genius evil

Chapter 557 It's not a sin for a man to cry

Chapter 557 It's not a sin for a man to cry

Chu Yanwang's heart surged with murderous intent, without Zheng Chengze needing to say more, he stepped forward a few steps and faced Jiang Chen.

The seemingly ordinary walking rhythm was actually just a few steps, approaching Jiang Chen very quickly.

At the moment when he was approaching Jiang Chen, Chu Yanwang suddenly struck out, punching Huang Long directly at Jiang Chen's heart.

The power of the eighth-level cultivation base of the ancient martial arts is amazing.

With a punch, it roared like the wind.

"Hey, if he told you to kill me, you'd kill me. Are you a man? Where's your self-esteem?" Jiang Chen jumped, cursing and yelling.

While jumping and cursing, Jiang Chen shot out quickly, clenched his fist, and without dodging or dodging, it directly hit Chu Yanwang's fist.


Two fists collided fiercely in the air, making a dull sound.

Jiang Chen danced and danced like a dance, non-stop. Naturally, the chatter was also non-stop.

"With so little strength, why do you have the nerve to do it to me? I warn you, it's best to step back a little, lest I really beat you to tears."

"You bastard." Chu Yan looked angrily.

If others can't see it, how can Chu Yanwang not see it?

Jiang Chen's actions seemed funny, but they were actually used to defuse his attack.

This was a normal thing, after all, Jiang Chen was not a target, it was impossible to stand still and allow him to strike.

However, it was a very normal thing that Jiang Chen made nonsense, as if he was not trying to kill Jiang Chen, but was dancing with Jiang Chen in a square dance.

"Don't think I'm kidding, I'm going to beat you to tears." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I, Chu Yanwang, want to see who is beating and crying." Chu Yanwang snorted coldly, punched him again, and rushed away.

Unlike the last time, when he fought Jiang Chen in the hotel room, he wanted to protect Zheng Chengze, his hands were tied, he was quite passive and unable to use it.

At this time, Chu Yanwang made a move without any scruples, and made a move with all his strength, trying to kill Jiang Chen in the shortest possible time.

"Didn't I tell you all? I'll beat you up and cry." Jiang Chen looked at Chu Yanwang like an idiot, and then, still not dodging or evading, collided with Chu Yanwang's fist.


Another dull sound came out, and Jiang Chen twisted and smiled playfully.

"Huh?" Frowning suddenly, Chu Yan was a little more surprised when he looked at Jiang Chen like that.

When Chu Yanwang made the first punch, he was prepared to fight against the unprepared, and his strength was only about [-]% to [-]%. After the punch, Jiang Chen easily took it, and that was nothing.

As for the second punch, Chu Yanwang used about [-]% of his strength, but Jiang Chen easily caught it.

This kind of situation faintly made Chu Yanwang feel that something was wrong. You must know that when he was in the hotel room last time, Jiang Chen didn't even dare to punch him in the face.

"Is this kid playing tricks, or has his cultivation improved?" Chu Yanwang thought in his heart.

"Why are you in a daze, hurry up and shoot, could it be that you are afraid of crying?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes at Chu Yan and said impatiently.

"As you wish." Chu Yanwang said coldly, followed by the third punch.

Regardless of whether Jiang Chen played tricks or Jiang Chen's cultivation had improved, he, Chu Yan, had no intention of letting Jiang Chen leave alive.

For the third punch, Chu Yanwang used [-]% of his strength.


Accompanied by the sound of collision, Jiang Chen staggered, and retreated several steps one after another.

"Sure enough, it's an act of mystery." Raising her eyebrows, Chu Yan looked at Jiang Chen like that, quietly adding a bit of disdain.

"Damn it, you actually forced me to retreat. Come again if you have the ability, I won't accept it." Jiang Chen yelled, exasperated.

"You will be convinced soon." Chu Yanwang smiled coldly, moved her feet, appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and made the fourth punch.

For the fourth punch, Chu Yanwang used [-]% of his strength.

He had tested Jiang Chen's strength, and he was determined to make a quick fight. This punch directly blasted Jiang Chen into scum.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether it was because of embarrassment or what was going on, he didn't mean to avoid it at all, just like a dumb goose, he punched straight to the bang.

"Does it hurt?"

Suddenly, a playful voice sounded in Chu Yanwang's ear.

Chu Yanwang was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding why Jiang Chen would ask such a question.

Besides, he should be the one who asked Jiang Chen this sentence, right?

[-]% strength shot.

Chu Yanwang couldn't remember how long it had been since he had encountered such an opponent. In his opinion, even if Jiang Chen died under his punch, Jiang Chen would be honored. .

Jiang Chen was naturally not dead, because dead people can't speak.

Not only did Jiang Chen speak, but he also said something rather inexplicable.

"I'm asking you, whether it hurts or not, are you dumb?" Jiang Chen was very unhappy.

Chu Yanwang came back to his senses at this moment. The moment he came back to his senses, Chu Yanwang's entire right hand twitched suddenly. When he lowered his head, Chu Yanwang saw that on top of his fist, he didn't know what At that time, there was an extra silver needle.

A long silver needle was almost completely submerged in his fist, leaving only the tail of the needle shaking tremblingly.

The place where the silver needle pierced was not flesh and blood, but directly pierced along the blood vessels on the back of his hand in a very strange way.

This is also the reason why the silver needle can penetrate so deep even though it is so fragile.

The silver needle pierced the blood vessel, Chu Yan looked at the back of the hand, the blood vessel swelled, like an earthworm crawling.

An extremely severe pain came from this, even though Chu Yanwang's stamina and concentration were extremely astonishing, her face was pale and she was sweating profusely due to the pain.

"You must be in pain and want to cry, right? Cry if you want, it's not a crime for a man to cry, I will never laugh at you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen said he didn't know how to joke, but looking at that appearance, he almost laughed out loud.

"Damn you." Chu Yan looked terrified.

"Cry quickly." Jiang Chen urged.

He said over and over again that he would beat and cry Chu Yanwang. If Chu Yanwang didn't cry, where would his handsome face be?
As a man who keeps his word, Jiang Chen has always demanded himself with a rather strict standard.


Chu Yanwang was furious, pulled out the silver needle casually, and roared in a low voice.

"Oh, you are dead, the silver needle is poisonous." Jiang Chen yelled.

Chu Yanwang's face was livid, but she found that after the silver needle was pulled out, the blood that flowed out showed a black color.

"This—" Chu Yanwang's complexion turned even paler.

"Don't think I'm joking, it's really poisonous, just cry and show me, and I'll detoxify you." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and said.

"I'll kill you first." Gritting her teeth, Chu Yanwang rushed towards Jiang Chen, hitting Jiang Chen's head with a fist the size of a bowl.

"Chu Yanwang, your brain must be flooded. I am such a good person, how can you bite Lu Dongbin without knowing a good heart?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

While talking, Jiang Chen took a step back with his right foot, and then, his fist and Chu Yanwang's fist collided together.

After punching, Chu Yan watched the figure shake and took several steps back uncontrollably.

"You—" Chu Yanwang woke up from the mad state, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

How can it be?

When he shot with [-]% of his strength, Jiang Chen couldn't catch it.

In the berserk state, [-]% of the power shot, but Jiang Chen caught him, and Jiang Chen also knocked him back.

"You, what, what, you regretted it, and wanted to cry for me, sorry, it's late." Jiang Chen's face was full of arrogance.

"Why?" Chu Yanwang asked in a daze.

"Where do all these nonsense come from? If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you can just say it." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

A chill gradually spread down Chu Yanwang's back.

fear death?

Who in the world is not afraid of death?

Some people say that they are not afraid of death, but that is simply because that person has never faced a life-and-death decision.

Chu Yanwang admits that she is afraid of death, and this is not a shame.

The reason why Chu Yanwang reacted like this was because he realized that Jiang Chen was indeed playing tricks, but Jiang Chen's strength had clearly improved terrifyingly within a short period of a day or two.

With so much progress, even he might not be able to kill Jiang Chen.

No, if he was not careful, he didn't kill Jiang Chen, but he died in Jiang Chen's hands.

"Who the hell are you?" Chu Yan asked in a deep voice, suppressing the palpitations.

"Good guy." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Inheritance, sect, master!" Chu Yanwang asked again.

"I'm so curious. Could it be that you have a charming daughter and plan to marry your daughter to me?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Tell me." Chu Yanwang asked with a heavy breath.

"Is it true or not? If not, I will be very unhappy if you interrogate me like this." Jiang Chen said with a curled lip.

Chu Yanwang really had the urge to cry, why did Jiang Chen hurt his mouth so much?

Even if a person has a mouth, the main function of speaking is to take care of it, but Jiang Chen's mouth, it is estimated that [-]% of the function is to speak, right?

"You won't say it? Do you have any scruples?" Chu Yanwang stared at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Don't be funny, can you? Obviously you have some scruples, okay?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen was speechless.

He has heard a lot of beautiful words, but he has never seen someone put gold on his face like this, and the thick-skinned people are almost catching up with him.

"You go." Chu Yanwang waved and said.

"Master Chu, this?" Zheng Chengze was stunned, what happened?He has been watching, why can't he understand what's going on here.

"No need to say more." Chu Yanwang said coldly.

"Master Chu, this son of Jiang Chen, that is a great calamity, we can't let the tiger go back to the mountain." Zheng Chengze had to remind.

"I have my own idea." Chu Yanwang said.

"But..." Zheng Chengze still wanted to speak.

No matter what, Jiang Chen couldn't just let go like this, otherwise, if the news of this place gets out, the Zheng family is destined to become a big joke.

"What about letting the tiger go back to the mountain and not letting the tiger go back to the mountain? Can you two stop being so shameless? Did I say I'm leaving?" Jiang Chen couldn't stand it anymore. These two idiots, at night, why did they act like nothing? Are you daydreaming?

(End of this chapter)

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