genius evil

Chapter 554

Chapter 554
Every time Jiang Chen said a word, Zheng Xiaoyun's complexion became a bit ugly.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zheng Xiaoyun's expression turned extremely ugly.

Although, from Zheng Chengze's words, Zheng Xiaoyun already understood that Zheng Chengze would not be threatened by Jiang Chen just because he was held hostage by Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen didn't have to say it so plainly, it was a slap in the face, or the kind of slap to death, Zheng Xiaoyun's face was burning with pain.

"Jiang Chen, have you finished your nonsense? My patience is limited." Zheng Chengze's expression was also extremely ugly.

"You think I'm very patient?" Jiang Chen scolded angrily.

"Whether you are patient or not, it has nothing to do with me. Just to remind you, ten seconds have passed." Zheng Chengze said.

"So?" Jiang Chen raised his chin.

"So..." Zheng Chengze was about to speak when Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Zheng Xiaoyun on the face.


The crisp slap sound covered Zheng Chengze's voice.

"What are you doing?" Zheng Chengze asked displeasedly, this guy can't let him finish talking before doing anything.

"Oh, I hit mine, you say yours, anyway, he is a piece of trash in your eyes, you won't feel bad if I kill him, and even less if I beat him." Jiang Chen Said without pain or itching, and then slapped Zheng Xiaoyun on the face again.

"Stop!" Zheng Chengze stopped.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and slapped him a third time.

"Stop it, I think you're the one who's deaf." Zheng Chengze's voice raised more than an octave.

If Jiang Chen directly killed Zheng Xiaoyun, he wouldn't be distressed, but the biggest problem is that Jiang Chen didn't kill Zheng Xiaoyun, but abused Zheng Xiaoyun.

Zheng Chengze wouldn't feel bad for abusing Zheng Xiaoyun, but what would other people think when they saw it?
Do you think that if he can abandon Zheng Xiaoyun like a pair of shoes today, he can abandon them like a pair of shoes tomorrow?

As a result, Zheng Chengze had no choice but to stand up and speak for Zheng Xiaoyun.

"I don't have any other hobbies. The only hobby is slapping people. You told me to stop. Did you replace it?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Jiang Chen, killing people is nothing more than nodding." Zheng Chengze said gloomyly.

"If I don't kill you, what can you do with me?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Jiang Chen would not overestimate Zheng Xiaoyun's weight in Zheng Chengze's heart, but it was enough to disgust Zheng Chengze. No, Zheng Chengze was disgusted by him to death.

"Xiaoyun, Jiang Chen is not in the same breath as my Zheng family. If there is him, there will be no Zheng family. If there is my Zheng family, there will be no him. If you sacrifice, I will definitely treat your parents and family well and protect you for three generations. No worries about food and clothing." Zheng Chengze turned to Zheng Xiaoyun and said.

"Buying people's hearts, it's not like this. He's already dead. He can't see whether you will treat his family well." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"I, Zheng Chengze, always keep my word." Zheng Chengze said coldly.

Afterwards, Zheng Chengze said to Chu Yanwang: "Master Chu, prepare to do something."

"Wait." Jiang Chen waved his hand to stop him.

"Then kneel and kowtow." Zheng Chengze said grimly.

"There is a saying that misfortune does not harm the family, didn't your parents teach you?" Jiang Chen casually threw Zheng Xiaoyun away, and said in a cold voice.

"If you don't accept it today, I will not only harm your family, but also your friends, your teachers, your classmates, and everyone you know. I will deal with them one by one." Zheng Chengze said coldly.

"You are forcing me." Jiang Chen sighed.

"That's right, I'm just forcing you, what can you do with me?" Zheng Chengze said imitating Jiang Chen's tone of voice.

It is the right way to achieve the goal by whatever means. The so-called demeanor and kindness are all bullshit. What Zheng Chengze wants is the final result, and he doesn't care about the process at all.

"Oh, that's right. If you force me, I will force you too. Give me ten seconds." Jiang Chen said, and as he spoke, he walked toward the parking place of the car.

Zheng Chengze looked at such a scene quite inexplicably, Jiang Chen, what is he going to do?
As for Chu Yanwang and Lan Xiu, they also looked confused.

Especially Chu Yanwang, who simply suspected that Jiang Chen was going to take the opportunity to escape.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't run away, just kidding, how could he run away?Lan Xiu's life is now in Zheng Chengze's hands, even if he is killed, he will not run away, okay?
Jiang Chen ran to the side of the car, appeared behind the car, opened the trunk, grabbed something casually, grabbed something, and ran back again.


Seeing the thing Jiang Chen was holding, Zheng Chengze's face turned green.

That's a person.

A person who appears to be dead, but isn't.

That person was wearing a hospital gown, his face was as pale as tinfoil, and his whole body was stiff, just like that, Jiang Chen grabbed him in his hands like a marionette.

That is - Zheng Xiangyu.

After seeing that Jiang Chen was holding Zheng Xiangyu, Zheng Chengze almost didn't go crazy. What's going on, how could Zheng Xiangyu fall into Jiang Chen's hands.

Suddenly, Zheng Chengze realized why Jiang Chen came so late after answering his call.

Honestly, Jiang Chen wasn't idle at all, he went to the Zheng family's nursing home and arrested Zheng Xiangyu.

Then, Zheng Chengze also understood why Jiang Chen was so sure and confident, because the bargaining chip in Jiang Chen's hand was really too powerful and lethal.

"To be honest, I didn't want to show this guy out, but you insisted on forcing me, but you saw it too. You can play, and I can play, and I'm better than you." Jiang Chen smiled and said triumphantly.

"My son has been made into such a state by you, and you still don't let him go?" Zheng Chengze's voice was trembling.

"If I let him go, you won't let me go, right?" Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

Whether he was playing tricks or tricks, he, Jiang Chen, had he ever been afraid of anyone?
It's true that Zheng Chengze is an old fox, but he, Jiang Chen, is not a vegetarian, is he?
"What exactly do you want?" Zheng Chengze asked loudly.

"This question is probably the most interesting sentence you said today." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Isn't it obvious?"

"I promise you." How could Zheng Chengze not understand what Jiang Chen meant, that he wanted to trade Zheng Xiangyu for Lan Xiu.

He doesn't care about Zheng Xiaoyun's life or death, but he absolutely cannot ignore Zheng Xiangyu's life or death, even if Zheng Xiangyu is almost no different from a dead person.

However, Jung Sang Woo is his son, his only son.

Unless Zheng Xiangyu was really dead, otherwise, he would never give up on Zheng Xiangyu. It has to be said that Jiang Chen's move was ruthless enough, ten times or a hundred times more ruthless than him.

He originally wanted to play Jiang Chen well, but when the situation came to an end, Jiang Chen gave him a slap in the face.

"Then come on, remember, you can't lose a single hair." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Lan Xiu, you go over there." Zheng Chengze motioned.

Lan Xiu glanced at Jiang Chen, her lips curled up, and she smiled lightly.

Jiang Chen has never let him down, this is a miraculous man, he can always do miraculous things that others cannot.

With a smile on her face, Lan Xiu stepped towards Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, send someone here. If my son is injured in the slightest, I won't spare you." Zheng Chengze said with a heavy breath.

"There's so much nonsense." Jiang Chen was so disgusted, he threw Zheng Xiangyu over, and Chu Yanwang quickly caught Zheng Xiangyu.

And Jiang Chen appeared beside Lan Xiu, took Lan Xiu's little hand, and blocked Lan Xiu behind him.

"Little Xiuxiu, now is not the time to talk, you go to the car." Jiang Chen ordered.

Lan Xiu nodded lightly, didn't say much, trotted, and got into Jiang Chen's car.

"Jiang Chen, Lan Xiu can leave, but you absolutely cannot." Zheng Chengze said in a vicious voice.

He couldn't use the means he had prepared, so he could only get straight to the point and confront Jiang Chen head-on.

"I don't intend to leave, but before I do anything, let me say a few words." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Before Zheng Chengze refused, Jiang Chen said: "Zheng Xiaoyun, I don't need to say more about what happened just now. Zheng Chengze can make any sacrifice for his crippled son, and you are just the one who can be killed at any time." It's just a victim of sacrifice, it's really pitiful and deplorable."

Zheng Xiaoyun's eyes flickered, he lowered his head and did not speak.

The rest of the Zheng family looked at Zheng Chengze from behind one by one. They had a feeling that Jiang Chen's words were meant for Zheng Xiaoyun alone, but in fact, they were meant for all of them. of.

Their fate is exactly the same as Zheng Xiaoyun's, they can be sacrificed anytime, anywhere, their fate is so similar, why are they not pitiful and deplorable?

"Chu Yanwang, your name is awkward, and your personality is also very awkward. As for me, I have nothing to say to you. After all, it's not speculative, isn't it? It's just..." At this point, Jiang Chen deliberately closed his mouth. mouth.

"Just what?" Chu Yanwang asked expressionlessly.

"It's just that, the Zheng family is so hopeless, are you sure you want to hang yourself on a rope?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Master Chu, don't listen to his nonsense." Zheng Chengze became anxious immediately, Jiang Chen opened his mouth, he is really powerful, this is the first time Zheng Chengze deeply felt what it means to kill without blood.

"That's right, I'm just talking nonsense, don't take it seriously...other things, I should go." Jiang Chen greeted him, raised his hand in a goodbye gesture, and walked on. car.

It wasn't until the car drove away that Zheng Chengze realized what had happened. A mouthful of old blood nearly spewed out of his throat.

"Master Chu, this?" Zheng Chengze asked cautiously.

"No need to say more." Chu Yanwang said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen?" Zheng Chengze swallowed hard, not daring to say anything more.

"Him? He won't survive tonight." With a cold smile, Chu Yanwang's killing intent was high!
(End of this chapter)

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