genius evil

Chapter 56 Why Are You So Bad

Chapter 56 Why Are You So Bad

Just when Jiang Yanyan called Xu Anqi, beside the Weiming Lake, under the willow tree, on the grass, a graceful figure was sitting there quietly reading a book.

She still reads fairy tales, and she reads them seriously. When she is serious, she has a very strange aura.

After reading the short story three times, the girl found that she had nothing to do for the time being.

To be precise, it was because she was not used to this place for the time being, and suddenly there was one person missing... that person was Jiang Chen.

"Why didn't that annoying guy come today?" The girl was a little puzzled.

She came here today earlier than usual, and after coming here, she couldn't see Jiang Chen, and she was a little happy in her heart that she could finally return to her place.

But who knew that after such a long time, Jiang Chen still didn't come, which made the girl a little depressed.

"Could it be that I'm thinking about that annoying guy?" The girl turned her head and muttered to herself.

"No, why would I miss him? That guy is so annoying, I don't think anyone would miss him." Soon, the girl denied it.

Then, the girl opened the book, intending to read that fairy tale again, but in the past, no matter how many times she read it, she could read the fairy tale with gusto, but at this time, she couldn't read it.

The girl simply put the book on the grass next to her and started to sulk, but she couldn't understand why she was sulking. The only thing she could figure out was that she was angry, angry at a guy she hated .


Jiang Chen didn't know that someone was angry with him, he was taking Xu Anqi to check out at this time.

Because the hotel is close to Yilan Middle School, there are often some young couples who open rooms here, and the front desk staff is not surprised by this.

The only thing that puzzled the front desk attendant was that the man and the woman were obviously not quite right. The girl was pretty and beautiful, while the boy was a little too mediocre. He belonged to the type that could not be found in the crowd.

The room was returned quickly, and after taking the deposit, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi walked outside the hotel together.

The two had just walked out of the gate when they saw a black BMW stop in the parking space in front of the gate. The car stopped, and a middle-aged man wearing gold rimless glasses got out of the car.

After the middle-aged man got off the car and walked into the hotel, he accidentally caught sight of Xu Anqi, and was stunned.

"Little sister, I'm going to have a room with my boyfriend." The middle-aged man couldn't help but talk flirtatiously.

The clothes on his body are very valuable, and he drives a BMW worth 60 to [-] yuan. He can be regarded as a typical successful person. Middle-aged men have played with many women, and schoolgirls have also played with a few, but they have never seen one before. Xu Anqi is so pure and beautiful.

Moreover, Xu Anqi had just come out of the hotel, clearly just checked out, the middle-aged man couldn't help but think that Xu Anqi might not be a good girl, so how could she not be indifferent.

"You made a mistake." Xu Anqi shook her head, but she didn't say much, her slightly childish face was quite cold.

"Hey, little sister, it's not a big deal to open a house, and I'm still shy." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Little sister, don't be shy, see, brother's car is there, do you want to go with him? Go out and play, brother, I will take you for a ride, what do you think?"

While talking, the middle-aged man deliberately raised the car key in his hand, deliberately to let Xu Anqi see clearly.

"Are you rich?" How could Jiang Chen not know what kind of dirty thoughts this guy was playing, and suddenly asked.

The middle-aged man focused all his attention on Xu Anqi. He only noticed Jiang Chen's existence when he heard Jiang Chen's words. On shit.

"It's not that rich, maybe tens of millions." The middle-aged man said arrogantly.

"Tens of millions? That's really not much." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Tens of millions is still too little, boy, your tone is big enough." The middle-aged man sneered, because Jiang Chen was wearing a school uniform, he couldn't judge whether Jiang Chen's family had money or not from the clothes, but Jiang Chen's The hair looks like it was cut in a small barber shop on the side of the road, and it looks like the type of people who have no money at home, yet they dare to pretend to be aggressive in front of him.

"I'm not too loud, I just want to tell you that if you don't have money, you'd better get out of here and don't embarrass yourself in front of me." Jiang Chen said casually.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, the middle-aged man immediately revealed a look of contempt. He originally thought that Jiang Chen would be so difficult to deal with. Hearing what he said, it was obvious that he wanted to blackmail him.

"Boy, just tell me, how much does it cost, are you willing to leave her?" The middle-aged man pointed at Xu Anqi.

"The two of us are stronger than gold, no matter how much money we have." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Ten thousand, no, twenty thousand, what do you think?" the middle-aged man said leisurely.

"Twenty thousand, you sent the beggar." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Twenty thousand is too little for you. Don't have too much appetite. Be careful. Otherwise, one hundred thousand. But I can say yes, one hundred thousand. This little sister will stay with me for a month." The middle-aged man said boldly.

One hundred thousand is enough for him to take care of several college students in the university, but Xu Anqi is really too pure and charming, which cannot be compared simply by numbers.

[-] a month, although the money is a bit painful to spend, in his opinion, it is worth the money.

"I said you only have this little money? No one is half a million, don't even think about it, get out as soon as possible." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said with a look of disdain.

The face of the middle-aged man changed slightly. This guy actually has such a big appetite, even a hundred thousand won't buy it.

"Then 20. Let me tell you, 20 is the bottom line of the city. Don't be too greedy. Be careful that you won't get anything in the end." After hesitating, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said.

"You really have 20?" Jiang Chen squinted at the middle-aged man, his face full of disbelief.

"So this kid doesn't believe me." The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, grabbed the check book from his pocket, wrote a number, signed his name, threw it to Jiang Chen, and said, "Boy, you You've never seen so much money in your life, so take the money and let me go."

"You are insane, how dare you throw money at me. I told you that our love is stronger than gold. No amount of money will do. How dare you throw money at me. I will kill you." Jiang Chen snatched the check with one hand. , while talking, raised his foot and kicked the middle-aged man's chest, sending the middle-aged man flying.

The middle-aged man was suffocated by Jiang Chen's kick, and it took a full 5 minutes to wake up, while Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi, who didn't know when, ran so fast that they couldn't even see anyone.

"Boy, you dare to tease me, I think you are looking for death." The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, and the muscles on his face twitched.

Middle-aged men have always used money to pick up girls, and they have always been successful. This time the money was lost, and the person was gone. How could he not know that he was tricked by Jiang Chen.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call, and said in a sinister way: "Xiao Wu, there is a guy who cheated on me of 20 yuan. He is a student from Yilan Middle School. Help me find him. I want to kill him."


After Jiang Chen kicked that guy over, he dragged Xu Anqi away, but instead of going to school, he went to a bank.

Jiang Chen immediately cashed the check, deposited [-] into his card, and took out the other [-] in cash, put it in a bag, and handed it to Xu Anqi.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Xu Anqi withdrew her hand anxiously, not daring to pick it up.

Xu Anqi is still in a daze until now. She originally thought that Jiang Chen was bargaining with that middle-aged man to betray her, but she didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the end, and she was very disturbed.

"Squad Leader Xu, you and I earned the 20 together, so of course we will share half of it with you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean?" Xu Anqi was also a smart person, and soon understood Jiang Chen's intentions.

"Hey, doesn't that guy have a lot of money, and he likes to throw money at people? Then we will show kindness and help him spend a little, and it will be regarded as a good deed... But I don't know if there are many such idiots. If there are many , the two of us will get rich." Jiang Chen looked like a money fan.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so bad." Xu Anqi was a little speechless.

But after hearing Jiang Chen's explanation, Xu Anqi felt completely at ease. It turned out that Jiang Chen was not trying to betray her, but was deliberately playing tricks on that guy.

Thinking about it, Xu Anqi was also a little relieved. Although the middle-aged man didn't say anything to insult her, there was an insult in his words, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Jiang Chen, I don't want this money... If you tease him like this, he will definitely retaliate against you. You have to be careful." Xu Anqi said worriedly, 10 yuan may be a big deal for a child from an ordinary family. Amount, but to her, it was just pocket money.

"Don't worry, he can't find me." Jiang Chen said lazily, he wasn't worried about it, if that guy really came to his door, he might have to send him another sum of money.

Xu Anqi, who had never experienced such a thing, was still a little uneasy, but after Jiang Chen said so, she didn't say much, and walked to the school with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen sent Xu Anqi downstairs to the teaching building and left. He was carrying a bag containing 10 yuan in his hand. Xu Anqi didn't want it, and Jiang Chen didn't keep it. Anyway, for him, the money will soon be spent. , It is too troublesome to save it in and take it out again.

Jiang Chen walked directly towards the shore of Weiming Lake, but Xu Anqi did not go to the classroom. Xu Anqi watched Jiang Chen go away, took out her mobile phone and made a call. About 10 minutes later, a black Audi A6 stopped in front of Xu Anqi. After getting off, Anqi Xu got in the car and left the school.

Jiang Chen had already appeared by the Weiming Lake at this time, stretched his waist, lay down on the grass and fell asleep.The girl who was in a daze suddenly felt that there was someone beside her.

The girl was slightly startled, and almost jumped up from the ground. After she saw clearly who the extra person was, she became even angrier...

(End of this chapter)

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