drive here to give him enough face. There are only a few steps left. He Is it that difficult to get down? Don't be shameless." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Shut up, you know that his legs are inconvenient." Zheng Xiaoyun said angrily.

"Excuses, they are all excuses. He only has one leg disabled. If his other leg is also disabled, then you can pretend I didn't say anything." Jiang Chen shrugged.

"As expected, you really don't care much about Lan Xiu's life or death." Zheng Xiaoyun said through gritted teeth.

"Well, if I understand correctly, are you threatening me?" Jiang Chen stared at Zheng Xiaoyun and said.

Jiang Chen's gaze was as sharp as a sword, being stared at by Jiang Chen, for some reason, Zheng Xiaoyun shuddered quietly, as if, in Jiang Chen's eyes, he was already a dead person.

This kind of feeling made Zheng Xiaoyun a little panicked. He boasted that he was quite courageous, but why did Jiang Chen's look make him so terrified?
"I'll give you 3 minutes, either Zheng Chengze will come down to see me, or I'll drive away... But if I drive away, this drama won't be able to continue." Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

"Okay, you wait here." Resisting the weakness in his heart, Zheng Xiaoyun gritted his teeth, and told the people behind him to look at Jiang Chen, then turned and walked towards the hospital.

After a while, Zheng Xiaoyun appeared in the ward where Zheng Chengze was.

There were three people in the ward, besides Zheng Chengze, Chu Yanwang and Lan Xiu.

Zheng Chengze didn't deal with Lan Xiu very much. Lan Xiu sat on a chair peacefully. On the one hand, it was because of the existence of Chu Yanwang that Zheng Chengze had strong confidence. Lan Xiu couldn't run away at all. On the other hand, with Zheng Chengze Despite his status, he didn't even bother to take small measures against Lan Xiu.

After all, his targets are Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu, but they are just a decoy.

This bait was used to lure Jiang Chen. Once Jiang Chen appeared, the bait would lose its value.

"Where is the person?" Seeing that Zheng Xiaoyun appeared alone, Zheng Chengze asked displeasedly, frowning.

"It's like this..." Hearing Zheng Chengze's question, Zheng Xiaoyun hurriedly explained the situation.

After hearing Zheng Xiaoyun finished speaking, Zheng Chengze looked at Lan Xiu with a half-smile and said: "Miss Lan, can you tell me what Jiang Chen means?"

"What do you mean?" Lan Xiu raised her eyebrows and asked back.

After being brought here by Zheng Xiaoyun, Lan Xiu didn't panic at all, because she knew that Jiang Chen would come, and that man would protect her.

All her courage and confidence came from Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen knew you were upstairs, but he didn't come up to see you, so you have nothing to say?" Zheng Chengze sneered.

"Maybe, he would rather you go down to see him, he is an extremely proud man." Lan Xiu said.

"As expected of Jiang Chen's woman, she has exactly the same personality and temperament." Zheng Chengze laughed loudly, and said to Chu Yanwang: "Master Chu, I will trouble you. There is something Jiang Chen said that is true. That's right, if he's leaving, the play won't last."

Jiang Chen's attitude made Zheng Chengze a little uncertain, not very clear how much Jiang Chen valued Lan Xiu.

If Jiang Chen didn't value Lan Xiu that much, wouldn't he have wasted all his efforts?
That being the case, they simply went down to see Jiang Chen in person.

Zheng Xiaoyun found a wheelchair and came over, pushing Zheng Chengze, while Chu Yanwang led Lan Xiu, quickly went downstairs and appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Two minutes and 50 seconds." Jiang Chen took out his phone to check the time.

"If I don't come down, are you really leaving?" Zheng Chengze asked in wonder, this guy actually adjusted the stopwatch.

"How about I leave now?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"If you dare to leave, I will kill Lan Xiu immediately." Zheng Chengze was angry.

"My little Xiuxiu, if I lose a hair, I don't mind at all. I will kill all the members of your Zheng family." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"What a big tone." Chu Yanwang said in a deep voice.

Jiang Chen said he wanted to kill all members of the Zheng family, did he take him seriously?

Could it be that in Jiang Chen's eyes, he was just a display?
Zheng Chengze waved his hand, signaled Chu Yanwang not to speak for the time being, stared at Jiang Chen and said, "It turns out that you value Lan Xiu very much. You threatened to kill my whole family for the sake of a woman's life. I think the next thing will be extremely interesting." of."

"Yeah, since I care so much about my little Xiuxiu, you'd better let my little Xiuxiu go quickly, otherwise it won't be too good if I really go and kill your whole family," Jiang Chen said.

"The more you care about Lan Xiu, the happier I am." Zheng Chengze said with a smile, the smile froze on his face, and said, "Jiang Chen, I called you personally. You appeared in front of me within half an hour, and now nearly three hours have passed, and I am very unhappy."

"I don't care if you're happy or not." Jiang Chen cursed.

"I'll give you two choices, either, slap yourself ten times, or kneel down and kowtow to me ten times. I'm satisfied, and maybe my mood will be much better." Zheng Chengze said.

Jiang Chen cares so much about Lan Xiu, Zheng Chengze is really very happy, he is controlling Lan Xiu now, it is equal to controlling Jiang Chen, he does not believe it, Jiang Chen is not convinced.

Zheng Chengze looked forward to it very much, Jiang Chen was rubbed round and flattened by him.

Isn't Jiang Chen very arrogant and arrogant?
When Jiang Chen's face was swept away and his self-esteem was completely lost, he wanted to see how arrogant and arrogant Jiang Chen could be?

Of course, the torture and humiliation of Jiang Chen was just the beginning, Jiang Chen had disabled one of his legs, and now he was going to play with Jiang Chen bit by bit.

"Old guy, is there something wrong with your brain?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"I'll give you ten seconds." Zheng Chengze lazily ignored Jiang Chen's pretending.

Almost as soon as Zheng Chengze's words fell, Chu Yanwang moved his feet and stood beside Lan Xiu. From the angle he was standing at, a random shot would definitely cause fatal wounds to Lan Xiu.

Seeing such a scene, Zheng Xiaoyun smiled. Now, he is looking forward to how hard Jiang Chen's knees will be.

"Laugh at your sister." The next moment, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Zheng Xiaoyun.

Before Zheng Xiaoyun realized what was going on, his collar tightened, a big hand stretched out, grabbed his collar, and grabbed him like a chicken.

"Old guy, don't think that you have someone in your hand, and I have someone in my hand." Jiang Chen said with a curl of his lips.

"Do you think that if you capture Zheng Xiaoyun, I will compromise with you?" Zheng Chengze said gloomyly.

He knew he was careless, and Jiang Chen accidentally gave him an army, but, so what?

He didn't care much about Zheng Xiaoyun's life or death.

Even if Zheng Xiaoyun died right under his nose, he wouldn't even blink.

"Little guy, did you hear what he said?" Jiang Chen said to Zheng Xiaoyun with pity.

"Jiang Chen, don't try to sow discord." Zheng Xiaoyun said stammeringly.

He felt that he was really unlucky, he shouldn't have laughed, no, he shouldn't have been so close to Jiang Chen, if he had known that Jiang Chen would do something like this, he would have stood as far away as possible, now Fortunately, watching the excitement was not enough, and instead became a hostage in Jiang Chen's hands.

"Did I sow discord?" Jiang Chen felt that he was very innocent, and he obviously didn't say anything.

"You are just sowing discord." Zheng Xiaoyun insisted.

"Little guy, stop pretending. You're so scared that you're going to die, but you have to pretend to be a man of integrity, but it doesn't matter how much you pretend? There are as many rubbish as you want in the Zheng family. But I don't care about your life or death at all." Jiang Chen said calmly.

After saying this, Jiang Chen silently added in his heart--this is called sowing discord!

(End of this chapter)

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