genius evil

Chapter 555

Chapter 555
"Little Xiuxiu, are you hungry? If you are hungry, let's find a place to eat. How about treating you to a big meal?" While driving, Jiang Chen looked sideways at Lan Xiu and asked.

"I'm not hungry." Lan Xiu said softly.

This afternoon, her mood was ups and downs, and her nerves were always tense. She didn't relax a little until Jiang Chen appeared. How could she have the appetite to eat?
"Then you must be tired, how about this, I'll find a place for you to rest." Jiang Chen then said.

"What about you?" Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Me? Of course I'm resting with you." Jiang Chen pointed at himself and laughed strangely.

Seeing Jiang Chen's weird smile, Lan Xiu somehow thought of something, and a blush quietly appeared on her pink cheeks.

He didn't bother looking for a place, he drove by and saw a hotel that looked good, so Jiang Chen drove the car there and opened a room.

Although Lan Xiu said she wasn't hungry, after entering the room, Jiang Chen ordered some food by the way. At the same time, Jiang Chen also ordered a bottle of red wine.

Eat something to cushion your stomach, and then drink some red wine, Lan Xiu can almost have a good night's sleep.

As a man who is considerate... no, he is a man who is considerate, Jiang Chen has always been well-known in this regard.

Of course, my own woman feels distressed.

Lan Xiu is his woman, if he doesn't love her, who will love her?

"I told you I'm not hungry." Looking at the food that was delivered quickly, Lan Xiu felt a little helpless.

"How about I feed you?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Lan Xiufan's face turned red again, and she bargained and said, "I'll just eat a little, is that okay?"

"Xiao Xiuxiu, this is your fault. Could it be that I will force you to fail when it comes to eating?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied, and said with a straight face.

"I'll try to eat more." Lan Xiu couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's right." Jiang Chen chuckled.

Lan Xiu really didn't have much appetite, but being stared at by Jiang Chen, she barely ate half a bowl of rice and drank a little red wine. After eating and drinking, she didn't know whether it was because of the wine or because she finally relaxed her heart, and gradually became sleepy. Italy strikes.

"Jiang Chen, I'll take a shower first." Lan Xiu said, got up, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, wait, I'll wash with you." Jiang Chen yelled.

Bai Jiangchen glanced at it, Lan Xiuyan smiled lightly, closed the door, and locked it, not giving Jiang Chen any chance.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you really let me down." Jiang Chen sighed, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen regretted saying that, because Lan Xiu never crossed rivers and demolished bridges, let alone disappointing him.

Lan Xiu, who had just taken a bath, had wet black hair tied up at the back of her head casually, with her face facing the sky without any rouge.

A snow-white bath towel wrapped her graceful and graceful body, but it didn't completely cover her. Half of her full breasts were exposed, and her white color dazzled people's eyes.

The most terrible thing was that Jiang Chen saw a drop of water slide down Lan Xiu's collarbone along Lan Xiu's cheek, and then slide into the deep ravine on Lan Xiu's chest...

Subconsciously, Jiang Chen swallowed a mouthful of saliva in a futile way, then rushed forward, hugged Lan Xiu, and walked towards the big bed.

"Jiang Chen, go take a shower." Lan Xiu was going to be startled by Jiang Chen, she just came out of the shower, why did this man become like a male lion in heat?
"Xiao Xiuxiu, I said just now that you won't let me take a bath with you. You can't blame me for this." Jiang Chen's desire rose, and he didn't want to waste time taking a bath, so he threw Lan Xiu on the bed.

After a while, the bed swayed in a unique rhythm.

This swaying lasted for more than an hour before it stopped.

Lan Xiu was as limp as mud, lying on the bed and could no longer move. She was already sleepy, and she was even more sleepy. After a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

Lan Xiu fell asleep, and Jiang Chen was very energetic. He climbed out of the bed lightly, and walked out of the room lightly. Soon, a car drove out of the parking lot below the hotel.

Jiang Chen drove the car for about half an hour. Finally, the car stopped under a piece of unfinished buildings. Jiang Chen got out of the car and entered the piece of unfinished buildings.

"It's almost there." Muttering to himself, Jiang Chen chose a slightly cleaner place and sat down cross-legged.

Time passed slowly, and for nearly two hours, Jiang Chen, who was originally sitting motionless, let out a deep mouthful of stale air.

Accompanied by that mouthful of turbid air, Jiang Chen's tightly closed eyes opened quietly.

Impressively, he saw that his eyes were deep and bright, just like the bright moon hanging upside down in the sky, exuding a frightening aura.

It wasn't just Jiang Chen's eyes that changed, the aura emanating from Jiang Chen's body also changed little by little.

That kind of breath change may not be noticeable to outsiders, but Jiang Chen can perceive it clearly. His strength is being filled, and his physical strength is also silently becoming stronger.

And this is, the sixth level of Body Tempering!
Jiang Chen's cultivation was at the fifth level of body quenching, and the time was neither too long nor too short.

Cultivation is a step-by-step thing. If it is not necessary, Jiang Chen is not willing to do things to encourage growth, because it will not be beneficial to his future cultivation.

It's like building a building. If you want to build it quickly, but also want to build it well, it is an extremely contradictory thing in itself.

A tall building rises from the ground, and it cannot be done overnight.

The essence of cultivation is like this, even if you are a genius, there is absolutely no possibility of soaring to the sky.

On the road of cultivation, one step at a time, there is no so-called opportunism.

Although, Jiang Chen was already able to make a breakthrough, but before that, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry. After letting the flow take its course, it will happen naturally, and there is no need to worry.

It's just that in the current situation, Jiang Chen has no choice but to break through himself.

After the breakthrough, it took a while to adapt to the changes in his body, Jiang Chen just drove away from the unfinished building and headed directly towards Zheng's house.


Zheng Chengze has returned to Zheng's house from the hospital.

Inside, Zheng Chengze was drinking tea with Chu Yanwang, but of the two, one was relaxed and comfortable, while the other was obviously a little irritable and anxious, and the one who was irritable and anxious was Zheng Chengze.

Zheng Chengze expended so much energy today to set up a situation that he thought was a dead end. As a result, Jiang Chen easily jumped out of the dead end he had arranged, and left in a big way.

This result made Zheng Chengze very difficult to accept.

According to Zheng Chengze's plan, he wanted to attack Jiang Chen for the second time at the first time, but how did he know that Chu Yanwang stopped his behavior.

"Master Chu, you said, Jiang Chen will come to my Zheng's house, will he really come?" Putting down the teacup in his hand, Zheng Chengze looked sideways at Chu Yanwang and asked.

It was precisely because Chu Yanwang said that there was no need to expend effort to find Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would throw himself into the trap, and Zheng Chengze did not do other things.

However, after returning to Zheng's house from the hospital, after waiting for such a long time, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chen did not show up for a long time, Zheng Chengze just couldn't wait any longer.

Another very important reason is that Zheng Chengze didn't quite understand why Chu Yanwang said that Jiang Chen would come to Zheng's house. Chu Yanwang didn't give any explanation.

"If I were him, I would definitely come." Chu Yan said noncommittally, drinking tea leisurely.

"Master Chu, that Jiang Chen, how can he be compared with you, he is just a shameless person who got his way for a while." Zheng Chengze said angrily.

"Even if he succeeds for a while, he is still quite a guy." Chu Yanwang said lightly.

No one he wanted to kill could escape his grasp.

Jiang Chen was the accident, moreover, it happened twice.

If such a guy is a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing, not to mention that Jiang Chen would not agree, and he, Chu Yanwang, would not agree either. After all, wouldn't it appear that he is very incompetent?
"Master Chu, you praise Jiang Chen so much, I hope he won't let you down." Zheng Chengze had no choice but to say.

Chu Yan wanted to appreciate Jiang Chen, but he couldn't appreciate Jiang Chen. He hated Jiang Chen so much that it was too late. How could he have the desire to appreciate Jiang Chen?
"It's not a question of whether I'm disappointed or not, but, I can tell that Jiang Chen is actually the same kind of person as me." Chu Yanwang said slowly.

"Master Chu, what do you mean?" Zheng Chengze was stunned for a moment.

"Using any means to achieve the goal, proud and conceited, flaws must be reported... Speaking of which, this Jiang Chen is so similar to me when I was young. If I have no choice, I really don't want to kill him." Chu Yanwang pondered.

"Such existence is definitely not a good thing for my Zheng family." Zheng Chengze reminded.

"I understand what you mean. Of course, you have to remember what I said. No matter what, Jiang Chen won't survive tonight." Chu Yanwang said indifferently.


While Chu Yanwang and Zheng Chengze were drinking tea and talking, suddenly, there was a loud noise outside Zheng's house.

That sound, like an earthquake, spread to the ears of both of them in an instant, and at the same time, everything inside the huge Zheng family was alarmed.

"Here we come." After taking a sip of tea and putting down the cup, Chu Yanwang stood up.

In fact, even though he had told Zheng Chengze that Jiang Chen would come, Chu Yanwang was only about [-]% sure.

The odds were half to half, Jiang Chen showing up was naturally the best, saving him from spending time looking for Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen didn't come, Chu Yan hoped that he wouldn't be too disappointed, at most it would just be more hands and feet.

However, the difference between whether Jiang Chen came or not came was quite obvious.

If Jiang Chen didn't come, he didn't dare, which meant that Jiang Chen was showing weakness and fearing death.

Jiang Chen came, and when he came back, there was such a big commotion that Chu Yanwang almost wanted to give Jiang Chen a high look.

If it was said that Chu Yanwang's appreciation for Jiang Chen before was only in words, then when that sound came, Chu Yanwang appreciated Jiang Chen from the bottom of his heart.

"Things looking for a dead end." Zheng Chengze snorted coldly, he didn't have as many thoughts as Chu Yanwang, Jiang Chen came, it was the best result.

"Master Chu, let's go out." Zheng Chengze invited.

"Let's go." Chu Yanwang stuck out her tongue, licked her lips, and nodded.

About to kill an object of admiration with her own hands, Chu Yanwang couldn't wait...

(End of this chapter)

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