genius evil

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

The atmosphere in the campus is peaceful and peaceful. Jiang Chen is still sleeping under the willow tree, the girl is still angry under the willow tree, and the only change is that this afternoon, Xu Anqi is absent from class. In the three years of high school, Xu Anqi has been absent from class for the first time in history. .

"Pervert, pervert, disgusting." Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen's empty seat, and kept cursing in her heart.

She clearly heard Xu Anqi say that she would be back in a while, but now she has not come back after class, and Xu Anqi's mobile phone is also turned off, she must have been tossed on the big hotel bed by Jiang Chen.

Thinking of Xu Anqi's pure and lovely little white flower, which was picked by that beast like Jiang Chen, Jiang Yanyan's teeth itched with hatred, and there was a strange feeling, which gradually rose in her heart!

In the eastern suburbs of Yilan City, there is a single-family villa, which is where Xu Anqi lives in Yilan City.

The villa was purchased by Anqi Xu when she came to Yilan City to study three years ago. When she purchased it, she used the name of Anqi Xu. In fact, this villa belongs to Anqi Xu personally, and it can be regarded as Anqi Xu’s property in Yilan City. a home.

However, the foundation and industry of the Xu family are not in Yilan City, but in the provincial capital. It is only because of Mr. Xu's illness that he has been recuperating in Yilan City recently.Mr. Xu lives in this villa.

The villa is located in the eastern suburbs, away from the hustle and bustle of the urban area, and it is also unusually quiet. It was not until a black Audi A6 drove up that the quietness could be broken.

The Audi car stopped, Xu Anqi got out of the car, and walked into the villa with small steps.

"An Qi, why are you back at this time?" Xu Anqi had just entered the gate when a slightly surprised voice sounded.

The one who spoke was a bald old man, about fifty years old, thin and thin. When he saw Xu Anqi, his face was filled with a loving smile.

"Uncle Fu, aren't you in the provincial capital? No one has notified me when you came here." Seeing the bald old man, Xu Anqi was a little surprised, she flew forward, hugged the old man's arm and said coquettishly.

"You girl, if I tell you that I'm here, you won't even be in class... Hey, what's going on today, it seems like you haven't had a holiday?" Uncle Fu said with a smile.

"Uncle Fu, I came here to see grandpa." Xu Anqi said softly with a sweet smile.

"You child, the old man will take care of us, so you can go to school with peace of mind. There is no need for you to worry about family affairs." Uncle Fu said with some reproach.

"Uncle Fu, I have found a doctor and I plan to have him come to treat my grandfather. I need to talk to my grandfather about this matter first. Don't be angry, Uncle Fu." With her little pink tongue sticking out, Xu Anqi said with a smile, The proud girl in the school is now more like a spoiled little girl.

"Okay, okay, we know that An Qi is filial, so hurry up and go in, the old man will be very happy to know you're back." Uncle Fu laughed.

"Is it An Qi?" At this moment, a hearty voice came from inside the villa.

"Grandpa." Xu Anqi yelled, and rushed into the villa. On a wheelchair in the living room, sat a white-haired old man, who was Xu Anqi's grandfather, Mr. Xu.

Mr. Xu has a majestic face and a pair of tiger eyes. Although he has suffered from illness for many years, he is still piercing, but when he looks at Xu Anqi, he is extremely gentle.

"Girl Anqi, you said you found a doctor for me. If you don't go to school well, you don't know what to mess around with." Mr. Xu said reproachfully.

"Grandpa, I also care about you, old man." Xu Anqi acted coquettishly, her flushed face was like a very ripe apple.

Mr. Xu has always loved this granddaughter. He wants the stars to have the stars, and the moon to pick the moon. How can he really blame her? Seeing this, he said angrily: "I'm almost dying, and I'm still acting like a baby in front of grandpa."

"Grandpa, even if I am 2838, I will act like a baby with you, Grandpa." Xu Anqi said with a smile.

"It's just that Grandpa may not live until that time." Old Master Xu said with a smile, but he was very frank when he mentioned his own life and death.

"Grandpa, no, you will live a long life." Xu Anqi said hastily, tears were about to fall.

"Okay, let's not talk about that for now, let's talk about the doctor you are looking for." Mr. Xu changed the subject. At his age, life and death are already very indifferent, and he doesn't want Xu Anqi to be sad about him. .

"Grandpa, the doctor I'm looking for is a classmate of mine. His name is Jiang Chen. Actually, I didn't know he was good at medicine before, and he looks very good." Xu Anqi said quickly.

"You mean, he can cure the old man of my illness?" Mr. Xu asked.

"I don't know, but I know he is a very miraculous person, maybe he can cure your illness, Grandpa." Xu Anqi said softly.

Perhaps because of saying this, thinking of Jiang Chen, Xu Anqi had a slight smile and a little shame on her pink cheeks.

"Oh, then tell me, what's so amazing about him." This was the first time Mr. Xu heard Xu Anqi talk about school affairs. At this time, he was talking about a male classmate, so he couldn't help being interested, and asked with a smile.

"Grandpa, have you ever seen a person whose personality changed drastically in just a few days, just like a different person?" Xu Anqi said without rushing to answer Old Master Xu's question.

"Old man, I've experienced ups and downs all my life, and I've never seen anyone." Mr. Xu blew his beard and stared, as if he didn't want to be underestimated by his granddaughter.

Xu Anqi smiled coquettishly, and said: "Then he must be different from those people you have met before, you old man will know after listening to me."

Xu Anqi smiled coquettishly, and in a soft tone, she slowly told Mr. Xu about what happened to Jiang Chen recently.

"En." Hearing what Xu Anqi finished speaking, Mr. Xu was slightly taken aback, obviously a little surprised.

Some people's personalities have changed drastically, and that's because they covered it up too well before. Mr. Xu has seen many such people in his life, but Jiang Chen's situation, as Xu Anqi said, is different from what he has seen in the past.

It could even be said that Jiang Chen's change was like a complete change.

From cowardice and bullying to strong counterattack, amazing demeanor on the football field, astonishing improvement in math scores, and even, at the door of the dormitory, one person beat away dozens of people, and even treated Xu Anqi's stomachache that has been lingering for several years.

If the previous situations may mean that Jiang Chen has a certain degree of concealment, and even if his performance is amazing, it is still not enough to make Mr. Xu care about it. Then, Xu Anqi's stomach pain problem, the Xu family did not know how many hospitals , After seeing so many doctors, they were all helpless, and Jiang Chen, in a mere one or two minutes, was able to grasp it with his hands. This is no longer enough to be described as miraculous, but a miracle.

"An Qi, are you sure Jiang Chen has cured you?" With deep thoughts, Old Master Xu asked in a deep voice.

"No, I'm not sure, but Jiang Chen said he was cured, so I believe he won't lie to me." Xu Anqi said firmly.

"In this case, it is possible that it is really cured." Mr. Xu muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, okay!"

"Grandpa, do you want me to ask him to show you?" Seeing that Grandpa had a good impression of Jiang Chen, Xu Anqi said along the way.

"Oh, such a special young man, are you sure you can invite him to see me?" Old Master Xu said with a light smile.

"Yes, we are classmates and good friends. If I invite him, he should come back. It's just..." Xu Anqi hesitated for a moment, but didn't say the following words.

"Just what?" Seeing his granddaughter hesitating, Mr. Xu asked suspiciously.

"It's just asking Jiang Chen to treat a disease. The consultation fee is a bit expensive. It takes 100 million." Xu Anqi said with a blushing face. This 100 million is what Xu Anqi saw from the post Jiang Chen sent.

The reason why Xu Anqi had the idea of ​​asking Jiang Chen to treat Old Master Xu's illness was that post was an inducement, and Jiang Chen's medical treatment for her in the hotel today was a result of the inducement.

What Jiang Chen has done in recent days made Xu Anqi feel that all the impossible things may become possible when they happen to Jiang Chen.

Although Xu Anqi didn't know whether Jiang Chen could cure Old Master Xu's illness, she was willing to believe that Jiang Chen would not lie.

"100 million is indeed very expensive, but if Jiang Chen can really cure the old man and me, let alone 100 million, even if it is 1000 million to [-] million, it will be fine, I am afraid..." Old man Xu pondered road.

"Grandpa, what are you afraid of?" Xu Anqi asked in a low voice.

Old Master Xu chuckled and didn't answer Xu Anqi's question. What he was afraid of was not whether Jiang Chen would ask for money, nor whether Jiang Chen would cure his illness, but what he was afraid of was that this well-behaved little granddaughter would be deceived by Jiang Chen.

And this was the real intention of Old Master Xu to meet Jiang Chen. He wanted to see what kind of person that male classmate whom his granddaughter mentioned for the first time was like.

If Jiang Chen really had some skills, everyone would be happy. Once Jiang Chen came into contact with Xu Anqi with bad intentions and deliberately deceived Xu Anqi, then he, the tiger on the sick bed, would also show his power.


Jiang Chen fell asleep until he was hungry and woke up. It was already [-] o'clock in the afternoon when he woke up, and he yawned. Jiang Chen got up and planned to go to Lanjie Restaurant for dinner.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think you're going too far?" The girl couldn't stand it anymore, Jiang Chen slept for several hours, she just sat for a few hours, Jiang Chen woke up, and left without saying a word, could it be When she doesn't exist?

"Oh, why did I go too far?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph, don't you know why you're going too far? You're taking my place and you're not polite at all. At least, we've met so many times. You should ask my name, right?" the girl said angrily.

"You don't have to ask, I know, your name is Fairy Tale, and you like fairy tales about fairy tales." Jiang Chen yawned again, shook his head, and soon walked away.

"So he knows my name is Fairy Tale." The girl was slightly taken aback, and then whispered to herself, "You annoying guy, don't think that I don't know that you are deliberately attracting my attention, and don't think that you know my name is amazing, I Hate you too."

While talking, the girl smiled sweetly, and her mood suddenly improved. Her smile was like a circle of ripples on the rippling lake in the bright spring, silent but moving!

(End of this chapter)

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