genius evil

Chapter 59 You Think I'll Argue With You

Chapter 59 You Think I'll Argue With You

"Ahem, Xiaodie, it's wrong to hit someone, do you know that?" Seeing Xiaodie like this, Jiang Chen has always been very thick-skinned, and his old face became hot, this is the rhythm to teach bad girls .

"Brother Jiang Chen, I know it's wrong to hit someone, but you hit a bad guy." Xiaodie said seriously.

"You think they are bad people?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"They bully mom, they are bad people." Xiaodie's answer is still very serious, the little girl's concept of right and wrong is very simple, good people and bad people are clearly distinguished.

"Brother Jiang Chen, can you teach me how to fight?" Xiaodie tilted her neck, blinked her eyes, and looked charming and naive.

Jiang Chen was stunned. He hadn't noticed that Xiaodie had violent tendencies before. Could it be that he really taught him to ruin him?
"Xiaodie, why do you want to learn to fight?" Jiang Chen asked dumbfounded.

He had to ask this question clearly, otherwise if something was wrong, Xiaodie would turn into a little violent person, and Sister Lan might fight him desperately with a kitchen knife.

"When I learn how to fight, I can protect my mother." Xiaodie said in a low voice, with a very special temperament on her innocent face.

Sister Lan just came out of the kitchen with a bowl of medicine, and when she heard Xiaodie's words, teardrops the size of peas rolled down instantly.

She was humiliated by the old woman and Xiaoli just now, but she didn't shed tears, but Xiaodie's childish words broke her heart, and made all her grievances turn into rolling tears.

"Mom, don't cry, Xiaodie will grow up soon, and when she grows up, she will be able to protect you." Xiaodie threw herself into Sister Lan's arms, wiping the tears on Sister Lan's face clumsily with her soft hands.

"Okay, okay...Xiaodie will protect her mother from now on..." Sister Lan's heart was agitated, she hugged Xiaodie tightly in her arms, sobbing so hard that she couldn't make a sound.

Jiang Chen took the medicine bowl, drank the medicine in one go, and sighed in a low voice, feeling inexplicably complicated for some reason.

"Xiaodao, you heard Xiaodie's words." Putting down the medicine bowl, Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I know what to do." Brother Dao nodded subconsciously, his face full of embarrassment. When had he been manipulated like this before, but in front of Jiang Chen, he had no temper at all.

The reason why Brother Dao came to Jiang Chen in person today with his old wounds all over his body was because Jiang Chen gave him such a shock that night that he couldn’t completely calm down until now. Yes, Jiang Chen severely injured Liu Yang and the others in front of Fang Yongnian, but Fang Yongnian had nothing to do with him, which undoubtedly caused another kind of shock to Brother Dao.

Therefore, Brother Dao came here to please Jiang Chen, so naturally he wouldn't mind helping Jiang Chen with such a small matter.

In Brother Dao's view, Jiang Chen undoubtedly belonged to the kind of person who could not be offended. This kind of person would either be beaten to death with a stick, or if he couldn't be beaten to death, he would be the one who died!
Jiang Chen asked him to handle the affairs here, no matter whether he was using him or trusting him, as long as what he did satisfied Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would definitely not trouble him again, and he could also draw closer to Jiang Chen. The relationship, to a certain extent, is exactly what Brother Dao is happy to see.

About 5 minutes later, Sister Lan came out with a plate of dishes, Jiang Chen just buried his head and started to eat, and after another 5 minutes, Sister Lan brought the second dish, Jiang Chen was already eating the fifth bowl of rice.

5 minutes, five bowls of rice.

Brother Dao watched from the side, secretly dumbfounded, he is quite edible, but no matter how he can eat, it is not the way Jiang Chen eats.

Jiang Chen ate too fast, his stomach was like a bottomless pit, no matter how much food was stuffed into his stomach, he couldn't fill it up no matter what.

It would be fine if Jiang Chen was fat, but Jiang Chen was extremely thin, making it hard for Brother Dao to imagine where all the food that went into his stomach went.

"Monster." After reading it for a while, Brother Dao secretly came to a conclusion in his heart. Apart from these two words, Brother Dao really couldn't find any other suitable adjectives to describe Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen ate very fast, and he ate a meal in just twenty minutes. He burped, looked at Brother Dao, and Jiang Chen said, "Xiaodao, what are you doing here today?"

"I came here specifically to find you, Brother Jiang, and I want to buy you a drink. By the way, I would like to apologize for what happened last time." Brother Dao said hastily.

"Oh, just drinking and apologizing?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Brother Dao was worried that Jiang Chen was not satisfied, so he hesitated for a moment, Brother Dao said: "Brother Jiang, what happened before was because I, Xiaodao, did something wrong. Your lord has a lot, so don't argue with us."

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, "Why, do you think I'll argue with you?"

Brother Dao was startled, and then smiled wryly. That's right, he and Jiang Chen are not equal opponents at all. If Jiang Chen wants to crush him to death, it's as easy as crushing an ant. How can he care about anything with him?

"Brother Jiang, I've already found a place to drink, let's go there now." Brother Dao was uneasy, didn't say much on that question, and said taking advantage of the situation.

Jiang Chen nodded, called Sister Lan out of the kitchen, handed the bag containing 10 yuan to Sister Lan, and said, "Sister Lan, I have something to do tonight, I'll put this thing here for you first, I will Come back tomorrow to get it."

Sister Lan didn't even look at what kind of bag it was, she nodded and put it away carefully.

Brother Dao has sharp eyes, and at a glance, he can tell that it is a special bag for money in the bank. Judging from the degree of bulging of the bag, it is estimated that it is no less than [-]. Strange.

It wasn't that Brother Dao was interested in such a small amount of money, but that Jiang Chen casually threw the money into Sister Lan's hands without even explaining what it was. This clearly shows that he has an unusual relationship with Sister Lan.

Reminiscent of what Jiang Chen said just now, Brother Dao secretly made a decision in his heart, Sister Lan must take good care of her side, otherwise something went wrong, and he definitely couldn't bear to walk around.

Jiang Chen didn't care what Brother Dao thought, and walked outside on his own.It was just that Jiang Chen had just walked out of the hotel when he heard a loud shout from not far away.

"Xiao Wu, it's that kid, I saw him." Accompanied by the sound of speaking, several people quickly ran towards Jiang Chen, and the one who ran in the front was blacked out by Jiang Chen at noon. The middle-aged man with 20.

"Boy, I finally found you, now let's see where you go." The middle-aged man said grimly.

"Hey, what are you looking for me for? Did you come to give me money again? Since you are here to give me money, why should I run away?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Boy, you are dreaming. I advise you to hand over the 20 yuan honestly, and then kowtow to apologize. If I am in a good mood, maybe I will forgive you, otherwise you will die miserably." "The middle-aged man said through gritted teeth.

At noon, he lost 20, not to mention, and didn't take advantage of it. Now he found Jiang Chen with great difficulty. He must torture Jiang Chen to the point of death, otherwise he would not be able to relieve his hatred.

"I said you guy, the person who came to give me money just said that I am always kind and generous, and I will definitely not refuse to help you spend money, so you don't have to be embarrassed." Jiang Chen joked leisurely.

The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen as if he was insane, and scolded Jiang Chen countless times in his heart. This guy must be crazy about money.

"Xiao Wu, this kid is mentally ill, just hit him until he is overwhelmed." The middle-aged man felt that he couldn't communicate with Jiang Chen, so he turned his head and said to a young man in black behind him.

"Okay." The black-clothed youth named Xiao Wu took a few steps forward and walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, do you want me to handle this matter?" Brother Dao, who was following Jiang Chen, said in a low voice.

Brother Dao knew Jiang Chen's methods, and without Jiang Chen's permission, he would not easily show off. That was respect for Jiang Chen, and even more jealous.

Jiang Chen waved his hand, indicating no need, and looked at Xiao Wu who was walking towards him with a smile.

"Boy, I don't know your name, and I'm not interested in knowing it, but you must remember my name. My name is Xiao Wu." The young man in black said expressionlessly.

"This name is quite interesting." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's very interesting. When I break your hands and feet into five pieces later, you will find it even more interesting." Xiao Wu's expression is not only cold, but also his voice is even colder.

"Oh, so that's what it means." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out his right hand like lightning, clasped Xiao Wu's right hand, and then heard several cracking sounds of bones breaking, Xiao Wu's right hand The whole arm drooped down and broke into five pieces.

Jiang Chen's subordinates kept moving. He stretched out his hand again and grabbed Xiao Wu's left hand. He did the same thing and twisted it into five pieces. He lifted his feet and kicked Xiao Wu's knees. Both of Xiao Wu's knees were instantly shattered. , this is when he raised his hand and threw Xiao Wu out.

Jiang Chen's speed was extremely fast, and Xiao Wu's hands and feet were abolished in a row, but it was only a matter of a few seconds. It was not until Xiao Wu fell to the ground and let out a scream like killing a pig that everyone realized what had happened. What's up.

"Xiao Wu, how are you? Are you okay?" The middle-aged man was startled. He thought that Jiang Chen would be dead if Xiao Wu made a move. He didn't expect that Xiao Wu would be beaten by Jiang Chen as soon as he met him. out.

"My hands and feet are broken." Xiao Wu kept rolling on the ground, crying and howling.

"What?" The face of the middle-aged man changed drastically in an instant, and so did the faces of the few people who came with Xiao Wu, even Brother Dao, who was so moved that his hands were trembling uncontrollably.

Brother Dao didn't see clearly how Jiang Chen did it. He could only tell from the sound of bones breaking that Jiang Chen had made a move. But even so, he never expected that Jiang Chen would strike so ruthlessly!
In other words, Jiang Chen was simply too ruthless, once he made a move, he would completely annihilate Xiao Wu without any suspense.

Brother Dao knew about Jiang Chen abolishing Liu Yang and the others, but he heard that it was far from the shock of seeing it with his own eyes. Such a scene made Brother Dao's hands and feet feel cold, and his back broke out in cold sweat !

(End of this chapter)

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