genius evil

Chapter 58 The villain still needs the villain to grind

Chapter 58 The villain still needs the villain to grind

As soon as Jiang Chen walked into Sister Lan's restaurant, he found that the small restaurant was much more lively than before. Three people crowded the small kitchen door, blocking Sister Lan in the kitchen.

"Xiaolan, I'll tell you about this matter. When Xiaodie comes back, I will take Xiaodie back to my hometown in the countryside." An old woman with mottled silver hair and wearing a red thin padded jacket said sharply.

Her voice was originally very high-pitched, and when she spoke, she pulled her throat deliberately, which was very penetrating. Upon hearing her words, Sister Lan's face immediately changed.

"Mom, when did I make an appointment with you? What I said just now is that Xiaodie will study here and will not go back in the future. How can you say that?" Sister Lan said anxiously.

"What do you mean Xiaodie won't go back? Xiaodie is from our old Ma's family. Don't think that you secretly changed her surname. She is from your Lan family. She is from our old Ma's family. You must recognize her." Returning to the ancestors." The old woman said bitterly.

"Mom, when Xiaodie was young, I wanted to go out to work and put Xiaodie in your care, but you refused. You said she was a girl, and you refused to have a mother and no father. Now she is grown up. I'm old, but you came to rob me, didn't you consider my feelings?" Sister Lan said with red eyes.

"The past is the past, and the present is the present, how can they be confused." The old woman said, poking her neck.

"Mom, do you want me to tell you everything? You don't like Xiaodie at all. The reason why you brought Xiaodie back is because Xiaoli and Xiaofei couldn't have children, so you wanted to adopt Xiaodie. In their names, I will never agree to it anyway." Sister Lan said angrily.

The young woman named Xiaoli said: "Sister-in-law, since you understand this point, you should hand over Xiaodie to us. Anyway, you will marry someone in the future, and bringing Xiaodie is a burden, isn't it?"

"No, I won't marry. I will raise Xiaodie single-handedly." Sister Lan said firmly.

"Sister-in-law, why do you have to do this? No matter how much you make trouble, we must take Xiaodie away." Xiaoli simply opened up and said, not afraid of tearing her face or anything.

Sister Lan sneered and said: "Xiao Li, when you just married into the Ma family a few years ago, Xiao Die was crying and you slapped her, but I remember it clearly. Will Xiaodie give it to you?"

Xiaoli said awkwardly: "Sister-in-law, mom said just now that it happened in the past. I will definitely treat Xiaodie well now, better than my own daughter."

"No, no, you all go." Sister Lan waved her hand, wanting to drive them away, Xiaodie is her lifeblood, her only one, no matter who it is, don't try to snatch Xiaodie from her hand .

Jiang Chen listened for a while, his brows slightly frowned. At first he thought that something happened, but he didn't expect it to be a family farce. He was thinking about whether to change to another place for dinner, when he heard a timid voice behind him: "Brother Jiang Chen, Xiaodie won't go with them."

It was Xiaodie who spoke, with tears in the corners of Xiaodie's eyes, shrunken shoulders in fear, her small body trembling.

"Okay, don't go with them, let's go out to play for a while." Jiang Chen nodded, and pulled Xiaodie out of the hotel.He didn't want to interfere with Sister Lan's private affairs, but since Xiaodie didn't want to leave, he still had to satisfy such a small wish.

The restaurant was full of noise, and there were no customers for a long time.

Sister Lan's act of driving people away instantly angered Ma Xiaofei. Ma Xiaofei said loudly: "Sister-in-law, how can you be like this? Are you trying to make Xiaoli and me divorce because of the child? We really love each other."

"The matter of your Ma family has nothing to do with me a few years ago. Don't tell me these things." Sister Lan shook her head, refusing to budge.

"Xiao Lan, what is your attitude? What is called the Ma family has nothing to do with you. Don't forget that you are the daughter-in-law of the Ma family." The old woman shouted loudly.

"Really? Did you ever think of me as your daughter-in-law?" Sister Lan's face was pale, nothing more sad than heartbroken, but that's all.

"Of course, you are my daughter-in-law, Xiaodie is my granddaughter, so I want to take Xiaodie away... I finally warn you, don't shame you, don't think I don't know what you have been doing these years, Dressing so coquettishly, you must be seducing men everywhere, I will definitely not let you continue to raise Xiaodie." The old woman said coldly.

"Mom, how can you say that about me?" Sister Lan was inexplicably surprised.

"What's the matter, did Mom say something wrong? It was because you were naturally flirtatious that you killed Big Brother. Could it be that you killed Big Brother instead of killing Xiaodie?" Xiaoli said sarcastically.

"No, that's not the case at all. I didn't seduce men at all. Why do you slander me." Sister Lan was furious.

"Did we slander you? You bitch, you can learn to be bad by yourself, we can't just watch Xiaodie being taught to be bad by you." Xiaoli said loudly.

"That's right, even if it's a lawsuit, we have to get Xiaodie's custody back. Xiaolan, if you are sensible, you can take the initiative to return Xiaodie to us. If things get serious, everyone will know about you. You are the one who will be ashamed of having an affair." The old woman continued.

The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law spoke to each other with the utmost humiliation and sarcasm. Sister Lan, who spoke directly, turned blue and then pale, opened her mouth and said twice, with a dull expression, but she couldn't utter a word. .

"Sister Lan, Xiaodie is hungry, go and cook something." Jiang Chen walked into the restaurant for the second time, and said, his voice was not high, but it just suppressed the voices of the old lady and Xiaoli. down.

"Jiang Chen, you're here, wait a minute, I'll go cook right away." Sister Lan felt a little embarrassed when she saw Jiang Chen, and turned around to go into the kitchen.

"Who told you to cook and what kind of dishes to cook? I haven't made it clear yet." Seeing this, the old woman pulled Sister Lan, causing her to stagger and nearly fall to the ground.

"Jiang Chen is my guest, he paid for the food here." Sister Lan said hastily.

"Hey, what kind of guest is calling so affectionate, I don't think it's your guest, it's your concubine. I said sister-in-law, you are really lucky to have such a young concubine." Xiaoli said angrily .

"Great love is a concubine, no wonder we have been here for a long time without a sip of water. As soon as this man came, he wanted to cook and cook. What a bitch, you dare to say that you didn't seduce a man. Maybe Xiaodie It's all because of you and the wild men outside." The old woman heard the signs from Xiaoli's words, and took the opportunity to boo.

"Old woman, what are you talking about? Could you please say it again?" Jiang Chen's voice turned cold, and there was a little anger in his calm eyes.

"What if I say it again, don't you dare to hit me? Hit me. If it's a man, hit me." The old woman pointed at her face and said aggressively.


As soon as her words fell, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and slapped her on the face.

"You hit me, how dare you hit me." The old woman was stunned. She was determined that Jiang Chen would not dare to hit anyone, but she never expected that Jiang Chen would actually hit him.

"I've seen scumbags, but I've never seen scumbags like you. Since you want to be a scumbag, I have the nerve to not satisfy you." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Hitting women is not his style, but sluts are an exception.

"Xiao Fei, Xiao Li, what are you two doing? If you don't beat me, kill this kid." The old woman howled.

"Clap clap..."

Jiang Chen shot again, and slapped the old woman's face twice again, and then kicked Ma Xiaofei and Xiaoli who rushed up to the ground with both feet.

"Killed, killed." Seeing her son and daughter-in-law knocked down by Jiang Chen, the old woman covered her face and howled earth-shatteringly.

"That's right, I just want to kill people." Jiang Chen's face was ashen, he grabbed the old woman, and slapped the old woman with dozens of hands one after another.

Jiang Chen was very calm when he was doing these things, he was just in a gloomy mood, not too angry.

He didn't want to care about the parents' petty matters, which was why Jiang Chen planned to change to a restaurant to eat at the beginning, but the child is innocent, they shouldn't involve Xiaodie in it.

After dozens of slaps, the old woman passed out.Xiaofei and Xiaoli were stunned, and dared not speak for a long time.

"Jiang Chen, will you..." Sister Lan knew that Jiang Chen was standing up for her, so she felt relieved, she was just worried that Jiang Chen would get into trouble.

"Don't worry, there won't be any trouble." Jiang Chen shook his head, and immediately said, "Xiao Dao, everyone is here, so why don't you still want me to invite you in?"

Brother Dao smiled embarrassingly, leaning on a cane, and limped in from the outside with an embarrassing expression on his face.

"Xiaodao, remember the appearance of the three of them clearly. If they dare to make trouble in the future, they will directly beat them out. If they don't go away, they will cut off their hands and feet, cut them into human sticks and throw them out to feed the dogs. Can you hear me clearly?" Jiang Chen said indifferently. .

"Listen clearly." The cold sweat on Brother Dao's forehead broke out in an instant. He is a famous ruthless person. At this time, he was shocked by Jiang Chen's attitude. He was quite critical, but he didn't dare to have the slightest thought at this time.

"Get out." Turning his head, Jiang Chen said coldly with the lingering haze in his eyes.

"Okay... let's get out... get out." Xiao Fei and Xiao Li helped the old woman up, and ran outside in a stumbling manner. Looking at the posture, they only hated their parents for missing two legs.

"Sister Lan, it's all done, you can cook two dishes at will." Facing Sister Lan, Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

Jiang Chen knew that Sister Lan was sensitive, and it was hard for him to comfort him when something like this happened, so he simply didn't say anything.

Sister Lan stared blankly at Brother Dao, and then at Jiang Chen curiously. She never thought that Brother Dao would listen to Jiang Chen's words like this, and she was a little puzzled, but she was in a mess now and didn't have the time to think about it. What, he got busy in the kitchen with a complicated face.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are so powerful, you knocked the bad guys away in one fell swoop." Xiaodie ran in from the outside at some point, leaned beside Jiang Chen, and said sweetly, with big eyes, watching Jiang Chen's eyes were filled with admiration...

(End of this chapter)

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