genius evil

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

High walls and deep courtyards, white walls and red tiles.

The architectural style of Zheng's family tends to be garden style as a whole.

From another point of view, the big family, the reason why it is called a big family, apart from the large number of members in the family, is that the building area is large enough.

All in all it is one word - big.

In the direction of the main entrance of Zheng's house, an off-road vehicle, like a shell that hadn't completely exploded, crashed through the gate and stopped at the gate.

Such a shocking sound and such an astonishing move attracted more than a dozen people to appear in less than a minute.

Especially those four guards were so shocked and dizzy by this situation, they were all stunned and couldn't wake up for a long time.


Kicking on the deformed car door, kicking the door open from the inside, Jiang Chen calmly got out of the car.

"Jiang Chen, are you looking for death?" Someone recognized Jiang Chen, jumped out immediately, pointed at Jiang Chen, and said angrily.

How many years have passed, let alone offend the Zheng family, even if it is to provoke the Zheng family, no one would dare.

Jiang Chen was good. First, he completely crippled Zheng Xiangyu, and then he crippled one of Zheng Chengze's legs. Now, he drove his car directly into the gate of Zheng's house.

The gate of a family is the face of that family.

Especially for a big family like the Zheng family, the existence of the gate is not only a face, but also a symbol of the family.

What is the difference between Jiang Chen's behavior and slapping the Zheng family?
Even if Jiang Chen had already slapped Zheng Xiangyu and Zheng Chengze in the face, he couldn't be so undisguised, so blatantly attacking the Zheng family for the third time.


So angry!

It's too worthy to kill a thousand swords!
All the people stared at Jiang Chen, as if they were killing their father and enemy.

If eyes could kill, at this moment, Jiang Chen would be riddled with wounds, and he couldn't die anymore.

It is a pity that ideals are full and reality is too skinny. Not only did their eyes fail to cause any harm to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen even ignored everyone.

After getting off the car, Jiang Chen walked around the car as if he didn't see those people appearing at all.

The door of the Zheng family is very tough, and the car that Jiang Chen drives is also known for being tough.

The collision of two forces is naturally a lose-lose ending.

Although the gate was smashed to pieces, the car Jiang Chen was driving was also completely destroyed and deformed.

" car...whose gate is this, will it be repaired? You pay...compensation for my car..." After a circle, Jiang Chen jumped up and shouted with grief and indignation.

The people who appeared looked at Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

It is hard for them to imagine and believe that there is such a brazen person in this world.

What does it mean to repair the door?
This gate has been repaired for decades, and it has been standing here, who has provoked whom?

Jiang Chen smashed the gate, and the Zheng family hadn't asked Jiang Chen for compensation yet, yet Jiang Chen had the face to yell for the Zheng family to pay for the car.

Is this really bad?
"Jiang Chen, what nonsense are you talking about?" The person who jumped out was full of anger and resentment.

"Compensation for the car, compensation for my mental damage, compensation for my physical damage, you guys who killed thousands of dollars, broke down one of my favorite cars, are you still human?" Jiang Chen raised his voice. , yelling non-stop.

That voice filled the ears like a devil's voice, causing everyone a headache. They all wished they could pull a piece of tape to seal Jiang Chen's mouth.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to pay, you are the door to pay us." The man said.

"One billion... No, at least ten billion can make up for my injured heart and body." Jiang Chen said to himself, listening to the voice, choked with grief.

The tone of these words seemed to be that they only needed to pay [-] billion in compensation, and it was still cheaper for the Zheng family.

After hearing the sound, all the people took a deep breath of air-conditioning.

Did they get it wrong?

Or is Jiang Chen crazy?

Ten billion, how could Jiang Chen have the nerve to say it?

How much is his car? 200 million can't be more, [-] billion, how many cars do I have to buy?

To say that the lion opened his mouth was to underestimate Jiang Chen.

"If you really want [-] billion, then you are the one who will compensate our Zheng family." The man's voice trembled as he was completely annoyed by Jiang Chen.

"Who are you?" As if he had just discovered the existence of this person, Jiang Chen glanced over.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to understand that you are dead," said the man.

Abandoning Zheng Xiangyu, abolishing Zheng Chengze, and abolishing the gate of the Zheng family... These three things, no matter which one they are, violate the taboo of the Zheng family.

It was good for Jiang Chen, he took everything. From that person's point of view, if Jiang Chen is not dead, the law of heaven will not exist!
"You can't even say your name. It looks like you have no status at all in the Zheng family. If that's the case, why do you talk to me?" Jiang Chen's face darkened, extremely displeased.

Then, with a movement of Jiang Chen's feet, he appeared in front of that person, and with a random kick, he kicked that person away.

" people, who can make the decision to compensate me ten billion?" After kicking the man to death, Jiang Chen swept his eyes away again. Sweeping across the person, he said slowly.

Following Jiang Chen's gaze, those people subconsciously took a few steps back.

There was no way, Jiang Chen's gaze was too frightening.

That gaze was telling all of them that if he didn't get a compensation of [-] billion today, he would take all of their lives.

"What? Don't you have any? I just can't figure it out. What is the use of the Zheng family raising so many trash?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"Jiang Chen, have you had enough trouble?"

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, there was an extremely annoyed voice.

After the sound reached Jiang Chen's ears, a group of people appeared in Jiang Chen's line of sight.

There were about thirty people in that group, and after they appeared, their eyes all fell on Jiang Chen.

There were three people walking in the front of the crowd, two people to be precise, because one was in a wheelchair and was being pushed.

The one sitting in the wheelchair is Zheng Chengze, the one pushing the wheelchair is still Zheng Xiaoyun, and the other person is Chu Yanwang!

It was Zheng Chengze who spoke!

"Troubleshooting your sister, am I, Jiang Chen, the kind of person who makes trouble for no reason?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"You are." Zheng Chengze said in an extremely firm tone.

"You are sick." Jiang Chen continued to scold.

Immediately, Jiang Chen pointed to the car he drove over and asked, "Zheng Chengze, did you see that? My car was hit like this. I want a little compensation from your Zheng family. Isn't it too much?" Is it too much?"

"Jumping clown!" Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Zheng Chengze said grimly.

As a human being, how can you be so shameless?
He thought he was quite shameless, but compared with Jiang Chen, he was completely insignificant.

It has to be said that the extent of Jiang Chen's shamelessness has refreshed his perception of shamelessness.

"Zheng Chengze, I'm talking to you carefully. Don't hurt people. I, Jiang Chen, are not easy to bully. If you make me angry, I can do anything." Jiang Chen said extremely unhappy.

"Jiang Chen, you talk too much nonsense." After listening for a long time, Chu Yanwang couldn't listen anymore.

He came to kill people, not to watch Jiang Chen sing.

No matter how good Jiang Chen's opera was, he was not interested in watching it.

"Are you from the Zheng family? Is your surname Zheng? Your surname is clearly Chu, okay? I'm talking to someone with the surname Zheng. Please shut your dirty mouth honestly, okay?" Jiang Chen Said without hesitation.

"Do you know why you are still alive and kicking in front of me?" Chu Yanwang asked calmly, ignoring Jiang Chen's scolding.

"I know." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Tell me." Chu Yanwang signaled, but wanted to hear what Jiang Chen said.

"It's too simple, because you guys are cheap." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

The corners of Zheng Chengze's mouth twitched non-stop. Although Jiang Chen scolded harshly, he really felt that he was being mean.

If he didn't listen to Chu Yanwang's words and directly attacked Jiang Chen for the second time, how could Jiang Chen destroy the Zheng family's gate?What is this if it's not a bitch?
"I was waiting for you to come to die." Chu Yanwang raised her eyebrows and said.

"What are you talking about so literary and fresh? I'm obviously here to kill you, okay?" Jiang Chen curled his lips in disdain.

"It seems that you don't have any self-knowledge." Chu Yanwang shook her head.

"It's not that I don't have self-knowledge, but that you feel too good about yourself. I'll beat you to tears in a while, believe it or not?" Jiang Chen waved his fists and said with bared teeth and claws.

"I'm looking forward to it." Chu Yanwang said noncommittally, with a killing intent, never once, so eager to kill someone.

He has made up his mind that tonight, no matter what happens to Jiang Chen, no matter who he sacrifices, he must kill Jiang Chen, otherwise, it will be difficult to solve the hatred in his heart.

"So you're still a masochist, I said, why didn't you say it earlier?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Let's do it." Chu Yanwang's eloquence was no match for Jiang Chen, so he stopped talking nonsense.

"You people are always shouting and beating and killing, why can't we just sit down and drink tea and chat calmly, and talk about compensation first?" Jiang Chen looked very puzzled.

In the end, Jiang Chen looked at Zheng Chengze and said, "Zheng Chengze, I, Jiang Chen, always keep my word. I spit on my mouth and nail it. If I say ten billion, it will be ten billion. You can only have more, not less, even if it is one less." Money is not enough, hurry up and prepare money quickly, don't wait until I get angry, I will regret it later."

"Master Chu, kill him!" Zheng Chengze was so angry that one soul came out of his body and six souls ascended to heaven. He didn't need to wait for Jiang Chen to get angry, he was already angry.

As for what to say regret it?
If Jiang Chen took the initiative to send him to his door to seek death tonight, and he failed to seize the opportunity to kill Jiang Chen in one fell swoop, he would regret it for the rest of his life!

(End of this chapter)

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